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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1952)
Allen Fantily Gathers for Christmas Party_ A delayed Christmas party for the Allen family’s was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Allen, on Sunday, December 30, with 28 present. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Scheinost and family, of Spencer; Mf. and Mrs. Jerome Al len and family, Wiliam Roche and Harvey Allen, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hynes, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sprague and family, and Mrs. Margaret Allen, of O’ Neill DeGroffs Hosts at Goose Dinner — Mr. .and Mrs. Jay DeGroff, jr., entertained a large group at a goose dinner on Christmas day. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Senn, of Ericson; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald DeGroff and Ed Henry, of Amelia; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kel ly and family, of Bur well; Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Krutz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman DeGroff and son, Bert, and Jay DeGroff, sr., all of O’Neill. Ranch Home Scene of Family Dinner — A Christmas party was held at the ranch home of Mrs. Mamie O’Neill and son, Carroll, with the following guests present: Mrs. Gladys Richardson, of Booker, Tex.; Elwin Benson, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ben son and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson and sons and Mrs. Paul Walker. Connie Jo Baxelman Feted on Anniversary — Mrs. J. C. Bazelman enter tained 8 girls Monday afternoon, December 31, in honor of her daughter, Connie Jo, who was celebrating her 12th birthday an niversary. The girls played games during the afternoon. Mrs. Bazel man served lunch. Private Soukup Is Honored — About 50 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCart in honor of Pvt. Frank Soukup, who is home on leave from Atlanta, Ga., where he is stationed. The evening was spent playing cards and visiting. A lunch was served. Billy Doerning Is S — Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynold son and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. Arnie Doerning on Friday, December 28, in honor of Billy Doerning, who was celebrating his 6th birthday anniversary. O'Neill National Employees Feted — F. N. Cronin, president of the O’Neill National bank, enter tained the employees of the bank and their wives on Thursday evening, December 27. It was a 7 o’clock dinner at the Town House. To Canada Conference— Miss Ruth Harris, daughter of Mrs. Esther Hams, left for Tor- ( onto, Canada, on Monday, Decern- , her 31, where she will attend an international missionary confer ence January 3-7. She vnU then return to her studes at Westmin ster Choir college, Princeton, N.Y. Breakfast Hosts — _.. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich entertained at a 10 o’clock break fast on Sunday morning, Decern ber 30, at the M & M cafe._, Dailey-Kopejtka Vows Exchanged Miss Donna Rae Dailey, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dailey, and Harold Kopejtka, soh of Mrs. Anna Kopejtka, of Inman, were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage in O’Neill on Friday, December 28. The ceremony was performed by Rev. V. R. Bell. The bride appeared in a floor length gown of white nylon and taffeta, and a fingertip veil of il lusion. Her bridesmaid. Miss Ma ry Ann Kopejtka, of Inman, wore a light blue gown with matching accessories. The bridegroom and his attend ant, Charles Wiseman, of Page, wore dark business suits. The young couple is staying at the home of the bride’s parents for the present. Ramon Brights Hosts to Family — Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Bright were hosts Sunday, December 23, to members of their families at a yule dinner served at the Town House. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Darel Bright, of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and Ed ward, and Ardell Bright, all of j O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bright and daughter, Bonna Jean, of Lin coln; Mrs. Jennie Mlinar, of At kinson, and Stuart Schleussner, of i Orchard. Hansen-Ebber Rites— Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hansen, of O’Neill, have announced the ap proaching marriage of their daughter. Lila K., to Warren W. Ebber, on Sunday, January 6. The rite will .take place at 2 p.m., at the Methodist church in O’Neill. Tony Asiznus Most — Tony Asimus, owner of the Out law Implement company and Asi mus Motor company, entertained 20 employees and their guests at a dinner at the Town House on Sunday, December 30. Bridges Are Hosts — Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge entertained a group of friends at a watch party in their home on New Year’s eve. Watchdog Group Formed— Nebraska now takes less of its citizens’ income for state govern ment than any other state in the nation. To see that the Cornhus ker state maintains that enviable position, a group of Nebraskans have set up a citizens tax organi zation. Spurred by the efforts of For mer Gov. Dwight Griswold, the committee will soon open an of fice in Lincoln. The group has isted as its purpose: Recognition of the need for a constructive highway program vith adequate and fair provisions cn state and local levels. Recognition of school problems, )f district reorganization and state (id to the teachers retirement sys tem. Better budgeting and fiscal controls, including periodic audits in both local and state govern ment. Continued and further elimina ;ion of earmarking revenues for specific purposes. More adequate, uniform and equal administration of the prop erty tax with revision where leeded. Factual study of proposals to jroaden the tax base. Efforts to provide safeguards (gainst unwise and improvident ax legislation. Participation with other organ zations in the state and nation vith similar purpose. _• When You and I Were Young .,. Ryan Bros. Sole o Owners of Meat Firm o “ 50 Years Ago A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Golden in honor of their daughter, Tillie, on her 16th birthday anniversary . . . Ottq Brown and Tom Camp bell, of Atkinson, attended the dance here Monday evening. . , Ryan Bros, have came into ex clusive control of the meat mar ket formerly owned by Ryan Bros. & Lacey, Mr. Lacey having sold his interest to them. . . County Attorney Mullen had busi ness in Omaha this week. . . Miss Ruth Page returned to her school north of Page after 2 week^T visit in O’Neill. 