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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1952)
O'NEILL LOCALS Joanne Aim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Aim, of Dorsey, spent the weekend with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aim. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith and Mrs. Gus Seger were Saturday, March 1, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith and Mrs. Arthur Harley and children. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Olson called on Mrs. Arthur Harley and family, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith on Monday evening, February 25. Mrs. L. J. Marowally, of Chi cago, 111., arrived on Sunday, and is a guest at the home of Mrs. William Biglin. Tune in . . . The Voice of The *rontier’' . Mon., Wed., Sat. WJAG. 780 kc. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohn re turned on Friday, February 29, from a vacation trip in which they toured the South and West ern states. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dailey re ceived a card from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulz and son, Luther, saying they are homeward bound. They are vacationing in Florida. Sandra Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Clark, spent the weekend in Orchard with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Saim Trussell. Pvt. Quentin Cavanaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, called his parents by telephone on Thursday evening, February 28, and said he would be leaving San Francisco, Calif., the following day, on the USNS Capt. John Polk, Quentin told his parents he was being assigned in the Far East theater. INMAN NEWS Mr. anu Mrs. prank Zimbelman, of Custer, S.D., spent Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. Zimbei irnan is Mrs. Moore’s brother. The Zimbelmans were on their way home from a tour through the Southern states. LeRoy Moore, who is employed at Crawtord, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mrs. Mick Gallagher, Mrs. Leo Harte, Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. John Gallagher were callers in Norfolk Wednesday, February 27, while the men folks attended the George Winkler farm sale at Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong, ot Grand Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and son, of Sioux City, spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Horace Kiel and M. L. Harkins returned Friday from Omaha where they attended the lumber men’s convention. The women’s department of the RLDS church had a regular meet ing Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lee Conger. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Coventry, Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan and Leo Harte were in Lynch Sunday where they attended the funeral of Rodney Tomlinson. Members of Arbutus Rebekah lodge met in regular session on Wednesday evening, February 27, at the IOOF hall with 21 mem bers of the Orchard lodge as guests at a patriotic party. Lunch was served at a table decorated in keeping with the occasion. Mrs. Sarah Sholes and Jim and Sue Ellen and Mrs. Helen Sholes were callers in Sioux City Thurs day. Mrs. Bill Butterfield went to Newport Wednesday afternoon, February 27, where she attended the funeral of an uncle, Harry Johnson. Frontier for printing! Father-Son Team Take Coyote Toll CELIA—Celia’s flying farmer, Connie Frickel, and son. Donnie, have helped decrease the coyote population around the community this winter. Donnie, who is only 14-years old, has shot most of the coyotes from the plane while it was be ing piloted by his father. One Saturday morning recently they bagged 4 of the coyotes. Other Celia News Paul Johnson was a business visitor in Pender February 19 then went on to Walthill to visit before returning home the eve ning of the 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young were supper guests at the Milton Mc Kathnie home Tuesday evening, February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young moved to Butte Saturday, March 1. Milton McKathnie, John Schwindt and Fritz Moler helped move their things to Butte. The Manhalter family from near Gross is moving onto the place vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Young. They have 3 chil dren, one of w’hom is school age. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel visited his sister, Mrs. Beryl Beck, and family Monday morn ing, February 25. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and son were Sunday, March 2, sup per guests at the Marvin Focken home. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and son, Darrel, were Monday, February 26, visitors at the Law rence Smith and O. A. Hammer berg homes. Mrs. Paul Nelson spent Sun day, February 24, until Thurs day, February 28, at the Mark Hendricks home helping care for her mother, Mrs. Edna Hend ricks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Arp and Gary, Sharon and Judy were Sunday, March 2, dinner guests at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. Arp attended the fu neral of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford, which was held in the Seger funeral home in Atkinson. Reverend Hughes conducted the service. Burial was in Paddock Union cemetery, northeast of O’Neill. The Crawfords have 2 other chil dren. a boy and a girl. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mrs. Omer Poynts visited the Joe Hendricks family Monday after noon, February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson delivered a load of corn to O. A. Hammerberg Sunday afternoon, March 2, and were supper guests at the Hammerbergs. Pfc. and Mrs. Gene Livingston were supper guests at the Lew Verzal home Saturday evening. March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and children were dinner guests at the Leonard Chaffin home on Sunday, March 2. Alex Forsythe was a Monday evening, February 26, visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Robert and Leon Hendricks and Marilyn Ernst, of Miltonvale. Kans., brought Naomi Nelson and Mary Fox to ONeill Friday evening. The Hendricks boys and Miss Ernst visited the Mark Hendrick= family over the week end. They left Sunday forenoon for Miltonvale to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack were O’Neill visitors Thursday. February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, son, Larry, and daughter, Mrs. .Tames Tolbert, and Linda were Sunday evening, March 2. sup per guests at the Milton McKath nie home. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and children and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christianson attended the basketball tournament in At kinson Monday and Tuesday eve nings, February 25-26. Mrs. Bennett Smith, of Butte, visited the Frickel brothers home Saturday, Marcxi 1, and canned meat for them. Friday evening. February 29. visitors at the D. F. Scott home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Do bias and sons, Willard Ratliff. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathme and son, Dorothy Scott, Pfc. and Mrs. Gene Livingston and Mr and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg. Pri vate Livingston left Sunday af ternoon. March 2. for Grand Is land to board a train taking him back to camp in San Diego. Cal if. Mrs. Gene Livingston and Mrs. Feme Livingston and sons took him to Grand Island. Celia Homemakers club met at the home of Mrs. George Beck Wednesday, February 27, for their regular meeting with 12 members and 1 visitor, Mrs. Joe Mlinar, present. The lesson on “Ouick Breads” was given by the leaders, Mrs. George Beck and Mrs. Mark Hendricks. The club goal this month is for each mem ber and her family to have their blood typed before the next meeting. Next roll call will be ”1 lousecleaning Hints” and meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee Terwilliger March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reiser und children, of Butte, were dinner and supper guests at the Joe Hendricks home Monday, Febru ary 5. Mrs. Joe Hendricks accompan ied Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and children to O’Neill Friday after noon, February 29, to attend the young people’s convention at the Wesleyan church in O’Neill. Four cars of people from Hillside chapel, north of Atkinson, at tended the convention. INMAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmons en tertained members of the faculty at the mman high school and Miss Elsie Krueger, who is in charge of the lunch program, at their home Wednesday, February 27. An informal luncheon was served between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. John Stevens, of Billings, Mont., and his sister, Mrs. Ethel Rogers, of Laurel, Mont., spent a few days last week visiting their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. James Marland and son, Chester, returned to Cali fornia Wednesday, February 27, after visiting relatives here for a few weeks. Mrs. Howard Clark has received word that her husband, S/Sgt. Howard Clark, has been trans ferred from Offutt air base, Oma ha, to an air base at Cocoa, Fla. Pvt. Gordon Sholes has been transferred from Camp Crowder, Mo., to Ft. Riley, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkin? and children entertained Mr. am Mrs. Leon Tompkins and a grouj of oldtime neighbors at a “housi cooling” the evening of March 1 at their old farm home before they move into their new home. The evening was spent visiting and lunch was served at the close of the evening. Sgt. Cecil Keyes, of Indian town Gap, Pa., came Sunday to spend a furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes, and other relatives. Mrs. Redd Surprised — Mrs. Erma Redd was surprised on her birthday anniversary on Sunday, March 2. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagaiman and family, of Stuart. SOUTH STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., ana lamny visited the John Weichman family Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxwortny spent Friday evening at the Louis Miald home. Mr. and Mis. Louis Shald and family spent Sunday in Valentine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Blake. Mrs. George Shald visited Mon day with Mrs. Gilbert Shald at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ul rich. Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry were Friday evening vis itors in the Ralph Cobb home. Mr. and Mi's. Pete Foxworthy attended a surprise party at Long Pine Sunday evening in honor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foxworthy, who were celebrating their 32u wedding anniversary. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Foxworthy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and children, Mr. and JVlrs. Ted Se berger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Se berger and their families and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Steele and son. Mr. and (Mrs. Roy Rhodes vis ited Mrs. Della Walker at Long Pine Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tasler. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshal wrere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler and Lavern. Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding and children wore Sunday eve ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Kramer and family. Eighteen little girls were guests in the Harold Givens home Sun day afternoon. They helped Car men celebrate her 8th birthday anniversary. Kenneth Batenhorst spent Fri day night at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baten horst. He returned to Omaha on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger were Sunday evening visitors in the John Kramer home. Delores Batenhorst spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ulrich were Sunday visitors in the A. M. Bat enhorst home. John H. Baum, Mrs. Kalvelage and Mrs. Cain visited their sister, Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst, and the Henry Baum family last Thurs day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Marvel Jean were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockman and boys. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kramer and family were Thursday eve ning guests in the John Kramer home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Kramer were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kram er, sr. Joy Greenfield and Ella Peter son attended the funeral of Wal ter Mauch at Bassett last Thurs day. \ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family spent Friday evening at the Stub Kunz home. Mrs. Mary Ann Jansen was hos tess to a cosmetics party at the Anton Tasler home Thursday, February 27. Mrs. Stub Kunz was among the ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield attended a family dinner Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wright Hitchcock. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Hitch cock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald and family. Bob Fuller left for Camp Pen delton, Calif., Sunday after hav ing spent the past week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fuller and other relatives and friends. Gallaghers Hosts — Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallagher entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner party on Saturday evening, March 1. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson, (Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock, Mr and Mrs. James Carney and Miss Berna dette Brennan. THANK-YOU! DUE TO circumstances ov er which I have no con trol I have been compelled to resign from the Holt Coun ty Board of Supervisors and wish to take this means of thanking the public for their support and cooperation while I was in office, and hoe that my efforts were such that they at least re flected sincere and unbiased intentions. Thank you all very much. AXEL BORG Order your Spring Clothes now (Salesman's Nam* H*r*) A REPRESENTATIVE OF i tmitom tailors timet 1895 will b* at our stor* R. S. GALVIN FRI., MAR. 7 TO DISPLAY IMPORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS for SPRING and SUMMER SUITS and SPORTSWEAR STYLES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Ed. V. Price & Co. clothes are hand cut and made up for you from your choice of fabric, styled as you prefer, and skillfully tailored by the finest craftsmen. Come in and see these woolens, many of which are shown only by line merchant P tailors, and learn about the advantages of wearing clothes made for you. PETERSEN’S CLOTHING <--J fEED '& COOPER’S v -■ 4£3T MORE AND HEAVIER PIGS FARROWED AND WEANED GREATER PORK PROFITS ^ THE 0. A. COOPER COMPANY Manufacturers of CORKLE HATCHERY WAREHOUSE I Give Generously To Your Red Cross Soon, a Red Cross Repre sentative will call on you for a contribution. Please be generous. I * Civic • minded persons throughout the state are co operating earnestly in this most worthy drive. Among these are many tav ern owners—donating their time and money. These citizens are always ready to contribute to every worth while national and com munity activity. So, let’s all put our shoulder to the wheel and make this current drive a real success. NEBRASKA DIVISION « United States Breteers Foundation 710 First Nat’l Rank Rldf?., Lincoln MILLER THEATRE — Atkinson, Nebr. — Fri.-Sat. Mar. 7-8 fhl .JENNINGS v OKLAHOMA1 •m DURYLA cue STORM ■a tan ui> — Also — Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Mar. 9-10-11 Wed.-Thur. Mar. 12-13 Take your pick! From the adorable Spencer to regular lengths ... new toppers are here to make the most of new small-waisted, full-hipped fashions. Beautiful new fabrics in fancy plain weaves and novelty checks. Choose early. Gloves can spark your costume with a touch of just-right color. New double woven cottons in slip-on style .. . black, brown, navy, white and beige. 6 to 8 ‘/a..,. ^ g ^ / The right scarf can lift your spirits Our spring-splashed 36 squares have hand-rolled hems. Fine silks in plrin colors, prints, ombres. Only . . . You'll forget your feet... in the comfort of our little wedge casuals. Lovely with a low-curved line, with sling back, open toe. Versatile in blond or black patent leather. 3.£3