The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 14, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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    Official Proceedings of the
Holt County Board of Supervisors
O’Neill, Nebraska
December 28, 1951
10:00 A.M.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved as
The Finance Committee re
ported that all fees from the var
ious offices for the month of No
vember had been remitted to the
County Treasurer as required by
Motion by 'Frickel, seconded by
Clark that the following claims
be allowed and warants ordered
drawn on the Bridge fund in pay
ment of same.
Armco Drum & Metal Pro
ducts, pipe arches- 158.08
Joe Burda, work on bridge 86.45
Frank Cronk, bridge over
seeing - ■ - 5.00
Earl Porter, work on
bridge ___——- 69.35
Fred Smith, hauling
bridge lumber-12.00
Sylvester Tushla, work on
bridge —---—-104.50
Anton Weichman, mileage
on car_35.76
Axel L. Borg, bridge in
spection -15.00
Glen D. Hull, bridge labor 21.75
Wheeler Lbr. & Sup., bal
ance due on invoice
N6495 _88.75
A. M. Batenhorst, bridge
Ray Cearns, work on
Mentzer Bros., gasoline .— 2.00
Wm. Siebert, work on
Smith Clothing Co., boots 17.90
Anton Weichman, work on
bridge _ _122.10
Campbell Lbr. Co., lum
ber, nails and bolts 3659.52
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.,
Soc. Sec. Tax on bridge
fund_ 53.26
12.00 noon. On motion the
Board adpourned until 1:00 P.M.
O’Neill, NeDraska
December 28, 1951
1 P.M.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Motion by Stems, seconded by
Hubbard that the following
claims be allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the Road
fund in payment of same.
A. M. Batcnhorst, road
Axel L. Borg, road su
pervision __ 25.00
Frank Cronk, road over
seeing _____30.00
James Davidson & Sons,
Fehrs Tractor & Equip
ment Co., starting fluid 3.S0
F. H. Fundus, tractor &
man labor _ 45.00
Gamble Store No. 1189,
boots and chains_ 28.44
Floyd Harding, road
work.. 76.00
Henkle it Joyce, cross
chains 33.60
JarviB Oil Co., repairs &
gas .. 9$ :<r>
C. W. Kirkland, road work 183.75
L«o Kramer, repairs and
Mentzer Bros., gas and
weather stripping _5.60
C. R. Myers, field sprayer
and repairs_ 367.43
A. L. Mitchell, road work 30.00
Lyle McKim, snow remov
al ___85.50
Novelty Mfg. Co., straight
en bolt and cap screws 30.56
Ries Oil Co., gasoline ___ 46.41
Marvin E. Rouse, main
taining road - 33.95
E. J. Shane, operating
dragline _ 20.90
Standard Oil Co., kerosene 67.23
E. E. Weber, tractor & man
labor .— 20.90
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.,
Soc. Sec. tax on road
fund 109.77
Ed Brandt, tractor oper
ator _ . 183.75
Glen Cobb, 750x17 chains 19.75
D-A Lubricant Co., diesel
| oil 53.55
Dens-Oil Lubricant Co..
charges on invoice 12.74
j Force Tire & Sup., new
tire and repairs _ 171.25
Fred Fundus, tractor and
man labor 15.00
Joe Gans, blacksmith re
pair 80.80
Gerald Harding, road work 66.50
Inter-State Oil Co., trans
mission 45.45
Johnson Drugs, can of
ether _ 1.25
Lamason Garage, repair
starter on patrol 5.00
Marrellus Tmpl. Co., labor
and repairs .. 137 95
Wm. Mcusch, road work 15.00
Mo. Valley Mach. Co.,
freight charges 8.10
Harrv Mitchell, tractor and
man labor 52.50
Neb Tractor & Equipment
Co., rental of hauling
scraper and power con
trol unit 2000.00
O’Neill Auto Sup. supplies 51.88
Rotherham Texaco Service,
gasoline . 20.30
Art B. Sanders, cat oper
ator 130.20
Soverign Service Station,
gal and oil _ 78.70
Lewis Vitt. road work 20.00
West Lbr & Coal, lumber
and coal 9.44
The officers of the Kbit Countv
Weed District met with the Board
and discussed the matter of the
lew for the weed district and oth
er problems.
