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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1952)
FOR SALE FOR SALE: 5 new patterns of Armstrong 12-ft. wide linole um, $1.10 per ft. — Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 34c FOR SALE: Border Collie pup pies, males and females. — C _Bar M. O'Neill. 29tf START THE NEW YEAR WITH A GOOD, CLEAN, RELIABLE USED CAR WE HAVE A CHOICE VARIETY OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL USED CARS YOU HAVE EV ER SEEN ANYWHERE — AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD! 1951 Frazer, only 29,000 miles, radio, air conditioned heater and overdrive, a real luxury liner. 2—1951 Kaisers, deluxe, radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. These Are Cars You Will be Proud of Anywhere: 1951 Henry J, loaded with equip ment, you will love it. 1949 Kaiser deluxe, you can’t tell it from new. 1948 Kaiser Special, heater, white wall tires and seat covers. 1947 Kaiser Special, heater, new tires, perfect motor and priced to 'sell. We allow the most for your old car and all cars are available on 18-month finance. Outlaw Implement Co. Phone 373 West O’Neill _ _35c FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip-i ment for sale by Kenneth Dil- j Ion, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your j jiylking machine now while they are Still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: $26,000 400 acres St. Edward; $12,000 160 acres, At kinson; $26,000 500 acres Sar gent. — Lester W. Schmadeke, Burwell, Nebr. 33-35-85c FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds see R. H. rKay") Shri ner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: 30- and 52-gallon electric water heaters. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 35e FOR SALE: 41% Range Cake, $97 per ton. Mixed fertilizer, $47.95 per ton.—Corkle Hatchery, O’ Neill. _ 32-33c SELLING at the Atkinson Live stock Market, Tues., Jan. 8th, following the hog auction, 7 purebred Angus bull calves. In case of bad roads or storm they will sell the following Tuesday. —William T. Sitz, Burwell, Nebr.35c72 Chrysler-Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. WILSON Phone 100* Butte, Nebr. 2tf FOR SALE: Crib corn.—F. J. Dishner, O’Neill. FOR SALE: Modem, insulated six-room house, to be moved; new wiring. New Cole Skelgas space heater, water heater and 500 gal. tank also available. — Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman. 32tf Used Car Specials 1949— Club Coupe Mercury. 1948—Plymouth 4-tfr. Special De luxe. 1947—Plymouth 4-dr. Special De luxe. equipped. 1947—Ford Tudor, equipped. 1946—Chevrolet Fleetline 2-dr., equipped. 1641—Chevrolet 2-dr., equipped. 1939—Ford Tudor, equipped. 1938—Chevrolet 2-dr„ equipped. 1950— Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-dr., equipped. These are all good clean cars and priced to sell. Come in and see us. SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIEKK, Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Good 160 acres ft ml. west of Spencer, good buildings and plenty of water. — Tom Hartsock, Spencer. 34-36c FOR SALE: 320 acres, 22 miles south on highway 281. All new improvements since 1946. — Write or see Everett Grogen. Ewing. 35-39pl.50 If You Are Looking For Used Car Bargains 1—1941 Ford Tudor. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1—1949 Mercury 4-door. Make us an offer. 1—1949 Dodge Wayfarer, 2-door, 1—1946 Chevrolet 4-door. 1—1948 Pontiac “6", new motor streamliner sedan coupe. 1—1950 Pontiac “8” 2-dr., hydra matic transmission, low mil$ age. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill Phone 531 O'Neill. Nebr. . __ - -j 1 FOR SALE: Several good, well located building lota—R. H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22tf Q O ’ ° Q O ° ° I CORN FOR SALE: As good as anv raised this year. The price is right. See Morris Graham, 3 miles west of Dance Land and 3 north. Corn is in a pile and an elevator is close by. — Morris Graham, O’Neill, Nebr. 35-36 I------— FOR SALE: Purebred Angus bulls. 1 herd bull 1947 and 5 yearlings.—Elmer Schade, En ola, Nebr. 34-9c MISCELLANEOUS ! FOUND: Pair of shellrim glasses on South Fourth street. Owner may claim by identifying and paying for this ad. _____ EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates, 24-hour wrecker service. WICH'S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON. Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts cal at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop O’Neill. *ltf AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and newer model auto mobile and write your insur ance for youl We need and ap preciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill. Nebr. DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es. basements, cesspools, and build Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf WHAT'S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat tle, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards. Sioux City. la. 22tf NOTICE: If you have any unvac cinated serum pigs for sale call or write Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, phone 3741._35-39pl.55 Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds ietf WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill._29tf FOUND: Child’s shoe within block of Frontier office. Owner may claim by identifying shoe and paying for this adv. 33c INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your reports call on — Geo. C. Robertson Res. Pho. No. 161 -W, O’Neill, Nebr. 34-39c HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Hearers (Next door Asimus Motor.) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399. O’Neill THE FRONTIER ... only $2.50 per year . . . less than a nickel a week._ WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon StronR Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 HALVA S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job_25tf 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec-Treas. KIETH A. ABART O’Neill. Nebr. Auctioneer Licensed to Sell Real Estate 19tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractoi repair. Acetylene welding. o ° °8 WANTED WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J._26tf J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have ouj price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf FOH RENT GOOD FLOOR SANDER AND edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill.__ FOR RENT: New, small hand sanding machine, for furniture and woodwork. — Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 52tf FOR RENT: House and 6 lots, 2 blocks south of Outlaw.—Call or see Edgar DeHart, Cham bers, Nebr., of W. W. Griffin, O’Neill. 33tfc CARDS OF THANKS MANY. THANKS to my friends who remembered me with cards, letters, gifts and flowers while I was in the hospital. 35p_MRS. MARK MUFF TO THOSE who expressed their sympathy in so many beautiful and practical ways during our recent bereavement, we express our heartfelt thanks. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Clark and Family Sam Storts and Family Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Terry _and Family. 35p50 Church Group in Hiram, Mirandy Party INMAN—The young adult fel- i1 lowship group of the Methodist church sponsired a Hiram and Pursday night at , thelOOF hall. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Other Inman News Mr and Mrs. John vVatson and i daughters, of O’Neill, were call ers in the I. L. Watson home Sun day evening. , WO (j.g.) and Mrs. Lorin Keyes and daughter left Sunday for Ft. Rdey, Kans., after spending a week visiting Mr. Keyes’ parents, iMr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes. , Pfc. Arthur Gan,ion left Mon day for Ft. Bliss, Tex., after spending a furlough with his par and Mrs. Roy Gannon. S/Sgt. Howard Clark, of Offutt air base, spent the New Year’s weekend visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. E. E. Clark. lJr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander returned Friday from Waterbury where they visited Mrs. Alexan dei s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe. Delmont Heck, of the navy, sta' turned at San Diego, Calif., came Monday to spend a leave with relatives and friends. Ralph Gray, of Blue Hill, was an Inman visitor Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Crasser and son and Lois Morsbach spent Friday in Bloomnfield. Guests Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cov entry and family were Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan and Mr and Mrs. John Mattson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven try and sons were Christmas guests in the Kenneth Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmons and sons returned Sunday from Fre mont, where they spent the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and family spent Christmas in Lincoln with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Terry and Lynn Gallagher, of Tilden, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher, last week. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan were Sunday dinner guests in the Ken Smith homes. Mrs. Walter Jacox was a Christ mas guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Mrs. C. C. Hackett and family are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morsbach. Cal Geary, of Lyons, is visiting relatives and friends here. Christmas guests in the home of Mrs. Marye Hartigan and Pat t were Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary, ol Inman; Cal Geary, of Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hartigan, of Oak dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kar tigan, of Page. Mrs. I. L. Watson left Sunday for Lincoln where she will visit her mother, Mis. Anna B. Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and I son, of Sioux City, spent Christ 1 mas with Mrs. Baker’s parents, o o Pfc. Eldon L. Hammon . . . carries wounded from bailie hills. ★ ★ —The Frontier Engraving Marine Pfc. Duane R. Ham mon . . . expects overseas duty. ★ 4 Sons of Lynch Couple See Duty in U.S. Armed Forces LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammon, of Lynch, have seen 4 sons march off to the wars. Gilbert, who enlisted in World War II while living in Oregon, later received a medical discharge from the army. Phillip spent 21 months overseas during World War II and participated in the historic D-day invasion of the Normandy coast. Eldon L. and Duane R. current ly are in the. army engineers and marine corps, respectively. Eldon, a private first - class, landed in Korea from Japan in May, 1951, with the 7th division. Re belongs to a supply unit at the Korean front lines. In time of battle he has carried many wounded from the battle front. Private Hammon enlisted for a 5-year term in December, 1950, md took