Editorial it Business Offices: 122 South Fourth Street O'NEILL. NEBR. ‘ CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher Established in 1880— Published Each Thursday Entered the postoffice at O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as sec ond-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Hui newspaper is a member of the Nebraska Press Association, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Term* of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year, abroad, rates provided on request. All subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advance._ Roger Bowen Is New Leader— The Page Eagle Hustlers 4-H club met Thursday night. Janu ary 31, at the home of Dale Stauffer. A new leader, Roger Bowen, was elected. Frank Beel aert was elected president, Carl Sojka, vice-president; Hugh Tro shynski. secretary and treasurer, and Merlyn Held, news reporter. There were 15 members at the meeting and more are expected to join. A lunch was served by Mrs. Dale Stauffer.—By Merlyn Held, news reporter. Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Walters and family and David Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schwindt were also Sunday call era Twins Might Confuse Paper Route Patrons ATKINSON — No one could blame Atkinson patrons when they pick up their daily papers at either end of town if they are a little confused. New carriers on the route are the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sladek. The boys, Ronald and Donald, are 12-years-oid and they came to Atkinson from Chambers about 6 months ago. Their father is employed at the Atkinson Livestock Market. Draft** Fet*d at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNich ols entertained about 55 guests on Sunday evening, February 10, in honor of their son, Richard, who left for military service on Tuesday, Cards were plaved for enter tainment and prizes were given. A lunch was served. Pilg*r Visitors — Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harding Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harding, Mrs. Louis Hartman and Sharon Hartman went to Pilger Sunday, February 10, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harding, jr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller and sons. Tommy and John, were Wednesday, February 6. dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt. DR. GILDERSLEEVE. OJ). OPTOMETRIST Permanent Offices In Hageneick Building Phone 167 O'NEILL. NEBR. Eyes Examined • Olaeeea Fitted . The ,/ ^ 4V Vvf in a walking shoe N If you’re looking for a shoe you can wear for endless hour*, try' this comfortably styled Air Step. Supporting arch . . , combination heel . . . plenty of room at the ball of the foot. If you're a comfort-loving woman, this is the favorite to win in a walk. AAA, AA, B, & C Sizes: 4/i to 10 IN BROWN CALF & BLACK CALF The Shoe with the Magic Sole You jUp on air rn 1 1 .. A Half A Million Folks Prefer!!! » # RICHER MILK! | FIRST IN FAVOR . . . BEST IN FLAVOR I Prairieiand TaJK — Nothing Served at Swank Banquets Compares to Grassfed Beef at Campfire By ROMAINE SAUNDETRQ LINCOLN—On December 13 it was noted in this department that a Nebraska heifer had been taken to Tennessee to grace a herd of Herefords in the Great Smokies. The heifer was exhibit ed at the Denver, Colo., stock show by Wil ford Scott, of Dawes county, and sold, as I recall, for $25, 000, or some such fabulous sum. Incidental ly it was observ ed that some times such sales were effected as a trade with no money Romain* changing hands. Saunders The item herein at that time came to the attention of someone connected with the Ne braska Hereford Breeders’ asocia tion. Mr. Warner, of Central City, an official of the association, did not approve of the impression he feared would result from what “Prairieland Talk” had to say a bout trades at these big sales. He has written to me to assure all that Mr. Scott was paid the cash for his heifer. To oldtimers who came up on the open range when a cow brought $15 they will but won der what a buy with 25 thou sand grand in his jeans wants with a heifer. The aim of breeder associa tions is the improvement of herds and some pretty aristocratic crit ters have been developed. But at that, as I view it, no meat animal is worth such fancy prices. More over, when a cut of beef comes from the butcher’s block how do you tell whether it was cut from a purebred, a grade or a scrub critter? The boys who rode the cow trails and roasted over the camp fire a cut from a wild steer that never saw an ear of com could tell you there is nothing served at the swank banquet boards to compare to a cut from a grassfed beef roasted at the evening campfire. • • • Lincoln is favored—or pestered, which ever way you feel about it—with highbrows for the en lightenment of benighted prairie land dwellers. A few imported world visionaries were on the speakers’ platform a week or 2 ago at what was called a confer ence on world affairs, the intel lectual excrement from the classic halls of our university. It appears from what these gentlemen blew off. their tribe should be the ones now wallowing in the mud and snow over in Korea. It’s amazing what some of those connected with a setup that has been beating the air and accomplishing noth ing but living off of the taxpay ers get off at these highbrow gatherings about “what ought to be done.” It is amazing, too. that the real purpose of the commu nist movement is understood by so few. * * • Mx. Truman seems io be hold ing his fire until pretty sure who will be the republican candidate. Of various repub lican hopefuls. Senator Taft is regarded as the best informed for the white house job, but if it is to be a military man. let it be MacArlhur. • • * “We are informed,” said the At kinson Graphic one week in Jan uary. 1905, "that Lazelle Sturde vant’s salary at the university has been increased $100.” And adds: “This is evidence of the acknow ledgement of the worth of Lazelle and we hope to hear in the near future of his going still higher.” The Sturdevant families, that of the doctor and that of B. E., were among the prominent ones of ear ly Atkinson history. About the time the Graphic made the fore going mention, the Inman News told of Cord Smith, of Chambers precinct, selling his Holt county land for $15 an acre and buying land 3 miles east of Sioux City at $70 an acre, iln the homestead days. Cord hauled a load of hay now and then from his grass em pire 5 miles out to O’Neill livery barns and got $1.50 a load. That was the price of a year’s sub scription to The Frontier. ■.. 