LEGAL NOTICES (First pub. April 3, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 3770 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF S. A. SULENTIC, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on April 23rd, 1952, at 10 o’clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER, Countv Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 48-50 (First pub. April 3, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINT MENT OF ADMINISTRATOR DE BONIS NON PROBATE NO. 3757 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 1st, 1952 In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel G. Coover, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said Estate that on the 1st day of April, A.D., 1952, a petition was filed in this Court suggesting the death of Anna Coover, the Executrix of this estate, and praying for the appointment of H. S. Harper as Administrator de bonis non to make settlement with the Ex ecutor of the Anna Coover Es tate, and to make a Final Re port and Account in this estate and distribute the assets thereof pursuant to the Will of the de ceased and the Order of this Court. That said petition will come on for hearing on the 23rd day of April, A.D., 1952, at ten o’ clock A.M., in the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, COUNTY JUDGE (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 48-50 (First pub. April 3, 1952) NOTICE OF WATER BOND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that at a special election to be held in the City of O’Neill, Ne braska, on the 22nd day of April, 1952, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said City the following question: “Shall the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, issue its negotiable bonds of the principal amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) to become due twen ty years from the date of issue, provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be payable at the option of the City at any time after five years from their date, drawing interest at not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring a necessary water supply well or wells to be connected to the existing water supply and distribution system of the City of O’Neill, and to defray the cost of pur chasing and installing therein necessary apparatus for the pumping of water, and for the moving and reinstallation of certain water pumping appa V-P-KHi • o | ratus now owned by the City of O’Neill, together with the furnishing of all necessary ap - purtenances therefor, and, shall said City levy and collect an nually a general tax on all the property therein in an amount sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as they mature?” For said Bonds and tax ( ) Against said Bonds and Tax The polls for voting at said election will remain open from 8 o’clock A.M. to 8 o’clock P.M. of said day and the voting places shall be as follows: O’Neill City First Ward, Basement of the Holt County Courthouse; O’Neill City Second Ward, at the Alva Marcellus Garage; O’Neill City Third Ward, at the O’Neill City Council Room. Voters desiring to vote in fa vor of said proposition will mark an “X” in the square following the words “For Said Bonds and Tax”; voters desiring to vote a gainst said proposition will mark an “X ’ in the square following the words, “Against said Bonds and Tax.” J. E. DAVIS, Mayor O. D. FRENCH, 48'-50c _City Clerk (First pub. March 20, 1952) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Ralph E. Powell; Leila E. Powell; Lelia E. Turner, The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Madison C. Powell, deceased, real names unknown; The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Edith B. Powell, deceased, real names unknown; The heirs, de visees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Jose phine M. Powell, deceased, real names unknown; Eunice M. Cowles, Administratrix of the estate of Edgar P. Cowles, de ceased; Mary G. Brenneman; George Brenneman; Miranda Brenneman; Lavina Gough; Hen rietta Hemly; Raymond Leon ard; Herman Leonard; D. W. Brenneman; Daniel W. Brenne man; William P. Shade, Executor ol the Last Will and Testament of Eli Brenneman, d eceased; The heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Eli Brenneman, deceased, real names unknown; Ava Barclay; Beatrice Barclay; Barbara Bar clay; Blanche Flannigan, former ly Blanche Barclay; C. W. Payne; Agnes Sargisson; Agnes Becker; Pearl Gertrude Terry; Lillian Mae Reilly; Paul William Sargisson; Edith Eleanor Reilly; Edna Hannah Clary; Harvey Payne Sargisson; Walter N. Sar gisson; Walton Charles Sargis son; George Thomas Sargisson; J. J. Eimers and A. T. Bennett, Administrators of the estate of Payne Sargisson, deceased; The heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Payne Sargisson, deceased, real names unknown; All per sons having or claiming any in terest in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and East Half of the Southwest Quar ter of Section Four; Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter, North Half of the Southeast Quarter and