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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
SELL v0lKt* Trade FOR SALE A STEP-SAVER valve on your hose saves 2/3 of your steps Only $1 at Lcidy’s, O’Neill, lc FOR SALE: 8 registered Angui bulls, 18 to 24 months.—Harry Ressel, O’Neill. 40tf FOR SALE: My home. Close in; 3 bedrooms; oil burner; hot water. Inquire after 5:30 p.m. —Alice Bridges, O’Neill, Tel. 272W. lc FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: 3-gallon pressure sprayers at Leidy’s._lc FOR SALE: Dry corn, just being Bicked (test 14), $1.25 a bu. — lenry Bohac, Butte. 52-1 p50 FOK SALE: A kerosene Servel refrigerator, 6 cu. ft., cross top freezer. Only $150.—Jacobson’s, O’Neill. lc FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: 33-ft. house trailer, has 1 bedrjorti and bath. Good condition, reasonable. — Call 480-LW. 52c FOR SALE: Twenty-gallon gas water heater, $70, at Leidy’s. lc FOR SALE: 41% range cake, $104 per ton; mixed fertilizer, $47.95 per ton.—Corkle Hatch ery, O’Neill. 38tf FOR SALE WE STILL have 10-10-0 and 0-19 0 and will have a car of 21-0-6 this week. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 51tf FOR SALE: Overdrive for Ford tractor, practically new, $30.— Earl Hoatson, Stuart. 52-lp FOR SALE: Long yearling and 2-year-old Hereford bulls. — E. M. Jarman, Chambers. 51tf FOR SALE: Building 20x20. — Leidy’s. lc FOR SALE: One 1949 Pony Mas >ey-Harris tractor with plow, in good condition.—Mrs. G. V. Mott, Page. 52-lp60 Used Car Specials 1951 4-dr. Plymouth, fully equip Sed, only 7,800 miles. 0 4-dr. Plymouth, good. 1950 Club coupe, very good. 1950 2-dr. Hudson, very good, bargain $1,125 1949 4 - dr. Hudson, equipped, bargain $1,045 1948 4-dr. Kaiser, a bargain. 1938 4-dr. Buick, a bargain. SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK. Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill 52c FOR SALE: Fruit jar waterers, 5 cents, at Leidy’s. lc FOR SALE: I have 3 modern residence properties for sale. Would you like to see them?— R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50tf FOR SALE: Brand new 26 ft. Glider trailer house, strictly modern. Owner will take $800 discount. — H. W. Tomlinson, phone 128W. lc rcw SALE: 1938 unevrotet pow er sweep, completely overhaul ed. Also International side-de livery rake. — Florian Scholz, Stuart telephone 3128, l-3p80 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 Min neapolis-Moline 16 disc grain drill with press wheel attach ments.— W. E. Wasson, Atkin son. Ip35 FOR SALE: 1-gal. chick water ers, 50 cents, at Leidy’s. lc FOR SALE: Several good, well located building lots. — R. H. (‘‘Ray’’) Shriner, O’Neill, phohe 106. 22tf BARGAIN on dual truck chains, 8.25x20, at Leidy’s. lc USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1—1947 Deluxe Ford “8” 2-dr„ good and clean. 1—1949 Pontiac “8” 4-dr. 1—1948 Frazer. 1—1949 Mercury Fordor. 1—1940 Ford 2-dr. “8.” 1—1950 Pontiac “8” 2-dr., hv dramatic transmission, low mileage. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531 51c FOR SALE: Pilot oyster shell, 90 cents, at Leidy’s, O’Neil. lc FOR SALE: Philco electric refrig erator, 9 cu. ft., just like new. $150 at Jacobson’s, O’Neill, lc 0 ■ H .... ■■ ■■■" “■” ■■ ... 1 ■■ 1 ... & R. H. SHRINER Wind Sr Tornado. Truck It Tractor. Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE, LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —«— Phone 10S Farm Property © A * * ' FOR SALE: One 1950 Farmall M tractor; one No. 24 Mc-D power mower; one No. 24 Mc-D power driven trail mower. All equipment like new.—Edward Vogel, 2Vt miles east of Stu art, on highway 20, % mile south. 52-lc85 FOR SALE: Good 1937 Chevrolet 2-dr. sedan. — Orley Rickard, Ewing, or 26 mi. south of O’ Neill on highway 281. 52-lp PEST SPRAY kills chicken mites. Get it at Leidy’s, O’Neill. lc SEED FOR SA LE Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers Milot - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol linated corn, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin. __ltf FOR SALE: 42 acres hay and pasture land, fenced and com plete set of buildings, at In man, Nebr.—Call 19o, O’Neill, Nebr. Ic35-30tf FOR SALE: $69.95 for an apart ment gas range at Leidy’s. lc New Ferguson 30 Tractors Ferguson Dearborn Machinery— will mount on either Ferguson or Ford Tractors Plows — Cultivators — Listers— Mowers — Discs — Dirt Scoops — Loaders — Post Augers — Terracers — Drills — Oneways —Weeders — Cranes. Massey-Harris Tractors and Combines — All Sizes Also Massey - Harris Plows — Cultivators — Mowers — Side Delivery Rakes. Buy Henry J. Cars at the New Low Price. Priced as low as $1495.00 Deliv ered here. All complete, 5 tires, tank full of gas. Drive a Henry J for Less than a Penny a Mile. Get Our Prices on Cars—Jeeps— Machinery Before You Buy. Let us bid on your Used Car or Machinery. Save the Diffrence. