FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS OBERLE—Mr. and Mrs. Dean Oberie, of Scottville, a daughter, born Tuesday, February 5, at the Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch. Mrs. Oberie is the former Bonnie Hams, daughter of Robert and Florence Harris, of Lynch. Mrs. Lois Harris, of Lynch, is the great-grandmother. AOAivisui'i — Pfc. and Mrs. Emil Adamson, of Leadville, Colo., a son. Jonimy EmiL weigh ing 4Vz pounds, born recently. The lather wras one of the first men to be inducted into the army in the Korean war. He entered September 12, 1950, and is now stationed at Eusak headquarters, Korea. WAGNER—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wagner, of Altoona. Pa., a daughter, Debra Louise, weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces, born Satur day, February 2. Mrs. Wagner was formerly Luella Crandall, of Chambers. PETERSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen, of O’Neill, a daughter, Patricia, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, February 10. in Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital Norfolk. This is the couple’s first child. Mr. Petersen is owner of Petersen’s Clothing. M'KAMY—Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy, of O’Neill, a son. weighing 4 pounds 10 ounces, born Friday, February 5. in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. Nor- i folk, by Caesarian section. Both 1 mother and son are in “good” condition. Mrs. McKamv has been hospitalized several weeks. The babv is in an incubator. FREED—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freed, of Atkinson, a son. Noel bom Sunday. January 27. at the home of the baby’s grandmother. Mgg. Kathryn Freed. Mrs. Freed was Irene Zahradnicek. CORKLE—Mr. and Mrs. James M. Corkle, of O'Neill, a son. weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, born Tuesday, February 11, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Norfolk. The Corklcs have 8 daughters and 3 sons. ALLYN— Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Allyn, of Stuart, a daughter, born Tuesday, February 12, at the Stu art Comunity hospital. QUINN—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn, of San Diego, Calif., a daughter, Charyle Ann, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, born Friday, February 8. LINES — Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lines, of Inman, a son, Danny Dale, born on Wednesday, Febru ary 8, at the O’Neill hospital PONGRATZ — Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz, of O'Neill, a daughter, Bernelda Marie, weigh ing 7Vi pounds, born Saturday, February 9, at the O’Neill hospi tal. DONOHOE-~^4r. and Mrs. Ed ward Janies Donohoe, of O’Neill, a daughter, Janice Marie, weigh* ing 7 pounds 12 ounces, born Sunday, February 10, at the O’ Neill hospital. The mother is the former Dorothy Clark. The grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe and Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Clark, all of O’Neill. DAWES—Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawes, of O’Neill, a son, weigh ing 8 pounds, born Tuesday, Feb ruary 12, at the O’Neill hospital. BLACK—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black, of Spencer, a daughter, Wendy Ann, weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces, born Tuesday, Febru ary 12, at the O’Neill hospital. SCHM1SER—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schmiser, of Ewing, a son, weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces, born Monday, February 11,, at the Til den hospital. The Schmisers have 3 daughters. YELLI—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli, of Ewing, a daughter, born Fri day, February 1. DREDGE—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dredge, of Ewing, a daughter, born Sunday, February 3. COLE—Mr. and Mrs. G. O. (Bud) Cole, a daughter, weighing 4 pounds 9 ounces, born Wed nesday, February 13, in Burling ton. Ia. The Coles are from Em met. 4TH STREET MARKET OPENS The 4th Street Market, under the management of George Jan ousek. will formally open Friday and Saturday, February 15 and 16. The market is located across from the postoffice. Free coffee and doughnuts will be served Saturday to adults. Mr. Janousek is a son of Mrs. Lod Janousek and the late Mr. Janousek. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cohn are spending a vacation in California. Learn to SQUARE DANCE LEGION CLUB Sunday Eve, Feb. 17 I BeginnerS may learn . . . others can have lots of fun. 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. No admission charge but an of fering will be taken to defray music and caller expenses. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: February 6—Mrs. Dave Johnson, of Chambers, med ical. condition improved: Mrs. Jale Lines, of Inman. 