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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1952)
I LEGAL NOTICES (First publ. Jan. 3, 1952.) NOTICE OF :HOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the jard of Educational Lands and ands of the State of Nebraska, its authorized representative, ill offer for lease at public auc jn at the time hereinafter des nated, at the office of the Coun . Treasurer of Holt County, in Neill, Nebraska, the following iucational lands within said iunty: &. m h a w ^ O p w ESCRIPTION t 9:30 o’clock A.M., Jan uary 31, 1952: EV4NEV4- swy4Nwy4 Nwv4swy4 sE.yiswy, -m » a 11, „ WViSEV,-16 27 J _36 25 13 t 1:30 o’clock P.M., Jan uary 31, 1952: ,, y 1_ 36 32 9 NWh_16 25 9 Wy4SEy4_36 31 12 „ 16 30 9 ..16 27 10 £ 36 29 15 t 9:30 o’clock A.M., _16 29 10 E%swy4 swy4swy4-16 29 15 wy4sEy4-4 28 11 u 16 28 10 11 36 25 16 ;_16 26 16 t 1:30 o’clock P.M., February 1, 1952: EVi-* S%N% NEJ/4NWy4- N%SW% 16 25 10 11 exc. SWy4SEy4 _16 30 11 WV4- S%NE%- SEy4 16 26 10 >,SWV4- EVz _16 25 11 11 .16 32 1G U 16 28 16 Said sale may be adjourned om day to day until all lands . ave been offered. No sale will be final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reiect any or all bids. BO Apr) OE EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS Henrv .T. Bartling, Secretary. The O’Neill Frontier. O’Neill, Nebr, 35-37 (First publ. Jan. 3, 1952.) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the district court of the 15th judicial district of Ne braska, within and for Holt Coun ty, in an action wherein Lillian Crete Banta is plaintiff and Har-| old L. Banta is defendant, I will at 10:00 a.m. on the 8th day of February, 1952, at the front door of the courthouse, in the city of O'Neill, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: an undivided one-half ti tle and interest in and to Lots 6 and 7 in Block 10, East Side o ! Addition to the Village of Page, i Holt County, Nebraska. Terms of sale are cash. Given under my hand this 28th day of December, 1951. LEO S. TOMJACK, Sheriff _ 35-39c (First publ. Jan. 10. 1952.) LEGAL NOTICE To H, L. Kendrick and _ Kendrick, real name unknown, Husband and Wife and the Un known Children. Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Legal Representatives, and 4II other persons interested in the Estate of H. L. Kendrick, Deceased, real names unknown and E. H. Peaslee and Edmund P. Kendrick, Executors of the will of Henry L. Kendrick and Ed ward H. Peaslee and Florence W. Peaslee, Husband and Wife and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to the South Half of the Southeast Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the South west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twelve, Town ship Thirty-one, Range Nine West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, Real names unknown: You are hereby notified that on December 23. 1951 Louisa Treinies filed her petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, tlje object and prayer of which is to quiet title in fee in her, the said Lou isa Treinies, to the real estate a bove specifically described as a gainst you and each of you. You are required to answer said petition on or before the eighteenth of February, 1952. LOUISA TREINIES By JOHN HARRINGTON Attorney for Plaintiff _ 36-39 GAME VIOLATORS Eight arrests for game viola tions were reported Tuesday by the Nebraska game commission, including 4 in the O’Neill region. Following are the names of those arrested and the respective viola tions: Hunting on a refuge: Wil ber Miller, of O’Neill, fined $25 and cost§; Bernard Miller, of O’ Neill, fined $25 and costs; Leo Jareske, of O’Neill, fined $25 and costs; Kenneth Johnson, of Spen cer, fined $10 and costs. * Hosts at Dinner — A turkey dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Collins on $unday, De cember 30. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neibauer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ankney and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Slay maker, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hey ing, Butch and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlinar and sons, Pfc. Robert Mlinar and Marion and John Richardson. Cards were played following the dinner. On Furlough — Pfc. Robert L. Mlinar, of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., spent 2 weeks leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlinar, jr., and in Wyoming, visiting with friends. He returned to his camp on Sunday, Decemebr 30. Frontier for printing! Mrs. Anton Nissen Mew am Uracle PAGE — The Royal Neighbors installed their new officers at a meeting held Wednesday evening, January 2. They are: Mrs. An ton Nissen, oracle; Mrs. Harold Kelly, past