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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
Eagles Win Sprint Medley at Wayne The O’Neill high Eagles thin clads sparkled Thursday in the Wayne State Teachers college track and field meet. A foursome, including Warren Seger, Don Calkins, Eddie Tom linson aad Junior Worth, cap tured the mile sprint medley re lay in the 25-school prep section of the meet. The Eagles were clocked at 3:55.7. Finishing behind O’Neill in this event were Valley second; Sioux City Heelan high, third; Wait hill, fourth. Dave Eby was second in the 120-yard high hurdles, finishing behind Blair’s John Battler, who was clocked at :16.6. The 880-yard relay was won by Heelan In 1:39.1. O’Neill placed third. n Bob Carroll, a Blue comer on the athletic scene, led the pack in the mile race until the last few yards. Vic Neilson, of Blair, turn ed on the heat and won it, 4:55.6. Heelan and Blair dominated < the point - getting with O’Neill close behind. The sprint medley relay title was accompanied by a trophy • for the Eagles. Eagles Win Neligh Meet in a Walk — Coach Marv Miller’s O’Neill high track team easily won a tri angular track meet Monday at Neligh, competing against the Neligh Warriors and Albion Car dinals. Dave Eby won the 120-yard high hurdles in :l6.5; Don Calkins raced the 440-yard dash in :53.9 for first honors in that division; Eddie Tomlinson led the 100-yard dash pack in :10.6; Bob Carroll captured the one-mile laurels, turning in a 4:59 0 performance; Warren Seger won the 880-yard dash honors posting 2:07.3. The Eagles won the mile re lay in 3:42.0. Neligh finished in second place; Albion third. New City Council Members Seated Three new members of the O’ Neill city council were seated Tuesday evening in the first ses sion of the City's new fiscal year Newly-elected councilmen are; L. M. Merriman, First ward (ap pointed a year ago to fill a vacan cy); Joe Stutz, Second ward; Em mett Crabb, Third ward. Committee appointments will be continued over until next Tuesday. Walt Calkins, Joe Wert and Albert Sipes were appointed to the police force. William W. Griffin was reappointed city at torney. A discussion took place concern ing the possibility of converting the 1936 Chevrolet fire truck in to a street sprinkler outfit and also serve in the dual capacity of an auxiliary water supply for fire-fighting. City Supt. L. C. An derson was authorized to investi gate the possibilities. The council learned that test well activities have been delayed by wetness. Tests are expected to be completed by May 15. FROEUCH 'HOT William J. Froelich, jr., of O’ Neill, scored 99 points to gain a tie with Floyd Dailey, of Fre tnont, in the 100-target, 16-yard singles Saturday at Doniphan. The Holt marksman, member of the O’Neill Rod and Gun club, was competing in the George Maxwell Memorial handicap tro phy trapshoot competition. Harry Keeler, of Ewing, another men> ber of the O'Neill club, also com peted. Keeler last Thursday eve ning won honors at the monthly club shoot for members only. The evening closed with a dinner. To Norfolk— Lloyd Liedtke went to Norfolk Fridav, May 2. on business. Mrs. Liedtke and Terry accompanied him as far as Meadow Grove and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Kahler. Rockets Win, 4-3, in Practice Tilt The O’Neill Rockets ball club won a 10-inmng practice game from Stuart, Sunday, May 4, at O’Neill. The score was 1-0 in favor of O’Neill until the first of the ninth when Stuart got three runs. O’ Neill tied it up in the last half of the ninth witn two more runs. The tie was broken in the last of the 10th when Fred Appleby, of O’Neill, got a two-base hit with two men on. The final score: 4-3 Stuart got six hits off Darrell Graham and Don Godel. O’Neill had 11 hits off Kunz and Chaney. In hitting, Appleby was high with two hits in three trips to the plate. Siefken, of OTNeill had two hits out of five tries. O’Neill used all 17 players in this practice tilt. Ewing and-Chambers played an 11-inning game at Chambers. It ended in a 7-7 tie. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: April 30—Bobby Heese, of Page, medical, condition improved; Becky Beelaert, of Page, medical, condition im proved; May 2 — Karen Sue Dierks of Amelia, medical, con dition good. Mrs. Hugh Benson, of O’Neill. 