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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
Committees for *52 Club Season Named Committees for the 1952 Coun try club season have been named as follows: Spring smoker (May 20): R. V. Lucas and Earl Hunt, cochair men; Homer Mullen, John Stuif bergen, Marvin Johnson, Don Petersen, Cletus Durr, John H. McCarville. Two reels of sound film on golf will be shown. Opening dance (May 29): Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve and Dr. C. M. Eason, cochairmen; R. E. Evans, Elgin Ray, Vern Reynoldson, A. W. Carroll, John C. Watson, Laurence Haynes. Golf tournament (June 14-15 16): A. P. Jaszkowiak, chairman; M. J. Golden, William W. McIn tosh, H. J. Lohaus, J. B. Grady, J. L. McCarville, jr., Norman Gonderinger, Laurence Haynes. Fall stag party (date to be an nounced): John Conard and Ed ward Campbell, cochairmen; Dale Kersenbrock, Harold Peter son, Marvin Miller, D. E. Nelson, Bud Cole, William Artus, Pal mer Skulborstadt. Masquerade dance (date to be announced): Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gra dy and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jasz kowiak. Bartlett-Sweet Nuptials Read Miss Dorothy Bartlett, of Grand Island, daughter of Mrs. Vera Bartlett, of Stuart, becamet he bride of John Sweet, AN, of Memphis, Tenn., son of Mrs. El sie Sweet, of Stuart, on Monday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m., The ceremony was performed in the Methodist church chapel at Grand Island in the presence of the immediate families. The Lord’s prayer was sung by Charles Harris. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother, Harold Bartlett, of McCook, and Mrs. Charles Harris was the brides maid. Dale Ballentine was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet are both graduates of the Stuart high school, having finished with the classes of 1947 and 1946. Mr. Sweet will return to his army duties in Memphis, Tenn., while Mrs. Sweet will continue working at the ordinance plant in Grand Island. Those attending the wedding from Stuart were Mrs- Vera Bartlett, Mrs. Elsie Sweet and daughters, Evelyn and Alice, and Robert Deming. Make Garments, Bandages for Missionaries — The Ladies Missionary society met Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist church parsonage. De votionals were lead by Mrs. Jaun ita Closson. Infant garments and bandages were made for mission fields. There were seven members and three visitors present. The vis itors were Miss Maud Rouse, Mrs. Guy Young and Mrs. Bert Ott. Next meeting will be on Tues day, June 3, with Mrs. J. Victor Johnson. Cxoes 10 uenver — Mrs. Vic Halva on Tuesday, May 6, accompanied her nephew, August Chocholwsek, and his friends, of Verdigre, to Denver, Colo., for a week’s visit with Mrs. Halva’s daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elam, and her new grandchild, Patricia Anna. • b- '-• Shrine** Entertain — Mr- and Mrs. C. C. Phillippe, of Basin, Wyo., were Tuesday over night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Shriner, enroute to Schenectady, N. Y„ to visit their son and family and a daughter and family in Oklahoma City, Okla. , ■ __ Aid in Session — The Ladies Aid of Christ Luth eran church, held a business meet ing on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Barnhart. Af ter the close of the meeting re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Doerning Hostess — The Ladies Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. A. H- Doern ing on Tuesday evening. A des sert luncheon was served at 7:30 o’clock followed by bridge. iiie frontier Engraving COMPLETES BASIC . . . Air man Ramon ("Wally”) Shel uamer, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer, of O’Neill, is completing his air force basic airmen indoctrination course at ackland air force base, the “gateway to the air force,” at San Antonio, Tex. Lackland is the world’s largest air force base, site of air force basic training for men and women, headuqarters of the human re source reseach center, and home of AF’s officer candidate school. Airman Shelhamer’s basic training is preparing him for entrance into air force technical training and for assignment in specialized work. ‘Grandma’ Johnson at 92d Milestone Mrs Mattie Johnson celebrated '•ei* 9id birthday anniversary on Saturday, May 3, at the farm -'me of Mr. and Mrs. John '■’lanssen, 11 miles*north of O’ Vill. The Claussen place is where 'Trs. Johnson has resided for 71 •aors — since arriving here in '981. Abwut 40 relatives and friends ame to help her celebrate. The relatives who were pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Vic or Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Hen v Walters and family, Mr. and Trs. George Nelson and family, Tr.and Mrs. Ben Johring and on, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne An on and daughter, Mr. and Mrs*, liram Johnson and family. The neighbors who called vere Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and Trs. Edward Boshart, Mr. and VTrs. Aaron Boshart, Mrs. Opal lammerlin and family and Mrs. Tames McNulty and daughter. The afternoon was spent so cially. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served. She received many cards and gifts. Mrs. Johnson, who heads mul tide five - generation groups, was born in Denmark, came to America at the age of 20. She maried Anderw Johnson in Iowa December 28, 1881. The Johnsons became the parents of aine chil dren.;! She has 29 grandchildren, 50 great - grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren. Chambers Enjoys Building Boom CHAMBERS — Several new homes are in the making in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Chet McClenahan, purchased a house which they had moved to their property in the southwest corner of town and are remodeling. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith are building a new home in the north west part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harley have had a small addition built on the east of their residence, imaking some of the rooms larger. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dankert commenced the building of a new home just east of their service station. Two cabins of the cabin camp were moved to make rootmi for the new house. Mrs. T. W. Olney Expires in Wyoming CHAMBERS—Mrs. T. W. Ol ney, 75, of Greybull, Wyo., died Tuesday morning, April 29. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday, May 1, at the Pres byterian church in Greybull. Mrs. Olney was formerly Grace Alderson, eldest sister of T. E. Alderson, of Chambers, and was reared in this community. Her husband proceeded her in death, passing away in 1951. They had no family but reared two daugh ters belonging to her brother, Guy Alderson. T. E. Alderson accompanied his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alderson to Greybull for the funeral services. Chambers Auxiliary Fetes Gold Stars ■ , - CHAMBERS — The Aimerican Legion auxiliary of post 320, honored the gold star members at a tea on Friday evening, May 2. Those present to receive the honor were Mrs. Louise Crandall, Mrs. Reuben Peltzer, Mrs. George Cameron, Mrs. Ted Tomjack, Mrs. Lela Corcoan, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mrs. Richard Smith and Mrs. Gordon’ Karley. A program directed by Mrs. ^dwin Hubbard was presented. The fallowing junior members participated: Darlene Harley, Judy Fagon, Connie Werner, Trone Brown, Jay Jeffers and Rennea Smith. Corsages were presented each guest. ‘Chris’ Sorensen Dies Suddenly PAGE — Christian (“Chris”) Sorensen, 65, a resident of Holt county for a number of years, died suddenly at his home in Page Thursday evening, May 1. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon, May 4, at 2 o’clock from the Methodist church in Page with Rev. C. E. Wilcox in charge. Burial was in Page cemetery. Pallbearers were Alfred Lin quist, Nels Linquist, Russell Sor ensen, Vernon Sorensen, Ervin Sonders and Chris Nelson. A male quartet, composed of Raymond Heiss, Donald Heiss, Edgar Stauffer and Marvin Stauffer, accompanied by Mrs. 'iarold Kelly, sang “Face to ^ace,” “Going Down the Valley,” and "Nearer, My God to Thee.” Mrs. C. E. Walker and Mrs. ’jester Riege had, charge of the nany floral offerings. Christian Sorensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sorensen, was born near Copenhagen, Denmark, on July 1, 1886. He came to the United States as a child with his parents and settled near Os mond. The family moved to the northern part of Holt county in 1906. He was married to Miss Anna Sonders at Verdigre on April 17, ’912. To this union were born four sons and one daughter. They made their home north of Page until 1934. They moved to a farm near Neligh and lived there un til 1946, when they retired and moved to Page where they have