The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 08, 1952, SECTION 2, Page 10, Image 10

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    Retiring President
Treats P-TA Group
STUART — The final P-TA
meeting of the season was held
Monday, May 5, at the public
Olfieers elected for the coming
year were: Mrs. Berlin Mitchell,
president; Mrs. James Newman,
vice - president; Mrs. Henry
Waechter, secretary, and Mrs
Nama Hall, treasurer.
The retiring president, Mrs.
Dale Henderson, treated the
group to coffee at the coffee shop
following the meeting.
Other Stuart News
Relatives from here who at
ended the 50th wedding anniver
sary of Mr and Mrs. Frank Sjrack
Sunday at Herrick, S.D., were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stracke, Mr.
and (Mrs. Lavern Stracke and Mel
Roy, Mrs George Wallinger and
Beverly, Mrs. Ethel Stracke, Mr.
and Mrs. Andy Goebel and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cobb,
Jean and Doug.
Mrs. Vera Bartlett went to
Grand Island Friday, May 2, to
visit with her daughter, Dorothy.
She will also visit her son, Har
old, at McCook and attend East
ern Star grand lodge at Grand Is
land next week before returning
Mrs. Don Engler and cnuaren,
Linda and Byron, of McCook,
came Friday, May 2, to visit rela
tives at Emmet and Stuart.
Miss Bernelda Engler, of Picks
town, S.D., and her mother, Mrs.
B. C. Engler, who has been vis
ting in Omaha, met in Norfolk
and came home on Friday, May 2.
Mrs. Katie Papke, Mrs. Harold
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs- Jim Hoff
man and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Wallinger and family were
Sunday guests at the Tommy Pap
ke home near Naper on Sunday,
May 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and
daughter, Zona, of Green Valley
community, were overnight vis
itors at the Berlin Mitchell home
Saturday, May 3.
Miss Benelda Engler went to
Grand Island Sunday, May 4, and
returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler and
Mrs, Mary Laible went to Fair
fax, S.D., Sunday, May 4, to visit
the Louis Kehn family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meusch and fam
ily, Mr- and Mrs. William Meusch
and family and Vincent Obermire
were guests of Mrs, Anna Meusch
and Meusch brothers Sunday eve
ning, May 4, at a turkey dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus
and family and Mr. and Mrs Bil
ly Marcellus were Sunday din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Marcellus in Atkin
Miss Mavis Forsch spent the
weekend in Butte with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsch.
Midqet Baseballers
in Rehearsals—
The American Legion midget
baseball team has been practic
ing each Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evening on the north
side diamond.
The regulars for the team
have not been picked, and no
regular games have been sched
There is hope that Carney park
will be made ready for night
games for both the Midgets and
the Rockets.
STAR— Mrs. Arthur Benash,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Siders, escaped unhurt Saturday
when she met with an accident
on the Lynch highway. Her car
was damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Aim and
family had Sunday dinner at the
home of Mr. Alms’ parents,
’ 'r. and Mrs. Arthur Aim.
District 1 Closes
Term with Picnic
REDBIRD — A large crowd
Saturday, May 3, enjoyed the
closing day school picnic of Ma
rie Breiner and pupils of district
The afternoon was spent play
ing baseball and racing games,
followed by a treat of ice cream.
The pupils of the Redbird
chool, their teacher, and five
visitors, Darrel Ross, of Weaver
ville, Calif., Bardy Schollmeyer,
□onnie Wells, Thelma Mashino
and Billy Halstead, enjoyed a
long hike to Louse creek Friday,
concluded by a weiner and
marshmallow roast. Doris Hal
stead baked and decorated a
cake for her sister, Helen, whose
10th birthday anniversary oc
curred the day before.
The two third graders, Gay
lene Kaasa and Bruce Scholl
meyer, were unable to attend due
to a siege of the measles.
Other Redbird News
Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and
Douglas, of Wagner, S.D., spent
the May 3 weekend at Art Bes
Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and
Bardy, Garry Wilson and Alvin
Luedtke visited in the Jack Dar
nell home on Thursday evening.
May 1, while in Lynch.
Beryle Bessert and Robert
Wells left Tuesday, May 6, for
heir preinduction examinations
it Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and
Garry visited Sunday, May 1,
with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Knittel
and the Dewain Wilson family
at Gregory, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead
took the four eighth graders of
the Redbird school to Meek on
Thursday, May 1, for exams.
They visited in the Walter De
vall home enroute to O’Neill
that morning.
Mrs. Clay Mashino attended a
banquet at Spencer Sunday,
May 4, as her daughter, Gladys,
is a senior there.
Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and
Delores Wells called in the Joel
Lyman home Saturday, May 3,
while in O’Neill.
Alvin Luedtke, Joy Slack and
Etta Mae Wells attended a
freshman picnic at the Niobrara
park Sunday, May 4.
Garry Wilson, Herman Scholl
meyer, Alvin Luedtke and Dick
Truax enjoyed fishing and
a weiner roast at the river Mon
day night, May 5.
Clifford Wells went after Dor
is and Larry Halstead, Delores
Wells and Dick Truax at Meek
Thursday afternoon, May 1.