25 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde King, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell, J. A. Donahoe, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stout and Mrs. E. F. Gallagher held a dinner and watch party at the Golden hotel. . . Miss Irenaeia Biglin returned home Friday from Sioux City, where she had been visiting for a few days. . . Mrs. P. B. Harty enter tained the Martez club. . . Miss Roberta Arbuthnot and Miss Catherine King returned to the state university. . . George Mc Kim, son'of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McKim, has joined the navy. . . Dr. H. L. Bennett accompanied by Zeb Warner and Roy Warner drove up to Long Pine on a fish ing. 10 Years Ago A free dance will be held at Danceland, 0”Neill, for army reg istrants. . . Miss Marion Knapp spent Christmas in Atkinson. . . Lyle Davis, of Orchard, is visit ing Darel Bright. . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk spent Christmas in Winner, S.D. . . The Misses (Mary, Ruse and Jack Grady returned to Denver, Colo., after spending the holidays here. George Ham mond accompanied thern for a week's vacation. . . Miss Dorothy Larsen entertained 8 girls at a Christmas party Tuesday night at her home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto spent Christmas in Nor folk. 1 Year Ago Thomas J. Sullivan, O’Neill’s recently appointed acting post master, was sworn in Sunday by G C Schoep, of Norfolk, postal inspector. . . O’Neill firemen were called at noon Wednesday to ex tinguish a small fire in a truck owned by the Outlaw grocery. . . Five more draftees are off to serv ice They are Robert Scott, of Chambers, Andrew Ramold, of Atkinson; Harold Krugman of O’Neill; Frank Burival, jr., of O - Neill, and Eugene Lewis Sobotka, of Inman. AMELIA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clemens and family, of Ravinia, S.D., spent a few days during the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens, and at Stuart with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jungman. Other guests at the Clemens home on Christmas day were: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Belew and Marlin, of Stanton; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pribil and family, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Travers and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemans and family, all of Amelia, and Miss Joan Clemens, of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Young, of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth, of Cham bers; Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Julia White, Mr. and Mrs. W E. Ragland and family, and Harry Coolidge spent Christmas iay at Elmer Coolidge’s. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and family, Mr. and *Mrs. Law rence Barnett and family and Harry White spent Christmas at 3. C. Barnett’s. Pvt. Joe Kamphaus, of Ft. Ri ey, Kans., John Kamphaus, of Long Pine, and Miss Julianna Hamphaus, of Norfolk, spent the Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamp 13U.S gj* Mrs. George Withers has been jnjoying a visit from her son, rack Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Doolittle md family, of Scotsbluff, have >een visiting his parents, Mr. md Mrs. Tom Doolittle, and oth ;r relatives during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear risited her parents, Mr. and Mr. Henry Foss, near Tilden, Sunday. Miss Norma Andersen was a linner guest Sunday of Miss Peg gy r'rewiu. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Landrum and Sally expected to leave early this week for their home in Den ver, Colo. They have been at the parental Blake Ott home. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small, Bev erly and Gary, were Sunday din ner guests at George Fulerton’s. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and Mi's. Harold Waldo were week j end business callers in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sawvel, of Morrill, and Lois Jean Brown, of Grand Island, visited Mrs. Saw vel’s father, Charles Sigman, a short while Friday. Mrs. Delia Ernst and her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. i John Shipman, of Minneapolis, Minn., visited at Art Waldmans j and other friends in Amelia on Thursday. Mrs. Edna Coyne Entertains— Christmas day dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Edna Coyne were: Sister Mary Faith, of Spalding; Mrs. Laurence O’Mal ley and sons, Jerry and Leo, of Amelia; Mr. and Mrs. James ( Earley and John Kennedy. Frontier want ads bring results! I ° o o <S o ° > B c CHAMBERS NEWS * C. J. Barnum and Alvin Troxel, of Neligh, were in Chambers on Monday. o Keith Sexton drove to Hadem, Kans., Tuesday, January 1, to bring Mrs. Sexton and Nadine home. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hansberry who went to Ong to spend a week or 2 with her parents. The American Legion auxiliary will meet at 2 o’clock Friday af ternoon, January 4, at the home of Mrs. George Thompson. All members are urged to be present. Guests in the home of Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry on Sunday, December 30, were his son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hans berry, and son, Gary, of Long mont, Colo., and grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Corliss, of Karney. Mr. and Mrs. Sexton, of Hadem, Kans., spent Christmas with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. K^eith Sexton, and Nadine. Mrs. Keith Sexton accompanied them home and remained until New Year’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barrett, of Brunswick, spent Christmas with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink and children spent Christmas at Ne ligh in the L. A. Houston home. Dinner guests in the Charles Spath home Thursday, December 27, were her brother, Mark Swen gel, of San Jose, Calif., and his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cap Teisen, and family, of Osmond; Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and family, of Amelia, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spath o o o O ° °o o and Elaine, Chambers. 