1 1 A firebrand of a preacher has been pointing a finger of warning at vast crowds in sinful Washing ton, D.C. Maybe Evangelist Billy Graham, armed with the sword of the Spirit, will accomplish the renovation of the nation’s capital city, what neither politicians, statesmen nor clergy with their round of formality that has gone stale can ever do. Pointing a fin ger at the crowds before him, a mong which is a sprinkling of members of congress, this is shot at them: “I am not calling for a moral revival, it won’t last. What we want is moral regeneration, the kind Christ meant when He said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.” That sounded like nonsense to Nicodemus as it probably did to many in that Washington crowd, nevertheless human emotions are awakened to spiritual life under such min istry and this great preacher has been reaping a harvest of repent ant sinners under the shadow of the white house. * • • Among some worthwhile sentiments from school children in their monthly paper done on a typewriter. I find this new year proposition from one kid: "I want to throw snow balls in the right place." The "right place”—some other kid the vic tim? • • • A group of university students met the other evening and listen ed to a few from foreign lands tell what they thought of us. One of the group of speakers comes to Nebraska’s seat of learning out of the drifting sands of old Egypt. He was an able speaker and with —The Frontier Photo & Engraving SCOUTS ARE PROMOTED . . . Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor of the Methodist church, presented awards to O’Neill Boy Scouts at a court of honor at the American Legion auditorium. Elevated from tenderfoot to second-class scouts included (left-to-right): Robert Bauman, James Enright and Bartley Brennan. Two scout moth ers shown are Mrs. Ralph Bauman and Mrs. Donald Enright.— Photo by John H. McCarville. something of the charm of a pol ished. orator made fun of us as a nation of suckers. Of course, we know that but to have these gents from lands afar that we have been doling out the means of live lihood to come here and poke the finger of scorn at us is not great ly relished. Some Yankees among the listening group made it some what uncomfortable for the rep resentative from the land of the Pharaohs before he was through holding America up to ridicule and Great Britain to Egyptian wrath. • • • Groundhog or no groundhog, full 6 weeks must come and go before prairieland awakens again with the budding rose, the morn ing and evening notes of the meadow lark, the hum of insects and velvet verdure released from i the grip of winter. And if within 6 weeks from without the blue a bove there glows in radiant splen dor sunbeams assuring us winter ; has spent its rage and the surg ing tides of oncoming spring beat upon the shore of time, we’ll for get Brer Groundhog. • • • Maybe John Sullivan and Bill Griffin talked it over before their separate conventions were rapped to order. But the query is, what did John’s group have in mind in tossing a bouquet into the con-, vention for Mr. Truman, his ap pointment of a republican lawyer from up in New York to come to Washington to take over the fed eral clean-up job? • • • An attraction of the GOP founders’ day March 3 will be that lady from Connecticut who has come into national promi nence since she went to bat with Uncle Sam and won in court ov °r the withholding tax. She is scheduled for an address at the women’s banquet. Frontier for printing! PERKY NEW PRINTS! "Haddon Hall” PERCAIES 39c Yord • Vat Dyed, Washfast Colors • Fine 80-Square Cotton Percale • Wide Selection of Neat Prints Fresh new prints for your every sew ing need; aprons, children’s clothes, house dresses, lunch cloths, to men tion a few. All 36 inches wide. 120-1401 Rayon Marquisette ; PANELS J 1.09 • Each ( • Lovely Celanese Rayon • Patented Kwikpleat Tops 9 Wide 4-Inch Bottom Hems 6 Expertly tailored with double- g stitched Hemrite side hems. Kwikpleat tops keeps fullness ® even. Ivory, 41x81 inches. ( 11*4202 ^ Crisp Permanent Finish Priscillas 3.88 Dainty organdy, so practfcat, too! Six-inch ruffles. White, rose or yellow. 41x90 inches. nt-soos New Bright Fast Colors ( Cannon Towels t 49c Bath towel, 20x40 inc* ( Wasl cloths, 12x12'..., 10c | 120-2575- 2575- 2577 New-for-Spring Print* Rayon Crepe 59c Yd. A choice selection of prints In washable colors. 38 and 39 inch widths. Value pricedl Itt-tTU w -— Priced for Savings! I Chenille Spreads i 4.44 ! Ml bed size, fringed on three ( sides. Fast colors; blue, green, gold and deep red. Save! f MMMS I 188-7037 Pillow Covers J * 59c Ea. k CWar p Iodic with a dp P doting. Standard tiia. » Prot»ct> pillow* from P patting km lad. . !«*»» Plastic Drapes 1.77 Pr. K.d and gr««n loavoi on a wtilta •mbow.d background. Fan vat* one*. 27x90* oadi lido. I»M I 185-7038 Blanket Bags y5c Clear plastic with a zip closing. 20x22*7 in. Protects your out-of season wool blankets. USM > ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT GtttnEfed I