his basic training at Ft. Riley, Kans. In April, 1951, he was home on 'urlough, then went to Ft. Law on, Wash., enroute to Japan. He was born and raised on a 'arm north of Lynch and is a jraduate of the Lynch schools, lis address is: Pfe. Eldon L. Iammon, RA 17301694 Hq. H-S 3th Engs. (C) BN APO 7 c/o 3M, San Francisco, Calif. Duane, also a private first-class, vas sworn into the marine corps it Ft. Omaha September 9, 1951, ind took 10 weeks’ boot training it the marine base, San Diego, :alif. He is a sharpshooter for which le received a medal. He spent he Christmas holidays with his parents and relatives at Lynch ifter which he goes to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif., for 1 weeks more recruit training, ifter which he is to leave for ov erseas duty. His address is: Pfc. Duane R. Hammon, 1199427 FLAARTY — rrng. Btry. “B” FLAARTY Trng BN, Supp Arms Trng. Regt. Trng. & Rysl. Cond., MB Camp Delmer CJHP, Oceanside, Calif. Elgin Rancher Crash Victim Maynard Pelster, 32, Elgin rancher, was killed shortly before midnight Friday night in a truck accident 13 miles west of Elgin on state highway 53. State Patrolman Willard Clark said the truck Pelster was driving went off the road, and then got back on the highway, finally roll ing over and pinning him beneath it Norman Grothe, of Bartlett, and Wayne Childers, of Elgin, w ho in their cars followed the Pelster truck down the highway, said the rancher w'as dead when they arrived at the scene. Mr. Pelster is survived by his wife, lone Hoefer Pelster, and 3 children. Funeral services were held at 9:30 a m. Monday at St. Boniface church at Elgin, Rev. T. H. Buelt, pastor, in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Miss Carolyn Watson and Har old and Harlan Nielsen spent Sunday in Bassett as guests of Miss Marilyn McClurg in the W. J. McClurg home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong re turned to Grand Island after spending a few days visiting Mr. DeLong’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger, sr., returned from Omaha where they spent a week visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger, jr. LeRoy Moore who is employed with the telephone company, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Inman visitors in Norfolk Sat urday were Mrs. Earl L. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and daughter, Faye. Deritha Smith, of Norfolk, vis ited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. o o EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and amily returned to their home at Grand Island on Wednesday, December 26, after spending a few days at the home of her par ents and other relatives. Miss Joan Binkerd entertained a number of school friends from Ewing at her home Wednesday j evening, December 26. On Christmas eve, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker entertained at a ; family party honoring his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker, who were celebrating their 37th wed ding anniversary. The evening was spent visiting. Gifts from the Christmas tree were passed out. Mr. and Mrs. Eacker re ceived a flourescent light fixture. An oyster stew was served by Mrs. Thomas Eacker for refresh ments. I December 25 was homecoming day for Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mar quardt and their family when they came to Ewing to spend the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt. They re turned to their home in Laurel in the evening. Pvt. Joe Miller, who has been home on a holiday furlough, left Sunday evening to return to the Aberdeen proving grounds, at Aberdeen, Md. Leo. Hawk, who has been home on a holiday furlough which he spent at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kawlj, left Thursday to return to Camp Rob ?rts, Calif. On December 25, guests at the ho.rre of Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sis son, sr., were all members of their family with the exception of Bil ly, who is in the navy. Word was received from him at Pearl Har bor, stating that he had been in vited to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. James Ruby and family. Billy is enroute to the States and home possibly some time in Feb | ruary. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sor enson, of Omaha, daughter and son-in-law, came Monday and al so present were Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sisson jr., and Robley 111, of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Kaipn E-acser en tertained at a 5 o’clock diner on Christmas day. Their guests were their children and families, Mr. and families, Mr. and Mrs. Jer ome Fuller and boys, of Grand Is land, Mr. and Mrs Gene Ruby and children, of Phillip, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker and fam ily, of Ewing, and Miss J°e*lyn Eacker, at home. One son, Rob ert, who lives in Montana, was unable to be present. On Christmas eve, Mrs. Jessie Angus received a telephone cal from her son, Jack, who was at Portland, Ore. The John Miller, sr. family had a get-together Decemoer 25 at tne country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, jr. Those in attend ance were Mr. and Mrs. John‘ V Pvt. Jne Miller, of Aber deen. Md., and Richard MiUer. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kallhoff joined the party. Mr and Mrs. Carl Kallhoff, of Flein and Mrs. Mary Rotherham S5it Christ.. «s day with their mnthpr Mrs. Catherine Kallhoff, whohniakes her home with Mr and Mrs. John Miller, sr. Mr and Mrs Coe Butler, of T incoln came Monday, December 24 toVend the holiday season with relatives. _ Mrs. Hilda Carr and children re turned to Holdrege Wednesday, December 26, after spending their holiday vacation with relatives in Ewing. Miss Beulah Cloyd, who teaches near Stuart, is spending her va cation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Grafft and family, of Omaha, came Monday, December 24, to visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eb ben Grafft. A family gathering was held at the parental home on Christmas day. Their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Spangler and children were present, making the family circle complete. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway with their families gathered at the parental home to spend Christmas day. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel and family, of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunaway and family, of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway and children, of Hastings and Donald Dunaway of Ewing. A combined Christmas and birthday aniversary party was held at the Earl Billings home on Christmas eve. Mr. Billings and his granddaughter, Bonnie Beth Dunaway, celebrated birthday an niversaries. A 6 o’clock dinner was served in honor of the occa sion. The birthday cake with all its decorations made an approp riate centerpiece with the Christ mas scheme used. Later in the evening, the Christmas tree laden with gifts was the center of at traction when the packages were opened. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Andrews, Larry and Susan, of Cozad, spent the weekend and Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Bartak. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wagoner, of Wichita, Kans., were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bergstrom, over Christmas. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Durward Loughfrey and children on Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwager, near Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Wright and children spent Christmas day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehmann, near Chambers. Other members of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mosel and family, of Or chard, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leh mann, of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walters had as their guests on Christmas day their son, Alfred Walters, and family, of Clearwater, Mrs. Sal- | ome Noddings and son, Charles, of Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusick and I I family, of David City, left Wed nesday, December 26, for their home after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimes. Mrs. Elizabeth Angus spent Christmas day with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Syner, and family. William J. Harris was surprised when his son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris, arrived at noon on Christmas day with a basket dinner to enjoy with him. Mr. Harris, who is a retired barber, is 86-years-old and main tains his own home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., were dinner guests on Christmas day at the home of their son, Frank Noffke, jr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cork and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and family, all of O’Neill, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kahlbeck on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Crellin were guests at the Harold Harris hoane Monday evening, December 24. At 6 o’clock an oyster stew was en joyed. Other guests of the eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Al len and daughter, Pamela Kay, of Plainview. Pvt. Gordon A. Hiatt arrived Wednesday, December 19, from Ft. Ord, Calif., to spend the holi days, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hiatt, and his sister, Carolyn. He returned to camp on Friday, December 28. DANCF SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Jan. 6 Music by BOBBY MILLS * Orchestra _______ O ° Q o o o MILLER THEATRE — Atkinson, Nebr. — Fri.-Sai. Jan. 4-5 “The Red Head and the Cowboy” — Also — _“This Is Korea” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Jan. 6-7-8 Wed.-Thurs. Jan. 9-10 Thursday Star SffdcFs HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain I >r Thursday shoppers in O Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! Lots of Hogs Coming Today • The managers of the O'Neill sale again are expecting a lot of hogs and feeder pigs. The market was off last week but hogs were selling 25c to 50c higher Monday at the terminal markets. ? So today's hog sale should be a good one. probably as many hogs as last Thursday, when 1.200 head were marketed here. • There are several loads of good steer calves consigned and there will be the usual run of butcher stock. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 2 O’Neill " Jtt.OBSON'S Across from the Golden Phone 415 "WE DELIVER THE BEST — SERVICE EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" STORES IN O’NEILL AND NORFOLK USED SKELGAS RANGE FEATURES 4 burners . . . oven ... all por celain enamel . . . and it’s fully guar anteed. Of course, it was traded-in on a New CALORIC GAS RANGE. Thursday Only $20 (Installation Extra) _____ o ' ' . c ° ° ° o„ o O o O O O c ® o o O O r >