The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 03, 1952, Page 12, Image 12

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    Returns to California
Army Station
ROCK FALLS — Loyal Lull
took his son, Donald, to Grand Is
land Tuesday night where he
boarded a bus to Pittsburg, Calif.,
where he is now stationed. He
has been home on a 40-clay fur
Other Rock Fails News
Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Sullivan
and Peggy and Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Murray and family were
dinner guests Sunday at Dave Mo
lar’s. Don Molar was an after
noon caller.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Paulter and
son arrived Friday from Patter
son, N. J., for a visit at the Blake
Benson home
A birthday anniversary dinner
•party was held at Blake Benson’s
Sunday in honor of El win Ben
son, of Omaha, and Mrs. Lou
Paulter, the former Inez Benson.
Besides those honored, the guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben
son and family, Lou Paulter and
son, Mrs. Maime O’Neill, Carroll
O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’
Neill and Gene.
Mrs. Fannie Ernst was a din
ner guest of Mrs. Emma Law
rence in O’Neill Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Larsen and
family were dinner guests at
Francis Curran’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Derick
son spent Sunday at the Levi
•Yantzie home
Mrs. Bob Yantzie and Gene
and Mrs. Don Lowery spent last
Thursday afternoon at Levi
i Orville Thorsen was a dinner
guest at Blake Benson's last
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzie, Mr.
and Mrs James Curran and Ar
dell were in Yankton last Friday.
Ivan McClanahan is home on
furlough visiting his father, Earl
McClanahan. They called at the
Lloyd Gallagher home last week.
Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Pat
were Thursday afternoon visitors
at the Levi Yantzie home.
Ardell Curran, Orville Miller
asd Chuck Felver sawed wood for
Elwin Grutch Monday afternoon.
Bill Claussen sold hogs last
John and Morris Grutch went
t« Oakdale Sunday to visit Mrs.
Leslie Stevens ana family.
Rita and Janice Vequist spent
Sunday at James McNulty’s.
Mrs. Celia Grutch spent Sun
day at Lyle Vequist’s.
The Fgiochle Pirates met Fri
day evening at the Lyle Vequist
Mrs. Henry Vequist and Mrs.
Orville Morrow went to Omaha
Saturday morning to visit Ray
mond Voouist and family. They
returned home Monday evening.
A birthday anniversary party
was held Sunday evening at t£e
Lyle Vequist home in honor of
Mrs. James McNulty. Besides
the McNulty’s, guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I^answorth
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Grutch and family. (Mr. and Mrs.
John Grutch and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. James Cur
ran and Ardell. After supper
cards were played James Mc
Nulty and Helen Grutch won
high, Joe Grutch and Marie Lans
worth had low.
Dale, George and Judy Curran
were Sunday guests at James
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
girls were Monday evehirtg vis
itors at the Don Hynes home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
children spent Tuesday evening
at Don Hynes.
A birthday anniversary party
was held at Louis Brown’s Sun
day in honor of Don Hynes ana
Mrs. Kenneth Young. Guests
! were Mr. and Mrs. Oswald
Drueke and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Austin nynes and Regina, Mrs.
i^ora Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Hynes and Lynda and Mr. ana
Mrs. Kenneth Young and Bobby,
of Ravenna.
Dorothy Pinnt and Lois Hull
visited at the Loyal Hull home
from Thursday until Sunday.
Members of the election board
were Lyle Vequist, Dave Molar,
Floyd Johnson, Morris Grutch ana
James Curran- School children
in district 33 enjoyed a short va
Betty Lou Curran spent Sunday
night with the Margritz girls and
visited school with them Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
spent Monday at Ray Margritz’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
family visited at Mickey Stew
art’s Sunday evening wanting to
meet the new baby, Randy. Mrs
Elizabeth Stewart, of Randolph,
is helping at the Stewart home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
family were guests at Walter
Sire’s in Butte for dinner Sunday.
Walter Sire and daughter,
Helen, spent Saturday at the Roy
Margritz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson
and Russy were supper guests at
Floyd Johnson’s Friday.