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebraska Chrysler-Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. WILSON Phone 100 Butte. Nebr. 2tf FOR SALE: Some used lumber. Six dollars per 100 board feet. — Larry Johnson, O’Neill, phone 409-J. 52c I FOR SALE: Registered Hereford cows with calves at side. Also a few yearling heifers and bulls. — S. R. Robertson, O’ Neill, phone 6F11. 52-2p95 FOR SALE: 1947Indian Chief 74 motorcycle, good condition. Contact Herb Underwood, O’ Neill, phone 393W. l-2p65 MISCELLANEOUS WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf L. (juthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds ol automobile, truck and tractoi repair. Acetylene welding. FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tl weT never sleep A PHONE CALL brings us or the runl Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O'Neill, Nebr. 9c8C HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399, O’Neill WILL CARE for children anj evening after 5 o’clock, eithei at your home or mine. Call mt during day at 576 or see me al Freeman Knight’s basemen' apartment after 5. —Mrs. Bol Helgeson, O'Neill. 1< WOMEN make extra money a' home. Sew our ready cut “Rap A-Round.” Easy — profitable —Hollywood Mfg. Co., Holly wood 46, Calif. ]&3p8! i SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. Formerly with Lester Electric. ltf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds ietf MONUMENTS of lasting beauty, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.— Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf WHAT’S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat tle, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. ___ 22tf CARNIVAL still showing. Every evening, also Sunday afternoon and evening, May 11, under auspices Am. Legion. Ip35 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY National Farm Ass’n O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. I AM BACK at my office again and if you would like to bor row some money on your farm or ranch or business building or residence. I have money to loan on such properties, and will be glad to figure with you on any loan.—Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 43tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates, 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 47 tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill, phone 322-W. lc j FOR RENT: A partly furnished 2-room apartment. Call 324W on Friday evening or Saturday. —Marie Salisbury, O’Neill. 52-lc FOR RENT: New unfurnished modern apartment. — Gillies pie’s, phone 114. 37ti FOR RENT Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOUND FOUND: Keys in holder. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this advertise ment. 52c School for Blind Student Rolls 204 — Mickey Tomlinson, a 17-year old student at the Nebraska school for blind, could give most bowlers around Nebraska City— and OTNeill as well—a lesson in how to knock down the pins. He rolled a 204 gaime at the Sternei lanes in the school’s league ac tion. Mickey, who took up the sporl a year ago, can see as far as the pins but has difficulty telling how many are and which of them are standing. School Superintenden W. C. McMillen said that Mickej is a consistent kegler who ordin • arilv finishes in the 150 bracket He scored six strikes in thi stellar game, turkeyine the firs three frames as well as th< .seventh, eighth and ninth. H< said that he was “pretty lucky.' Cancer Drive Not Yet Finished — According to Mrs. Eugene San ders, the American Cancer drive which is now underway, has net ted $121. The American Legion auxiliary girls collected $35.52 from th< sale of miniature swords. The ouota is not auite reache< so the drive will continue anothe week, according to Mrs. Sanders. SALVAGE VESSEL 1 PAGE — Serving aboard th< USS Coucal. a rescue and salvag* vessel, is Warren W. Klinetobe seartian aDDrentice. USN, son o Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kline tobe. of Pape. The Coucal, oner ating from the Pearl Harbor, T.H submarine base, acts as a torped* and mine recovery vessel. Hje primary mission is underwate rescue and salvage work. WANTED WANTED: Man for steady ranch job. House for married man.