The Frontier Woman — Nix on Seconds Good Exercise By BLANCHE SPANN PEASE Along aooul uus Uuie ot tne year, spring seems to nave nnaiiy come anu our tancy lurns tc thoughts ot rnuDaio. one ot tnese days, some 01 us wul have rnu baio in our garuens ana lor a wonaertul spimg nine aessert, you can n.aKe a aeep disn rnu baro pie. to matte tne tilling, edmouie 2 pounds 01 rnubarb cut m ban men pieces (about a cupsi, witn lto cups sugar, to cup en nci.ea tiour, to teaspoon nutmeg anu 2 tablespoons shreddea orange rind, mix lightly. Place in a inch square pan and dot witn butter or margarine. Cover witn pastry, sealing euges. Cut design in pastry to let sieam es cape base in a hot oven of 425 F. tor 20 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Serve warm with cream. Have you been trying to take off excess weight that you put on during the hoauays and winter? U’s a good idea, for any one who is overweight is putting more of a strain on tneir health. The usual reason ior overweigui is siuih*/ overeating, and so the way to take of weight is to reduce food intake. However, when on a re ducing diet, remember its im portant to have a diet that con tains essential food items. A healthful, economical reduc ing diet should include citrus fruit, eggs, enriched bread, lean meat, fisn or poultry, low calorie , vegetables, fruits, skimmed milk or buttermilk. Don’t forget it and don t try to reduce except under your doctor’s care. Of course one of the best re ducing exercises in the world is to shake your head from left to right when the second helping of food goes around. , —tfw— Spring Is In The Air—Stuart Mom Wins Subscription— Dear Blanche, Here it is nearly the first day of spring and we still have ice, snow and reports of more. Hasn't this been the longest winter? We’re still lucky though, compared to the folks in South Dakota. So far we’ve always been able to get out but it certainly isn’t easy. When the roads are blocked we go through tne pas tures. However, the mud is much the worst and when the snow goes off and the frost goes, the roads will be next to impassable. My geraniums are really bloom ing now Usually they bloom all winter but this year they didn’t. I think I kept them too dry. But, now that IVn watering them more, they are really blooming. I also have several cactus and they, too, are starting to bloom. They have a star shaped flower. I planted a few tomato seeds early in a can and had two love ly plants but when I transplanted them to a large can, they both died. PENNEY'S AT 50TH MILESTONE .. . The J. C. Penney company chain of stores this month is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its founding, according to G. C. DeBacker, manager of the O’Neill store. J. C. Penney, the founder, called the original store the Golden Rule at Kemmerer, Wyo. (above). From a single store the firm grew to the largest department chain store in the world. Mr. Penney was a Nebraska visitor last week. r have a few in another can, but they are small yet. So far I have never had much luck rais ing tomato plants indoors. This year I hope to have a hot bed and start tomato and cabbage plants. I have my husband in terested in‘the project so maybe I’ll get it And here’s hoping for a decent spring and sumer so we can all raise a big garden (as well as other crops). I did some early spring house cleaning in January and Feb ruary but have windows and woodwork to wash and paint. Just got our kitchen cleaned. We washed the ceiling and painted it. Then tore off bushels of old paper and repapered it. Hope to get some built-in cupboards soon. Now that lent is here I do a lot more baking than usual. For meatless meals I think hot breads, buscuits or a pie or cake perks up interst. My family doesn’t care much for puddings, although I do, so I usually make a cream pie and they like it that way. It is getting close to supper time so will close and go bake a cake. Sincerely STUART MOM SAYS SANDHILL SAL Weak coffee has caused almost as imany divorces as strong drink. Marriage more often founders on small rocks, rather than the big faults. People can be generous to a fault, but you can count te peo ple who are, that you know, on your right hand. W. J. Froelich arrived Wednes day, April 9, and spent the East er holidays with his wife and family. He returned to Chicago, 111., on Monday but plans to be with his family again this week end. —— J. C. Penney . . . Golden Rule in business as well as personal life. Visit Calkins Home — Mr. and Mrs- Donald Jackson were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calkins, enroute to their home in Ains worth from Tekamah, where they have been visiting relatives. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill : Nebraska MILLER THEATRE — Atkinson, Nebr. — FrL-Sat._ April 18-19 V ■ammam n*n dohw —Also— I I _ ^P^W6 STl mm PRICES SLASHED WOMEN’S SPRING SHORT COATS now 16.00 WOMEN’S SPRING LONG COATS now 18.00 - 22.00 - 25.00 WOMEN’S SPRING SUITS now 15.00-18.00 Women’s Spring Fabric Gloves, now 77c Men’s Gabardine Slacks, blue, tan_$5 Men’s Printed Broadcloth Sport Shirts $2 A . » » ® I I m Here’s what you find at Penney’s Golden Jubileel First Quality Full Cut RAYON BRIEFS • Run-resistant rayon tricot • Band or elastic leg i • All around elastic waist • Pink, white, blue, 1 maize • Small, medium, large STOCK UP DURING JUBILEEI I l I Cannon Terry | Towel Values! 11 Gay*«ode - If NYLONS for | V15 I 16”x26” face towel 34c 12"xl 2" wash cloth 14c Smash savings in Pen ney’s Golden Jubilee! Husky terry towels in the newest colors! Come stock up, SAVE JUBILEE PRICED! —— — vim i I ————^ :^p — _—9 9 MUkjf BOYS’ NO-IRON PLISSE SPORT SHIRTS Quality Percale 80-SQ. PRINTS JUBILEE SPECIAL In floral, cheery kitchen prints, novelty patterns! For all home sewing needs. 35” wide. . Vi).25c See how much more you save now on top quality cotton plisse sport shirts! They wash in a wink, won’t shrink out of fit! They’re vat-printed to stay color-bright, and they never need ironing! Stock up now! Yoh save yourself plenty! Sizes 2-18. \ i Misses’ ' WHITF ; k casuals in REAL 1 LEATHER! 277 _ • New popular styles 1 • Leather uppers, plat i forms, and heel covers! ' • Long-wearing soles! • Sanitized linings for cleaner, better wear! SAVE ON THIS JUBILEE PURCHASE! I SPECIAL! Men’s VAT - DYED PRE-SHRUNK Cool, Crisp Rayon Prinl SPORT SHIRTS JUBILEE SPECIAL _ JUBILEE SCOOP! GIRLS' DRESSES Brig* colorful prints on white grounds of eautiful embossed cotton. ; Size 3 to 6x Size 7 to 14 2.00 3.00 ---- Men’s Twill MATCHED SETS SANFORIZED VAT DYED GREY SHIRT f 14 to 17 _ 1 j I 3 GREY PANTS J| J| m 30 - 40 _ ^iftiV