12 PAGES—2 SECTIONS , ' » o North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper . —■— . ...... VOLUME 71.—NUMBER 41. _ O'NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1952. PRICE: 7 CENTS mmmJSSk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlinar, sr. . . both have been Holt resi dents more than a half-century. JOE MLINAR, WIFE MARRIED 54 YEARS Atkinson Couple Feted in Family Gathering Friday Night ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Mlinar. sr.. both residents of Holt county for more than a half-century, Friday, February 8. celebrated their 54th wedding an niversary. There was a family dinner in their honor at the Mli nar home in Atkinson. When the Mlinars celebrated their golden anniversary their 4 attendants at the wedding in 1898 were present for the 50th celebration. Since that time one of the attendants. John Mlinar. has died. The 3 other attendants —Theodore Kubart, brother of Mrs. Mlinar; Mrs. Theodore Ku bart, the former Effie Pacha, and Mrs. Frank LeMunyan, the for mer Victoria Kubart—all reside in Atkinson. John Mlinar was a brother of Mr. Mlinar. Descendants of the pioneer couple include: Sons—Charles and Edward, both of Atkinson; daughters—Mrs. Clarence (Mil dred) Johnson, of Stuart; Mrs. George (Helen) Beck, of Atkin son; Mrs. Merlyn (Eva) Quig ley, of Bellevue: and Mrs. Dwaine (Hazel) Lockman, of Stuart. Friday evening’s guest list in cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlinar; Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Smith and daughter, Leile; Mr. and Mrs. George Beck; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and daughter. Marvel Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Mlinar; Mr. and Mrs. [ Dwaine Lockman and sons, Glen and Gary; Mrs. Merlyn Quigley, of Bellevue; and Larry Quigley, who is in the navy stationed at Jacksonville, Fla. Another grandson, Pfc. Dale Mlinar, stationed at Atlanta, Ga., was unable to attend. Mrs. M. E. Hiatt, Former Resident, Dies Mrs. M. E. Hiatt, of Boulder, Colo., a former O’Neill resident, died Monday, February 11, at Boulder. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hiatt and daughter, Carolyn, departed Tues day for Boulder to attend the fu neral rites on Wednesday. H. C. Stewart, 85, Dies at Denver CHAMBERS — Word was re ceived of the death Saturday, February 9, of H. C. Stewart, 85, at Denver, Colo. Mr. Stewart’s daughter. Mrs. Paul Roth, was with him. Mr. Roth and daughter, Mary Jo, and daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson, and chil dren left Sunday for Boise, Ida., to attend the funeral services. Chambers Nurse Is Back from Korea— CHAMBERS— Lt. Thelma J. Kiltz, army nurse, has returned to the United States from Korea where she has been stationed with a medical unit near the front, according to information received bv relatives here. She had been overseas about 15 months. She is currently visiting a brother. Robert, in California and plans to visit a brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schipper. ir.. and family at Den ver prior to returning here. Lieutenant Kiltz’s parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kiltz. perished here during the severe snows of 1948-’49. Montanans Visit Here— "Montana Jack” Sullivan and Jack Dwyer, both former O’Neill residents, arrived Tuesday eve ning for a few davs’ visit with friends. Thev are enroute to Butte after an extended tour of the West coast. Arizona, Texas and Florida. * Past State Bar Head Addresses Attorneys Clarence A. Davis, Lincoln attorney and president last year of the Nebraska Bar association. Tuesday evening delivered an Abraham Lincoln day address to members of the Fifteenth judicial district bar association at a din ner meeting here. The meeting was held at the Town House. William W. Griffin, of O’Neill, was elevated from vice-president to president; John Cassel. of Ainsworth, was elected vice-pres ident, and Norman Gonderinger, of O’Neill, was elected secretary treasurer. Twenty-five association mem bers attended. District Judge Lyle Jackson, of Neligh, was a guest. Installation Friday for