oracle; (Mrs. Wm. Sim mons, vice oracle; Mrs. Jesse Kel ly, chancellor; Mrs. Elsie Cork, re corder; Mrs. C. E. Walker, re ceiver; Mrs. Wm. Buxton, mar shal; Mrs. Charles Russell, assist ant marshal; Mrs. Leroy Cunning ham, inner sentinel; Mrs. Robert Gray, outer sentinel; Mrs. Gerald Lamason, manager; Mrs. Melvin Smith, musician, Mrs. Hester Ed minsten, faith; Mrs. L. B. Tay lor, courage; Mrs. Herbert Stein - zerg, modesty; Mrs. Emma Dorr, unselfishness; Mrs. Otto Matschul lat, endurance; Mrs. Harry Park, flag bearer; Mrs. Evelyn Gray, captain of degree staff. Mrs. Hester Edmisten was in stalling oficer; Mrs. Nora Buxton, ceremonial marshal, and Mrs. Ger ald Lamason, assistant ceremonial marshall. Following the meeting a cov ered dish lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neubauer, Mr. and Mrs. IM. G. French and Betty, Mrs. Emma Dorr and Ver non and Paul Neubauer were sup per guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neven lekes in honor of their 35th wedding anni versary. Miss Sybil lekes, who was spending her vacation at her home, prepared and served the meal. The Chatter aew ciud mei wiwi Mrs. Glen Stewart Friday after noon with 10 members present. The afternoon was spent socially and v/ith the ladies bringing their own hand work. The hostess served lunch. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Melvin Held. Mrs. Hester Edimdsten and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood and Noel drove to Centerville, S.D., Satur day to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wood. Mr. Wood is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood and the grandson of Mrs. Edminsten. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg was hos tess to the Contract Bridge club on Thursday afternoon, January 3. Mrs. Alton Bradock held high score and Mrs. Emma Dorr low score. Mrs. Melvin Smith won the all-cut prize. Lunch was served after the games. The King’s Daughters met Wed nesday evening, January 2, at the Methodist church parsonage. Mrs. Wilcox had decorated the home in keeping with New Years. Mrs. Ivan Heiss led the devotions and gave the lesson. Hostesses were Mrs. Donald Heiss and Mrs. Rich ard Heiss. There were 22 present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Haynes spent Thursday afternoon at Royal vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Storm. , Dr. E. J. Bild and Leonard Mil ler were supper guests on New Year’s eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart. After sup per they drove to O'Neill to at tend the movies. Mrs. Addie Kelly returned home Friday after spending a few days with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Burt whis tle,’ at Pilger. Mrs. Anna Stolle, who spent the holidays with her children in Bat tle Creek, returned to Page Sun day to spend the remainder of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Alma TMr.Land Mrs. • Harry Harper spent Wednesday afternoon, Jan uary 2, at the home of their son, Gordon Harper at the O’Neill air P°Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Matschul lat and family, of Minneapolis, Minn., visited recently with Mr. Matschullat’s parents Mr and Mrs Otto Matschullat and his brother, Dale Matschullat and wife. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta anc Evelyn were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie I Carson and Beverly. _ o Pinochle Fans Brave Weather— The Pinochle Pirates braved the snowdrifts and prairie trails Sat urday evening, December 29, to gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill. High scores wero won by Orville Miller and Mrs. Lyle Vequist. Low scores went to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz on Friday evening, Jan uary 11, Use Aircraft to Hunt Coyotes DRLOIT — Some planes were coyote hunting here last week. I The coyotes killed calves for some of the ranchers. Other Deloit News The James Wiegands were guests at the Marvin Fuller home recently. Mrs. Zoe Huffman returned from Omaha Friday and spent several days at the Stanley Huff man ranch home. A shower was held on Sunday, January 6, at the Roy Beeson home for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt, who were wed on Decem ber 29. A covered dish luncheon was served after church services at Fairview where Ronnie is the minister. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burt are seniors at Nebraska Christian college at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. James Squire and 3 daughters visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs Elvon Kinney, and daughter at Council Bluffs, la., on Monday. Decem ber 31. Mrs. biamey Huttman was call ed to Falls City on Thursday, be- i cause of the serious illness of her , mother. Stanley took her to Falls City and Zoe .Ann is at the home of her grandmother in Elgin. Donald Larson and Sammy I Stearns are spending 2 weeks va-1 I cation with home folks. They at i tend Wayne State college. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer, i Marlene and Elayne, and Howard | Temple were dinner guests at the H. Manson home in O’Neill recently. Several of the neighbors have been busy shelling corn. School started again at Bartlett and most of the rural school on Wednesday, January 2. Marlene Reimer received a card from Mr. and Mrs. George Davies in Olive, Calif. They arrived be fore Christmas. Earl Makemson, who died sud denly at his place south of Royal on Friday, December 28, is a for mer resident of the Deloit com munity. He lived on the Scott Bowers place. He was married while residing here. 13 Men Enlist in Air Force Sfc. James R. Lyons, of the army and air force recruiting sta tion at O’Neill, reports the follow ing voluntary enlistments from this area: For air force: Kenneth L. Suhr, of Bloomfield; Norman D. Hoff man, of Bristow; John P. Hansen, of Amelia; Robert S. Evans, of Creighton; Franklin D. Fuhrer, of Bristow; Irvin J. Lange, of Crof ton Fred W. Warner, of Atkinson; Herbert C. Kenyon, of Johns town; Donivan Klasna, of Spen 2r; Richard L. Harley, of Cham bers; Lloyd S. Marlatt, of Ains worth; Wilfred L. Kuehler, of Crofton, and Donald W. Everett, of Atkinson. These men went to Lakland air force base, near San Antonio, Tex. Rev. Ihrig. Lutheran Pastor, to Leave— ATKINSON—Rev. E. G. Ihrig, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran church in Atkinson, will leave Atkinson in February for a rural parish south of Sidney. Reverend Ihrig has been pastor of St. John’s Lutheran church since September, 1946. Frontier for printing!__ Baton Twirling Program Feature REDBIRD—Despite the bitter cold night and blowing snow a good sized crowd gathered at the Redbird school Wednesday, De cember 26, for the Chi istmas pro gram. Special features of the program were baton twirling by Delores Wells and Sharlene Hasenpflug, rhythm band selections by the school and tap dancing by Allen Wyant, Bruce Schollmeyer, Dick Truax and Wilmer Weis. Forty three dollars was netted from the sale of the boxes. Other Redbird News Shirley and Joy Slack and De lores Mellor came out from Lynch Wednesday evening, December 2p, to attend the program at Red bird and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor. The Scott Community project club held its Christmas party with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDon ald Sunday, December 23, with 42 attending. All members except Barbara Luedtke, Betty Richter and Joy Wilson and their families were present. Guests were Marion Classen, of Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Luber and family. A covered dish luncheon was served t noon. The afternoon was spent jlaying prpogressive pitch, with JIa Hull and Margaret Wilson ying for ladies’ high prize and Shrank McDonald winning the aigh prize for the men, and Mrs. Charles Luber and Garry Wilson, ;he low. Miss Marion Classen re reived the door prize. Secret pals 'or 1951 were revealed with the exchanging of gifts. Each mem ber guessed who her secret pal night be before opening the gifts. Very few were correct in guess ng. The men also exchanged ,ifts and the children were each given a bag of treats. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truax, sr„ and son, Dick, and granddaugh ter, Judy Jonas, spent Christmas vacation with their son, Rollie l'ruax, and family at Lake Andes, 5.D. emu jlviis. ixick oaKer ana Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson were a inong guests at a Christmas din ner at the home of Mrs. Lillian Baker in Lynch. Mrs. Rhetta Phelps, of Cherry Grove, Ore., has returned from a visit with her son, Bob, and family at Randolph, Minn., and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bill Conard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob White enter tained relatives Christmas eve, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darnell and famliy Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scholl meyer, Bruce and Bardy Jo, Mr and Mrs. Junior Wilson and Mr and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Billy anc Philip. All of the Ray Wilsor family were present except A1 ford and Jack, of California, an< Virgil, of the marines, statione< in Japan. Dorothy Rosenkrans was un able to get to her school at Scott ville on Thursday and Friday. The roads were opened on Satur day so that she and the pupils were able to have th«*ir Christmas party that day. Beryle Bessert and Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Douglas, of Wagner, S.D., spent the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bes sert and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bes sert. Bill Ladely and his nephwe, Charles Ladely, of Gordon, spent the holidays with Carson and Wilson relatives. Mrs. Anna Carson entertained a large crowd in her farm home Friday, honoring her grandson, Alvin Carson, who recently re turned from Korea. Those pres ent for the occasion included: Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson and Pat ty, of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson and family, and Joan Rosicky, of Lynch; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson, Miss Beverly Carson, all of Redbird, Bill and Charles Ladely, of Gor don. Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and Bardy Jo and Garry Wilson drove to Creighton Friday on business. Ronnie Hasenpflug, who had spent the holidays in Niobrara« with relatives, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes en tertained relatives and neighbors in their home Sunday honoring their son, Rolland Hughes. Those present to enjoy the dinner to gether with Rolland were: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Axberg and family and Francis Axberg, of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Willis But terfield and family, Charlie, Her man and Bruce Schollmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack, Shirley and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. John Der ickson, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka | and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HlMr.Cand Mrs. Ernie Wright, Ben and Jackie visited Wednesday evening, January 2, in the Frank Wyant home. „ „ , Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and Gaylene and Mr. and Mrs. Bob White, Ronnie and Sharlene were Sunday supper guestsof Mr. and Mrs Junior Wilson. The evening was sent playing canasta. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack en tertained friends at a New Year s watch party. , .., Mrs Francis Donohoe and cnn dren, of California, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank McDon ald, and family. Mrs. Donohoe is the former Ardis Chase. W F FINLEY. M. D OFFICE PHONE Fir»f National Rank RMa O'NETLI I Bonnie and Leo Luedtke spent the holidays with their parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luedtke and j Alvin. 25 Attend WSCS Session at Stuart STUART—About 25 members ot the Women s society of the Community church met in the basement on Thursday after noon, January 3, for the first meeting of the new year. The fol lowing plans were made for 1952; the imeeting date will be every fourth Thursday, hostesses of the preceding meeting will act as de votional and program leaders. Mrs. Ora Yarges and Mrs. Ber lin Mitchell were appointed as a missionary committee. Mrs. Mah lon Shearer was appointed chair man of the friendship committee. Mrs. Jack Strode and Mrs. War ren Roberts will manage the sale of cards and Mrs. E. Olday the sale of metal sponges. A missionary program followed the business meeting. A short play was given by Mrs. Mark Nel son, Mrs. Kenneth Paul, Mrs. Geo. Keidel, Mrs. Jack Strode, Mrs. Ray Greenfield and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall. Lunch was served by the host- ; esses, Mrs. Harry Cowle, Mrs. Marvin Yarges and Mrs. Vernon Yarges. j When You & I Were Young. . . Lad Needed at Cigar Factory 50 Years Ago The first license to wed issued in the new year by County Judge Morgan was on New Year’s day to Clarence Simonson, of Agee, and Miss Minnie May Harrison, of Blackbird. . . Dr. J. P. Gilligan was in attendance at a meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Medical so ciety at Norfolk. When the time came for the election of officers he was recognized as one of the leading members of the profession and elected president. . . Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Buckley j are rejoicing over the arrival of a i daughter. . . Boy wanted to learn trade—O’Neill cigar factory. . . J. C Famish resigned his position at Emil Sniggs’ to enjoy a few ' days rest prior to entering upon his duties as deputy county clexk. 25 Years Ago As the opening of a series of 3 parties, Mrs. H. E. Coyne, Mrs. P. C. Donohoe and Mrs. A. L. Will cox entertained 28 ladies at a 6:30 o’clock dinner followed by bridge Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Coyne. The ladies are en tertaining 20 young ladies this evening at the home of Mrs. P. C. i Donohoe. . . Lyle McKim was in the city looking after business. . . Miss Marjorie Dickson came up r from Neligh where she is teach ing to spent the weekend. . .Mrs. C. V. Robertson and Mrs. Alfred Walters, of Chambers, were shop ping in O’Neill. . . T. M. Harring ton was in Neligh Monday. 