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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1952)
■" u- “ -- FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS ■ i o , . TOELLE—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toelie, of Norfolk, a daughter, bom Sunday, December 16, in a Norfolk hospital. Mrs. Toelie is the former Donna McCloud, who taught in the Reimer school at Deloit THRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. Max Thramer, of Deloit a daughter, born Thursday, January 3,. in a Norfolk hospital TOLBERT — Cpl. and Mrs. James R. Tolbert, of Atkinson, a daughter, Linda Lee, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, January 4, at 10:59 a.m., in the Stuart Community hospital. The mother is the fprmer Patricia Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Johnson, of Atkin son. The father, stationed at Pearl Harbor, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tolbert, of Spokane, Wash. This is the first grandchild on both sides of the family and the first great-granddaughter for J. Victor Johnson, of O’Neill. SHAVL1K—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Shavlik, of Ewing, a son, weighing 10 pounds, born in a Nortolk hospital. The Shavliks have 2 other children—a daugh ter, Sharon, and a son, Larry. KATZER—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Katzer, of Naper, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces, bom Wednesday, January 2. at the Sacred Heart hospital Lynch. The honor of being Miss Boyd County in 1952 goes to the Katzer baby. DUCKER—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ardard Ducker, of Lynch, a son, born Monday, December 31, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. OLBERDING — Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Olberding, of Stuart, a son, Mervin Leonard, weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces, born Friday, December 28, at the Stuart Com munity hospital. MAY — Mr. and Mrs. Deraid May, of Omaha, a daughter, Rox anna Louise, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, born on Thursday, De cember 27, at the Methodist hos pital, Omaha. This is the Mays’ second child. Mrs. May is the daughter of Mrs. Esther Cole Har ris, of O’Neill. WILLARD—Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Wilard, of Kansas City, Mo., twin daughters, Bonnie and Don nie, born Wednesday, December 5, in Kansas City. Mrs. Willard is the former Rose Rouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rouse, of Missouri, formerly of O’Neill. HANSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hansen, of Boise, Ida., a daugh ter, Christine Ann, weighing 6% pounds, born Thursday, January 3. Mr. Hansen is formerly of Chambers. He enlisted in the ar my about a year ago and was dis charged in December. PARKS—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Sunday, January 6, at the O’Neill hospital. . GETS DISCHARGE Francis Luben has received his discharge from the navy and has entered school at Greeley, Colo. Frontier foi printing! jr—. SICK & INJURED O’NEILL— Baby Mary Kath erine Hynes, who has been in an incubator, is in “good” condition in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes. . . . Mrs Donald McKamy has reentered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. Her condition is “good.” . . . Roland Thompson was taken to the Wakefield hospital Friday, January 4, with virus pneumonia. He was removed by ambulance. ... Mrs. Elizabeth Howard enter ed Methodist hospital, Sioux Ci ty, Sunday. . . Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke took her little son to a doctor in Norfolk Monday. He has been ill with an ear infection. . . Mrs. Os car Pruden was called to Clear water on Friday, January 4, be cause of the serioys illness of her sister, Mrs. Bertha Ruggles. . . . Arnie Doerning was ill at his home Tuesday. EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Snyder took their 10-months-old daughter, Jeraldine, to Norfolk Saturday for medical attention. She recently had 3-day measles . . . Condition of Alfonso Beelaert, sr., is “unchanged” in a Norfolk hospital. . . August Kohls, of Nor folk, is “satisfactory" in Our La dy of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . . Lee, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer, had