The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 27, 1951, Page 3, Image 3

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    -mu 1‘ionuor Kngravlng
(above), son of Mrs. Woody Grim, arrived Monday to spend the
Christmas holidays here. A former O'Neill high school athlete,
Erwin recently returned to San Diego, Calif., following a year
spent in the Marshall islands at a navy installation there.
No Sale Here Due
to Thursday’s Storm
There was no sale Thursday,
December 20, at the O’Neill Live
stock Market due to the severe
storm conditions.
Shippers had difficulty getting
to O’Neill late Wednesday and
Thursday with their livestock and,
only a handful of people were
Some hogs were sold at private
Col. Ed G. Evans, who original
ly scheduled a dairy heifer sale
on Monday night, December 17,
postponed the auction of the Wis
consin-bred dairy cattle until
Thursday’s sale. He had to aban
don the plan when Thursday’s
sale was called off, and now has
set Thursday, December 27, as the
new date.
Stuarl Church
Group Yule Hosts—
STUART — Youth Fellowship
of the Community church was
host to the Atkinson Fellowship
at a Christmas party Tuesday eve
ning, December 18, in the church
Miss Eloise Rustad and Rev.
Orin Graff sponsored the group
of 40 young people and directed
the games.
A lunch of pie-ala-mode, cook
ies and cocoa was served.
Two statewide meetings for
training 4-H club leaders will be
held at Lincoln in January. The
state 4-H club office at the Uni
versity of Nebraska said the first
one will be Lincoln January 23-26.
The other will be at North Platte
on January 30-Feb. 1. Univer
sity staff members including ex
tension specialists will instruct
the leaders at both meetings. In
cluded on the programs are dis
cussions of club management
problems, food and home im
provement and home economics
and agriculture subject matter.
Each county is eligible to send 1
leader as a representative in each
of the subject matter fields.
Marine Recruiter Moved
From Norfolk —
It has been reported by the ma
rine recruiting station in Norfolk
that S/Sgt. Harold L. Leslie, the
assistant NCO in charge, has been
transferred to Camp Joseph H.
Pendleton, Ore., for assignment to
a replacement draft. Sergeant
Leslie has completed a 3-year
tour of recruiting duty in the Ne
braska area.
Sergeant Leslie is married and
before reporting in to his new sta
tion he will visit his wife’s home
in Seattle, Wash.
Batteries for cars, trucks and
tractors will be increasingly hard
to get as more lead and zinc goes
into defense production. Here are
some tips from John Sulek, of the
University of Nebraska agricul
tural engineering department, on
making a battery last as long as
possible. When you store a bat
tery be sure to check the water
level. _
I ft
HappijTlwljedi *
We’H be thinking of yon |
when the old year departs
! :
i i
If i
I 1
| Metz Baking Co. 1
z 2
I "Old Home Is j|
Good Bread"
; a i
\ ART LEHMAN, Salesman j
— O'NEILL. —
Thursday, December 27
M-G-M laughingly presents
Starring Greer Garson, Michael
Wilding, with Fernando Lamas
and Marjorie Main.
Gorgeous Greer is misbehavin’
again! She was a riot in “Julia
Misbehaves” . . . and you should
see her now! Now she’s a light
fingered lady with taking ways
. . and that wonderful guy Wild
ing is her charming accomplice!
She’s the chambermaid who be
came a lady and plotted the
theft of jewels. Full of laughs and
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c
Children 10c. plus 2c tax. Tot 12c
Friday and Saturday
December 28-29
Big Double Bill
Roy Rogers and Trigger in
in Trucolor
Gun-fire in the Great North
west Canada’s finest and the
King of the Cowboys roar to the
rescue when killers try to wipe
out a tribe of friendly Indians!
Johnny Weissmuller as Jungle
Jim in
With Ann Savage, David Bruce
and Steven Gray. Johnny’s Jun
gle war for America’s stockpile!
Animal Savagery vs. Enemy
Treachery. Johnny’s pygimy pals
leap to the rescue of lovely
Army WAC—ambushed by jungle
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Tot. 59c
Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12a
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Sunday. Monday and Tuesday
December 30-31, January 1
Warner Bros.
Color by Technicolor
Starring Dennis Morgan, Vir
ginia Mayo, Gene Nelson with
Lucille Norman, S. Z. Sakall.
What a song-shiny story! It’s
all about a gal who had plenty of
what it takes to take wide-open
Las Vegas for plenty! It’s the
Sunshine Musical and nothing
could be brighter!
Hear them, see them, the syn
copatin’ musical spectacles that
out-dazsle ’em all! “Birth of the
Blues” “Mairbo Man” “Helldora
do Week in Las Vegas.”
Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c
Children 10c. plus %e tax. Tot. 12c
Matinee Sunday 2:30
A family Christmas party and
super was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith, of
Emmet, on Saturday, December
2. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
O 0
Verne Beckwith and family, of
Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
. Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Beckwith and Garry, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Harley and daughter. Gifts
were exchanged.
