Jimmy Sawyer New Head Victory Club INMAN—At the recent meet ing of the Victory boys’ and girls’ — 1 --—-— panied them and spent the week end with his father, Leo Mat thews. * Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family drove to Stuart on Sunday and were guests at the D. B. Marcelus home. George McCarthy went to Grand Island on Sunday where he attended of Knights of Colum bus state officers’ meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armbrus ter, of Norfolk, were Wednesday afternoon, January 16, callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson went to Elgin Sunday to visit Mrs. Sidney E. Anderson. They also visited at Bartlett. Dr. E. J. Bild, sr., of Page, and Dr. E. J. Bild, jr., of W a u s a, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and Mararet were Tuesday guests at the M. B. Marcellus home. Robert Jonas, who is working at Columbus, arrived Sunday to spend the day with his wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaszkowiak attended a dinner and card par ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cobb in Stuart on Sun day, January 20. A. J. Tasler, of Atkinson, was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas on Mon day. ■ ■ .. ■ Soon Will Be ST. VALENTINE'S DAY PICK OUT your Valentine from our fine selection while the new shipment is complete. For that tickling cough— CHERROSOTE_8-Oz. 98c The new Pepsodenl tooth paste with chlorophyll— CHLORODENT_Tube 69c For mouth wash and gargle— MI-31 _Pint 69c For complete vitamins it's— PLENAMINS_2.59 - 4.79 - 7.85 Fine writing paper— SYMPHONY_50c to 1.25 Facial quality toilet tissue— MEDFORD_Roll 17c (1,000 full size, full count, white, peach, green) 84-80 Oatmeal— TOILET SOAP_6 Bar* 43c Libbey Safedge— TUMBLERS_6 for 50c (Excellent) SMA BABY FOOD (Liq.) _ Per Can 32c by the Case LACTUM_Per can 27c Electric— BABY BOTTLE WARMER_1.98 Electric— BABY BOTTLE WARMER_2.98 (For car use) VETERINARY PENICILLIN lOcc. or SINGLE SHOT LENTOVET For sore udder or chapped teals— BAG BALM_1.00 Injectable Sulfas Dry Dip Rotenone for Lioe Syringes — Needles — Barrels GILLIGAN’S REXALL DRUG Phone 87 O* Neill John R. Gallagher Mton»#y-at-Law First Nan Bank Bldg. O'Nall] i Phona 11 W. F. FINLEY. M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL # I IT HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN A FINE CAR... The comfort of a smooth, quiet air-borne ride ... with road roughness and vibration soaked up by rubber-cushioned springs, aero-type shock absorbers and drive system floated on rubber pillows. Interior roominess for six adults, with 61-inch wide seating, front and rear. “Toke-ofF' performance with the new 90-h.p. 6-cylinder Hurricane Engine ... 7.6 compression . ... - * s— - (dome in and see America* yjJa&Z feet hif only full-size car thutgives Streamlined from its distinctive new plane wing C/ e/ (g Record economy—up to 36 miles on a gallon of up to 35 mites per gallon gasoline, with overdrive. A A « J flSIHUS JOTOR CO. Phone 373 (TONY ASIMUS) We»t O’Neill k WHY you’ll like the taste of HEILEMAN’S Old Stgle Cager • Unhurried old-world brewing methods • Expensive imported and domestic hops • Our own malting • Sparkling pure Wisconsin water • Aged far. far longer than other premium beers • Double fermented, as in making finest champagne We don't anti to make the most beer; only the best bmd mJr W O. Hoilmoo Srawlng Co., 1* Cram, Wbcowia AMUICA'S OUALITT MU ||