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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1952)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS SMITH—Mr. and Mrs. Chestei Smith, of Neligh, a daughter, bom Monday, December 24. Mrs Smith is the former Vivian Ste vens, of Inman. HYNES — Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes, of O'Neill, a daughter, weighing 4 pounds 5 ounces, born Friday, December 28, in a Nor folk Hospital. JOiiiVbOiV—Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin ooniison, ox »*ainut, a daugh ter, uawn Lynn, weighing flVa pounus, born oaturday, December 28, at the O meiU hospital. buh 1 i th A — Mr. and Mrs. Emu oiauuiy, oi O merit, a daugh ter, ua v oiuie Bdena, weighing 7 pounus it ounces, burn ounuay, Uecemuer ou, at the O'Neill hos pital. bOBOTKA—Mr. and Mrs. G. L. SobuiKa, ot Norfolk, a daughter, Jane mm, born on Wednesday, Decemoer 2b, at Our Lauy ol Lourucs hospital, ixorfolK. Mrs. Sobotaa is ine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan, ol O’ Neill E^GLEK—Mr. and Mrs. Don Engier, ol McCook, a son, Byron, Koocii, weigumg 8 pounus, 18 ounces, born bunday, December 28, at ot. caincline s Hospital, ivic CooK. Mi. hngier is a son ox Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bngler, of btuait. KimmEii—Mr. and Mrs. Itay monu jvrarner, ol Burbank, b.D., a son, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces, bom iuunday, uecembor 24. Mr. aiiu Mrs. August Kram er, ol otuait, are Uie granapar ents. HOSITiAL MOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissiuns: December 20 — George Coirnan, oi Inman, med- ; ical, condition tauly good. 29— Mrs. Marvin Johnson, oi Walnut 30— Mrs. Emil blaltery, of O’Neill. 31— Jack O Donnell, of O’Neill, medical, condition improved. January 2 — Dale Mudloif, of Page, medical, condition fair. burl in hospital: Dale Deli, of ChamOers, medical, condition same, Joe Zaborowski, of Cham bers, medical, condition improv ed; Ogua Woods, of O’Neill, med ical, condition fair. Dismissals: December 20—-Herb Gidesen, of O’Neill. 27 — Mrs. Mike Halverson and daughter, of Bo^esteel, b.D. 2b—Charles Ve quist, oi O’Neill; George Pond, of Inman. 29 — George Colman, of Inman. Guests at Strongs— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole and Mrs. Carrie Borg were sqpper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong on Wednes day, December 20. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: 1,000 bushels of corn. — T. J. Joyce, O’Neill, phone 535-W. 35p35 FOR SALE: 290 bu. of 1950 ear corn. On farm where Clarence Benash is living.—Geo. C. Rob ertson, O’Neil. 35c 77= - - PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen en tertained at a dinner Monday eve ning, December 24, for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Conroy, of Cody, and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., and Bobbie. Carroll French, Darrell Heiss and Harold Tegeler, who attend college at Lincoln, came Friday, December 21, for their Christmas vacation at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brad dock, Donald, Gene and Audrey, of Omaha, visited over Christmas with relatives at Page and O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray, of Blue Hill, came Friday, Decem jber 21, for a short visit with his 1 mother, Mrs. Eva Grey, and oth er relatives. The Contract Bridge Club met Thursday evening, December 20, with Mrs. Melvin Roach. Guests were Mrs. Gerald Lamason and Mrs. Harold Kelly. Mrs, Robert Gray was high score winner and Mrs.’ Emma Dorr, traveling prize. Miss La Vonne Albright, of Mapelton, la., spent Christmas va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright. Other uests Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman and family, of Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and son of O’Neill. Wm. Simmons drove to Wayne on Friday, December 21, to bring his daughter, Jane, Jenelle Park and Margie Finch to Page to spend their vacation at their homes , They attend Wayne State Teach- < ers’ colege. \ Cpl. and Mrs. Tom Sinnard j came from Grand Island Monday , evening, December 24, to visit , Mrs. Sinnard’s father, George j Kink, and family and her grand- . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sny- , der. They returned to Grand Is- j land Wednesday where Mrs. Sin- t nard is employed. Corporal Sin- ] nard is stationed at Huston, Tex ^ The group spent Christmas day j at the Fink home. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heiss and ^ Miss Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and daughter, Mr. 1 and Mrs Henry Dorr and son, 1 Mrs, Jennie French and Miss I Alice, Mr. and Mrs Alton Brad- • dock and Joan and Mr. and Mrs. i Kenneth Heiss and daughter spent t Christmas day at the home of Mr. £ and Mrs. M. G. French, Merwyn, I jr., Carroll and Betty. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alva Townsend c and Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blocker and 2 sons, of Columbus, ( and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeber " and 2 daughters, of Norfolk, were ' guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsend. CHURCH NOTES 1 (Other Church Notes oi\. page 9) r ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) 1 Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor January 10 is the date that has : been set for the sectional fellow ship meeting at our church. Ser- I vices will be at 2:30, 6:30 and 7:45. 1 Supper will be served in the 1 church basement. Come and en- 1 joy the blessing of the Lord. 1 We invite the public to join us in the following described ser vices: . January 6; Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; evangelis- , tic meeting, 7:45 p.m. January 8: Young people’s ser vice, 8 p.m. , January 9; Bible study and prayer meeting. You will enjoy studying the Bible with us. ( 1 - T -- .. c © €> O KICK & INJURED O’NEILL — Mrs. Frank Valla who suffered a broken hip in i fall 2 weeks ago, Friday was re ' moved from her home to St Catherine’s hospital, Omaha. She is a longtime O’Neill resident. . , Jack Barr was taken by ambu lance to the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, late Friday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Eld Dumpert and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence went to Norfolk on Wednesday, De cember 26, where Mr. Lawrence consulted a doctor concerning his eye. . . Eugene Farr has been dis missed from Lutheran hospital. Norfolk. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hertford are receiving medical treatment at Rochester. Minn. AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson and Ronnie spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson, at Gering, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dierks, in Scottsbluff. Ronnie be came a victim of the measles while there and prolonged their visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Carr, Karen and Charlie, left Saturday for Whittier, Calif. They will vis t her sister, Mrs. Leo Marcellus, and family and Mr. Carr will en :er the Veterans hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen and Mr. ind Mrs. Earnie Johnston visited «vith Steve Sladek at the Stuart lospital Saturday. He has been a >atient there, suffering from asth 11a and complications. STUART—Mrs. Lola Humrich, vho has been a patient in the Community hospital for more han a year, entered a rest home n Long Pine on Wednesday, De cember 26. . . Mrs. Robert Pier on and litle daughter left Gma ia on Thursday, December 20 tnd arrived in Washington, D.C., vhere her husband is employed, tecently Mrs. Pierson left Stuart o join her husband on December 2, her daughter became ill and vas confined in Memorial hos lital in Omaha for a week. The person’s home is in Temple ’railer Village, Alexandria, Va. EWING—Bill Kallhoff, who has jeen a patient at the Veterans lospital, Grand Island, returned iome Friday “much mproved.” . . * lames Bartak’s condition is “sat- I sfactory” at Our Lady of Lourdes lospital, Norfolk. . . Leo Vander nick is “improved” in a Norfolk l lospital. . . Condition of August Cohls is “satisfactory” at Our La ly of Lourdes, Norfolk. CELIA—While saddling a horse Saturday morning, December 29, lobert Hendricks was struck in he mouth by a buckle on the inch and 2 front teeth were brok n, causing him to make a trip a O’Neill to have them removed. . . Mrs. Ray Pease and Mrs. Con lie Frickel have been on the sick ist the past week. EMMET— Mrs. Clarence Farr iccompanied Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'arr and sons, of O’Neill, to Nor olk Thursday where she entered he Lutheran hospital there for a ninor operation. Gene Farr had lis adenoids removed. They re urned home Friday. LYNCH—Herman Windmeyer, f Naper, was taken to the Lynch ospital with a fractured left leg, /hich he suffered when he and is brother, Alford, were work ng in timber. . . Carolyn Koscan, f Butte, is a patient at the Sacred leart hospital with pneumonia. SPENCER — Doris Kay, 3, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Venke, submitted to an appen lectomy Thursday, December 27, n a Norfolk hospital. CHAMBERS—Mrs. Myrtle Fees s in "good” condition in the Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. — State Capitol News (Continued from page 4.) ind the new one Is given a good hance of escaping the axing landed LB 455 of the last session >y the public works committee. Even opponents of LB 455 con gratulated Sen. John P. Mc Cmght and his legislative coun il committee for the work they lave done on drafting a new and imilar bill. The sample bill was ip for public hearing at the cap toL Summarizing the testimony, dcKnight noted that no one ap >eared to protest the objectives >f the bill and that the only crit cism was of minor details. The ironic part of this is that hose who assailed LB 455 most utterly harped on the fact that t was too long and contained lowers that were to broad and iweeping. Now, some