7 — Mrs. William White, of O’Neill, med ical, condition good; Mrs. Rav Timmerman, of O’Neill, medical, condition good. 8 — Mrs. Jack Wildes, of O’Neill, condition im proved. 9 — Mrs. Bernard Pon gratz. of O’Neill. 10—Mrs. Ed ward James Donohoe, of O’Neill; Betty Jane Schneider, of O’Neill, appendectomy, condition good. 12 —John Hoffman, of Chambers, medcial, condition fairly good; Mrs. Neil Dawes, of O’Neill; Mrs. Wayne Black, of Spencer. Still in hospital: Dale Bell, of Chambers condition, unchanged. Dismissals: February 6 — Mrs. Jessie Wert and son, of O’Neill; Baby Linda Fuhrer. of O’Neill. 7 —Mrs. Marvin Youngs and daughter, of Inman. 8 — Mrs. Dave Johnson, of Chambers. 9— Mrs. Rav Timmerman, of O’Neill: Mrs. William White, of O’Neill. 11 —Mrs. Dale Lines and son, of Inman: Mrs. Jack Wildes, of O’ Neill. 12— Mrs. Addie Kelley, of Page. STUART COMMUNITY Admissions: February ti—James Friedei, of btuart,, medical; 9 — Mrs. Julia Kaplan, of Atkinson, medical, condition satisfactory; 1U —Mrs. Evelyn Kudoipn, of ivew port, major surgery, condition Koud; li—Mrs. Mary btahlcker. of Naper, condition fairly good; 12— Earl Estes, of btuart, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Elmer Allyn and baby girl, of Stuart, condition good. Still in hospital: Mrs. Bertha Dobias, of Atkinson. Dismissals; February 6—Mrs. Bezel Lockman, of btuart; 8— Mrs. Richard Fox and baby boy, of Atkinson; 10—Mrs. Erma Carr, of Atkinson; Mrs. Ted Schies sler and daughter, of Stuart; Mrs. Louis Shald and daughter, of btuart; 11—John MacLachlin. of Atkinson. Mrs. Svenson's Sister Passes Away — Funeral services were held on Thursday, January 31, at 2 o’clock from the Free church, near Stan ton, for Mrs. Willard (Anna) An derson, 63, who died Monday, January 28, in a Norfolk hospital. Rev. W. R. Mock was in charge of the last rites and interment was in the Bega cemetery, north of Stanton. Survivors include: Widower; brothers—Eric Svenson, of Nor folk; Peter Svenson, of Stanton; Carl, of O’Neill. Sister — Mrs. Eric (Mary) Engdahl, of Stanton. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Andrew; and a sister, Selma. Mrs. Schultz Club Hostess — Mrs. Florence Schultz enter tained the Elkhorn extension club Tuesday evening with Mrs. Frank Grenier assisting. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. Florence Schultz won the guessing game. Mrs. Bob Cook presented the lesson on "Quick Breads.” She demonstrated the making of var ious rolls which were served later in the evening for lunch. The lesson on “Quick Breads” will be continued at the next meeting on March 12, at the home of Mrs. Hattie Kindlund. Series of PMA-SCS Meetings Scheduled — A series of informative PMA SCS (soil conservation service) meetings have been schedu»ed in Holt county localities. First meet ing will be held Tuesday, Feb ruary 19, 8 p.m., at the O’Neill public school bandroom. Other (meetings include: Feb ruary 25—Chambers high school auditorium, 8 p.m.; 26—Atkinson high school assembly room, 8 p.m.; 27 — Ewing high school, 8 p.m.; March 1—Dorsey school, 1:30 p.m.; 4—Page, 8 p.m'., place to be announced. Mrs. Murten Arrives — INMAN—Mrs. Eva Murten, a resident of Crowell Memorial home, Blair, arrived Tuesday eve ning for a visit with friends and relatives. She came by bus. Miss Mavis Forsch spent the weekend with her parents in Butte. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED: Ranch hand. Single man preferred, year around work. — Con Heelan, Wood Lake. 41c (First pub. Feb. 14, 1952.) J. J. Olsson. Att’y NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF MARGARET DO BROVOLNY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on March 7th. 1952. at 11:00 o’clock. A.M. Dated February 11, 1952. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (SEAL)_ 41.43 f£« R. H. SHRINFR .££ Rent* Plat* Gian Wind & Tornado. Truck * Tractor. Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Liraatock REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Naill —t— Phono 108 Farm Property ♦ | SICK & INJURED ATKINSON—Dr. W. J. Doue las, who has spent the winter months at the home of his daugh ter in Evanston, 111., returned home Monday morning. His health was "quite poor” for a time but he is feeling much bet ter at the present time and says ne is "glad to get home.” . . Mr. and Mrs. r^eo Seger returned Sat urday from Denver, Colo. Mrs. Seger continues to show improve ment. it is believed that pi time she may be able to discard her wheel chair completely. . . Mr. and Mr. Claude Raymer went to Genoa Thursday, February 7, to spend the day with Mrs. Ray mer’s mother, Mrs. Will Nansel. Mrs. Nansel is ill and is confined to her bed most of the time but is a little improved at this time. On the way home the Raymers stop ped at Monroe to visit other relatives. . . Mrs. Ivan Cone, of O’Neill, came Wednesday, Febru ary 4, to be with Mrs. Lelia Hies, who is recuperating from a fall in which she