Darlene Tomjack Weds at St. John’s DELOIT — The marriage of Miss Darlene Tomjack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack, to Ralph Beaudin, of Omaha, was solemnized at 10:30 o’clock Sat urday, April 26, at the St. John s Catholic church, south of Ewing. Rev. C. J. Kaup read the mar riage lines. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Anna Beaudin, of Omaha. The bride appeared in a white floor-length gown of nylon net over a hooped satin skirt with a lace bolero, high neckline and long pointed sleeves. Her finger tip veil fell from a shirred brim, tucked with net and looped with pearls. She carried a shower bou quet of white carnations center ed with an orchid corsage. Her only ornament was a two-strand necklace of pearls. She carried a silver rosary, a gift of the bride groom. Miss Mary Hoffman, of Oma ha, a friend of the bride, acted as , bridesmaid. Her gown was of pastel green marquisette with matching hat and fingerless gloves. She carried a colonial bouquet of deep pink carnations. Mrs. Gene Ray, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a gown of pink marquisette ! with matching lace. Her brides- | maid's hat was of pink braid and mojine. She also wore fingerless gloves and carried a colonial bouquet of deep pink carnations. The bridegroom wore a light gray business suit. His two at tendants, Harry Mordhorst, of Yankton, S.D., and Gene Ray, of Omaha, wore brown business suits. All three men wore white carnation boutonnieres. The ushers were Jewell Tom jack, of Blue Hill, brother of the bride, and James Brandon, of Omaha, friend of the bridegroom. Members of St. John’s furnish ed the music. Miss Jean Funk sang the “Ave Maria.” during the mass. The altar boys were Gene Tomjack, brother of the bride, and Robert Beaudin, cou sin of the bridegroom. Miss Neva Mae Bauer had charge of the guest book. Mrs. Harry Mordhorst and Mrs. Jew ell Tomjack assisted with the gifts. 'T’hii n recepuon ror id guests im mediately after the ceremony was held in the church reception ! hall, which was decorated in the ! bride’s chosen colors of pink, ! green and white. Mrs. Emmet Wright baked the 1 wedding cake that graced the 1 bride’s table, while Mrs. Carl Thiele baked those on each of 1 the other two tables. After the reception the couple 1 left for a short honeymoon trip : for which the bride wore a cos- • tume of skipper blue with brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Beaudin will make their home in Omaha where they are employed. Four generations attended the wedding. They were the great grandmother, Mrs. Jewell, of Dallas, S.D.; grandmother, Mrs. R. M. Tomack; mother, Mrs. Gene Ray, of Omaha, and daughter, Vicky Ray, on the Jewell side of the family. Four generations on the Tomjack side are: great grandfather, Mike Tomjack; grandfather, Ralph Tomjack; mother, Mrs. Gene (Bonnie Tom jack) Ray, and daughter, Vicky Ray. Plan 'Potluck* Supper — The Elkhorn extension club met with Mrs. Ray Lawrence on Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m., with Mrs. Elizabeth How ard assisting. All but three members were present. Mrs. Ray Lawrence won the guessing game. Mrs. Bob Cook presented the lesson on “Social Security.” All members will meet with Mrs. Dave Loy for a ‘pot luck” supper Tuesday, May 13, at 6:30 pm. Visit Putnams— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whaley were Friday evening callers at the L. D. Putnam home. DANCE Legion Ballroom Butte, Nebr. Sal, May 10th PRESENTING: RUTH COLMAN and Her All-Girl ORCHESTRA You Aro Inritod to Our Party EMMET HEWS Miss Mary Lou Conard was a , Tuesday evening, April 22, over * night gu^st of Miss lbs Schaffer at OTNeill. , At tile last meeting of the WSCS of the Emmet Methodist church, $10 was donated to the flood relief program. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, Maureen and Bonnie and Norma * Lou Foreman spent Sunday at the O’Keif ranch near Valentine. A miscellaneous shower was i given Sunday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A1 Kloppenborg at her , home by a committee of friends. A large crowd of relatives and ’ friends were in attendance Miss Helen Martens was in charge of ! the entertainment. After Mrs. Kloppenborg opened her many gifts, lunch of cake, jello and coffee was served. Miss Ann Connot, boarder at St. Mary’s academy in O’Neill, was a weekend guest of Miss Sharon Wagnon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindburg, of Laurel; Mr. and Mrs Marvin Clouse and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newton and family, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Newton and sons, Wayne and Gary, of Dixon; Joan Goiter and children, of Orchard and Mrs. Emmet Thompson and daughters, Linda and Carol. Blind Auction Feature of Meeting — PAGE!