The Twice-a-Month card club
met Saturday at Louis Brown’s
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd John
son, Dan Waegli. Dona Ray Brain
er and Dan Rakes were present.
mgn was won Dy uan naxes anu
Clementine Johnson. Lorraine
and John Schultz had low. A
lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
family and Mr. and Mrs. John
Schultz and family were Sunday
evening guests at Floyd John
Clyde Johnson and Clyde Wabs
spent Monday afternoon at Floyd
Mrs. Dan Waegli and Chester
Waegli went to Beaver Crossing
Saturday morning to attend the
wedding of Mr. Waegli’s grand
daughter. They returned home
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and
family were dinner guests at Al
den Breiner’s Sunday.
Mrs. Theresa Breiner called at
Bill Murray’s in O’Neill Monday.
Dan Waegli was a dinner guest
at Louis Brown’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sterns
and family and Mr. and Mrs- Neil
Davis were dinner and supper
guests at Albert Sterns’ Sunday.
John Richardson called in the
Miss Doris Sterns was home
from Lincoln for the weekend.
The Pleasant Day club held a
regular card party Wednesday
evening. March 26, at Mrs. Blake
Benson’s. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Margritz and family and
Dan Rakes. Henry Vequist and
Mrs. Lyle Vequist had high, Mrs.
John Schultz and Dan Rakes had
low. A lunch was served.
Ed Clausen, Vet
World War I, Dies
STUART— Ed Clausen, 61, a
veteran of World War I, died Fri
day, March 28, at the Veterans
hospital, Grand Island.
Mr. Clausen, a bachelor, was
born and raised in Boyd county
and had lived in Stuart the past
four years where he did masonry
Work. - ,.
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday, April 2, at 2 o’clock
in Butte.
Frontier for printing.
.->> ♦ • I • ' mm. _ •
9 Students Compete
at Kearney —
On Friday, March 28, nine high
school students accompanied by
Supt. D. C. Nelson and Paul
Baker, went to Kearney, where
they participated in the 2nd an
nual interhigh school contest at
the Kearney State Teachers
The following took the tests:
Evalyn Asher, Mary Fetrow, Paul
Fetrow, Lyle Fox, Marilyn Lind
berg, Claryce Johnson, AJarlene
Waring, Ruth Young and Mar
garet Aim,
Hogencampg Return —
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hogeneamp
and family arrived in O’Neill
Thursday, March 13, from Rock
Rapids, la., and are operating the
East End cafe. They have three
rhildren—a daughter, who is a
sophomore, will finish the school
term at Rock Rapids; another
daughter attending the eighth
grade in the public school here,
and they have a son who is not of
school age. They are residing in
the apartments in the cafe.
3 Guests at Jeudi
Gathering —
Mrs. Allan Jaskowiak was hos
tess to the Jeudi club on Monday,
March 31. A 7 o’c’lock dinner was
held at the M<£M cafe followed
by bridge at her home. Guests
were Mrs. M. J. Golden, Mrs. E.
M. Gallagher and Mrs. Joseph
McCarville, jr. The high score
winners were Mrs. Golden and
Mrs. Gallagher.
Mrs. Osenbaugh Hostess —
Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh enter
tained the Merri Myx bridge club
on Tuesday afternoon with a des
sert luncheon at 1:30 p.m., fol
lowed by bridge High score
went to Mrs. H. F. (Moses. Mrs.
H. G. Kruse received second high.
Guests were Mrs. Fred Robert
son and Mrs. L. A. Carter.
Linda Sue Hunt
Marks 3d Birthday —
Linda Sue, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Hunt celebrated her
third birthday anniversary on
Thursday, March 27. Mrs. Hunt
entertained seven little girls and
boys and their mothers. Refresh
ments consisted of ice creaim and
cake were served.
Mrs Donoho« Surprised —
Mrs. Harry Graham and Mrs.
Merle Hickey entertained at a
surprise birthday party on Thurs
day, March 27, in honor of Mrs.
John Donohoe, at the home of
Mrs. Merle Kickey. For enter
tainment games were played. She
received many gifts. Refresh
ments were served.
- ■ - -- - —i ■
Mrs. Schensel Honored —
Mrs. Carl Schenzel was sur
prised by a group of ladies on
Wednesday afternoon, March 26,
the occasion being her birthday
anniversary. The afternoon was
spent socially. Refreshments con
sisting of jello, cake and coffee
were served.