0 . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik ■ and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Hubbard spent Sunday, De i cumber 30, at Clearwater with her ! sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. i Lyle Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen and children went to Norfolk to spend Christmas with her aunt and un | cle, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Weise. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and children left Christmas day for Boise, Ida., where they spent the holidays with her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hansen, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and children spent the evening of Christmas day at the Doctor Van Horn home at Orchard. Mary Lou Spath returned to Omaha Tuesday afternoon after spending a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snath. Angie Spath, who came fiom Omaha on Friday, Decem ber 22, returned on Tuesday, Jan uary 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howe and daughter, Peggy, of Fremont, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Larson and children, Wayne and Carolyn, of Burwell, spent Christmas with their parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Woods, and Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City, came Sunday to spend New Year’s with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Ankney and family left Sunday for De troit, Mich., to visit his parents. From there they plan to go to Ohio to visit other relatives. o u Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Hoge and family were dinner guests in the H. C. Walter home Christmas day. i Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Medcalf J spent Christmas with the former’s daughter and-= husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller, and family at Clearwater. Other guests were: (Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and | Fatty and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf and children, of O’Neill. LYNCH NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Joseph David and daughter returned home Thurs day, having spent the holidays at the parental homes in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Counts apd Randy were Christmas day guests I at the E. Nordquist home near Gross. Christmas day guests at the Al bert Kalkowski home were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schochenmaier, Carol Ann and Leon, of Bonesteel, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Bur bach and Larry Kent, of Wynot, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta, of Walnut. Christmas dinner guests at the Jacob Birmeier home were Efhest Swanson, of Randolph; Louis Bir meier, Pfc. August Kalkowski, of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. George Kalkowski, Leo and Deloros. Pvt. Ernest Vomacka, of Ft. Sill, Okla., and Frank Vomacka, of Gregory, S.D., spent Friday at the Edwin Vomacka and Matfin Jehorek homes. Guests Christmas day at the Eddie Heiser home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haun, of Lincoln, - — — - — A o o ° and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Haun, of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bol^ae, of Butte, spent Suaday at the Wil liam Mahlendorf home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta were Sioux City visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek were Omaha visitor* last week. Don Allen was a visitor in Nor folk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Koscan, of Butte, were Lynch visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski, Jack Farr and the Bernard Webber family attended the wed ding of Dale Svatos and Joyce Biooks at Lake Andes, S.D., Sun day, December 30. o Visits Borgs — Mrs. Campbell, of Neligh, and Mrs. Augusta Lindberg were Saturday, December 29, guests of Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter. Hoosier Visits— Dale Hornbeck, of Marion, Ind., was a Saturday dinner guest at the home of Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter, Marvel. MONEY TO LOAN on ; automobiles TRUCKS TRACTORS equipment furniture Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'NeiU t Nebraska _* \ - I ■ DR I. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR O'Neill. Nebraska ! Compiale X-Ray Equipmenl Block So. of Ford Garage I Ticklers By George i " 1 — —" ' i < “But doesn’t he know anything beside ‘On the Lone Prairie’?* O ° o o c’ o CP ^ r\ Ci « r\ O O rrt DRS, BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray REX LARD 2 Lbs.. 35 c WONDERFOOD Lb. MARSHMALLOWS. 25c PEANUT BUTTER, 2 Lbs.65c HILLSDALE PRUNES, Gal.59c WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH, 2 Cans 49c I DEL BROOK OLEO 3 Lbs.69c LUSHUS 3 No. 2Vz Cans APRICOTS, in Syrup $1 4-Pkg. Deal LA FRANCE.29c I Van Camp’s 21/2“L,b. Pkg. ' TENDERONI.19c! OUR FAMILY 2-Lb. Jar GRAPE JAM, .45c OCCIDENT CAKE MIX 3 Lbgs.$ 1 . GALLON APRICOTS "an, PEACHES^*?* GALLON SWEETOSE SYRUP GaL 99c NEW OUTLAW COFFEE Lb 73« LUSHUS ) GRAPEFRUIT 1 Juice | 2 46-Oz. Cns. 39c i SMALL SIZE 3 Pkgs. 1 | IVORY SNOW.25c 1 [wax I PAPER, 125-Ft. Roll 25c I BLUE 2 Bars | BARREL SOAP.25c I PEANUT 2 BRITTLE, Lb.29c I STOCKTON I Catsup I 212-0z.bhs:29c ( MANCHESTER I FIG BARS, Pkg..25c I ARMOUR’S I MILK, 2 Cans.... 27c I AJAX ( CLEANSER, 2 for... 25c I TREND, 2Pkgs.33c | MOTHERS BEST I FLOUR I 50-Lb. Sack 3.59 I f o'® . CP o o0