—The American Legion auxiliary held a blind auction party at the home of Mrs. Anton Nissen Monday evening. Each member invited a guest and they ncluded Mesdames Frank Snyder, I. O. Wood, Calvin Harvey, Otto Matschullat, Arnold Stewart, Bert Finley, C. E. Walker, Em/ma Dorr, Don Nissen, Lorenz Nissen and Miss Martin. The first part of the evening was spent playing “beano” fol lowed by a blind auction. Mrs. Evelyn Gray, auctioneer, sold the articles left from the blind auc tion to the highest bidder. Mrs. Nissen served the lunch. Proceeds from the lunch and sale of ar ticles amounted to over $25. The next regular meeting of the aux iliary will be held in the Legion hall Friday evening, May 16. Sisters Feted in Prenuptial Shower — CHAMBERS — A prenuptial shower honoring Misses Ardeth and Jeanne Farrier was held Sat urday afternoon, April 26, at the Methodist church parlors. About 60 friends and relatives were present. Mrs. Elwyn Robertson and Mary Jo Roth were in charge of the program. Others participat ing were Neva Jarman, Lorraine Farrier, Joan Beed and Diane Hoffman. Refreshments of ice creatm, cake and coffee were served. Miss Ardeth Rae wil wed Daryl Miss Ardeth Rae will wed Daryl Jeanne will marry Lyle T. Clem ens. The double-wedding will take place at the Methodist church on Sunday, May 25. Celebrate* 10th Anniversary— Billy Putnam celebrated his 10th birthday anniversary by in viting his fourth grade class from St. Mary’s academy to a party at his home Saturday afternoon. Outdoor games were played. Af ter opening the cards and gifts lunch of ice cream, cake and pop was enjoyed on the lawn. Each received balloons and a May bas ket after singing the birthday son# and wishing Billy many more happy birthday anniversa ries. i Mrs. Melena Hostess — Mrs. Woodrow Melena was hostess to the Chez-a-Mari club Tuesday evening. A 7 o’clock dinner was served to the group at the Town House. Bridge followed at Mrs- Melena’s home after the dinner. Winners were Mrs. Dale French and Mrs. John H. McCar ville. Mrs. William Artus, a member, was honored at a stork shower in connection with the party. Plan Initiation— CHAMBERS—Winona Rebek ah lodge will hold an initiation Friday evening, May 9, for 10 candidates. Pot luck lunch will be served by the members. Square dancinq. polkas, waits es, schotiisches, Tuesday, May 6, Legion ballroom. Sponsored by O'Neill Rural Youth. Everyone welcome. 52p50 Frontier for printing I »" """ - - " “I " "I ...I Floyd Whitaker, Wife Wed 42 Years I CHAMBERS —Mr. and Mrs Floyd Whitaker, of Chambers were guests of honor at a dinner, Sunday, April 27, at the home ol their daughter, Mrs. E- L. Miner, at O'Neill. A dinner was served at noon and the remainder of the day was spent visitirig, fishing, horseback riding and motor boating. Forty relatives gathered for the occasion. They were: Mrs. Whi taker’s brother, F. S. Carpenter, and Mrs. Carpenter, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Changstrom, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Carpenter and family, of El gin; Mrs. Rawlings Paul, of Mis souri Valley, la.; Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes and family, of Page; Mr. and Mrs. N D. Ickes, jr., of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sor enson, jr., and Glenda, of Page. The Whitakers’ four children were present: Mr. and Mrs. Vern Whitaker and family, of Cham bers; Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Hol comb and boys, of Chambers R. O- Whitaker, of Indiana, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miner, Russell and Sharon. Mrs. Whitaker’s brother, E. R. Carpenter, of Chambers, and sis ter, Mrs. Bourne, of Colorado, were unable to attend. Other Chambers News Mr- and Mrs. William Reninger drove to Sioux City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle re turned Thursday, April 24, from Hawkeye, Ariz., where they have spent the past five months near their son, Roy Hoerle. Mrs. Chet Fees and daughter, Cherilyn, went to Omaha Wed nesday, April 30, to take her mother, Mrs. Walter McNicklos, of O’Neill, there for a medical checkup. Mrs. Anna Brown, of Alli ance, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert the past two weeks. They left Wednes day, April 30, for Spokane, Wash., to visit another daughter of the Gilbert’s. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meyer, of» Ericson, visited Saturday with bis mother, Mrs. iMina Meyers. Lamason, Stevens Page High Royalty PAGE—The junior-senior ban quet, of Page high school, was field in a decorated banquet room to carry out the theme “Stork Club in Page High." The dinner was prepared by the mothers of the juniors and served by six sophomores: Cath erine Christon, Theima Sum mers aud Ruth Miller, who were dressed as chorus girls, and Lar ry Heiss, Larry Taylor and Du ane Finch, dressed as night club waiters. The menu follows: Course I— aims, chain oagne; II—salade, salade de la vie; III—entrie, roast beef au jus; IV—dessert, gaufrette a la mode; V—nuts. The program: S — Stork Club Is Honored, Ring Crosby (Jerry Terrill); T— Thank You, Our Hosts, Jack Ben ny (Bob Sorensen); O—On With the Show, Harry James (Leonard Sawyer); R—Rythmic Harmony, Andrews Sisters (Lois Miller); K — Keyhole Snooping, Walter Winchell (Lionel Ickes). C—Celebrity Guests, class will and prophecy, Loretta Young and Esther Williams (Jo Ann Brad dock, Diana Fussleman); L — Limelight Melodies, Frank Sin atra (Jerry Terrill); U—Unveil ing of King and Queen, Dr. I. Q. and assistant (Ronnie Park and Elaine Clasey); B—Bit of This and That, Betty Hutton (Jackie Russell). The king and queen for the year of 1952 were Wilson Lama son and Lorna Stevens, who were chosen by vote of the entire schocl. Cloyd-Garhart Nuptials Said EWING—Miss Beulah Cloyd and George Garhart were mar ried Saturday, April 19, at O’Neill by County Judge Louis Reimer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd, of Ew ing. Mr. Garhart is the son of Mr. and iMrs. G. A. Garhart, of O’ Neill. Richard J. Timmerman and Miss Dorothy Taylor, both of O’ Neill, attended the couple. Mrs. Garhart is a graduate of the Ewing high school with the class of 1951, and is engaged in the teaching profession. She will complete her term of school near Stuart, after which the young couple will make their home at Hastings. Mr. Garhart served three years in the marines At present he is employed in ranch work. Sunday, April 27, Mr. and Mrs. Garhart were honored guests at a family gathering at the home of the bride s parents in Ewing. Picnic in Dakota— Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and daughter, Diana, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl and daughter, Cecelia, and Mrs. Vannie Newman pre pared a picnic dinner on Sunday, April 27, and motored to South Dakota where they spent the day sight seing at Lake Andes, Pieks town and Ft. Randall. f- tT r —r— ■» fTTignfB! And Y ou’ve Cot Trouble When the' Wet kb O’Neil! CXebiV Fi outlet (.atm oufwith eight r.-.thcrthin twelvb pages, the trade magazine Edi tor & Publisher dutifulK cheefasd vrp and uncovered .V notable tale of editorial woe. Last week E & P’reporied that the 'inall: edition had followed. { 1) (he office man ager's becoming ill, d) the paper’s only, reporter, getting tin. .':>) the typesetter's; going to Ixiri after a tour-tooth' exfrat•-] Hen. (4) the pressman's getting pneu-; rrioni.C a the office Spy's nipping off to; a basketball game, and (6} the furnace's. Liras ing up Just after the editor. Carroll) Stewart, had cone home, weary fronn getting.out as mueh of the paper as he! could single handed his phone rang. Tool 1 tte for the press run, the caller an-] iiuuricecT that the village’s police chief) had just been murdered.., -'■'fcoaUc - .. ahtMMibi in if*' » • NEWSWEEK SAYS . . . borne trials of weekly news paper publishing were enumerated a few weeks ago in The Fron tier’s news columns. The story made the rounds and finally appeared in Editor & Publisher, na tional trade journal, and Newsweek magazine (at left). Plan Month’s Visit in Washington State ■ AMELIA — Thomas Thompson and granddaughter, Evelyn Thompson, caled on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kaiser Sunday afternoon. Mr. Thompson and his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Madsen, expect to ac company his son, Ivel Thompson, to his home at Sedro Woolley, Wash., where they will visit for about a month. Other Amelia News Mrs. Gertie Adair entertained a number of friends at a card party Friday evening. Those present were Mrs. Lew Backhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston, Mrs. Helen Pokorny and family, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sladek, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman and family. Mrs. Alice Prewitt, Dean and Peggy were Ainsworth callers on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and family were Sunday dinner guests at Harold Fullerton’s. Mr. and (Mrs. Will Thompson and Marilyn have been visiting their sons, Gene and Vernon Thompson. They have sold their busines at Gering, but have no definite plans for relocating. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton, of Atkinson, spent Thursday at the home of their son, Harold Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snelson spent Friday evening at Lindsey’s while the Edwards family attend ed the class play in Chambers. Miss Nortma Andersen spent Saturday night with Beverly Small. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath, of Chambers, were supper guests Friday evening at the home of their daughter, Mrs. George Ful lerton, and family. Mrs. Vern Sageser accom i panied her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ivel ’Thompson, of Sedro Woolley, Wash., to Coun cil Bluffs, la., where they visited the ladies’ mother, Mrs. Minter. Mrs. Julia White returned on Saturday from a visit with her brother, George Browitt, and wife at Lincoln. Mr. and (Mrs. B. W. Waldo drove to York, Wednesday, April 23, taking their daughter, Mrs. Bob Kalb, and children that far , on their way to their home at Queen City, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stmall moved this week to the McVay ranch near O’Neill, where he will be employed. Herman Nissen, of Atkinson, visited his sister, Mrs. Frank Pierce, over Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Ragland and family and Mr. Ragland’s fa ther, Ed Ragland went to Kear ney, Sunday to visit his brother, Claude Ragland, who is in a sani tarium there. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes, went to Lincoln Friday. The men attended an Odd Fellow lodge meeting. They also visited ivir. ana ivirs- mu nees. iu« Rees’ children stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Matthauser, in Burwell, and the Forbes children with grandparents in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Enbody and family, of Atkinson, Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie and Mrs. Ger tie Adair visited at Jim Bilstien’s Sunday. Mrs Nettie Bilstien has sold her ranch at Swan lake to her son, Pat Bilstien. Raymond Garwood attended a horse sale at Norfolk Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marcellus, of O’Neill, and Carolyn Tams, of Ewing, were visiting at the C. F. Small home Sunday. Mrs. Lew Backhaus was hostess at a party Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seger, of At kinson were callers at the Ray Anderson’s Sunday. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. William Krotter and Mrs. Ferd Mulford, of Stuart, were Friday, April 25, guetss at the home of Mrs. Della Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes spent the weekend in Worthington, Minn., with their aunt, Mrs. Marc LaVelle., Pfc. Stanley Young returned to Camp Tinker, Oklahoma City, Okla., on Wednesday, April 23, after spending an eight-day fur lough with his mother, Mrs. Guy Young, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin, Mrs. Eugene Van Every and Mrs. Fred Lowery went to St. Edward on Monday to attend the funeral rites for Verne Reynoldson’s fa ther, Clarence Revnoldson. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Brandi, sr, of Coleridge, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Klein. They all went hto Atkinson to visit "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandi, jr. L. D. Putnnm and L. Bush boom, of Grand Inland, spent Fri > day at Martin, S.D., on business. SOUTH OF STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., and family spent Sunday aft ernoon at the Leonard Olberding borne. Peggy Kraimer spent the week end at the George Shald home. Peggy Kramer and Johnny Shald helped Diane Olberding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding celebrate her fifth birthday anniversary Sunday aft ernoon. Joe Batenhorst took a load of seniors to Storm Lake, la., where they spent their sneak day. They left Friday morning and returned Sunday evening. Mr. and (Mrs. Joe Wallinger en tertained members of their pitch club at their home Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlinar and Mr- and Mrs. George Beck were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mar vel Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens and children were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Laurence