Motion bv Hubbard, seconded
bv Frickel that the following
claims be allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the General
fund In oavment of same
Atkinson Graphic, public
notice 24 3"
A. M Batenborst. mileage 83
Axel L. Borg, mileage 42.84
Art Burnside & Co., sheriff
supplies 50.83
Citv of O’Neill, water de
partment bill __ 73 IB
Andv Ptnrk mileage _ 25 88
Frank Cronk. mileage and
expense 74.12
AHee L. Branch, mileage
for convention _ 74 Oo
A ley Wicket, mileage 58.78
The Wenticr. supr. pro- .
cecdin gs .. 24 47
Hammond A* Wenhens Co.,
nermnt fnolnlnif sets 23 73
TT W Bvhhned mileage 27 73
N W Peti mcl. Co., tele
phone Vill 159 9"
Geo C. Pnhnrtson, Insur
ance premium 22 50
Shethnmer Foods, rock
salt .95
St"fe .Tour-net Prt. Co., in
dex guides 7 95
Albert Stprns. December
snlnrv 97.50
Treasurer "Uate of Nohr.,
Alice Wcpch, school re
tirement 45.00
,T. t*1 Hancock. Co TVeas..
<3nc c>p0 fay for General
fund 41483
A M Bctcnhorst. Decem
ber solnrv 45 00
A vet T,, Borg, December
Satnrv 20 00
BrdcVer 'Typewriter Co.,
tvnc cleaner- 1.25
BumnneVre Addi’nrr Mach.
On 1 addinv machine 85.00
Andv Clark December sal
ary 75.00
| Ponsitmera PuVdjn Pnwfr
! TVstrlet etecfric bill 183 10
■James Davidson & Sons,
repairs _ 355.30
Alex Frickel, December
salary 101.50
The Frontier, supr. pro
ceedings 18.14
•illespies. light bulbs 5.§0
^uth Hoffman, convention
I expenses _1-- 20.00
i. W. Hubbard, December
salary 98.50
Norloik Daily News, fold
ers and pads --»-. 39.35
Omaha Compound Co.,
towels and gym finish — 24.00
Servall Towel & Linen
Sup., bill_ 13.00
i State Journal Prt. Co., mo
tor vehicle receipts-21.39
Stephenson School Sup.
Co., map-- 1-30
Albert Sterns, mileage 60.20
Twin States Typewriter
Co., ribbons_ 3.00
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.
Soc. Sec., tax for Gener
al fund_193.13
Frank Cronk, December
salary_ 55.00 j
Motion by Sterns, seconded by
Clark that the following claims
be allowed on the Drivers License
fund and a warrant ordered
drawn on that fund in payment
of same.
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.,
Soc. Sec. tax for Driv
ers License fund__ ' 1.13
Motion by Hubbard, seconded
by Batenhorst that the follow
ing resolution be adopted. Mo
tion carried.
Whereas the administrator of
the estate of James Jonas, De
ceased, did on the 21st day of De
cember, 1951, at an administra
tor’s sale, sell the undivided one
seventh interest of James Jonas
in the Southwest Quarter of Sec
tion 10, and the Southeast Quar
ter of Section 3, in Township 29,
North, Range 15, West of the 6th
P.M. to the County of Holt for
the sum of $2900.00 so bid and
paid by the County of Holt, and
whereas Robert Jonas now offers
to purchase said bid from the
{County of Holt for the sum of
Be it therefore Resolved, that
the County of Holt sell and trans
fer said bid to the said Robert
Jonas, and that the Chairman of
the Board of Supervisors and the
County Clerk be, and they here
by are authorized and directed to
execute and deliver to Robert
Jonas an assignment of said bid
upon the payment of the sum of
Motion by Batenhorst, second
ed by Clark that the following
claims be allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the Mail Route
fund in payment of same.