of these ;ame people are complaining that he new bill is not specific enough to outline those powers. * • » (foe Ag — The state board of vocational education is taking a second look at its requirements for eligibil ity under the vocational agricul ture program. At present per sons who do not reside on a farm are ineligible. Gov. Val Peterson, chairman of the board, called this ruling “out dated.” There is no reason that a man living in town can’t be just as good a farmer, or better, than one living on a farm, said the gov ernor. “Where he sleeps doesn’t make any difference.” The board is expecting to change the ruling in its contracts for next year. Governor Peterson also urged the board to call a meeting at the Milford trade school for the pur pose of deciding the fate of the school. Board members agreed that the school is likely to come again under the legislative attack which led to Sen. George Syas’ in troduction of a bill to close the 'School. o O no Dn O ° 0 G qOq c O Hot Waler — Gov. Val Peterson, who makes better headlines with his spur-of the-moment remarks than with prepared smripts, has found him self in a little hot water so far as Nebraska lawyers are concerned. The governor took the bar to task recently for allowing per sons to appear in court without counsel. He said he thought it is “disgraceful that courts in this state can pass judgement on men without counsel." The remark was made during a pardon board hearing on a man who had pleaded guilty but later said he was Innocent. The governor’s comment went over like a lead balloon with the legal profession. One prominent Lincoln judge suggested that the governor might consider that any district court in the state would disqualify a lawyer who offeree his services to an attorney-lest client. This, said the jurist, vio lates a basis cannon of the legal profession which prohibits solic itation of cases. Orchard Families Meet for Holidays ORCHARD — Many Orchard people spent the Christmas holi days with their relatives here and elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weaver, of Omaha, spent the holiday here with Mrs. Weaver’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holbrook, and with Harvey Holbrook, jr., super intendent of the Elba Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens, Dixie Lea and Soma, were guests Christmas day in the home of Mrs. Lena Kirchmer at Ewing. Miss Donna Payne spent Christ mas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Payne, in Elgin. The Paynes received a message from their son, Percy W. Payne, of the navy, stating that he had arrived safely in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparrow nad as their guests Miss Maxine Sparrow, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson and family, K. C. John son and Mr. and Mrs. William Harwood and daughter, of Bruns wick. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Haas were hosts to the following on Christ mas day: Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mil ler and son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Haswell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thelander and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thelander and family, Mrs. Bertha Dixson, Miss Juanita Dixson, Mrs. Effie Barr and Mr. and Mrs. William Thelander and daughter, of Plainview. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Bruce en tertained Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bruce and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Butterfield and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bruce and laughters, of Manhattan, Kans., at a family dinner Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMan igal and children spent Christmas day in Lincoln with Mr. McMan igal’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn Mc Manigal, and with his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Wanz and family. Holiday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spar included Mr. and Mrs. Clay Osborn of Bat tle Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Horrock and family, of Meadow [Jrove, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butter field and family, of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, of Lin coln, Mrs. Isaac Spar, of Orchard, and Midshipman Edwin Spar, of Annapolis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton entertained on Christmas day for Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bukacek, of Neligh, Miss Thelma Drayton, of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Voorhies of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drayton and daugh ter, Margaret Jane, of Orchard. Holiday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shipman were their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shipman and son, of Chariton, la., a daugh ter, Miss Betty Shipman, of Sioux City, and a son, Darrell, of Thea ford. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson were recently called to Dallas, Tex., to attend funeral services for Mr. Johnson’s sister-in-law. familyi.onssW Ramona when day (First publ. Dec. 27, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Probate No. 3798 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF THOMAS SA LEM, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Joseph Daas and Julius D. Cronin as Joint Executors there of, which will be for hearing in this court on January 17th, 1952, at 10:00 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 34-3Gc _ -——k 3 0 O O Butte Visitors Return to Ohio c ^ _ BUTTE — Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilson and daughter left Friday morning for their home at Celina, ! O., after spending Christmas at the C. M. Wilson home here. Other Butte News Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsch and Mavis and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grainger and Wayne left Thurs day for Houston, Tex., where they will visit at the home of the Forches’ son-in-law and daughter, . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Keeler left j Thursday morning for their home at Oakland after spending Christ- , mas at the L. L. Keeler home. ymKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm o o The Rev. L. M. Hovda and son, Don, and daughter, Miss Barbara, left Wednesday morning for Lew istown, Mont., where they will visit about a week at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Hovda. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Clifton and family, of Lincoln, visited from Tuesday until Friday at the home of Mrs. Clifton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roush. Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Lewis and family, of North Platte, arrived on Monday and visited until Wednes day at the W. W. Mahannah home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burkey and sons, of Entiat, Wash., who have /isited the past month at the Ma lannah home, left Tuesday for heir home. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamers of Carroll, la., arrived Saturday and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hamers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peppel here. Mrs. Myrtle Atkinson of Mc Pherson, Kans., is spending the holidays at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra, Marvin Atkinson and family here. Bradys Hosts— Christmas day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brady were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., of Dorsey, Miss Ger aldine Johnson, Mrs. Vannie New man and John BabL t The Misses Barbara and Marde Birmingham returned to their studies at Duchesne college, in Omaha, on Tuesday after spend ing the holidays in O’Neill. ■ ■ 1.1.11! —4 ir ^ * Voice of The Frontier j MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY 1 - 9:45 A. M. - j WJAG (Norfolk) 786 k.c. 1 IIi « i 1 1 GEORGE HAMMOND JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing " Newspaper” ^ °° ^ O ° O ° o o ° o BLOOD TYPING During Visit MOBILE X-RAY UNIT O’NEILL Tues., Jan. 8 Through Mon.. Jan. 14 SI Per Person Bv RICE SHELTON of Stuart Laboratory Tech. Auspices EXTENSION CLUBS c c? ° o ° • ° a o° ° ' SHELHAMER! FOODS GROCERY PHONE: 56 O’NEILL PRODUCE PHONE: 173 * PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS.. FRI.. SAT., JAN. 3-4-5 FOUR GROCERY DELIVERIES DAILY PHONE 56 9:00 — 10:30 — 2.30 — 4:00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. I DEL MONTE TOMATO B VAN CAMP'S ^ PORK-BEANS j 4 No. 2 Cns. fj9c 8 ONE MORE — Halves 2 APRICOTS I No. 10 Can 07c I G. N. NAVY M BEANS I 5-Lb. Cello 59c I Lge. Pkg. SHINA-DISH .... 29c TOWN HOUSE CRACKERS Lb. Box 29c CURTISS MARSHMALLOWS 2 Pkgs. 35c 5KIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 140*. Jar 43c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX 2 Pkgs for—7ic YELLOW CORNMEAL 3 Lb. Pbg.20c DEL MONTE — 46-Oz. Cans PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 Cans 65c ii H PORK LUER lb.23c BACON SQUARES lb NECK BONES 2 lbs.—35c PORK CUTLETS lb 59* SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 2 lbs. 23c GRAPES n —10c WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 45c NUTRENA FEEDS POULTRY HOGS A. M. EGG CRUMBLES 24% PIG & SOW MEAL, NUGGETS 20% EGG CRUMBLES NUTRENA "SHOAT 40" 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES 40% HOG BALANCER 33% CONCENTRATE 32% HOG SUPPLEMENT CATTLE FEEDS 16%. 44% PROTEIN RANGE PELLETS. CUBES NUTRENA — SOYBEAN — LINCOY — LASSY WE CAN SUPPLY RANGE FEEDS IN LARGE AMOUNTS SEE UP FOR PRICE ON TON LOTS OTHER FEEDS ON HAND SWEET LASSY MOLASSES PELLETS — SOYBEAN MEAL TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE ; CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL & MINERAL BLOCKS VIS-VITA FOR POULTRY, HOGS. CATTLE, SHEEP STOCK-GRO — CRUSHED ROCK & BLOCK SALT — OYSTER SHELL DISCOUNT ON ALL LARGE ORDERS CASH FOR YOUR ! CREAM - • EGCS - POULTRY - HIDES > Call or See Us for COUNTRY PICKUP on Poultry o°