Rev. Samuel Lee An installation rite for Rev. Samuel R. G. Lee will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday, February 15. at First Presbyterian church. At that time Reverend Lee will for | mally become pastor of First Presbyterian church, O’Neill, and Bethany Presbyterian church. : RFD Ewing. Reverend Lee recently moved to O’Neill with his wife and 2 children. The Lees returned to the U.S. in 1951 from Barrow. Alaska, the northern-most settle ment on the North American continent. They had spent 5 years at a Presbyterian mission outpost. The new pastor succeeds Rev. Ralph G. Gerber, who moved to Lexington last fall. Rev. Franklin B. Helsman. of Laurel, moderator of the Presby tery of Niobrara, will preside at the installation. Rev. Alton Kaul. pastor of First Presbyterian church. Grand Island, will deliv er the sermon. Other clergy as sisting Reverend Helsman will be Rev. Orin Graf, of the Stuart. At kinson, Cleveland churches; Rev. Edward Trefz, of Hastings col lege, professor of Bible: Rev. Ol iver Proett, pastor of First Pres byterian church, Wayne. Reverend Lee will close the rite with benediction. The public is invited to attend the installation. Music will be provided by Charles Houser at the organ, Bethany church choral members, the First Presbvterian choir under the direction of James Bastian, and congregation al singing. At 4 p.m., preceding the in stallation, a pro re nata meeting will be held at the church at which time the official call will be made to Reverend Lee. At 6 p.m., the elders of both churches and installation officials will be entertained at a dinner given bv the women’s associations of the 2 churches. Red Cross to Elect Friday Annual meeting of the Holt I county chapter, American Red ! Cross, will be held Friday, 8 p.m., at the American Legion audi torium. Glea H. Wade, chairman for the past 3 years, has announced that he will resign. SPECIAL SESSION The city council met in spe cial session Tuesday evening to hear a 3d proposal for improving the municipal water supply prob lem. One of 2 new wells put into use during the past 4 years will have to be replaced, the council has been told. Fine sand plugs the well and knocks the pump cut of operation. The council has been told the need for a new well is urgent. CONGRESS CANDIDATE ATKINSON— Francis D. Lee. Atkinson attorney, was “drafted” bv the state democratic conven tion to be a candidate for con gress from the traditional repub lican Fourth district. The office is now held bv Rep. A. L. Miller, of Kimball. WJAG. 780 kc. Adv. SECRET‘VIOLINIST’ AT POP CONCERT O’Neill Band IcT Be Heard in ‘Hi Jinks’ Program Sunday Afternoon A program of “Hi Jinks” by the O’JNeill band has been an nounced by Supt. D. E. Nelson and Principal J. Lyman, of tne O’Neill public school, and Sister Antonella. principal of St. Mary’s academy. A pop concert of old and new favorites has been pre pared. Novelties and specialties de signed to lighten the proceedings and make for relaxed listening will spice the program which is scheduled to start promptly at 3:12 p.m., Sunday afternoon, Feb ruary 17, in the O’Neill public school auditorium. The band is under the direction of Charles B. Houser. Highlight of the afternoon will be the presentation of the "Con certo for a One-Armed Paper Hanger.” by O’Neill’s newest and most spectacular “violin virtuo so.” His identity is being kept se cret. Free ear plugs will be fur nished members of the audience who desire them, a spokesman said. The program will include a se lection of concert and street marches such as ‘The Knights bridge March,” “Marcho Poco." “Parade of the Little Leaden Sol diers,” and “March of the Steel Men.” Novelty numbers wil be “The Little Brown Jug Goes to Town" and “Do-Si-Do.” For lovers of the polka the band will present selec tions from the “Bartered Bride.” “The Pals-Cornet Duet.” played by Duane Booth and Eddie Bridges, and a little German band specialty. Best - known numbers will be the familiar “Prelude and Fugue in G Minor” and “Ciribiribin” with alto sax soloist Jav B. Mun sell. a __ _i_ _ . • 11_ tm_j*__ A modern