Glen Cobb, gas and re
pairs _ 338.66
Lester Marks, road work .. 40.50
Newman Oil Co., gas and
D. L. Ulrich, driving cat_57.00
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.,
Soc. Sec. tax, for Mail
Route fund _ 57.49
j. Ralph Cobb, tractor
work _ __ 66.75
Glen D. Hull, road work 362.00
l. D. Stevens, patrol oper
ator _ 250.95
Walker Gravel Co., 12 yds.
gravel and hauling grav
el .. 19.08
Motion by Sterns, seconded by
Clark that the following claims
be allowed and warrants written
on the Unemployment Relief
Toufal Market_ 230.40
Holt County Treasurer_ 124.56
Edna Huebert _ 15.00
Louis Kliment, sr.___ 20.00
John Seger 10.00
West Lbr. & Coal Co., 6 04
Farmers Union Store 33.14
Holt County Treasurer _ 72.89
K-B Market .. 40 00
Pelcer & Spence 30.00
Thompson Nursing Rome 25 00
Motion by Clark, seconded bv
Sterns that the following claims
be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Road-Bridge fund
in payment of same.
Fohrs Tractor & Equip.
Co., 1 roeker lever and
starting fliud 16.26
Lookers, Tnc., Zerex _ 15.06
Gambles. Atkinson chains 20.95
Inland Construction Co.,
wood for bridge repairs 5600 00
Ment7er Bros., 1 lub iob 2 75
The fallowing receipts on Road
and Bridee funds were filed witli
the Countv Clerk during the
month of December
pftdce FUND
Frank Vin7onz, used
bridge nlnnk 9.00
Fred P Mack, used bridge
plank 35.00
Tom Troshvnski, used
bridge nlank 12.00
Orville Siebert, machin
ery hire 170.00
Sand Creek Township ma
ebinerv hire 15 00
On motion the Board adioumod
Rina Die. i
, County Clerk
Busy Week for
Riverside Club —
On Wednesday evening. Feb
ruary ft, the Charles Boyle girls
entertained friends at a chili
sooner in honor of their parents’
23rd wedding anniversary. Recre
ation for the evening consisted of
a treasure hunt and card playing
The supper was prepared and
served hv the girls at 12:00.
On Fridnv evening the mem
bers attended a dance in the K.
of C. hall in Atkinson. This dance
was given for Joe Ramold.
Plans were made for an ice
eream social to be held at the
home of our leader. Mrs Vltt.
However, it was held at the Pd
Rnvle home instead. Fach familv
hrought home made ice eream or
e^ke and it was served at 4‘30
Then in the evening all of the
members of high school age and
over, met in town and went to
the movies.
One of our members, Flaine
Rnvle, petered a speech in the
eountv sneaking oontest last Sat
A nether member. Rettv Jane
siehneider. is in the O’Neill hos
nital recovering from an annep
airitis operation Bv Mary
*Vgnes Bovin, news reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ma
thews. of Lincoln, spent the week
end visiting relatives in O’Neill.
Thurs., Feb. 14
Legion Lounge
Inspect These on Our Lot!
I—No. 14-A New Idea Spreader, new,
on rubber.
I —Mpls.-Moline Spreader, new, 60-bu.
capacity, on rubber
I —1950 New DC Case Tractor $2,100
1 —New 1948 Case VAC
1 —Used J-D Horse Spreader, on steel.
Phone 531 Douglas St.
- 1
HOLT CHAMPS . . . The 1952 Holt county bas
ketball champs—the O’Neill high Eagles— are in
the final stretch. Todate they count 13 victories
and only 2 losses. They won the Holt title by de
feating Chambers, Page and St. Mary’s academy.
Ahead lies Plainview, Albion, Inman and Valen
tine and then the class B tourney at O’Neill.
-4- 4- -4- $ -
— The Frontier EnRravinR
Plainview will be favored to cop the O’Neill
meet. In the photo (left-to-right) are: Front row
—Clifford Closson, George Kilcoin, Veldon Godel,
Jack Hollenbeck and Robert Carroll; back row—
Larry Fox and Fred Fetrow (attendants), Donald
Godel, Junior Worth, Gary Buckmaster, Davey
Eby, Donald Calkins, Lyle Fox (attendant) and
Coach Paul Baker.—O’Neill Photo Co.
Eagles Sail Past
Stuart Broncs, 56-21
The O’Neill high Eagles had
easy sailing Tuesday night in de
feating the Stuart high Broncos.
56-21. Coach Paul Baker substi
tuted liberally as his Blues
chalked up win number 13 com
pared to 2 defeats—an enviable
seastm’s record.
