The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 06, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    * -
Attends Wedding
in Minnesota—
Mrs. E. F. Sullivan went to St
Paul, Minn., on Friday. February
22, where she attended the wed
ding of her nephew, Darrel J.
Rial, to Miss Elaine Malm, on
Saturday, February 23, at 9 o’
clock in the St. Louis Catholic
church in St Paul. A luncheon
was held after the ceremony for
the wedding attendants and out
of-town guests at the home of
Mrs. Sullivans sister, Mrs. Cletus
C. Rial. Darrell Rial is an assist
ant teacher of art at the Univer
sity of Minnesota.
E. F. Sullivan went to Omaha
Sunday where he met Mrs. Sulli
van. They returned to O’Neill
Sunday evening.
Mrs. French Entertains
Contract Club—
Mrs. O. W. French entertained
the Contract club Wednesday
afternoon, February 27, with a 1
o’clock luncheon at the M&M
cafe and cards at her home fol
lowing the luncheon.
Mrs. John Conard and Mrs.
Guy Cole, of Emmet, and Mrs.
William Biglin and Mrs. D. C.
Schaffer were guests. The win
ners were Mrs. William Biglin
and Mrs. Harry Petersen.
Mrs. McKenna Hostess—
Mrs. Mabel McKenna enter
tained a group of friends Sunday
afternoon. The afternoon was
spent playing bridge.
Guests were Mrs. Guy Cole
and Mrs. John Conard, of Em
met; Mrs. Homer Mullen, Mrs.
D. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Winnie
Barger, Mrs. Alice Bridges and
Mrs. Esther Cole Harris. Re
freshments were served.
Mrs. Cook Honoree—
Mrs. Robert Cook was honor
ed Sunday evening, March 2,
when a group of her friends sur
prised her on her birthday anni
versary . There were 3 tables
of pinochle. Mrs. Ralph Bauman
and Roy Lowry won high score
and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy were
low. Mrs. Roy Lowry won the
travelling prize. Refreshments
were served.
Card Party—
Mrs. Mary Zastrow entertain
ed a group at a card party on
Sunday evening, February 2.
Those in attendance were Mr.
and Mrs. James Carney, Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Hynes and Mrs. Lor
etta Hynes.
Mrs. Barger Hostess —
The Jeudi club met on Tues
day evening with a dinner at the
M & M cafe, and cards at the home
of Mrs. Winnie Barger following
the dinner. Winners were Mrs.
Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. J. B.
Grady. -n.
Circle Meets —
Circle III of the Women’s As
sociation of the First Presby
terian church, met Thursday eve
ning, February 28, at the home of
Mrs. Harry Peterson. __
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 6-7-8
Story of the B-29 superfortress
starring Wendell Corey, Vera
Ralston, Forrest Tucker, Phil
Harris with Walter Brennan.
William Ching, Ruth Donnelly,
Harry Carey, jr„ Penny Ed
wards. *1^
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c
Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
March 9-10-11
Out-singing! out-dancing!
out-shining them all!
In technicolor with Mitzi Gay
nar, Dale Robertson, Dennis Day,
James Barton, Una Merkel. Ray
mond Walbum.
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. ToL 50c
Children 10c. plus 2c tax. ToL 12c
Matinee Sunday 2:30
Wednesday and Thursday
March 12-13
Starring Claudette Colbert.
MacDonald Carey, Zachary
Scott with Barbara Bates. Rob
ert Wagner, Marilyn Monroe.
Adm.: 42c. plus tax 8c. Total 50c
Children 10c, plus 2c tax: tot. 12c
Pfc. Stanley Young
Mrs. Guy Young entertained
on Sunday, March 2, in honor
of her son, Pfc. Stanley Young,
who arrived home on Wednes
day, February 27, for a week
The guests included Herbert
Rouse and son, Mervin; Mr. and
ivirs. Walter Young and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and
family, Misses Inez Young and
Maude Rouse, Mr. and Mrs.
Carol Summerer and son and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
Manley left on Wednesday for
Camp Tinker, Oklahoma City,
Okla., where he will report for
duty March 9. He will visit en
route with a brother and sister
in Topeka, Kans.
Ben Asher Is 8—
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Asher, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ron
ny, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher
and family, all of Page, and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Asher and son,
of O’Neill, were Sunday, March
2, dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer,
the occasion being the 2d birth
day anniversary of Ben Asher,
jr., although he is 8-years-old.
His birthday anniversary is on
February 29.
Women's C«ub Switches
Meeting Date —
The O’Neill Woman’s club has
changed its date for the March
meeting from Wednesday, Mardh
12, to Tuesday, March 11, at the
American Legion lounge. The
switch was made to avoid conflict
with the O’Neill appearance of the
University of Nebraska band.
The program will be on
flower arrangement by Mr. Row
den, from a Norfolk flower shop.
Soldier, Bride
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green en
tertained their nephew and his
bride, Pfc. and Mrs. James Mul
ler, of Camp Breckenridge, Ky.,
on Tuesday evening, February
26, at a dinner party.
The Mullers were married in
Chicago, 111., on Saturday, Feb
ruary 23. When they leave O’
Neill, Private Muller has his or
ders to go to the Far East.