specialty, rsaainage for Brasses.” gives everyone a good chance to tap their feet and join in the fun. Public school players are: Mar ilyn Lindberg, Mardy Johnson. Karen Bridge, Don Hagensick. Carolyn Hiatt. Esther Kaiser. Al ta Lyons, Betty Rodman, Ed Gatz, Hazel Johnson. Jay B. Munsell, Paul Shelhamer, Clar vce Johnson, Bet.y Harmon, Du ane Booth. Eddie Bridges, Pat DeBolt, Evalyn Asher. Perry Dawes, Barbara Bennett. Kay Allendorfer, Elizabeth Schaffer, Bruce McElhaney, Jim Rodman, Mildred Crabb, John Bowen. Phyllis Harmon, Lavonne Thorin, Jack Bailey. St. Mary’s, academy players are: Helen Harty, Mary Lou Wil son, James Cronk, Rose Corkle. ' Pat Mullen, Suzanne Moss, Ber nard Mohr, Sarah Moss. Dwayne Weier. Jean Bosn. Jones Returns from Omaha Hospital Charles W. (“Casey”) Jones. 23. a Consumers Public Power dis trict employe, returned Sunday from Methodist hospital. Omaha, where he had been hospitalized 9 days. Jones does not recall what happened between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Thursday. January 24. He aad been working until 3 with a line crew and left the truck at the home of his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Jones, North Fourth street. His mother found him on the doorstep at 7 a.m., unconscious and bruised. His clothes were torn. He was taken to an Omaha hospi tal Friday evening and was semi conscious for several days. Doctors say he cannot return to work for a week or 10 days. Louis and John Pribil, of Enid, Okla., visited recently with Mrs. Mary Vitt. Green children in Africa adjust themselves quickly in new environment . . . natives trans port them by kipoi. When their parents, the Er ★ ★ ★ — Tlio Frontier Engraving nest Greenf, took their first kipoi ride, the car riers in a playful mood gave the adults a few ex tra bounces. ★ ★ + Dark Continent Is Home for Greens Children Adjust t o Environment Quicker Than Parents By MAUDE SILVERSTRAND ATKINSON — When the Er nest Green family transplanted themselves to the interior of Af rica a few months ago the Green children — Eldon, David, Roger and Patricia — quickly adapted themselves to the new , environ ment. In fact, the transition for them came even more quickly and easily than it did for their missionary parents. It can be said the Green chil dren are getting along fine (and their parents, too) with the Af rican natives with whom they will live for the next 4 years. What the Green children enjoy most are the rides in the kipoi— the most popular mode of travel on the Dark continent. The boys thought they had a great time when they rode on the kipoi themselves, but they danc ed with glee along with the na tives when their mother and daddy took their first ride. me carriers in a piayiui mood gave the missionaries a few extra bounces on the resil ient floor of the carriage. The Greens write that though there are many difficulties, they love their work. One great incon venience is the hordes of giant ants that come to visit them, sometimes in the night. There is nothing to do except move out until the ants decide to leave. They do not as a rule remain long in the same house. Mrs. Green has been able to use her training as a nurse to great advantage. There are no schools for the children so she and her husband have added the teaching of their boys to the many duties of a missionary. He hears lessons while she is at her work in the dispensary and she teaches them when he takes care of his missionary errands. One day Mr. Green took his children and some of the natives in his old (ruck and went to gath er firewood for the huge brick , kiln lcoated near the village. "As we got to the place one of the natives said something to me," Mr. Green recalls, "Be fore I could ask him to repeal s | it, to see if I might understand, David said, 'He said to go up to the lop of the hill if you want to turn around!' Believe it or not, that is what he said!" Mr. and Mrs. Green are known as llallie and "Red” in Atkinson. Hallie is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houts. Mr. Green became known in the com munity during the numerous vis its to the Houts