Gary Buckmaster. loftv O’Neill
center, stole the show. He regis
tered 21 points, hit 60 percent of
his fmld tries and sank 3 out of 3
free-throw attempts.
O’Neill poured on the cobs dur
ing the black 3d for the Broncs.
't’hev moved from a 25-14 half
time margin to a 46-16 advant
Thp OHS seconds conned the
nretim with eaual ease, 56-19.
Boxseore of main event:
O’NEILL (56) fg ft of to
Ehv f _12 0 4
HHcoin. f 0 0 0 0
TV Ondel. -t _ 11 0 3 22
Carroll, f ._ 0 0 1 0
RuoVfpaater, c _ 9 3 1 21
v Ondel. c _0 0 10
CalVins. g_3 10 7
Hollenbeck, g _ 0 0 10
Worth, g_10 2 2
Closson, g _ 0 0 3 0
Totals _25 6 12 56
STUART (21) fg ft pf to
Brewster, f - 0 0 0 0
Tielke, f_114 3
Nelson, f -0 12 1
Coats, c_,-2 115
Ulrich, g --- 4 2 0 10
Shald, g _ 10 2 2
Peterson, g .- 0 0 0 0
Totals_ 8 5 9 21
Plainview Team to
Beat in Class B
Nebraska high school basket
ball teams will qualify through
56 regional tournaments and 16
playoffs for the annual state
championships in the University
of Nebraska coliseum March 12
Class B. C. and D regional
tournaments are scheduled for the
last week in February and the
first week in March. Teams in
this area will play in the follow
ing towns:
Class B at O’Neill—Ainsworth.
Broken Bow. Burwell, Neligh.
O’Neill, Plainview and Valentine.
Class C at Atkinson—Atkinson
high. St. Joseph’s (Atkinson),
Basestt, Butte, Chambers, Ewing,
St. Mary’s (O’Neill). Page. Spald
ing academy, Spencer, Spring
view, Stuart.
Class D at Brunswick—Bruns
wick. Center, Clearwater. St.
Ludgers (Creighton). Inman.
Lynch. Magnet, Naper. Oakdale.
St. Frances (Randolph), Royal,
Class D at Cody—Chadron As
sumption, Cody, Crookston. Kil
gore. Long Pine. Merriman. New
port, Wood Lake.
Plainview will be the heavy fa
vorite in the O’Neill B meet.
Broken Bow replaces Ord in the
tourney here. Ord will compete
this year at Central City._
EWING—Martin Pofahl, mem
ber of a “fightin’ family” of Ew
ing, is rated a strong contender
in the welterweight (147-pound)
class in the midwest golden
gloves tourney at Omaha Friday
and Saturday night. There are 7
in the class. Martin was a win
ner in the regional meet at Nor
Tenderfoot Badges
Awarded at Ewing
EWING—Boy Scout troop 181
held a meeting Thursday evening,
February 7, at the Ewing public
school with Scoutmaster Jerry
Tomjack and assistant scoutmas
ter, Harold Harris, in charge.
Twenty scouts were present. A
number of the boys passed their
tenderfoot test and were awarded
tenderfoot badges and cards. Thev
are now ready to start on work
for the second class. This troop
now has 3 patrols, Eagle, WoF
and Apache. The Wolf patro1
took their first hike Sunday, Feb
ruary 10. A very good time war
Other Ewing News
The polio benefit basketball
game between the “oldsters” and
the young “towners” held Satur
1 day night at the school gym pro
vided a lot of fun for the players
and the crowd present. The score
49-51, in favor of the “towners.
All the proceeds, a little over
$27.00 was given to the polio fund.
The Women’s Society of Chris
tian Service, of the Ewing Meth
odist church, met at the home of
Mrs R. B. Crellin Wednesday aft
ernoon, February 6, with Mrs.
Henry Fleming the assisting
hostess. Eighteen members and 3
guests, Mrs. Grace Briggs, Mrs.
Roy Kitnes and Mrs. Della Eby,
of O’Neill, were present. Mrs.
William Spence, president, pre
sided at the business session. The
devotions and the lesson “Let
Courage Rise with Danger,” was
in charge of Miss Anna Van
Zandt. A social hour was enjoyed
by the group on adjournment.