Southwest Quar ter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Eight; Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter, South Half of the Northwest Quarter, North Half of the Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine; South west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Ten; North west Quarter, North Half of the Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter and Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eleven; North Half of Section Twelve; Northwest Quarter of Section Fourteen; West Half of the Northwest Quarter and Southeast Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section Fifteen; Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-one; Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, North Half of the Southeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-three; North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-eight, Township Thirty two North, Range Fifteen, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, Defendants. You and each of you are nere by notified that on the 18th day of March, 1952, William J. Froe lich, Irma F. Froelich, William J. Sinek and Margaret P. Sinek, as plaintiffs filed the^r petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in them, the said William J. Froelich, Inha F. Froelich, William J. Sinek and Margaret P. Sinek, as tenants in common, to the real estate here inabove specifically described, as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real es tate, or any part thereof; and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of April, 1952. Dated this 18th day of March, 1952. William J. Froelich, Irma F. Froelich, William J. Sinek, Margaret P. Sinek, Plaintiffs, By: Julius D. Cronin . . Their Attorney 46-49c (First pub. March 27, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3813 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, March 25th, 1952. In the Matter of the Estate of Chester Calkms, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested m said estate that a petition has been filed in s*fid Court for the appointment of Harold L. Calkins as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard April 17 th, 1952, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. RE1MER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 47-49c (First pub. April 3, 1952) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 24, 1952, until 10:00 o’clock A- M., and at that time publicly opened and read for SAND GRA VEL FOR SURFACING and inci dental work on the O’NEILL BARTLETT Patrol No. 81039 State Road. The approximate quantity is: 2,900 Cu.Yds. Sand Gravel Surface Course Material The attention of bidders is di rected to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours of labor prescribed by the “Fair La bor Standards Act of 1938,” ap proved June 25, 1938 (Public No. 718, 75th Congress), will be re quired in the performance of the work under this contract The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per hour, except that a minimum wage of one dol lar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour shall be paid to: Crane Operators Dragline Operators x uwci onuvtri wpeiaiurs The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be ninety-five (95) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be seventy-five (75) cents per hour. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and informa tion secured at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebras ka, at the office of the County Clerk at Bartlett, Nebraska, at the office of the Division Engin eer of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Ainsworth, Ne braska, or at the office of the De partment of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 percent of his contract. As evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified cheek made payable to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than three hun dred fifty (350) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. Department of Roads and Irri gation. H. L. AITKEN, State Engineer, J. M. CROOK, Division Engin eer, RUTH KOFFMAN, County Clerk. Holt County, H. F. THOMAS, County Clerk, Wheeler County. 48-50 (First pub. April 3, 1952) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc- | tion on the 30th day of April, [ 1952, at the time hereinafter des ignated, at the office of the County Treasurer of Holt Coun ty, in O’Neill, Nebraska, the fol lowing educational lands within said county: At 9:30 oclock A. M.: Description Sec- Twp. Rge. swy»-sEy4Nwyi _it> 31 11 N^SEVi-Ntt-16 31 15 Frac. WVi-36 31 16 E^s —-36 28 15 W M-16 31 10 E^NEy4-NEy4NW^4 16 32 13 At 1:30 o’clock P. M.: Description Sec- Twp. Rge. Nwy4-N\vy4swy4 i6 29 11 NVi ..