Strongs Are Hosts —
A birthday anniversary party
was held Sjinday night, (March 30,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Strong in honor of Theodofe
Strong. Cards were played dur
ing the evening- Refreshments
| were served.
Cpl. Dolores Bauer was a Sun
day dinner guest with Elizabeth
Howard and family. She is sta
tioned at Ft. George E. Meade,
Md., and returns to duty Satur
day, April 5.
50 Attend Family
Dinner at Kaisers
A party of nearly 50 relatives
and friends gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser,
Esther and Ivan, for dinner and
supper on Sunday, March 30, in
honor of Minnie Stevens and
Vina Bower, of Wyoming, sisters
of Herbert Kaiser.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fre
man Stevens, Dennis and Col
leen, of Farson, Wyo.; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Bower and son, Ron
nie, of Casper, Wyo.; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kaiser and family, of
Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Murphy and Pat, of Stuart; Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Kliment, sr., and
son, Ivan, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dobias and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis F. Kliment and Larry, Den
nis and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Kaiser and Shirley, Mr. and
Mrs. John Zahradnicek, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Weller, Karen, Mary,
Roger and Gene, Mr. and Mrs.
John Silverstrand, all of Atkin
son; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompson
and son, Douglas, of Bloomfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange, of
Atkinson, marketed hogs at the
O’Neill Livestock sale barn on
Thursday, March 27. They wore
dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Lange’s mother, Mrs. Hazel Boat
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gehring
had as their guests Saturday eve
ning, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange,
of Atkinson. The group visited
in Neligh during the evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Lange returned to their
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartos and
Mrs. Bartos’ (mother were supper
guests at the Henry Bauer home
in Plainview Wednesday, March
2 , to be with Mrs. Bartos’ cou
sin, Cpl. Dolores Bauer, who is
stationed at Maryland.
Lloyd and Delbert Rouse called
on their grandmother, Mrs. Car
rie Borg, Saturday afternoon,
March 29.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chaney
went to Grand Island on Friday,
March 28,where they visited at
the home of Mrs. Mabel Shade.
They returned to their home in
O’Neill on Saturday, March 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries, of At
kinson, were Saturday, March 29,
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Cone.
Pfc. Gerald Davidson, who is
in the marine corps, in San Diego,
Calif., arrived in O’Neill Sunday
morning and will visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. David
son, and familv for four days.
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kirkpat
rick and sons spent the weekend
in Greeley, visiting the Jack Van
Ness family.
Pfc. Kobert Walton went to
Camp Pendleton, Calif., on Fri
day, March 28, after spending a
10-day furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Walton. He
has been stationed in San Diego,
Pvt. Marcellus Howard, ol
Topeka, Kans., who has been
spending a few days with his
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard,
departed Sunday.
On Monday evening, March 31,
Mrs. R. E. Davidson entertained
at a family dinner In honor of her
son, Pfc. Gerald Davidson, of the
marine corps. Besides the imme
diate family, guests included his
twin sister and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. James Banks and
daughter, Patty Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Bauer were
Sunday visitors at the home ol
Mrs. Elizabeth Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek
called on Mrs. Dorothy Barrett
and Mr. and Mrs. James Havra
nek in Atkinson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan, of
Columbus, accompanied by Mrs.
Langan’s mother, Mrs. Arthur
Bower, of Chicago, III., were
guests at the M. M. Langan home
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Curran.
Mr. and Mm. Don Hopkins vis
ited at the home of Mrs. Frank
Meyers in Ewing on Sunday,
March 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jeffrey
spent the weekend in Laurel
with Mrs. Jeffrey’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A- Jeffrey.
Mrs. Vera Stamp and son, Jack,
of New (Market, la., spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Davis. Mrs. Zena
Porter, of Canyon City, Colo.,
Mrs. Stamps mother, accom
panied them to O’Neill and will
spend some time at the Davis
home. She is a sister of Ho
mer Davis, and Mrs. Stamp is his
Mrs- Blanche O’Malley and son,
Jerry, of Chambers, were Thurs
day, March 27, guests at the home
of Mrs. Edna Coyne.
yin. Revell Presents
Lesson —
The Star get-to-gether club
met Wednesday, March 19 at the
home of Mrs. Fred Krugman.