the mis fortune to fall from a couch dur ing the holidays, breaking his leg. . . . Mrs. Frances Shaw, who has been ill at her home for several weeks, is reported to be "improv ing" steadily. ...Floyd Lee, who has been confined to his home with a severely sprained ankle, was able to resume his du ties as truck driver for Leland Welke on Wednesday. January 2. AMELIA— Mrs. Alice Prewitt entered Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital, Norfolk, on Monday for surgery. . . Floyd Adams was ill over the weekend. . . Tommie Kaiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kaiser, has been ill with a “strep” throat. . . Mr. and Msr. Will Fry rear received word that their granddaughter, Gletha Bonne berger, had undergone an appen dectomy at a Scottsbluff hospital last week. . . Steve Sladek, who had returned home from the Stu art hospital Friday, became ill a gain that night and was immedi ately taken to a Norfolk hospital He is suffering with pneumonia. CHAMBERS — Condition of George Smith is “good” at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk,. . . Mrs. Myrtle Fees was dis missed Thursday from Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. . . Lorraine Mitchell, daughter of Carl Mit chell, of Chambers, underwent a major operation at the Samaritan hospital. Nampa, Ida., on Wednes day, January 2. Her condition is “good.” . . Floyd Whitaker was ill several days last week with a hear ailment. . . N. F. Backaus, of Atkinson, brother of Mrs. George Thompson, of Chambers, is a pa tient in the Stuart hospital. ATKINSON—Mrs. Ida Becker has been on the sick list. . . . Miss Bea Morgan, of Atkinson, accompanied her brother, Pete Morgan, of O’Neill, to Omaha on Sunday, January 6, to see their brother. Tom, who is in St. Ju eph’s hospital, Omaha. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Engler took Ri ta and Charles Miller to Grand Island to see their father. Andy - Voice of The Frontier MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY — 9*45 AM — WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k. c. {GEORGE HAMMOND JOIN YOUR NFJQ’i-iBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” G - n Q Miller, Sunday, January 8. Mr. ' Miller is in the Veterans hospi tal. Mrs. Miller has been staying in Grand Island with him. LYNCH—Little Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee, is “much improved” after a siege of scarlet fever. . . Rev. Albert Sud beck, o£ Petersburg, forpier pas tor of the Assumption BVM church at Lynch, is a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. DELOIT—James Bartak is re ported "good” in a Norfolk hospi tal. . . Carl Thiele is “improving” in a Norfolk hospital. REDBIRD—Bill Wilson is suf fering with a severe case of shin gles due to a nervous disorder. Linda Tolbert Derby Champ (Continued from page 1) of a group of O’Neill stores. Gambles have set aside a ba by’s car seat. Thus, Linda can ride as proud and as comfortable [ as anyone when she goes for a ' spin in the car. New Outlaw Grocery has re 5 served a case of Gerber’s baby food. Yes sir, a complete case! Jacobson’s hoped REA had ar rived at her home — and, sure enough, the Hank’s Craft electric bottle warmer and vaporizer will be welcomed. Biglin Brothers join in the 1952 shower with a toilet adapter. Saves wear and tear on the wash ing machine and the diapers. Plastic, it rests on china toilet bowl. Midwest Furniture & Appliance will present a child’s training chair made from solid birch. Shelhamer Foods wants Linda to have a good start — hence a case of Heinz baby food. McIntosh Jewelry will provide their customary gift—a 10-karat gold infant’s ring. It’s something she’ll cherish for life. At Gilligan’s Rexall store there will await the ’52 champ a baby’s water bottle. Binda might use that hotwater bottle enroute home today from the hospital. McCarville’s will present a pair jf Red Goose shoes. All children love Red Goose shoes. The J. M. McDonald store will present a 100 percent wool Chat ham blanket—a white one. It’s vi tal that Binda keep snug and warm. uiyuiK uinpcrs cm ue u rougn chore during winter months. No. chore at all with a high - boy wooden clothes dryer like Coyne’s Hardware is presenting. O’Neill Photo Co. will present one 8”xl0” tinted enlargement with frame and 12 3”x5” mount ed prints. Linda can pose for Mr. Photographer any time during those precious early weeks. And with pop in far-away Pearl Har bor it’s a safe bet she’ll head for the O’Neill Photo her first trip to town. The Apparel Shop will present Linda one of their finest dresses from their infant’s wear depart ment. It will be styled by a na tionally known maker. And, just for good measure, The Frontier is issuing to Linda Lee a 1-year subscription to north-Ne braska’s fastest growing newspa P*r-_ SOUTH STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox wor thy and family were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy and son. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Kaup of Ne vada, Mo., are visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Batenhorst and fam ily and other relatives. Mrs. George Shald visited her sister, Mrs. Walter Ries Friday evening while George attended a county service meeting in O’Neill. Mrs. Wilbur Moon received an announcement of the manage of D. M. Stuart to Euvah M. Buck ley, of Cozad. They were mar ried at the Methodist church in Cozad on December 16. D. M. is a sergeant and is stationed at Por to Rico, T. H. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Stuart, former ly of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Galligan spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ziska and family were Sunday after noon visitors in the Joe Wallinger Ifbme. Mrs. Katherine Papke, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and family were New Year’s day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger and children. Mrs. Art Givens was an O’Neill visitor Friday afternoon. ——. - 1 " Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens and iaiuny, mi', anu Mrs. Haroiu Giv ens and children, Mr. and Mrs. iscinaxu i-uii6idu: and family and j mi. anu mis. ocuige Fon&ratz, 01 unmet, were i\ew Years day eu>_o.o ox mi. auu Mrs. Herman Kramer and family. mi. anu mis. Veinon Heyne en tertained tnen pinocnle club at uk-it Home oaiuruay evenmg. Mrs. nobert Greemield, Louis eng anu Marvin rry won prizes. A lunch was served. *«n. anu mis. aoy Greenfield aim Hons Canneli were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. aaui tiiee deenfieid Mr. and Mrs. lorn Shoe berg, of U iveiir ana Vviima Kaup spent Sunday afternoon at tne Walter Kaup home. mi. anu Mrs. Walter Kaup and lamiiy visited Friday evening at me Home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler and children were Sun *day supper guests at the Hill Fax ton noune. Jul.i ivaup, of Omaha, spent the weekend at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup, jr. rrarix iviurpny left Omana by plane Saturday and returned to *■ c. jacKson. ire nad spent a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and mis. j. F. Murpny. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Puckett, of Wakelield, visited at the J. P. Murphy home Saturday. Hetty Krobot attended the Jun ior Garden club at the home of Theresa Levi on Monday, Decem ber 31. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson spent New Year’s eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krobot and Betty spent Sunday evening at the noui.e oi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baum. Mrs. Anna Ramold and boys vis ited Sunday at the Charles Deer rrier home. mis. ^tub Kunz and Jeannie, Mrs. Elmer Vogel, Mrs. E. O. Slay maxei and Jerald Vogel went to Norfolk Saturday, where they vis ited klmer Vogel a patient at Our Lady of Louroes hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz and daugnter spent New Year’s day at the E. O. Slaymaker home in At- j kinson. The WSCS members met at the church basement Thursday, Jan uary 3. Mrs. Harry Cowles, Mrs. Vernon Yarges and Mrs. Marvin Yarges were hasteses. Commit tees were appointed for the year. Mrs. Ora Yarges and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell are the missionary com mittee, Mrs. John Strode and Mrs. Warren Roberts, card com mittee; Mrs. Mahlan Shearer, Mrs. Kenneth Paul, Mrs. Stanley Cobb and Mrs. Bud Mosses, friendship committee. Mrs. Walter Ouart conducted the devotional services. Mrs. Marshal, Mrs. Fred Tasler and Mrs. Walter Ouart presented a missionary program. The next meeting will be January 31. Haynes Replaces Rooney in C of C (Continued from page 1) ognition program. Sponsored Holt county athletic banquet. Furnished premium money and expense for Holt county stocker feeder show and sale. Furnished pop for 4-H fun feed. Furnished one-half pop for Boy Scout jamboree. Sponsored Boy Scouts in O’ Neill. Sponsored boys’ state trip. Paid dues to Niobrara Basin Development association. Paid associate dues to Sandhills Cattle association. Contributed to gift presentation for Ira George. Paid U.S. Chamber of Com merce dues. Sponsored move to secure a mail box at the depot. Protested passage of L.B. 405 raising no-fund check limit. Sponsored Lincoln Sowers visit to O’Neill. Sponsored visit of Omaha Good Will boosters to O’Neill. Sponsored a district OPS meet ing. Sponsored soil conservation meeting. The list of activities for the last half of 1951 and early 1952 is ev en more impressive. M iss Muriel Niles returned to ! .er home at Scottsbluff on Sun day, January 6, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier since the holidays. ! CELIA NEWS Mrs. Leonard Chaffin was a Thursday, January 3, visitor at ; th« Mark Hendricks home. Shirley and Nadine Dobrovolny visited their sister. Mrs. Duane Beck, and husband the past week.! Mr. and Mrs. George Beck visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck Saturday, January 5. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ____ THE FRONTIER . . . only $2.50 per year . . . less than a nickel a week. NOTICE OF TOWNSHIP MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual Willowdale township meeting will be held at school district 96 on Tuesday, January 15, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of transacting such business as may properly come before the meet ing, CLARENCE BENASH _Township Clerk LOST: On main street in O’Neill, through mistake putting pack age into wrong car, one pair of ladies shoes.—Phone 330-J, O' Neill._36c35 FOR SALE: 2 concrete block ma chines—Biltmore hand machine with 100 pellets, and an electric operated Ideal with automatic Besser tamper with 230 pellets. —Gilbert Strong, phone 454W, O’Neill. 36ctf FOR SALE: 41% range cake, $97 per ton; mixed fertilizer, $47.95 per ton.—Corkle Hatchery, O’ Neill. 3K-39c FOR SALE: Hazelton Bros, pi ano.—Mrs. Glen Grimes, Cham bers, Nebr. 36p35^ BIG REDUCTIONS! ONE-FOURTH - ONE-THIRD ONE-HALF AND MORE! 3 More Days — Thursday, Friday and Saturday In Our Annual January Clearance Sale 0 « © ' ° o c SHELHAMER FOODS GROCERY PHONE: 56 O’NEILL PRODUCE PHONE 173 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. JANUARY 10-11-12 6 RED ACE CUT — No. 2 Cans GREEN BEANS, 2 Cans.... 27c WHEATIES, 12-0z. Pkg... 21c VEL, GiantPkg._73° SQUARE DEAL 4-Lb. Pkg. PANCAKE FLOUR.39c HI - HO CRACKERS, 16-Oz. Pkg. ..31c KUNER'S — 46-Ox. Cam TOMATO JUICE, 2 Cans . 59c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX, 2 Pkgs..7|c STARCH I GLOSSTEX, Qt. Btle.29c GOLDEN VALLEY TOMATOES, 2 No. 2 Cans 39c YELLOW , •: I CORNMEAL, 5-Lb. Bag ...33c GOLD-A-BRAND I CUDAHY'S PORK M 1 PEAS 1 TANG 1 I CANS __Z ■ ^ | CAN_45^ I NILE I GOLDEN CREST SALMON 1 OLEO i EE 85c I 4" 89c I ■ .c "h f~ I ' I."ITTIIfll 111 "I III RED GRAPES 2 Lbs 29c JUICE ORflHGES 3 lbs. 23c GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb 12c FRESH SOLID RUTABAGAS lb. - 6c FRESH DRESSED DUCKS »> 48c SLICED BACON ENDS 19C O. F. COARSE BOLOGNA Lb. - 55c LOCKERS FOR RENT $7.50 to $12.50 Year COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY HOG CATTLE FEEDS NUTRENA EGG CRUMBLES WILL PRODUCE MORE EGGS This Makes Nutrena Feeds Cost You Less FOR YOUR POULTRY 15% A.M. CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES 27% BAL. CRUMBLES 33% CONCENTRATE 18% DAVID HARUM ALL PURPOSE CRUMBLES 26% D. HARUM CRUMBLES 32% D. HARUM CONCENTRATE HOG & CATTLE FEEDS NUTRENA 24% SOW & PIG FEED NUTRENA "SHOAT 40'* NUTRENA 32% & 40 % HOG BALANCER !; TANKAGE —» MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE BRAN — SHORTS — OYSTER SHELL — STOCK GRO — SALT WE HAVE CATTLE NUGGETS, CUBES, 16 to 44% SOYBEAN, LINCOY, LASSY & NUTRENA Check With Us for Ton Price on Above Feeds FCCRC SWEET LASSY PELLETS — CUDAHY MINERAL UintK rCCUd VIS VITA FOR POULTRY. HOGS. CATTLE CASH FOR YOUR CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY - HIDES Call or See Us for Country Pickup on Poultry ) O ' s © O'- .... o’