Mrs. Harold Halstead and
Mrs. Carroll Bjornsen planned
a surprise birthday anniversary
party for their mother, Mrs. Leon
Mellor, Sunday evening, May 4.
Mrs. Halsey Hull and Carroll
Bjornsen won high scores at
cards and Mrs. Nick Baker and
Thomas Hiscocks, low.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson
were Sunday, May 4, guests of
her parents, the Lloyd Tuchs, of
A family dinner honoring the
Alfred Ross family, of Weaver
ville, Calif., was held in the Ce
cil Miller home Sunday, May 4.
Others present included the
Frank Wyant family, Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Ross, Clarence
Ross, Mrs. Miller and Carl, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Miller and
family, the Orville Miller and
Bill Miller families and Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Ross and family.
Jim Yocum, who had spent the
winter with the Frank Wyant
family, left last week for Clay
Center where he works with a
road construction crew each
Returns to Kansas City —
Dr. R. L. Owens left Saturday,
May 3, for his home in Kansas
city, Mo. Mrs. Owens and Nancv
Ellen will spend another week
at the home of Mrs. Owens’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden.
Mrs. Owens is the former Miss
Maxine Golden.
William Hale, of Kansas City,
Mo., spent Sunday, April 28, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
O. Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray spent
Sunday in Ainsworth visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas mo
tored to Atkinson Sunday. Mr.
Jonas spent the weekend with his
family. He is employed in Wis
Father-son banquet Tuesday,
May 20. Methodist church. —
Young Adults. 1c
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz
spent Sunday in Long Pine at the
home of Mrs. Kurtz’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Kurtz.
Mrs. Verne Reynoldson and
family returned Friday, May 2,
from St. Edward, after attending
the funeral rites of Clarence Rey
noldson, Mr. Reynoldson’s father.
Verne Reynoldson remained un
til this weeknd when Mrs. Rey
noldson plans to go for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pittack
and Steevie, of Tilden, visited
Sunday at the new home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Murray. Mr. and
Mrs. Murray have only recently
completed their new home in
north O’Neill and moved in May
Don't be sorry this year—see
our wallpaper and paint before
you buy.—Western Auto, O'Neill.
Marvin Anderson and Leon
Sargent spent the weekend at
Lake Andes, S.D., fishing. They
reported a good catch.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and
daughter, Elizabeth, attended a
dinner in Lincoln on Sunday in
honor of Mr. Schaffer’s mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Schaffer, on her
80th birthday anniversary. The
dinner was held at the home of
Mr. Schaffer’s two sisters, Mrs.
Alberta Els and Mrs. Madeline
Kutscher. Other guests included
Mr and Mrs Ed Eisenhauer and
Debby, of Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. I. P. Schaffer and Kathleen,
of Tekamah and Mrs. Billy Gog
ein, of New York City, N. Y.
11 ~r - III mi I—- 11
Gift Suggestions ...
fi n juwt COow
«K 4 t Wl
from our R**g£t drug store
Sildiv I Two lift* m one delicious chocolate*
May It CQC
Our finest chocolates; always Q A A 2 4 . be*
the perfect gift... I LB. BOX ZeUU 4.00
Assorted loughdipped milk chocolates
- (or the “first lady” in your Ufa. n AA
lie' luscious assorted chocolates in a n nr
Tgfe Mother's Day |ift tiox. 1 POUNO ZaZ3
Vl A choree assortment of chocolates
by a master candy maker, Nymer Neal. V PA 2 I ksi
V I POUND BOX la jU 3.00
Kitchen Fresh
\ Everyone's favorite; trash from 1 1A 2 4. baa
| Nymer NeaTs kitchens. III. BOX |«|U 2.20
A token of ramembrance worthy Aa assortment of choice eiurTIrKUII*
of your deep affection. confections by Nymer Neat. * ^ure box ot hard truit
I LB. BOX 2.50 t u. got
Ilk Paead Baa ... 13B
Phone 87 — O’Neill
———■■■■ ..
WILOfl 9»«***'
lakux twwrtP
• •
i * F
• All around the country
you hear people sing
ing ... singing out for
Falstaff . . . singing
Falstaff’s praises.
Because Falstaff
is so smooth ... so
golden... so mellow!
The Choic
est Prod
uct of the
St. Louis. Mo.,
Omaha., K«w Ortaaaa. La.
• •
rnoet wi
4* Ik 1 i
NU vmvot u WftHOSI
'.•puxnniuv ni
Beautiful, Beautiful
Friday and Saturday Only
1.49 Per Dozen
oroon coviHiui
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an N»tL%f. h
new "Outline” Heels
frame many a slender ankle
‘‘Follow me” they seem to say — and admiring glanced
will when you “outline” your heels with Lark wood’s
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ankles you’ve ever seen —dark borders outline you#!
heel in a clean-swept line .... and they’re elegantly new*
fashioned with closed-back pumps or open-hack shoesi
15 denier, 51 gauge sheers in
new-season “Temple Tones’^. > *
JUST ARRIVED .... New to O’Neill
Zml. 1.35 c..„. 1.15
^ XWW.
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\ A complete MISS
I SWANK ward
robe of slips . . .
all at one 1 o w
Only MISS SWANK slips
have the famous Straight
Plus-Bias cut . . . they
won’t ride up, bunch or
• Pajamas
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