— C. M. Keller, Newport. 52-lpSO WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf WANTED: Dragline work, sewer ditch-digging, basements, road raising.—E. J. Shane, Atkin son, phone 6762, or H&M Cafe, Atkinson. 50-9-30tf WANTED MARRIED MAN: Year around work. Must be exper ienced with livestock and trac tor machinery. Six room house on paved highway close to town. REA and water. Start work anytime until July 1. References required. Good deal to right man. — M. J. Hankins, phone 252, Stanton. 1-2c125 BY MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 71/2 WEEKS (45 ISSUES) $1 YOU’LL GET Blondie, Orphan Annie, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Al bert E. Wiggam, Steve Canyon, Bobby Sox, Grantland Rice, Dorothy Dix, Walter Winchell, David Lawrence, Stewart Al sop, Associated Press, United Press, North American News paper Alliance, Chicago Daily News wires, AP Wire Photos, weather reports, markets, continued stories, patterns, re cipes, radio, television pro grams, Angela Patri. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you practically get the Sunday free, for some papers charge more for daily alone than the Journal does including Sunday. By maiil offer in Nebraska and North Kansas, IVz weeks $1.00 daily: 9*/2 weeks daily and Sun day $2.00; a year $6.00 daily, with Sunday $10.00. Order direct or through our of fice. lc WANTED: About 25 head of cat tle to pasture.—Chas. Berner, Amelia, Nebr. (9 miles west of 'Chambers, 2 miles south). l-2p65 WANTED: Used 4-yd. gravel box tail gate dump; also hoisting cylinder. State price.—Claude Keller & Son, Newport. l-5c DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf | J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf MAN WANTED: To operate carnival ride and drive truck 5 months. Starting weekly wage $60.—County Fair Shows, Earl Johnson, O’Neill. 52-lp75 MY REGISTERED GOLDEN PALOMINO QUARTER HORSE, MESA PLAUDIE AT STUD Combining quality, color, gen tle disposition to a high degree. , Service at my place lYi mi. south of Fred Mack corner, At kinson. Fee $25 at time of ser vice, return privileges. JAY CRAWFORD Atkinson 49-2p HAVE PASTURE for 25 head yearling steers or heifers. — Ralph Brown, Chambers. l-2c O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gal lagher entertained Daniel Ryan son of Neil Ryan, at a breakfast on Sunday, May 4, following Daniel's first holy communion at St. Patrick’s church. Mr. and Mrs. John Hvnes and daughter went to Kansas City, Mo., on Saturday, May 3, to vis it at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vickland, Mrs. Hynes’s par ’ ®fits> an(f Mrs. John Bishop, Mrs. ; Hynes’s sister. • Miss Betty Gallagher, of O’ iir. an<* a friond, Marjorie Welsh, of Emerson, both of whom attend Duchesne college, Omaha, : scent the weekend with Miss • Gallagher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | E. M. Gallagher. Mrs. E. J. Eby went to Bassett Tuesday to spend the day with friends. Mr and Mrs. Gus Munch and . daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Rob , trt * 'toher came Saturday eve ning, May 3. from Council Bluffs, la., to sDend the night and Sun r day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Lyle Green. Mrs. Mina Green and little Judy Pitcher, who had | snent three weeks with the - Greens, returned home with them Sunday. Harrison Hovey, of South Bend. Ind.. is visiting relatives in O’ > Neill. . Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas and son. Dick, motored to Lake f Andes, S.D-, on Sunday. Pvt. Harlan Kloenoer, of Ft. . Riley, Kans.. spent the weekend • o G’Neill with his mother, Mrs. , Rose Kloepper, and with other • relatives and friends. Frontier for printing! CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to the kind neigh bors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and convalescing of our son, Jimmie Ray; for the cards, letters and flowers, also for the prayers that were sent up in nis behalf. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES W. FOX and Family. lc WE TAKE this means of express ing our deepest thanks for all the kind deeds and other ex pressions of interest at the time of the death and burial of our father, G. A. Fox.