Halvas Celebrate
On Monday evening, March 3,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva cele
brated their 33d wedding anni
versary by entertaining at 2
tables of pinochle. Refreshments
were served at the close of a
pleasant evening.
Mrs. McCarville Hostess—
The Chez-a-Mari club met on
Monday, March 3, with a dinner
at the M&M cafe and cards fol
lowing the dinner at the home
of Mrs. J. L. McCarville, jr. Mrs.
Marvin Miller and Mrs. Joe
Stutz won high score at bridge.
Merri Myx Meets —
Mrs. H. L. Lindberg entertained
the Meri Myx bridge club at her
home Tuesday afternoon. A cov
ered dish luncheon was enjoyed
at 1 o’clock followed by bridge.
Winner was Susie Hubbard, of
Chambers. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer
was a guest.
P-TA Meet Postponed—
The O’Neill Parent-Teachers
association meeting, originally
scheduled for Monday, March
10, has been postDoned until
Monday, March 17. Meeting place
is at the O’Neill public school
band room.
Officers to Practice—
Symphony chapter OES will
meet Thursday evening, March
13, at 0 o’clock for a stated
meeting. The officers will prac
tice and lunch will be served, ac
cording to Mrs. Carrie McMahan,
worthy matron.
— -
Yantzis Entertain—
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yantzi en
tertained a grpup of friends on
Thursday, February 28, in hon
or of Dr. O. W. French’s birthday
Rebekahs to Meet—
Rebekah lodge members will
hold a regular meeting at the
IOOF lodge hall on Friday,
March 7.
The O’Neill Saddle club will
meet Monday, March 10, at 8
p.m., at the Legion club.
- -- - .■■———in..
EWING—Mrs. Kitty Fry. who
is spending the winter with her
son and daughter-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Fry. at 1280
Sequoia St., Tulare. Calif., is re
ported to be “improving.” Sev
eral weeks ago she had the mis
fortune to fall, striking herself
on the neck under the chin.
Since the accident, she has been
able to speak only in a whisper.
Doctors have hopes of complete
recovery in time. . . Irvin Cloyd.
who has been on the sick list for
the past 3 weeks, is under a doc
tor’s care and is "improving.” . .
Tommy Sisson is still confined
to his home, but is reported
“much better.” . . Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Rotherham are having a
siege of measles at their home.
Myra Lee is recuperating and 3
others have them now. Mrs.
Rotherham says she has “3 to go
yet.” All are “getting along
well.” . . Bonnie Welke has been
absent from school several days
because of measles. Her brothers.
Milan and Bob, “are not feeling
so well.” . . Miss Joan Binkerd
a junior in high school, is a pa
tient at the Tilden hospital for
treatment of a strep throat and
pneumonia. . . Jim Wilson. Ew
ing’s professional fisherman 83
years young, has not "been so
well” the past week. He is un
der a doctor’s care. . . Miss Fem
Pruden was absent from her
school duties at Bartlett the fore
part of tbe week while confined
*o her home in Ewing suffering
from an attack of tonsilitis.
LYNCH — Maude Johnson, of
Spencer, was brought to the Sa
cred Heart hospital, Lynch, for
treatments for torn ligaments
She was injured while practicing
tumbling at school. She is “get
ting along satisfactorily.” . . Ken
neth ("Skip”) Wheeler returned
home Sunday from Omaha where
he had undergone surgery on his
limb for a bone injury. . . Mrs.
Jack Pritchett is on the sick lis;
. . . Mrs. Vernon Oleson, of Dor
sey is “getting along nicely” at
the Lynch hospital. . . Charles
Luber, of Dorsey, was brought to
the Lynch hospital where he is
now “improved.”
O NEILL — Mrs. Frank Froe
lich returned Saturday, March 1.
from St. Joseph’s hospital. Om
aha. . . James Carney returned
from the Veterans hospital.
Grand Island, on Friday, Febru
ary 29. . . . Baby Jerome McKa
my is “good” in Our Lady of
Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . .
Mrs. Paul Krugman, who has
been in a Sioux City hospital
since February 27, returned to
her home Tuesday, March 4,
when her husband went to Sioux
City after her.
DELOIT — Mrs. Ada Fuller
Moore, of Bartlett, is seriously
ill in a Norfolk hospital. . . Fred
Schmidt is “improving” follow
ing his recent operation. . . Mr.
and Mrs. Clint Taylor went to
Omaha on Tuesday, February
26, where Clint consulted a doc
tor. . . Manuel Fredericks, jr., re
cently underwent an operation
for appendicitis at Tilden. His
father is just recovering from a
similar operation.
rch 8 I
gh School 50c g
. M 1
■ _ ___
CHAMBERS—Clarence Young
returned Wednesday, February
27, from Norfolk where he had
been taking treatments for an'
infected eye. He returns to Nor
folk for treatment occasionally
and reports an “improvement” in
the eye condition. . . . Mrs. Floyd
Whitaker was released from the
O’Neill hosiptal on Thursday,
February 28.
CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hendricks took their son, Jerry,
to Stuart Saturday, March 1, to
see a doctor. The 3 Hendricks
children have been having the
flu the past week. . . Baby Dan
nie Lee Focken was taken to a
doctor late Saturday evening for
medical treatment for the flu.
AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Ragland and Royvan were in
Norfolk Tuesday, February 26.
Mrs. Coolidge went for a med
ical checkup. . . Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Travers and Harold, and
Mrs. Viola Travers have all
been ill with the flu recently.
ROCK FALLS — Mrs. Floyd
Johnson is in O’Neill hospital. . .
Mrs. Ray Kurtz is “not feeling
very well.” . . There has been a
lot of sickness in this communi
INMAN—Clinton Smith is in
O’Neill hospital. . . Harold Niel
sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Nielsen, is a patient in Metho
dist hospital, Sioux City.
SPENCER—Mrs. John Havran
ek and baby girl are “good” in
Our Lady of Lourdes hospital.
sen is “satisfactory” in Our La
dy of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk.
ORCHARD—Mrs. Homer Bar
ton is “satisfactory” in Our Lady
of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk.
PAGE—Mrs. Merle DeLong is
“good” in Our Lady of Lourdes
hospital, Norfolk.
LYNCH—Mrs. William Tead
tke is on the sick list.
Justa club met Wednesc^jy,
March 5, at the home of Miss
Dona Davis.
Mrs. John DeHoogh, of Shel
don, la., came Monday, March 2,
to spend a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rob
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stone and
daughter, Susie, returned Sun
day from Ada, Okla., where they
had been the past 2 weeks, hav
ing been called there bv the ill
ness of Mr. Stone’s father, who
underwent surgery and is now
Miss Gladys Mae Weller, of
Atkinson, was an overnight
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Johnson on Friday,
February 29, and Sunday, March
Christie Janousek, little daugh
ter of Mr .and Mrs. George Jan
ousek, is spending the week in
Columbus with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hile.
George Ramold and Bernard
Janzing, of Atkinson, were Sat
urday evening dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Janzing.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Liable in Atkinsaon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green spent
the weekend in Creighton visit
ing Mrs. Green’s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Neyens.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes and
family spent Thursday, February
28, at the home of Mrs. Hynes’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Funk, at Deloit
Mr. and Mrs. George Winkler,
of Tilden, moved Friday, Febru
ary 29, into the home formerly
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Harding. They have 5 chil
dren, 2 of whom attend St. Ma
ry’s academy. They recently held
a sale 1 mile north of Tilden.
Pfc. Edward Hynes, station
ed in Sioux City, spent the week
end with his mother. Mrs. Lor
etta Hynes.
Ray Anderson and Blake Ott, of
Amelia, were business callers In
O’Neill on Tuesday.
Mrs. Lola Bain, of Gregory,
S.D., was a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kelly on
Sunday, February 24. enroute
i from Chicago, 111., where she had
been visiting her daughter.
Card party Sunday. March 9.
academy gymnasium, sponsored
by Friends of St. Mary's. 44c
Mrs. Bennie Johring spent
Thursday and Friday nights,
February 28 and 29. with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson while
her son, Freddy, spent Thursday
at the O’Neill hospital.
Mrs. Kevin Kocina and daugh
ters, Lynn and Kay. of Central
City, departed Tpesday after
spending 4 days with Mrs. Ko
cina’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Harty.
Pvt. Robert Helgeson arrived
Wednesday morning from Ft. Ri
ley, Kans., and will spend his
leave with his wife, Mary Ellen,
at the home of Mrs. John Smith
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
and daughter, Norma Jean, were
Friday, February 28, supper
guests at the home of*Mr. and
Mrs. J. Victor Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and
Mrs. Vannie Newman went to
Burwell on Wednesday, Febru
ary 27, and visited at the he me
of Mrs. Dorothy Newman. They
returned to O’Neill Saturday.
Bernard Spry left Sunday for
Hartington where he will be em
ployed as electrician for a few
|| Mr.and Mrs.O'Neilland Vicinity! j |
I In Order for Your Food Dollar to Go Further I I
I We Have Become Distributors for I I
I Watch and Buy Our Specials — Buy Them by the Case — Beat the High I I
I STOKELY’S Extra Fancy Quality I I
S- juice 41 89t
11 GRAPEFRUIT- ^tANS V 7“{ |
(I Buy’Em by the Case — Case of 12 Cans I I
5 Lbs.$1
179c Lb
Preissure Pack Can
Boiling Beef Lb. . . 39$ ]
LIVER 2 Lbs 45c
| JORK 9
Picnic Hams Lb. • . 35C j
PERCH Lb 35c | I
M Lb. Pkg.
m SHEDD'S 2-Lb. Jar
m CLABORN 2 No. 2 Cans
■ PILLSBURY 3Vi-Lb. Pkg.
I CHEESE, 2-Lb. Pkg. 73c
FISH, 2 Cans.49c I
FIG BARS, Pkg.25c {
VETS ® ■
DOG FOOD, 3 Cans.. 29c I
CARROTS bunch . . 5c
Bon-Ton 50-Lb. Sack I Red Ripe
HOUR.3.391 TOMATOES lb 25c
GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 39c