3 — Mrs. Dale Perry, of OINeill, medical, condition improved. 6—E. F- Porter, of Chambers, medical, condition fairly good. 7—Florence Pon ton, of O’Neill, medical, condition good; Mrs. Joe Gokie, of O’Neill. Still in hospital: Mrs. John, Lamason, of Page, medical, con ditiim improved. Baby Pamela Belzer, of O’Neill, condition good. Dismissals: April 30 — Mrs. Dave Kaupert and daughter, of O’Neill. May 2—Becky Beelaert, of Page; Karen Sue Dierks, of Amelia; Bobby Heese, of Page. May 5—Mrs. Hugh Benson, of O’ Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admissions: April 29 — Mrs. Cora Tasler, of Atkinson, med ical. 30—Aarlen Haney, of Atkin son, medical. May 1—Mrs. Max Hamik, of Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Ed Jansen, of Stuart, ob stetrical; Bill Ahle, of Atkinson, medical; Jim Murphy, of Atkin son, medical. 3 — Mrs. Clem Cleary, of Atkinson. 4 — Mrs. George Collins, of Atkinson, ob stetrical; Mrs. Mary Gilg, of At kinson, medical. Dismissals: April 30—MLss An na Ahle; Miss Frances Gotschall. May 1—Frank Fundus; Bill Ahle. 2—Mrs. Charles Chace; Mrs. Ed Jansen; Mrs. Norman Gonddring er and son, of O’Neill. 4—Miss Nancy Watson; Jim Murphy; Mrs. Cora Tasler. 1 Hospitalized: Mrs. Josephine 1 Urbanski; Joe Heeb. Expired: May 2—Aarlen Ha ney. 3—Phillip Keating. STUART COMMUNITY Admissions: April 30 — Mrs Margie Richardson, of Atkinson; May 4—Mrs. Dorothy Pueppke, of Newport, surgery; 5—Mrs. Victor Snyder, of Atkinson; Mrs. Thom as King, of Stuart; 7—(Mrs. Eu gene Poessnecker, of Atkinson, medical. Dismissals: May 1—Ora Phil brick, of Stuart; Mrs. Margie Richardson, of Atkinson; 6—Au gust Kramer, of Stuart. FFA to Compete in ’52 Holt Fair CHAMBERS—At a meeting of ftie Holt fcounty fair board held at the Henry Wood home on Monday, May 5, it was decided to include FFA groups in the county fair competition. FFA boys having livestock projects will compete with 4-H in their respective classes. Boys having projects in shop and farm produce will compete in open clssst^s A. Neil Dawes, of O’Neill, Holt county agent, and C. H. Stone, vocational agricultural instructor in the O’Neill schools, were in attendance at the meeting. The fair again this year is sponsoring the national needle work contest with a loving cup going to the winner of the best piece displayed at the fair and the entry which wins the “best of the fair” award All winners in the different classes that earn blue ribbons will be eligible to enter the national contest. The fair also is sponsoring a Betty Crocker chiffon cake con test for county competition, spon sored by General Mills and the makers of Wesson oil. First prjze is a beautiful silver cake plate by Community silver plate. BASSETT COPS AINSWORTH — Rock county high romped off with 53 ^ points to win the north-central Nebras ka conference prep track and field championship. Atkinson high was second with 43 Vi. 9pringview, Valentine, Ains worth, Wood Lake and Stuart fol lowed in that order. 9FF Gathers — The 9FF club met at the home of Mrs. Edward Verzel on Wed nesday, May 7. Try The Frontier Want Ads. Deloit Farmers Planting Corn DELOIT — The farmers are starting to plant corn this week. The oats and rye look “good.” Other Deloit News A card party was held Sunday evening, May 4, at St. John’s church basement. Ada Moore returned to her home near Bartlett on Thursday, May 1. She had spent the first of the week at the Roy Beeson home. Plans are being made for the alumni banquet in Ewing, to be held soon. The junior-senior banquet was held at Bartlett Friday evening, May 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt wera? Sunday, May 4, dinner guests at Marvin Fuller’s. The Burts at tended a meeting in Oklahoma recently. The rural schools children at tended the track meet at Bartlett Friday, May 2. Stanley Allen, of Plainview, spent the May 3 weekend with Kenneth Lee. The Reimer - Wulf cemetery meeting will be at the cemetery on Sunday, May 18. The Kleckner family has mov ed from the Fairview community to the Chase place, north of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt, of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carnes, of Neligh, were Sunday, Mav 4. dinner guests at the Hen ry Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lucas, of California, were recent visitors at the Sisson home. Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Kinney and daughter visited at the James Squire home recently. Mrs. Fredericks, Mrs. Cratty, Mrs. L. Kimes, Mrs. F. Lucas and Mrs. H. Reiiner attended the annual extension club tea and hobby show at Neligh on Wed nesday, April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark are vis iting at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. James Squire, and fam ily. Mrs. Clark had the misfor tune to injure her arm recently. Mrs. Howard Manson visited at the Ralph Tomjack and John Bower homes on Friday, May 2. Mr. and Mrs. Will Napier and son were Sunday, May 4, dinned guests at Glenn Harpster’s. Mr. and Mrs. Mauric^ Hupp and daug^er oF Omaha, visited datives here recently. Seniors Feted ir. Annual Banquet — EWING—The annual Ewing high school junior-senior banquet was held Thursday evening, May 1. in the parlors of the Ewing Methodist church at 6:30. “Starlight” was the theme. The ceiling of the parlor was covered with dark blue crepe paper cov ered with silver stars. Streamers of aqua blue and white covered the sidewalls, which fell behind a picket fence that surrounded the large room. This made the setting for the tables which also carried out the blue and silver! colors. The silver star center piece displayed a cap of the grad uate. The speakers’ table had a bouquet of red roses. The nap kins were dark blue with “junior senior’’ in the corner in gold. Mothers of the juniors prepared m- • the banquet. The menu fol ows: fruit juice cocktail, baked ham, scalloped potatoes, buttered peas, relish plate, cherry salad, hot rolls and butter, jelly, ice cream, angel food cake, coffee, nuts and mints. Joe John Thoendel was toast master and gave the welcome. Numbers of the program were: “Wishing Stars,” by Yvonne Mlnarik; “Holiday in Stardom,” by Jackie Mosel; solo, “Same En chanted Evening,” by Don Ernesti; ‘Shooting Stars,” by Don Ruro ede; “Lucky Stars,” by Lois Ann Bergrstrom; duet, “Falling in Love wth Love,” by Judy Jef feries and Mr. Gerald Chalupa; Htch Your Wagon to a Star," by Supt. James Pennington; “Des tination,” by Gene Tom jack; solo, ‘When the Moon Goes Down O’er the Mountain,” by Marcus Pier son ; solo, “The Moon Goes Down,” by Joe John Thoendel. The seniors are Rosetta Boies, Darlene BoHwitt, Don Ernesti, Mary Alys Dierks, Levon Gunter, Shirley Hawk. Erma Held, Au drey Henderson, Bob \ Knapp, Leonard Miller, Joan Mlnarik, Jacki Mosel, Marcus Pierson, Ver non Rockey, Pat Rotherham, Don Ruroede, Esther Slizoski, Nick Sojka, Gene Tomjack, Neva Tuck er, Jerry Tuttle, Pat Vandersnick, Fred Van Vleck, Marcella Sisson,. In the junior class are Geral dine Bauer, Lois Ann Bergstrom, Madonna Enesti, Alice Funk, Jim Good, Yvonne Mlnarik, Bob Ptu den, Roy Stamp, Joe J. Thoendel, and Charlotte Woeppel. Entertains MM — Mrs. Alice Bridges entertained the MM club Wednesday evening. Frontier for printing! CELIA NEWS Norman Christianson, teacher of Hendricks school. ♦<">ok Billy, Doyle and Paul Focken and Ron nie Frickel, of Celia school, to the rural track meet in Atkinson Saturday, May 3. Billy won a blue class A ribbon for football throw; Paul, 4 ribbons, football and baseball throw, broad jump and 880-yard dash; Ronnie, 4 rib bons, two blue, two white. Mrs. Gene Livingston and Zane Livingston left Tuesday morning, May 6, for Ocean Side, Calif., where Mrs. Livingston will stay while her husband is taking eight weeks of advanced infantry training before he leaves for Japan. Alex Forsythe left Tuesday, April 29, for Omaha to visit his sister-in-law, Mrs. Perry For sythe, who recently underwent surgery for removal of a cancer in Mercy hospital. Alex Forsythe was met by his brother, Perry, and taken to his home in Walnut, la., to visit other relatives. Ed ward Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken did chores while he was gone. He returned Sun day morning, May 4. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck brought him home from town. Miss Dorothy Scott was a Sat urday afternoon. May 3, visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Shirley Colfack accompanied Markita Hendricks to Atkinson Saturday, May 3, where they at tended the track meet. Markita Hendricks and Francis Chaffin spent the weekend with Mrs. 'sa Woods and came home Sun dav night. May 4. Paul Focken spent Friday night, Mav 2. with his friend, Ronnie Friekel. WALTER HORISKEY DIES SUDDENLY * ■ — 1 ✓ Rites Here Tuesday for Member of Pioneer Family Walter E. Horiskey, 67, of O’ T°ill, died suddenly about 1:15 \m., Saturday, May 3, as the re lit of a heart attack. He died at Horiskey home where he has seen residing with his brother, Michael, and sister, Miss Mary. Funeral rites were conducted Tuesday, May 6, in St. Patrick’s Catholic church here with Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan, church >astor, officiating. Burial was in ‘he family plot in Calvary cem etery. Survivors include: Brother— Michael, of O'Neill; sister— Miss Mary, of O'Neill; nephew —William Miller, of Lincoln; niece—Dorothy Blank, of Wor land, Wyo. i The late Mr. Horiskey was born February 22, 1885, on a farm northeast of O’Neill at the site of the old Parker postoffice. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horiskey, were homesteaders, having reached Holt in 1879. Mr. Horiskey never married. He homesteaded for a number >f years in North Dakota. In .936 he went from O’Neill to Yellowstone Park, Wyo., where he was employed. Mr. Horiskey i-eturned to O’Neill at the time of the death of his sister, the late Mrs. Catherine Miller, in Ju ly, 1948. Pallbearers at the rites were Leo Carney, James Carney, Hen ry Sullivan, Leonard Shoemaker, T. R- Gallagher, P. B. Harty, H. I Bi.rmingham and P. C. Dono hoe. A rosary was offered at 8 p.m. Monday at the Horiskey resi dence. Burial was under direc ion of Biglin Brothers. — Scout Fund Drive Begins Friday Morn A kick-off breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Friday at the M&M cafe will launch the annual Boy Scout fund-raising drive in O’Neill. L. D. Putnam is chairman. Among those who will attend the breakfast art A. H. Doern ing, George Hammond Melvin Marcellus, Leigh Reynoldson, Elgin Ray, Leo Moore, Tony Asi mus, John C. Watson, Ray Shel hamer, Roy Shelhamer, J. M. Corkle, John H. McCarville, Mel vin Ruzicka, James W. Rooney, 1 Dale French, W. B. Gillespie, 1 Dr. C. M. Eason, G. E. Miles, C. W. Stewart, Herman Janzing, Lawrence Haynes, J. E. Davis, C. R. Hill, A. E. Bowen, Harry Petersen, Phil Cohn, Lloyd Col lins, Neal Ryan, Dick Tomlinson and others. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST: Ladies’ Denoma wrist watch with brown leather band, between my home and Methodist church. Reward. — Mrs. Archie Bright, O’Neill, lc T)R SALE: 1 set 13x24 six-ply Firestone tractor tires and tubes, used very little.—Lloyd Burgess, Emmet. Ip35 ■ St. wab/1 mm BUHL YOUNG HA«V r ACC A It r L'Lmtt JCMWACtK M> f tM XIWtn >. JilANMi (MAS. •mmmam VIVf AM WAt J i y dm in a* in Am When in Town DROF" IN AND TRY OUR ★ ICE CREAM ★ SWEDEN CREME ★ SUNDAES ★ MALTS Booths and Tables KARMEL KORNER Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harmon o o o © MOWER MAGIC It’s almost u easy aa waving a wand to mow your lawn with a precision sharp ened mower, tiring yours in and have It machine sharpened tor easy mow ing. ' 1 Hand $2.00 — Power $2.50 Pete’s Saw Shop Phone 491 w O’Neill JuANN acto ^ \ i RAl PH AUAMS ■_H Jr AN Ml MKUIIfc; »*».-* IAN - JAM MV YDVNC +*9i**v*mt HW f UUAHt. v. ;fj PAJUtttA Oi%«H *••*■*►:• ... “C*ni« gained 13! day ©« lassv S*ysl*lm MUemth BerAlPeti.CdU. torn l«f SIAM m AMT WfATVfX HERE’S HOW: 1. CATTLE EAT, DRINK MORE in mo!<n»«« jugorj, SWEET IASSY ttlmwlatot th« appetite. 0 Make* tattle eat, drink merit 2. STRETCHES FARM FEEDS war iMiV mm Mt* *■&» farm feed* he Mat , , M|* art f**d <o»H. I. FAST, PRIME FINISH forked with pntjbw, mtngrmh, «4> fwiM and •thar MkU rW tea V^f to beef Farter, SWEET USSY ***** prodweo « Anor.ffeMi Mm* ■to«n« top nartwl prim. SEE US TODAY! Cana io mad let n explain hew SWEET IASSY can help ys« make mere aunty w*fc yaey feeder*. Stop in too try | SHELHAMER FOODS -» O'NEILL aekk.-- . * ->n^ ---