—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Urwin and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wunderlich and family, Mrs. Gerald Fox and family. Ip50 WE WANT to thank our neigh bors and other friends who came to our place on Friday, May 2, to help us with Work. We especially want to thank the men who cut trees, etc., and the women who brought food. —MR. AND MRS. RAY KURTZ lc I WISH to thank everyone for the cards and letters I received and those who visited me while I was in the Veterans hospital. They were appreciated very much. lc FRANK DALTON IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING memory of our son, Jimmy, who passed away three years ago, May 12, 1948. No one knows the silent heart aches, Only those who have loved, can tell The grief we bear in silence For the one we loved so well. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle, Brothers and Sisters. Ip50 Stuart Sunday Musicale STUART—Sister Vera, music teacher in St. Boniface Catholic school, presented her piano stu dents and the girls’ chorus in a musicale at the school Sunday evening, May 4. A large crowd was entertained with the following members: “Alexander March,” duet, by Bart and Roger Givens; “Danc ing Gayly,” by Sally Brewster; “Marketing,” by Annettte Giv ens; “Chime Clock,” by Jeanette Jardee; “Blow the Man Down,” by ThomaS Brewster; “Mulberry Bush,” by Andrew Goebel; “To My Valentine,” by Lois Givens; “April Showers,” by Diane Flan igan; “Wee Folks’ March,” by Charles Seger; “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” duet, by Robert and Roger Givens; “Lightly Row,” by Carmen Givens. x “Cadets on Parade,” by Jerry Heyne; “Little Bunny Rabbit,” by Dixon Keller; “Blue Danube,” by Mel Roy Stracke; “Tulip,” by Betty Krobot; “Mary’s Pet Waltz,” by Marian Deerman; “The Banjo Player,” by Bart Givens; “Welcome Sweet Spring time” and “Spring Morning,” by girls’ chorus; “Belling the Cat,” playlet, by pupils of room II; “Rose Waltz,” duet, by Michael Batenhorst and Alan Brewster; “Whispering Hope” and “Ciri biribin,” vocal solos, by Raedean Kramer; “The Indian Boy,” by Michael Batenhorst; “Siberian Dance,” by Del Ray Stracke; “In the Forest Tall,” by Roger Giv ens; “Spinning Song,” by Alan Brewster; “Aragonaise,” by Jean Cobb; “The Fountain” and “Knight Rupert,” by Vesta Mit chell. “Gavotte,” by May Chaney; “Polonaise,” by Mary Ann Al lvn; “The Armies of Spring,” “A Merry Life” and “The Heavens Resound,” by girls’ chorus. LETTER TO EDITOR Phoenix. Ariz. 1911 E. Pinchot May 1, 1952 Please change our address to read Estes Park, Colo. Field ripened strawberries and nice weather are making us hang on to the last minute. Thanking you, PAUL L. HENRY MOTHER DIES Mrs. Nell Brennan, 60, of Clo verdale. Calif., died Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Brennan was the mother of Bartley Brennan, of O’Neill. The body is being re turned to Norfolk for burial. The late Mrs. Brennan was a former Norfolk resident. MARRIAGE LICENSES Orvalle Svatos and Miss Shir ley Maas, both of Chambers, on May 3. Edward Weigel and Miss Darleen Barnes, both of Atkin son, on Mav 7. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. George Winkler and fam ily spent Mondav afternoon at ♦ he farm ho^e of Mr. and Mrs. ^asner Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. F E. Gaskill and children, htardelle and Dick, were fishing at Swan Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Merle Laverv and son, Llovd. of Overton, snent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson. Fire Inspection for City Planned Several members of the Ne braska Fire Preventon association will visit O’Neill Wednesday, May 14. The O’Neill Chamber of Com merce has invited the organiza tion to spend the day inspecting the business houses of O’Neill. They will also inspect the schools, churches and hospitals for fire hazards. The inspectors will be accom panied by a member Of the fire marshal’s office. The visit will be concluded with a banquet sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. The busi ness and professional men of O’ Neill are invited and urged to at tend. t INMAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dot)aid Luben and daughters and Raymond Lu ben, of Wisner, spent the May 3, weekend with Mrs. May Fraka and Mr- and Mrs. Charles Luben. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ferris and daughters, of Fremont, spent the weekend here with relatives and friends. Elmer Crosser, of Sheldon, la., came Friday, May 2, to visit in. the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. He returned to Shel don Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Crosser and Ricky and Carla Sue, who have been visiting in the Mc Graw and Miller homes for three weeks. Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard, spent Thursday, May 1, visiting her mother, Mrs. Lottie Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark spent Sunday, May 4, in Yankton, S.D. Mrs. Sam Leonard and daugh ter, Barbara, have returned to their home in Wakefield after spending several days visiting Mr$. Leonard’s mother, Mrs. Vio let Sholes. Ralph Herald Sholes, who is employed at Sidney, spent the May 3, weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mrs. C. Zimbelman returned to her home in Gregory, S.D., Thurs day, May 1, after spending a few days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and Mr. and Mrs Mick Gallagher and daugh ter, Janet. Mrs. Zimbelman came because of the illness of her granddaughter, Mrs. Mick Gal lagher. LeRoy Moore, who is employed with the telephone company near Crawford, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crudomelka left Saturday, May 3, for Schuy ler and Grafton, here they will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Romey South, Mr. and Mrs. Art Renner and Mrs. Jennie Crosser were dinner guests at the Harvey Tompkins home on Wednesday, April 30. The Anniversary club surprised Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson at their country home Sunday eve ning, May 4. Cards furnished the entertainment after which lunch was served by the self invited guests. The group presented Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson wih a gift. Mr- and Mrs. Jerry Hare, of Grand Island, were visitors re cently in the home of Mrs. Hare’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman. Mrs. James Kelley and son, Neal, and Ned Kelley left Sun day, May 4, for Omaha where they will join Mr. Kelley, who is employed there. Miss Deritha Smith, of Nor folk, spent the May 3, weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ohrmund, of Atkinson, spent Sunday, May 4, with Ohrmund’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sobotka. Pvt. Gordon Sholes, who is sta tioned at Ft. Riley, Kans., spent the May 3 weekend in Inman with relatives and friends. Mrs. Verna Werner, of Omaha, came Thursday, May 1, to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and Mr. and Mrs- Ira Wat son and family. Mrs. Werner is a sister of Earl and Ira. Graydon Hartigan and Law rence Stevens, who are em ployed at Central City, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mrs. Myrtle Youngs spent Fri day, May 2, in Ewing where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Kropp and family. Mr. and Mrs- M. M. Crosser and son, Jerry, and Mr and Mrs. Ray Conard, of Neligh, spent Tuesday evening, April 28, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morsbach and daughters. Mrs. Eva Murten, of Blair, came Thursday, May 1, to visit in the home of Mrs. Anna Smith and with other friends and rela tives. Mrs. Murten left Monday for Mullen, where she will visit friends and on Sunday, May 11, she will attend a service at the Mullen Methodist church at which time a stained glass win dow will be dedicated in memory of her husband, the late Rev. B. H. Murten, who was a pastor at Mullen for a number of years. Rev. Murten passed away about 12 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Verle David and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Da vid and family were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. David on Sunday, May 4, the occasion being in honor of Pvt. Earl David, who is on furlough before being sent overseas. Mrs. Ray David, Mrs. Verle David and Mrs. Zane Rowse sp^nt Friday May 2, in Bruns wick where they attended a party at the home of Mrs. Clarence Logeman. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and daughter, Sue, spent Saturday, May 3, in Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs- Robert Hutton. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, May 11 Muiic by WNAX Bohemian Band 2 Angus Bulls Being Offered • There will be a good run of yearling steers and heifers at the sale today (Thursday). There will be the usual number of mixed cattle and butcher cattle. Specially consigned are two reg istered Aberdeen-Angus bulls, 2-years-old. • For the hog sale there will be a number of consignments of feeder pigs. • Whether you wish to buy or sell, be on hand; for the regular weekly sale today. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 — O'NEILL - - - - - -- ---— USED TRACTOR I ARGAINS 1 949 B John Deere I 946 B John Deere I 949 A John Deere 1 942 H John Deere I 940 A John Deere 1 937 B John Deere 1 936 A John Deere 2 — IHC Regulars • 730 Listsr, Near New New Tractors, Plows, Listers, Mowers of All Sizes Farmhand Stackers HARRY R. SMITH IMPLS. ”Your John Deere Dealer” Near Corner 4th & Fremont O'Neill , V- <