The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 03, 1952, Page 3, Image 3
o u -5 O rt o o o o o . u - ' II Starts Thurs., Ian. 3rd - - 9 Big Days * o 0 C HURRY! SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 12 o if No Exchang ™ A 1 ■ -- if No Refunds o if No Altera tions, Please ' Reductions of ONE-FOURTH, ONE-THIRD, ONE-HALF and More! ENTIRE STOCK LADIES' COATS Were SW - Vk92l By R»th™°r- Swansdown, Were 44.95—Now .. 29.97 Jaunty J^> Betty Rose, Were 49.95—Now _ 33.30 and Marce Were 54.95—Now .. 36.64 Were 59.95—Now 39.97 Were 64.95—Now .. 43.30 Were 69.95—Now .. 46.64 Were 79.95—Now _ 53.30 Were 84.95—Now _ 56.64 Were 89.95—Now .. 59.97 Were 94.95—Now _ 63.30 Were 99.50—Now _ 66.34 Were 119.95-Now _ 79.97 From our finest makers . . fashion approved styles Dressy DREb^ES | Pick of entire store (not selected). By these famous makers: Paul Sachs, Petite Lady, Levine, Mary Muffett, Wm. Weiss and others. Regular, junior and half sizes. Crepes, wools, silks and failes. Were 19.95—Now .. 9.97 Were 22.95-Now11.47 Were 24.95—Now _ 12.47 Were 27.95—Now.. 13.97 Were 29.95—Now .. 14.97 Were 34.95—Now.. 17.47 ENTIRE STOCK BLOUSES Our entire stock of nation ally advertised blouses in jersey, silks, crepes, nylons and cottons . . . all new sty les! White, colors. Buy several at this reduction! HURRY IN ! LINGERIE Special Rack Pajamas- Gowns -Slips RIDCCCITC Bed Jackets - Panties IIKtvvtv Leading lines; Seamproof. Van Values to 34.95 Raalte. Blue Swan. Miss Swank . . in flannel, cotton knit, rayon. ^^ _ 3.00 - 5.00 ONE-THIRD OFF _ NO SERVICE. PLEASE | ENTIRE STOCK ROBES RAYON — WOOL CORDUROY QUILTED t NOW .I_:_ o r 1 * « ° o OO • °o ° o o O n _ I III———— — III Big SPECIALS ONE-HALF TABLE Many one of an item, soiled or counter tossed. From all de partments throughout our store I ★ Sportswear ★ Anklets ★ Scarfs ★ Jewelry Look This Table Over FOR REAL VALUES All CHILDREN’S DRESSES By Mitzi - Sizes 1 to 12 ONE-THIRD OFF OUTSTANDING VALUESI HANDBAGS ENTIRE STOCK ONE-FOURTH OFF (PLUS TAX) "Y j vs. MMMI MHKM I MH & MM MM MHHI^^k GLOVES ENTIRE STOCK ONE-THIRD OFF ENTIRE STOCK SCARFS SILK or WOOL ONE-THIRD OFF HATS JUST 40 OF THEMI Out They Go for Only 2.00 HOSE 15, 20 and 30 DENIER 51 and 60 GUAGE Reg. 1.65 Now 124 Reg. 1.50 Now 1.13 Reg. 1.35 - NOW 1.01 ENTIRE STOCK LADIES' SUITS Were 34.95—Now .. 23.30 By Rothmoor, Swansdown, Were 39.95—Now 26.64 Jaunty Jr., Betty Rose ... Were 42.95 Now .. 28.64 From our finest makers . . . rich Were 44.95—Now 29.97 wool fabrics . . . excellent detail* Were 49.95-Now _ 33.30 ‘"9 ' '' '“hi0" ■pp")”d “1o"' Were 52.95—Now .. 35.30 Were 54.95—Now _ 36.63 Were 59.95—Now .. 39.97 f / Were 64.95—Now . 43.30 jhirif Were 69.95—Now... 46.64 WJUU Were 74.95—Now _ 49.97 ^ Were 79.95—Now . 53.30 Were 99.95—Now . 66.64 ENTIRE STOCK Street DRESSES Regular stock ... pick of entire store (not selected). Many just unpacked. Regular, junior and half sizes. Were 8.95—Now.. 5.97 Were 10.95—Now.. 7.30 Were 12.95—Now.. 8.64 Were 14.95—Now _ 9.97 Were 16.95—Now _ 11.30 Were 18.95—Now.. 12.64 By these famous makers: Nelly Don, Martha Manning, Carole King, Gay Gibson, Georginia . . . and others. IN GABARDINE. CORDUROY, RAYON PRINT. WOOLS. TAFFETA ENTIRE STOCK LADIES’ Skirts - Slacks By Sporteen ... in tweed, crepe, corduroy, flannel and novelty fabrics . . . pleats, flared or straight cuts. All sizes. Hurry in for Best Selection ENTIRE STOCK ^ SWEATERS s Slip-ons, Cardigans . . . choose from our fine stock of Helen Harper and Princess Pam sweaters. Sizes 34 to 40. Short or long sleeves in a large selection of wonderful styles and colors.