home. The children were born in Tex as while Mr. Green was prepar ing for his missionary work. Polio Push Enters Final Stretch Holt county’s 1952 fund drive for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis this week en ters the home stretch. Officials of the Holt chapter say they expect to publish a statement next week regarding a mounts collected from the vari ous cities, towns and rural com munities. Mrs. Everett Gorgen, the for mer Helen Urban, a polio suffer er for a number of months, has inspired the residents of the rur al Martha community to under take a fund drive of their own in behalf of the National Founda tion. Stanley J. Lambert is head ing the push. Mrs. Gorgen’s medical expens es are being paid by the Holt chapter. There will be a benefit basket ball game tonight (Thursday) at the public school auditorium. The O’Neill Lions team faces the Tilden Townies, featuring Richie Ashburn, Philadelphia Phillies baseball star. In a preliminary the North side “has-beens” face the South side "never-weres.” About 30 players will parade in and out during the course of the farcial evening opener. MARRIAGE LICENSES Rob Roy Prouty and Miss La vonne Larae Riley, both of O’ Neill. on Wednesday. February 13. The Volunteer firemen were called to the Bob Moore trailer home at 11:25 a.m. Sunday morn ing. Slight damage was caused from smoke. O’NEILL BARGAIN DAYS Thur.-Fri.-Sat., Feb. 21-22-23 — - Wmem#* ■laiULki v*c:: V .*•»►.7 PLAY FOR CHARITY . . . These 5 young ladies took to the stage at the O'Neill public school aud itorium to perform in a home-talent show and all proceeds at the gate went lb the Holt county -***mmm. iWflgrrr - 'rr’r'ff' I* * 'l'lit* Frontier Photo & Engraving chapter, National Foundation for Infantile Paral ysis. Accordianists are Betty Curran, Joanne Lansworth, Ladonna McNulty, Larene Schmitz and Elaine Miller.—Photo by John If. McCarville. Fights Conviction, Finally Serves Term Henry Schacht, 66, of O’Neill, at noon Wednesday finished a 4 day jail sentence in Pierce coun ty jail ending a driving violation case that started in 1950. In June, 1950, Mr. Schacht was arrested on U.S. highway 20 near Osmond by state safety patrol men. He was charged with drunk driving and a blood test was taken. Pierce County Judge H. A. Krehnke found him guiltv. sen tenced him to 4 da>is in the coun ty jail, fined him $20 and costs and suspended his driver’s license for 4 months. Mr. Schacht appealed to the district court and in January. 1950, was found guilty by a jury. Judge Fay Pollock sentenced him to 4 days in jail, fined him $20 and costs and suspended his li cense for 4 months. Mr. Schacht appealed to the supreme court. In December, 1951, the high court upheld the district court decision. Last Saturday Mr. Schacht and his attorney, Bernard Ptak, ap peared before Judge Pollock and asked for a new trial. It was de nied and at 11 a.m. he started serving his sentence. Pierce County Sheriff Elmer Kuhl said he believed this was the first time the blood test has been upheld by the supreme court in Nebraska. 2 More Candidates File for Office There have been 2 more filings for Holt county offices, accord ing to Miss Ruth Hoffman. Holt county clerk. Frank Cronk. of Page, repub lican. is seeking the nomination for supervisor from the Fourth district. He will be seeking his second term. A. M. Batenhorst. of Stuart, democrat, wants the nomination for supervisor from the Sixth dis trict. Like Cronk he is seeking a second term. Filings close February 21. The Drimary election is April 1. Lease Auctioninq Over by Autumn— The state board of educational lands and funds should be caught up with its job of auctioning state school land leases by October or November. Henry Bartling, secretary to the board, offered the prediction Saturday. To live within its budget, the board has ordered the rate of the auctions curtailed. This, said Mr. Bartling, shoved the target date back to October or November, instead of June or July. The board started last Septem ber 19 to auction leases on 2,300 parcels of school land where pre vious leases had been invalidated bv a state