since made their home. Survivors include: The widow —Anna; sons—John and James, of Page; seven grandchildren; brothers — Soren, of Page, and John, of Washington: sister, Mrs. Marie Strom, of Marshalltown, Ta.; also several nieces and ne phews. He was preceded in death by bis daughter, Gladys, in 1937, and his son, Eldridge, who lost bis life in the service of his "ountry at Leyte on October 29, 1944, and also by an infant son. Files $100,000 Suit Against Holt Men A livestock farm operator near Fulton, S.D., Edward Fiala, has filed a $100,000 damage suit in Federal court, Sioux Falls, against four men he alleges took part in selling him 55 head of diseased cattle. E. C. Weller, Joseph M. Kokes and Lawrence Storjohann, part ners in the Atkinson (Nebr.), Livestock Market, and L. D. Putnam, who operates several ranches near O’Neill, were nam ed as defendants in the suit. Fiala said in the petition that he was assured the cattle were healthy when he purchased them and by the time he found they were diseased his entire herd of 150 had been exposed. Fiala claimed he spent large sums of money for medicine, travel and disinfectants. Gildersleeves Buy Johnson Residence Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gilder sleeve have purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson the 10 room house and 1% acres of res idential property in the north west section of the city known as the Brennan estate. The Johnsons will be moving to Scottsbluff where Mr. Johnson has been promoted to dispatcher for the western Nebraska sys tem of the Consumers Public Power District. He will work directly under the state chief dis patcher at * Lincoln, reporting Monday, May 19. Mrs. Johnson and their chil dren, Linda Rae and Kile, will follow within several weeks. The Johnsons came to O’Neill from Hartington in 1943. Mrs. Clements New Grand Regent — The Catholic Daughters of America met Tuesday evening, May 6, at 8 o’clock at the KC hall. After the regular business meet- | ing an election of officers was held with the following results: Mrs. Frank Clements, grand re gent; Mrs. M. A. Shelkopf, vice grand regent; Mrs. Delbert Rob ertson, prophetess; Mrs. Leo Moore, lecturer; Miss Kathleen Warnke, historian; Mrs. Russell Moler, financial secretary; Miss Claire Hickey, treasurer; Miss Mary Jo Hynes, monitor; Miss Margaret Judge, sentinel; Mrs. L. A. Becker, organist; Mrs- Nora Mullen and Mrs. Harry Sullivan, trustees, two-year terms, and 'Miss Mary Jurgensmeier, trustee to fill an unexpired term. Plans were completed for the annual May breakfast which was postponed and will be held June 1, at the hall. INMAN NEWS Miss Delores Nielsen, a stu dent nurse in training at Ingle side, spent the May 3 weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen. Miss Barbara Brunckhorst, of Norfolk, spent the May 3 week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson spent the May 3 weekend in Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary and family, of Atkinson, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser and Mrs. John Smith and family. Mrs. Joseph Mlinar, of Atkin son, was a Friday evening, May 2, guest of Mrs. John Smith. yjjyfc _ . __ _ • _ k ^ ^ J °^ - O , f — — ■ - — I 4 DEL - BROOK Colored and Quartered 1j | lOLEO 5lbs... 89t|j F-R-E-E WEDDING DANCE at Stuart Auditorium on Monday, May 12 A1 Hamik and Betty Gallagher COFFEE STILL 5c j AN UNAUTHORIZED ad last week stated we were raising our coffee price to 10c per cup. This was er roneous. Our price will re main 5c per cup. M&M CAFE — O’Neill — C Gooch’s 50-Lb. Sack I FLOUR 3.89 V 2 Pie Plates FREE ( Kremel 5 Pkgs. I PUDDINGS 29c C Sweetheart I SOAP 4 Bars.... 29c a M Pill A OF* A km n a km An STOKELY’S FINEST WHOLE APRICOTS 5 303 Cans. 99$ Sunk ist Concentrated M LEMONADE 27c 1 2 Cans ( Sheed’s 2-Lb. Jar 1 Peanut BUTTER 69c 1 Sunshine Lb. Pkg. t CRACKERS 23c1 k I U1AM AWU oAIidUKN ^ LB. AAPPPP PRESSURE vUl ILL PACK CAN_ Kraft’s 2 Jars HBSTARD 1» Chase Choc. Covered CHERRIES 49c Lb. Box Swift’s 3 Cans CLEANSER - 25c SWEETOSE SYRUP S Lb. can 39c Lushut Salad DRESSING.. 43c Quart Gooch’# 3Vi-Lb. Pkg#. Pancake FLOUR 39c Toilet TISSUE 3 Rolls 25c CUDAHY’S SLICED BACON ENDS 2 lbs..25c Cudahy’s PORK SAUSAGE WHITING m ib II TRUE VALUE |P I LL PICKLES ISOLID CRISP RADISHES | 2 Bun..5c I GREEN 2 Bun. I ONIONS 19c — WHITE GRAPEFRUIT lQfor 45c CELLO I CARROTS I It. Bag .... IQc I PASCAL Lb. I CELERY 12c | -