suffered a broken left arm and a severely bruised cheek and eye. The accident oc curred when she slipped and fell on some ice. . . Karen Kansel meyer had her appendix removed at Atkinson Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon about 5 o’clock. Doctor Clark, of Stuart, perform ed the surgery. . . Mrs. Polly Da j vis, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Walsh, at Sun Valley, Calif., has been “seriously ill” but is much better now. . . Theodore Kubart is recuperating at his home from a prolonged illness. . . Mrs. Bertha Dexter shows “slight improvement." She suffered a stroke some time ago which left her right arm and leg paralyzed. Her daughter, Norma, is caring for her at their home. . . Russell Everett is seriously ill at his home with a heart ailment. O NEILL—Joseph Schollmeyer, sr„ was taken from his home to Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch, Friday afternoon. . . Friday eve ning Mrs. Warren Sparks was taken by ambulance to University hospital, Omaha. She submitted to an emergency appendectomy Saturday noon. . . . Mrs. Harry Sullivan returned Saturday. Feb ruary 9, from St. Joseph’s hospi tal, Omaha. She recently submit ted to major surgery. . . Mrs. Earl Farr returned home from the Lu theran hospital, Norfolk, recently. . . . J. H. (“Arnie”) Doerning un derwent surgery on his kn^o in St. Vincent’s hospital, Sioux City' on Thursday, February 7. He returned home on Monday. . . . Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski re ceived word from her daughter, Margaret, stating she is going to school in Winnebago, Minn., for the present in order to be near an eye specialist. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yantzi returned from Oma ha Thursday, February 7, where they had been to see Mrs. Yant zi’s mother, Mrs. Sam Barnard, who is “very ill.” . . . Mrs. Ma mie O’Neill was taken to the hos pital in Lynch on Sunday, Feb ruary 10. . . Mrs. Don Petersen and baby daughter are "good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. Donald McKa my and son are doing “good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. P. B. Harty, who has been a St. Vincent’s hospital, Sioux City, patient for several weeks following major surgery, is expected to return home late this week. . . . Jay Munsell has been ill at his home. EWING—Miss Nettle Van Con et is a patient at the Lutheran hospital, Sioux City. . . Miss Dor la Mlnarik came home Saturday from the Tilden hospital where she had been a surgical patient the past week. . . Mrs. Ralph Hales is “satisfactory” after sur gery at the Immanuel hospital, Omaha, on Saturday. • . Maxine Noffke returned to school on Monday after a week’s absence due to an ear infection. , . Rosetta Boies went to Norfolk on Thurs day where she had a spinal cyst lanced, returning on Saturday for treatment. Rosetta is a senior this year. .. Supt. and Mrs. James Pennington took their small son, Kenneth, to Omaha Friday for medical care. He is a patient at the Children’s Memorial hospital. Mr. Pennington returned home while Mrs. Pennington stayed with Kenneth. . . August Kohle is “good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammon returned Monday, Feb ruary 4, from Norfolk where Mrs. Hammon went for a physical checkup. They also visited rela tives in Stanton before returning home. . . Anton Kalkowski suf mered torn ligaments in his leg when he lost footing and fell. . . Joe Sehollmeyer, of O’Neill, is a patient in the Sacred Heart hos pital, Lynch. , , Mrs. Floyd France is confined to her bed with a bad ankle that has caused her considerable trouble since it was broken 3 years ago. PAGE— Mrs. Gailord Albright drove to Lincoln Wednesday, Feb ruary 4, to accompany her daugh ter, Mrs. Clifford Shane, to Chi cago, 111., where Mrs. Shane was taking her infant daughter to see a baby specialist. The baby has not been well since birth. CHAMBERS— Harold Young took his father. Clarence Young, to Norfolk Friday for medical care. Mr. Young is suffering with an eve infection. DELOIT — Sharon Kallhoff roke her wrist recently. JUSTICE COURT Erwin Clark, arrested for being in an unlawful state of intoxica tion, fined $10 and costs, February 8: arrested by Patrolman F. M. Dineen. Simeon Brandi, of Columbus, speeding, fined $10 and costs, Feb ruary 6: arrested by Patrolman F. M. Dineen. ' t O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richardson, sr., of Ainsworth, were Sunday. February 3, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. HilL Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hill and 2 sons plan to go to Strawberry Point, la., this weekend to help Mrs. Hill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Bowers, celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steskal and family, of Council Bluffs, la., came Saturday, February 9, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNichols and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran ek went to Atkinson on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek. They also went through the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Mrs. Dorothy Barrett, Mrs. Havranek’s mother, is employed at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Grif fin spent the weekend in Omaha i visiting Mrs. Roy Griffin and Hugh O’Conr.er who are both in St Joseph’s hospitaii. Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zimmerer and family, of Creighton, were Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady and son returned Sunday, February 10, from a week’s vacation in Chicago, 111. Mrs. John Liable, of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert went to Norfolk on Saturday, February 9. On Sunday they went to Atkinson where they vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 John Liable. J Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz and Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty and LaDon na and Mrs. Will Grutsch drove < to St. Paul on Saturday evening r where the 3 girls played their ac- . cordians for the opening of a new I music school. Friends of St. Mary's sue hold ing their postponed St. Valen tine's box social and square dancing party Sunday night, Feb ruary 17, SMA gym. Come and spend an evening of fun. Every one welcome. 41c Mrs. Lydia Greenard. of Okla homa City. Okla.. arrived Mon day to spend a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel. Mrs. Greenard is Mrs. Schenzel’s aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., to Lincoln on busi nes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Genoa, of Humbolt, have been spending the week in O’Neill visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Osenbaugh. Mrs. Genoa and Mrs. Osenbaugh are sisters. fc| *1 1: CHURCH NOTES COMMUNITY (Stukrl) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Services at 10 a.m. every Sun day. Sermon for Sunday. February 17, ‘‘A Home for Christ." Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-27. Study classes for all ages fol lowing the sermon. Junior high group meets Sun day, 4 p.m. Story time this afternoon (Thursday), 4 o’clock. Youth Fellowship tonight (Thursday), 7 o’clock. Choir rehearsal tonight (Thurs day), 8:15 o’clock. Women’s society will meet Fri day Afternoon, February 15, with Mrs. Wilbur Moon for a work meeting. Clothing for Korea will be packed. Any donations of good used clothing will gladly be ac cepted. We are also in need of more quilting material. — mm SHELHAMER FOODS Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 14, 15, 16 1—- ' " ■ PURE LARD 2 lbs.33c SOAP POWDER CHEER, Lge. Pkg.29c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX, 2 Pkgs.71c COLORED PAPER NAPKINS, 2 Pkgs.25c FREE FREE PHONE 56 9:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. ICE CREAM Pints.25c Quarts.50c z Gallon Vanilla §5C PARKAY OLEO 3 lbs.85c PORT LIGHT TUNA, 2 Cans.45c SQUARE DEAL FLOUR, 50-Lb. Bg. $3.29 I RAISINS, 2-Lb. Cello 35c I WILSON'S CORN KING SLICED BACON lb 39c BACON ENDS 2 Lbs. 29c PORK HOCKS Lb. 25c \17TT QAM'C MINCED m Lb 39c WHEflTIES 12-Qz. Ptg..21c CAMP'S PORK and BEANS 3 No. 2J Cans 69c DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE 2 46-0z. Cans 59c GREEN TOP CARROTS 2 Bunches... 19c I GREEN PASCAL CELERY u> 10c JUICE ORANGES 4 lbs. 25c PINK OR WHITE ORAPEFRBIT 10 for 45c • . ... -Jv**. WMftfOMiC ~jtA i fHi NadMItfVffiKiiFttiiYT «i a -.. _ :k. YELLOW COBHMEAL 5 Lb. Phg. —_ 31c AIRCRAFT — HALVES PEACHES No. 10 Can 85c OUR FAMILY ORANGE JUICE 2 46-0z. Cans 53c DEL MONTE CATSUP 214-Oz. Btls.35 c NAVY 5-Lb. Cello BEANS .59c WHITE or YELLOW 2-Lb. Pkg. POPCORN.29c SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2-U>- Box.49c LOCKERS for RENT ~_RATESY $10.00 $7'5° $12.50 I I NUTRENA I POULTRY FEEDS | Chic Starter Crumbles Chic Grower Crumbles A.M. Egg Crumbles 20% Egg Crumbles 27% Bal. Crumbles 33% Concentrate DAVID HARUM FEEDS jj All Purpose Crumbles 26% Bal. Crumbles 32% Pity. Concentrate Pilot Brand Oyster Shell Stock-Gro, Vis Vita Dried Buttermilk Hygeno San’-Flor Gland-O-Lac Remedies Brooder Stoves & Supplies NIITRENA Now Better Than Ever Chick Starter with “Livium” | You get faster growth and 1 higher livability when you j start your chicks on Nutre- j na chick starter with liv- 1 ium. CASH BUYERS OF I CREAM - EGGS HIDES - POULTRY We make COUNTRY PICKUP on poultry Produce Phone: 173 NIITREHA ; CATTLE & HOC FEEDS ► ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HniaaHaMMnnnMMi I 6% Dairy Feed 32% Dairy Feeds Calf Starter Meal Calf Grower Pellets 22% Cattle Nuggets 41 % Range Cubes HOG FEEDS Sow (k Pig Feed Special ‘‘Shoat 40” 40% Hog Supplement Soybean Meal, Cubes Sweet Lassy Pellets Cudahy All Purpose Mineral Universal Mineral Tankage, Meat Scraps Crushed Rock & Block Salt