—16 30 14 wvfe-NMsNEy4-swy4SEy4 _ _36 26 12 NWy4NEy4-NWV4 .36 26 9 All _16 26 14 Said sale may be adjourned from day to day until all lands have been offered. No sale will final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS Henry H. Bartling, Secretary. _ 48-50c (First pub. April 3, 1952) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the City Clerk of O’ Neill, Nebraska, at his office un til 2:00 p.m. April 28th, 1952, and at that time publicly opened and read for the furnishing of labor, materials and equipment for drilling and installing a city water well and pumping appara tus, and for moving and re-in stallation of certain water pump ing apparatus of the City in pres ent wells. Detailed plans and specifications may be obtained from the City Clerk. Bidders must accompany bid with certi fied check in the amount of 5% of the amount of bid to guaran tee that bidder will execute con tract and file required bond if succesful. The City reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make a wards on bids which furnish the equipment that will in their °,f, the City. or to reject any or all bids. Engineers estimate of cost of total project is $11,800.00. City of O’Neill, Nebraska J. E. DAVIS, Mayor DALE FRENCH, 48-51c_City Clerk First publ- April 10, 1952 (Julius D. Cronin, Atty.) UN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNT*. NEBRASKA OnDER FIX-NG DAY FOR HEADING ON PETITION FOR PROBATE OF FOREIGN WILL in the Matter of the Estate of ASA K. BAKER, Deceased. Now, on this 7th day of April, AD., 1952, Margaret G. Baker filed her petition in this court and presented in this Court an authenticated copy of the Last Will and Testament of Asa R. Baker, Deceased, late of Potta wattamie County, Iowa, the pray er of said petition being that a date be fixed by this Court for the purpose of approving and al lowing said Last Will and Testa ment and causing the same to be filed and recorded in tnis Court. iT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED by the Court that said petition come on for hearing before this Court on the 1st day of May, A.D., 1952, at ten o’clock A. M., when all persons interested in said es tate may appear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; that no tice hereof be given all persons interested herein by publishing a copy hereof in The Frontier, for three weeks prior to the date of said hearing. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 49-5lc First Publ. April 10, 1952 (Julius D. Cronin, Atty.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3820 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 7th, 1952. In the Matter of the Estate of Agatha Heeb, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Emil Heeb as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard May 1st, 1952 at 10 o’clock, A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 49-51c CHAMBERS NEWS A letter received by relatives from Mrs. Donald Grimes, of Eat on, Colo., stated that while she, her husband and daughter were visiting at the Clifford Janman home at Loveland, Colo., on Sun day, March 30, the Stanley Jar man family arrived from Cham bers for a visit. The latter were enroute to their new location at Ashton, Ida. All three families are former Chambers residents. Sunday dinner guests in the Kenneth Werner home were Mrs. Werner’s sister. Mrs. Robert Kalb, and children of Queen City, Tex.; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berl i 1 Waldo and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waldo and children, and Mr. Werners momer, Mrs. Henry Werner, of Emmet. Afternoon caiiers were Mr. and Mrs. biU Arnnolt, sr., Mr. and Mrs. bill | Arnholt, jr., of Bassett. Voters Wade Mud, Water to Polls DELOIT — Good citizens in Deloit township made a special effort to reach the polls on Tues day, April 1, for the April fool’s day primary election. Roads were so bad in the west ern part of the township the vot ers traveled as far as they could by automobile, waded through the mud and water, and were met on the opposite side by Bud Bar tak. He took them the rest of the way by truck and returned them to the water hole. Mr. Bartak made the trip ev ery two hours throughout the day. Twenty-six voles were cast —13 republican and 13 democrat. Other Deloit News uats are oeing sowed in this lo | cality. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack ! wc. v. Mumper Weanesuay evening. April 2 at the Henry iioiraer home, the occasion was ..u.pus bir.nday anniversary. Madine Stearns is i week with her grandparents. Mr. ^iul Mrs. Fred Stearns. . , nu Mrs. Ewald Spahn spent Tuesday evening, April 1 at Ralph Tomjacks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jewell and sons and Mrs. Jeweil, sr.. of Dal las, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and son were Sunday guests at John Bauers. Mr. and Mrs. D. Maulding, of Clearwater, visited the Merle Fil singer home Thursday evening, April 3. The HEO club held an election on Thursday, April 3. Mrs. Ewald Spahn was elected president and Mrs. H. Reimer, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Rudy Funk was a guest. Next meeting will be on May 8, at the Spahn home. Mrs. Joe Knievel visited the dentist on Thursday, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. K. Reimer and E layne and Mr. and Mrs. H. Man son spent Sunday, March 30 at Cozad. Clyde Van Every Elected to National Angus Association — Clyde VanEvery, of O’Neill, has been elected to membership in lhe American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders’ association, Chicago, 111. Mr. Van Every was one of the eight purebred Aberdeen-An gus breeders elected from Ne braska during the past month to membership in the organization. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace will go to Omaha today (Thursday) to get their son, Robert Wallace, who will begin his spring vaca tion from the Creighton univer sity medical school. Cattle Market Good but Supply Light Hog receipts numbered around 600 head at the Thursday, April 3, sale at the O'Neill Livestock .viarket. Top butchers hit $16 75. borne heavy butchers sold on uown to $15.00. Sows were quot ed from $15.00 down to $13.00. Feeder pigs sold from $15.00 up to, $17.00. The cattle run was light, at tributed chiefly to the road con ditions. The market was good and strong. Yearling steers were selling at 35c down to about 32c. Yearling heifers were quoted from 32c to 30c. The best cows were selling around 22c and can ners and cutters ranged from 19c down to 14c. EMMET SCHOOL NEWS There was no school Tuesday, April 1, because of election. Gaughenbaughs still here be cause roads south of Inman are wot. Emmet school attended Holt county rural school song festival in O’Neill Friday. Mr. Downey and Mary Cabelka, of the O’Neill Photo companyt took individual and group pic tures Wednesday, April 2. Maureen Schaaf’s birthday an-, niversary party was held on Wed April 2. Ice cream bars, cup cakes and cake were served. Visitors were Mrs. Grant Peacock, Carol and Curtis, Mrs. Wayne Bates, Graydon and Linda, and Mrs El mer Schaaf, Ruthie, Bernard and Gene Edward. The sixth grade made a mural of “Life in the Scandinavian Countries.” Mrs. John Murphy visited school on Friday last week. The primary grades are making a booklet in science on “Signs of Spring.” The eighth grade finished their science books.—By Ronald Mur hpy, reporter. Frontier for printing! Elkhorn Meets— Mrs. Preston Jones entertained the Elkhorn extension club Tues day, March 25, with Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky assisting. Mrs. Bob Cook and Mrs. Elizabeth Howard gave the lesson on “Mending." Mrs. Ralph Bauman won the guessing games. The next meet ing was to be with Mrs. William liam Kraft Tuesday, April 8. NEW ADDRESS Pvt. Algie Quentin Cavanaugh now has a new address 82CoZ Co., 808 EAB, APO 97, care eg PM, San Francisco, Calif. He i* now stationed at Kunson, Korea. “Voice of The Frontier" WJAG . . . thrice weekly, 9:45 a.m. Public SALE! I WILL OFFER the following described personal property at public auction at the residence, located in Page, two blocks west and one block north of the Farmers Store, on— FRIDAY, APRIL 11 — SALE STARTS AT 1:30 P.M. — 1—Frigidaire, 3 - 1—Day Bed with yrs.-old, GMC mattress 1—Electric Range , 1—Rocking Chair 1-yr. old, GMC 1—Big Chair 1—Kitchen Cab- 1—Stand inet 1—Organ 1—Oil Burner, 1—Sewing Machine International Brunswick 1—Kitchen Table 1—Hall Tree 6—Kitchen Chairs 1—Dresser 1—Kitchen 2—Mattresses Linoleum 1—Bedstead 1—Electric Wash- 1—Dining Room er, Norge, good Rug condition, 1—Ironing Board looks like new 1—Double Wash 1—Buffet Tub Many Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention USUAL TERMS: CASH Mrs. Harold Canady — OWNER — BUY WANSER, Auctioneer Edward T. Gerin, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Complete Shock - Proof X-Ray Office over Gilligan’s Telephone 16SW CATTLE SALE Every Tuesday Starting at 12:30 P.M. “Your consignments solicited” Sell Them Where They Have The Buyers Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson. Nebraska Phone S141 I ^nqouMbr HKWWW-v.Mwww"™'--- --- THE SMOOTH N GOLDEN MELLOW BREW! • FalstafTs goes down easily! Fal staff’s golden ... there’s premium quality brewing! FalstafFs mellow... fully aged for flavor. Sing out for Falstaff today. You’ll have a smooth ’n golden mel low friend for Life! FAUITAFF BRVWINQ C'ORP . W «»■. f-— Nebr., New Orleans. 1*. mtmtmrTma Here's ffre story of your ELECTRICAL DIVIDENDS— ^ Bonds Retired From Earnings (Includes Funds Reserved For Bond Retirement) .$12,939,000.00 Funds Derived From Operations Used To Rebuild And Expand Electrical Facilities. .$12,392,610.00 Savings To Customers Through Consumers Rate Reductions.$ 8,535,000.00 TOTAL USER BENEFITS.$33,866,610.00 Since Consumers Public Power District began operations, approxi mately ten years ago, the custom era, up to January 1, 1952, have received benefits totaling $33,866, 610.00! This represents a sound, valuable investment, for our cus tomers, in the better living—that is ELECTRICAL LIVING! Your electrical dollars have been kept hard at work building, expand* ing and keeping pace with the eleo* trical needs of onr customers 1 At the sume time, these busy electrical dollars have been retiring bonds on a steady, systematic schedule! Hiese dollars are dedicated to building a progressive. ELECTRICAL Nebraska 1 TODAY’S ELECTRIC DOLLAR IS THE BIGGER VALUE! Serving Nebraska ELECTRICALLY — ECONOMICALLY! • fjg ' " S 0 %