The hostesses served cherry pie
with ice cream and coffee.
Miss Donna Rudisil, instructor
of home economics in the Ewing
public school took her freshman
lass of 12 girls to the home of Mrs.
J L Pruden on Thursday morn
ing. February 7. Observation and
study on color scheme and
home decorations was the pur
pose of the (morning call. Mrs.
Pruden served fruit juices and
homemade cookies to the partv
before they returned to the school
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Koag who were
guests at the home of hgr sister,
Mrs. Jessie Angus, since Thursday
February 7, returned to their
home in Orchard on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter
and daughter, Doris Lou. were
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Pollock on Thursday
February 7. They also attended
the Billy Graham sound film in
the evening at the United Presby
terian church
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Fuller, of Grand Island, to Den
ver, Colo., on a combined business
and pleasure trip on Friday, Feb
ruary 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ruby are
enjoying a 2 week’s vacation.
1 “The Mid-Century Crusade,” a
sound film featuring Billy Gra
ham’s campaign in Portland, Ore.,
was presented to a good-sized au
dience at the annex of the United
Presbyterian church Thursday
| evening, February 7. Rev. Mel
| vin Grosenbach, of O’Neill, was in
charge, with Delbert Dick lead
ing the singing.
Mrs. George DeBilzan returned
home Thursday, February 7,
from the West coast where she
had been visiting relatives.
Mrs. Martha Hill left Wednes
day, February 6, on a vacation
trip which will take her to
Florida. Mrs. Ray Angus has
charge of the Hill’s store during
her absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Owens and
family, of Norfolk, were guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Noffke, sr., on Sunday, February
10. Maxine and Frances Noffke
were also guests of their grand
parents the same day.
Mrs. Viola Maupin and son,
Murl Maupin, of North Platte,
came Sunday, February 10, to visit
at the home of her father, M. H.
Dierks. Mrs. Maupin will remain
for a 2 weeks visit and Murl went
back to Lincoln to resume his
work at the university.
I !
Sgt. Cunningham
Gets Commendation
By direction of the secretary
of the air force, M/Sgt. Robert
R. Cunningham, husband of Mary
Lois Cunningham, of Atkinson,
has been awarded the commenda
tion ribbon by Col. Walter C.
Royals, commanding officer of
William Beaumont army hospital,
El Paso, Tex. The citation reads:
“M/Sgt. Robert R. Cunningham
distinguished himself by meritor
ious service from 1 October 1950
to 17 February 1951 as flight en
gineer of the standardization
I board of the 19th Bombardment
group, (medium). Sergeant Cun
| ningnam demonstrated unusual
| initiative in formulating a cirri
1 cuium for, and presenting lec
tures and demonstrations, on.
techniques and methods of com
bat operational flying. He spent
hours beyond those normally ex
pected compiling and editing stan
dard procedures and instructions
which were adopted for use
throughout the 19th Bombard
ment group. His excellent advice
was of immeasurable asistance to
the members of group and squad
ron staffs. Sergeant Cunninghams’
technical knowledge and skill and
his devotion to his duty reflected
great credit upon himself, the
Far East forces and the United
States Air Force.”
Sergeant Cunningham entered
the service in September, 1942.
Mrs. Cunningham, the former
Mary Lois Mohr, worked in
O’Neill at the Council Oak store.
They have 2 children.
Cows and Bred
A. Max Karo Ranch
will sell at the regular
Tuesday Auction
February 19,1952
at Atkinson, Nebraska
50 Choice Angus Breeding
Cows, 5 & 6 yrs. old.
30 Choice Angus Heifers,
coming 2 yrs. old.
Bred for fall calving.
25 Angus Breeding Cows
from another local rancher.
If you like Angus Cattle —
be here.
Atkinson. Nebraska
jj A rn f 1 I I I k J 1 11 J
| s^ , I %-/' S ''4 ' "’ :'\ , *' &!' ../V1-1/i'^'
A New Cooper Formula containing Natural APF/
Multiple Anti-BioticS/ Arsonic Acid derivative*
FORMULA 34 guarantees highest feed efficiency on
your farm as proved by actual tests on Cooper's
Practical Experimental farms.
f* -f
O’Neill, Nebraska