10 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Mike Troshynski | entertained 20 relatives at a pitch party at their home. . . Miss Edna Marie O’Malley visited friends in Omaha. . . Sgt. Francis Soukup returned to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., after visiting his mother, I Mrs. Mattie Soukup. .. Billy Big lin returned to Omaha to resume lis studies at Creighton univer j sity after spending the holidays I with relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson entertained 5 i young men at a turkey dinner in honor of Owen Davidson who has joined the naval reserve. 1 Year Ago Betty Jean Knoell, born at 9:10 — ■ ” a.m. in Sunday, January 7, is the first baby born in Holt county in iu5l. . . Mrs. Robert Martens, of Atkinson, has been appointed di rector of the 1951 March of Dimes drive. . . F. N. Cronin was reelect ed president of the O’Neill Na tional bank. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Claire Eason to LaVem Eugene Van Every & wf. 12/7/51, $8750. Lot 1 Gilg’s Re-plat of Blk. B, Fahy’s 2d Add., O'Neill WD—-A. L. Alexander to A. W. Conner & wf. 12/29/51. $1. NEy4 27-28-9. QCD—John Shald to Louis J. Shald 12/29/51 NWy4 11-30-16. QCD—John Shald to George H. Shald 12/29/51 $1. SWy4 11-30-16. QCD—John Shald to Gilbert J. Shald 12/29/51 $1. W% NWVi 12 31-16. QCD—John Shald to Paul L. Shald 12/29/51 $1. All sec. 14-31 16. WD—Ann Brooke to Lad Sla dek and wf. 12/29/51 $6500. Lot 2, Blk. 25, Bitney’s Add., Atkinson. Deed—Myrtle Flemming to Wm, N. Spence 9/30/50 $200. Lot 3, Blk 24, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack vis ited friends in Neligh on Sunday, January 6. CATTLE SALE Every Tuesday Starting at 12:30 P.M. “Your consignments solicited” Sell Them Where They Have The Buyers Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebraska Phone 5141 MILLER THEATRE" — Atkinson, Nebr. — Fri.-Sal. Jan. 1M* ■ii -‘t* o*4 GAli —1 • | Iwy »Y-« *"* MORRIS AIMICRT mi. «.iin .junSaJi — Also — i mW ^ y MtCjua nutwta Wed.-Thurs’ Jan. 16-17 _ Charter No. 5770 Reserve uistnci ino. iu Report of the Condition of the O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK of O’Neill, Nebraska, at the close of business on DECEMBER 31, 1951 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection. $ 1,140,122.42 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed_ 2,167,441.60 Obligations of States and political subdivisions — 60,022.16 Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Fed eral Reserve bank)- 3,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $677.45 overdrafts).. 347,102.71 Bank premises owned $3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Other assets___ 1,921.11 Total Aueh_1-$ 3.722.610.00 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ..-.—.... $ 2,971,938.69 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) _ 30-017-78 Deposits of States and political subdivisions-- 242,601.28 Deposits of banks_ 254,972.08 Total Deposits _$3,499,529.83 Total Liabilities _ $ 3'499'529-83 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS CaPConfmon "stock, total par $50,000.00 -$ 50.000.00 Surplus . .._.... O0'000 00. Undivided profits_ __ 123’Q80,1‘ Total Capital Accounts---— 223,MM Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts- $ 3.722.610.0C memoranda Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and ^ ^ ^ for other purposes--- * State of Nebraska. County of Holt, ss: I, J. B. Grady, cashier of the above-named bank, do solei™“y swear that the above statement is true to the best of my now and belief. j B GRADY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day °f January. 1952 ALICE E. BRIDGES, Notary Public. (SEAL) My commission expires July 25, 1956. Correct -»■ ATTEST: F. N. Cronin, E. F. Quinn, Julius D. Cronin Directors. * t Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholdt rs) 1 O'" » - . . L <?, O ° ** *. 15 - REGISTERED - 15 Hereford Bulls • I will sell I 5 head of choice registered Hereford bulls THURSDAY, JAN. 17TH at the — O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET O’Neill, Nebr. in connection with their regular weekly I sale. • These are good rugged bulls, better bulls than I sold here last year. DONDeVOSS CANTRIL, IOWA Special DINNERS SERVED DAILY FROM 5:30 to 9:30 P.M. (In Addition to the Regular Menu) CHICKEN FRIED STEAK 1 OC CREAM SAUCE . l»fcV GROUND ROUND STEAK GRILLED ONION ONE PAN FRIED PORK CHOP COUNTRY GRAVY . CUBED ROUND STEAK CREAM SAUCE _ BAKED VIRGINIA HAM CRAB APPLE___ BREADED PORK TENDERLOIN COUNTRY GRAVY _ BACON AND EGGS COUNTRY STYLE GRILLED SALMON STEAK LEMON BUTTER ... INDIVIDUAL WALLEYED PIKE TARTAR SAUCE _ Potatoes Salad Vegetable Bread and Butter Coffee Dessert THE TOWN HOUSE (Closed Mondays)