Thirteen members were present
with Mrs. Sammie Derickson as
a guest. During the business
meeting the subject for achieve
ment day was discussed and ap
proved. Mrs. Dale Revell gave
a lesson on mending.
The next meeting will be held
'April 9 at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam Derickson.
After adjourning, a lunch was
served by the hostess. — Mrs.
i Ewalt Miller, reporter.
¥ ,
I Pickled Green Peppers, 3-oz. btle... 10c
SrtSiK Swtt Hming Soap 9c
Commeal Gerber’s
Mush. 24-oi. tall can —- 15C BftbY Csraals, box -- J "Jc
Delsey Tissue, 2 rolls_31c
Friskies Dog Meal, 5 lbs. for.65c
IGA Dark Red Ea. IGA Garden Fresh
Kldner Beans, No. 2 cn. 17e Spinach 15-os. can_ 18c
1-Lb. Pkg.
Wilson’s C.K. Bacon, sliced.38c
Large Bologna, lb.. 49c
Clean with Kellogg's Cereal
i Climalene. pkg.-25c ! "rray*' u, t cereals, ea. 3Se
Fresh Tender Beets in Plastic Bag... 18c
Calif. Juicy Lemons, 3 for.14c
i&dtdave* money/
3 4 Jp&m? 44
, * 47.04 Max. Balt H.P.
41.34 Max. Drawbar H.P.
260-Cublc-lncti Engine
Futl-Preuure lubricated
Potltive Valve Rotator*
Removable Sleeve*
I , . I
» . ■ I ■
260-cubic-inch high-compression engine gives the 44
power aplenty lor heavy field, road, yard and belt work.
In plowing, planting or harvesting . . . wherever the
success of a job depends on stepped-up production —
that's when the 44’s extra power pays off in time saved,
and in the greater ability to get more done. Ask for a
demonstration of the Massey Harris 44, the tractor that
out-powers and outperforms any other tractor in the
3-4 plow class.
P^one 373 West O’Neill
Lots of Yearlings, Calves Today
• Today's cattle sale will feature a good supply of yearlings
and calves and the usual run of stock cows, canners and cut
ters and bulls. Fat cattle earlier in the week ware selling steady
to 25 cents lower at the terminals; sloe leer and feeder trading was
• Several hundred feeder pigs and the usual run of fat hogs
will feature today's sale. Butchers Monday at Omaha were at
their lowest point since April 21, 1950. Improved road conditions
should increase today's receipts.
Phone 346-J West O’Neill
. i—v J
tp y *•
Thursday Star Special
Beautiful addition to any living room
. . . features lighted base . . . complete
with reflector and washable plastic
Regular Price 12.95
Thursday Only.S.95
I : .
C C ^ C C
11 ,\Jp*v v v v
• iT-.
Save $40.00 on Every One of These Suites
$ 11 $ 5
<P <P 1
Genuine 3-Pc. Bassett Suite in Walnut
9 drawer triple dresser, large mirror, chest, and bed, Du
pont finish. All solid Hardwood. Dustproof guided draw
Regular 259.50. .Now Only 219.50
Nationally Advertised Mainline 3-Pc, Mr, and Mrs. Set
In solid limed oak. Double dresser, mirror attached, chest
\\ and bed. Dustproof guided drawers.
Regular 239.50 ..Now Only 199.50
$<P <P (I* (
tD iD o i
Bassett 3-Pc. Dresser Suite in Solid Limed Oak
Beautiful finish. Plenty of drawers. r
Regular 199.50 ....... ..-.Now Only 159.50
5 $ $
4-Pc. Solid Limed Oak Vanity, Chest, Bed and Bench
* Wjt o
Dustproof guided drawers, plate mirror, beautiful picture
front styling.
Regular 209.50 .....Now Only 169.50
/-•» t Nkftciy >
Many More to Choose From. Free Delivery!
Furniture & Appliance
j Phone 346-J — West O’Neill