Ziska home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Murel McClure at O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy and son spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes. A family gathering was held on Tuesday evening, April 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Normie Wilkins at Bassett, in honor of Orlo Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz and Jeannie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vo gel and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mathews, Mrs. Abbie Coker and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coker and Tommy were guests at a picnic Bupper at the Robert Greenfield home on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Roberta and family spent Wednesday eve ning, April 23, in the Frances | Goebel home. Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb. Glass Etching Chosen for Handicraft — Glas-s etching was the handi craft chosen by the extension clubs to work, on in 1932. The clubs are planning to have les sons in a new craft each year so they may choose the ones they want to develop real skills in. Glass etching demonstrations for the club leaders will be held in Atkinson at the public eichool home economics room at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 5, and in O’Neill at the assembly roam of the an nex at 1:30 p m., Tuesday, May 6. May 22 Data for Rural Youth Banquet — The Rural Youth group is plan ning its fifth annual banquet for May 22. The committee in charge of arrangements are: Alice Wha ley, Twila Sobotka, Raymond So botka, Helen Martens, Bob Mar tens, Elsie Peter, Jeanie Mellor, Clifford Sobotka, Bernice Grothe and George Peters. DATES FIXED Helps for 4-H clubs will be giv en in leaders’ meetings at Cham bers on Thursday afternoon, May 8: Atkinson, Thursday eve ning, May 8, and Page, Friday afternoon, May 9. A meeting Will be held in O’Neill at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruden spent Tuesday and Wednesday, April 22 and 23, in Beemer with their two sons and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Keller. DR. FISHER. DENTIST. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WE WISH to gratefully acknow ledge all expressions of sym pathy shown vis at the time of the death of our dear wife, mother and sister. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. — R. M. Pease; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease; Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Pease and son, Robert; Mrs. Grace Taylor; Mrs. Edna Wagner; Mrs. Addie Waldvogel. 52p50 - - -» - ■ . I WANT to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards and letters sent to me while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to the Holt county chapter, Na tional Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis. MRS. EVERETT GORGEN 52c Lawn Mowers Sharpened The Factory Way You’ll lilce the way your mower eases through heavy grass when it's been sharpened on our pre cision machine. A. few minutes here will save you hours in the sun. Hand $2.00 — Power $2.50 Pete’s Saw Shop Phone 491 w O’Neill PROCEEDINGS OF THE O'NEILL. NEBIL, CITY COUNCIL April 2, 1952 Council met at per adjourn ed. Present Mayor Davis; Council men Asimus, Uhl, Merriman, and Golden, Meeting was called to order by the Mayor. Minuies of previous meeting read and aproved, Mdtion by Golden, seconded by Uhl, that the. following bills be al lowed: On the general fund— Walter Calkins_181.80 Bob Cook _ 192.90 L. C- Anderson_ 302.60 Wm. Griffin_ 37 50 A1 Sipes__ 161.04 Collector of Internal Rev ..121,00 Fehrs Tractor & Epuip. _ 42.74 Marcellus Implement_45.70 Moore-Noble Lbr. & Co._15.16 Lohaus Motor Company_ 13.93 Joe F Wert_181.80 Howard Newton_ 200.00 Lloyd Brittell _ 150.00 O. D. French _ 20.00 Chester Calkins_ 213.10 Mir-O-Lite, Inc. _ 48.00 School Dist. No. 7_ 7.50 Pasewald Hdw. _ 188.90 S. a Adams Co.. 9.84 L. C. Anderson__ 41.07 On the water fund— Ralph Scofield _ 181.80 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. .. 5-70 O. D. French.. 75.00 L. C. Anderson _ 16.35 The vote on the above motion was as follows: All aye. Car ried. Motion by Uhl, seconded by Merriman, that a building permit be granted Maurice Cavanaugh, jr, for a new house 24x28 to be bunt on lot 9, block r, rahys Park Addition. Motion carried. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Golden that a building permit be granted to Ed Schmidt for a new house 30x40 feet on a lot 60 by 170 feet, facing west on the northwest corner of Block 8, Mc Cafferty Annex. Motion carried. Motion by Uhl, seconded by Johnson, that Ralph N. Leidy be permitted to remove curb approx imately 20 ft in length on Lot 16 block 14 original town of O’ Neill to make a drive way from pavement to his building, and for permission to place “no park- *' ing” signs on both sides of drive. Said permission to be done with the approval of Mr. Anderson. The vote on the above motion was as follows: Aye: Asimus, Uhl, Merriman and Johnson. Nay: Golden. Motion by Uhl, seconded by Merriman that Mr. Anderson be authorized to get a price on the repair of The Gallon Patrol, and have same repaired if the price is around $750 00. Motion carried. Motion by Uhl, seconded by Golden that VanBoskirk Reming ton and Associates be hired to audit the books of the city. Mo tion carried. The Council as a committee for the whole, took up the mat ter of canvassing the votes cast in the general election held on Tuesday, April 1, 1952, and the disabled and absent voters bal lots. The results of the votes cast at the election held April 1, 1952, was as follows: 1— 2— 3— Ma Ward Ward Ward Total jority Mayor J. E. Davis _195 170 166 531 531 Councilman L. M. Merriman _1.-196 196 196 Joe Stutz _ 175 175 175 Emmet Crabb _ 186 186 186 City Clerk O. D. French _214 193 185 592 592 City Treasurer John Watson _207 191 187- 585 585 Police Judge H. W. Tomlinson_21 22 14 j 57 57 Members of the Board of Education for three year term Loretta Hynes _196 161 152 510 510 H. L. Lindberg _210 172 184 566 566 The following officers were de clared elected: Mayor J. E. Davis. Council'men L. M. Merriman, 1st Ward; J. E. Stutz, 2nd Ward; Emmett Crabb, 3rd Ward. City Clerk, O. D. French. City Treasurer, John C. Watson. Police Judge, H. W. Tomlinson. Members of the Board of Edu cation, for a three-year term, Lo retta Hynes, H. L. Lindberg. Thereupon it it was moved by Councilman Asimus, seconded by Golden that the foregoing report of canvass and results of election be received and adopted and placed on record. A vote being taken on such motion and the re sults follow: Aye: Asimus, Uhl, Merriman, Golden and Johnson. Nay: None. Upon motion the Council ad journed to April 23, 1952 J. E. DAVIS, O. D. FRENCH, Mayor City Clerk Club Receives Tree from 'Ak' — The Up And At It 4-H club met on Sunday afternoon, April 27, at the Lloyd Whaley farm. One member, Helen Young, was absent. Our club received a letter telling that we had re ceived a tree of merit from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. It is about six feet tall and is to be our choice of a thornless honey locust or green ash. The club received this tree because we were organized before February 1, 1952. LaDonna McNulty and Lau rine Schmitz gave a demonstra tion on the proper way to set a table. Out11 leader, Mrs. Sanders, gave us our certificates of achievement. Mrs. Sanders also mentioned the fact that our club earned three seals last year. Alice Whaley told us about 4-H club week which is to be held on May 26. She is to attend as a guest of Folgers coffee company. This is a prize trip. Plans for a bird hike were made for the six bird project members. It is to be next Satur day morning, May 3. The next meeting is to be on Friday evening, May 23, at the Lawrence Dobrovolny home. After the meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Whaley.—By Mel ba Dobrovolny, news reporter. Club Hostess— Mrs. C. W. Porter1 entertained the Merri Myx club on Tuesday afternoon, April 29, with a des sert luncheon followed by bridge. Mrs. Fred Robertson and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer were guests. Mrs. Porter won high score. Visit Inman— INMAN — Graydon Hartigan and Lawrence Stevens, who are employed at Central City, spent the weekend in Inman with rela tives and friends. _____as NASH’S COFFEE Sanitary Market Kihotel Komant ; ’ ‘ O I NASH’S COFFEE Sullivan’s | Neighborhood Groc. NASH’S COFFEE Farmers Union ^ PAGE % •Palatable-Catti# Like * •Makes Cattle Drink More Water •Helps Put on Roe finish at Low Cost •No Waste-Pours Uke Grain Summer or Winter YouH like thsw pellets rich hi feeding with Ing on the rang* SWlKT LA88T Is a favorite with thoosanda of Midwest feeders... has proved a big h«ip hi producing prime, fat cattle that bring greater profit SWEET LASSY is rmnissid Is prevent spoilage and stickiness...ft pours like grain summer and whiter* Come in next time yon need feed. We can supply yon with the one H only SWEET LASSY. SHELHAMER FOODS PHONE 173 — O’NEILL