supreme court decree. Proceeds from the auctions, in cluding another 300 parcels on which the leases expired Jan uary 1. will hit from 3*/fe to 4 mil lion dollars. Mr. Bartling estimat ed. WEATHER REPORT Hi Lo Prec. February 7 ___ 32 29 February 8 _49 22 February 9 _60 28 February 10_59 36 February 11_60 26 February 12_56 32 T February 13 _43 31 .13 RETIRED RANCHER A HEART VICTIM ‘Ben* Martin, 60, Succumbs at His Home Here; Burial in Wyoming A retired rancher. William Ben jamin Martin, 60, died at 2:39 a.m.. Monday. February 11, at his home. He was stricken with a heart attack and died suddenly. The body was forwarded Wed nesday to Lusk, Wyo., following brief funeral rites at the Biglin Bros, chapel, conducted by Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor of Christ Lutheran church. Rites will be held at Lusk at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) and burial will be in the Manville cemetery. The late Mr. Martin was bom July 17, 1891, in Iowa, a son of William and Emmaline Lee Mar tin. He was a Wyoming rancher for many years and came to Holt county in 1949 following his mar riage October 8. 1949, to Mrs. Emma Jones Mielke. His first wife preceded him in death. Survivors include: Widow; stepson— William Morey; sisters —Mrs. Ena Greeley, of Wahkon, Minn.; Mrs. Amy Jones, of Phoe nex. Ariz. The late Mr. Martin was a World War I veteran, a member of the American Legion and Elks club at Lusk. Scout Membership Continues to Climb A monthly meeting of the Boy Scout north-central Nebraska dis trict organization was held Mon day night at the courthouse here. * Highlights were: The commissioner’s flag was presented to troop 177, Bassett. The commissioner’s cub trophy was awarded to pack 186, Spen cer. It was announced that once more membership standings In the district took a big jump. Lester Jonas, of O’Neill, was commended “for a swell job” done while in charge of member ship work. Commendation was made by Dick Miller, of Stuart, field executive. District meetings and roundta ble discussions henceforth will be held on the second Tuesday of each month. Next meeting date is March 11. In the roundtable sessions the cub theme was “Jungle Tales.” and the Scout theme was “Out door Living.” A movie was shown and refreshments were served. In a report of the ceremony be fore Gov. Val Peterson last week end at Lincoln, it was stated a group of 31 Eagle Scouts from Nebraska presented the follow ing facts about scouting in 1951 to the governor: There are now 29,000 Cubs. Scouts and Explorers in 650 Scout units. Of this 29,000 over 3.000 at tended council camps, and over 300 Explorers participated in high adventure trips. Fred Fetrow, of O’Neill, was the Eagle Scout selected from this area to participate in this ceremony. Last week was officially des ignated as Boy Scout week. At 7 p.m. Fridav the church bells rang and the fire alarm sounded si multaneously in commemoration of the event. Backhaus, Holcomb Are Speech Winners Winners in the Holt county 4 H club timely topics elimination speech contest, held here Satur day morning, were Joellvn Back haus. of O’Neill, and Gary Hol comb. of Chambers. Their topics, respectively, were “Twigs Today, Trees Tomorrow” and “The 4-H Brand.” The winners will compete at Bassett February 20 in a district meet and district winners will go to the state contest. Alternates chosen are Benton Mellor, of Atkinson, and Doris Ward, also of Atkinson. Other entries were Elaine Boyle, of O’Neill: Jennie Halsey, of Chambers, and Demaris Wef so, of Atkinson. THE FRONTIER SALES CALENDAR The Frontier’s sale calendar in cludes 1 real estate and 3 regis tered Hereford auctions: Tuesday, February 19: C. D. Harmon, northeast outskirts of O’Neill, 158-acre farm and new improvements: some personal property. Saturday, February' 23: North Central Nebraska Hereford Breeders’ association. Bassett, 58 registered Herefords Friday. March 7: Niobrara Val ley Hereford Breeders’ associa tion. Butte. 40 registered Here fords. Wednesday. March 19: C. F. Small, near Amelia, sale of herd of registered Herefords and other personal property.