Mrs. Gladys0 Richardson, of
Booker, Tex., is a holiday gueat
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Blake Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and
o o
Dianna and Mrs. Vannie Newman
; went to Ainsworth Sunday to vis
it Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schiessler
and family.
Miss Ann Waters, of Omaha,
arrived Saturday to spend the
holidays with her mother, Mrs.
D. F. Waters, and her aunt, Mrs.
W. J. Biglin.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hu^by
were Saturday callers at the
home of Mrs. Carrie Borg and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brinkman
spent Christinas at the home of
August Brinkman in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stuessi
and 2 sons moved into an A. E.
Bowen apartment about a month
ago. They moved to O’Neill from
Springfield, 111., Mr. Stuessi is
traveling for the Sidles Company
out of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll, of
Lincoln, attended a convention In
■ - — ■ Q __
Kansas City, Mo., and arrived in
j O’Neill on Monday to spend the
holidays with Mrs. Carroll’s moth
jcr, Mrs. W. J. Biglin.
Venetian blinds, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure, metal or
wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon
ald Co.. O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone were
| Sunday guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. E. F. Sullivan.
_ \ Marquisette
\ panels
The sale you watch for, because you
know McDonald’s White Goods bargains JT wiuSS
are hard to beat I What bargains they bang itrajght. Egg
ore this year I Prices slashed, limited ah«ii. 42>81 ««ch
u/cnuccnAYl time only I Quantities limited on some p
STARTS WEDNESDAY! Hemsl So some early I Compare these I ■*
Look! Real Sayings on PONCREST SHEETS!
Don't miss this
Sale! Reg. 7.95
chenille bedspreads
If you need spreads now, or later, get one or more of these
handsome bedspreads this weekl The If-autiful sunburst design
is in heavy pile chenille. Heavy chenille pattern is carefully
carried out at sides and bottom, with sunburst motif repeated
at top where spread covers pillows. Closely tufted chenille
overall on extra heavy sheeting. Big full bed or twin size in
lovely solid colors. Hurry for your choice! A real value!
Donfield white
Men's fine broadcloths
with famous 9 points of
F superiority I R«|. 2.98
Sanforized 220-count broadcloth with
stay-neat collars, body-conforming yoke,
fine needlework, shaped sleeves, natural
armholes and other extras. Sizes 14 to
17. Special during White Sale onlyl
WOOL BLANKETS, Reg. 14.95 ___ 12.97
100 percent wool blankets, Doncrest super quality, 72x90,
in handsome solid colors. Buy this w«»ek and save!
WASH CLOTHS_6 for 53c
White terry, with colored border, 12x12.
81x99, Re« 2.49, Salel
Fimow quality tested 128
count. Pull bleached. Save!
72a 108—8.87 81x108-2.47 coses..54<
Tested super quality
sturdy 140-countl
Firm, smooth finishl
Sis# 72x101
Pillow cases
J 81x108, Reg. 2.99
Sheet buy of the year! Doncrest fine cot
r ton muslin, made by a famous maker to
meet our standards. Over 140 threads to
the square inch mean smooth beauty, long
wear. Pull bleached; wide, even hems.
Stock up now! Compare these anywhere!
jg ! 81 x99, Reg. 2.39, Salel
£ Made for us the way you like them! Fine
128-count cotton, smooth finish, firm
9 weave. Full bleached with wide, even
p hems. Compare this buy at only $2.17.
Size 72x99-1.97 Size 81x108-2.37
81x108, Reg. 3.29, Salel
180-count combed percale *207
luxury sheets. A super value! J
72x108.....3.87 Pillow cases.67c £
CANNON super quality
20x40 MB 4m, B«a. 49c \
•u«f* sice ........28c
Wash cloth........11c |
H 1
Premium quality terry towels, super absor
bent. Bath size and matching 15x27 guest
towels and 12x12 wash cloths. Solid colors:
pink, aqua, citrom, maize, green, flame.
Sale! CONE, CANNON towels 18x36 towels
20x40 bath towels, reg. 69c, 79c-58c 31; i
15x27 gueet towels, reg. 39c. 28c j for 89c
12x12 wash cloths, reg. 19c.. I Ac Roc* 39c kaavy
22x44 bath towels, reg. 89c.-.78c wery t a wale in
16x28 gueet towels, reg. 49c. 38c eaian. saver
12>12 matching wash cloths, salet...... 18c I I
More bargains in home needs! Hurry for your share!
Twin bed size
mattress pads 4..0 /
Fall bod else 1
mattress pads <J.4/
Snow white, quilted, with
, tape-bound edges, ample
Ailing. What a valuel
36" Hop* bleached
Heavy quality unbUach- mu»J‘n* *oft,
ed sheeting mattress cov- JPac®,*t 36 »“•
ers with sturdy buttons. bleached. Compare!
Bed pillow, Q7^ **« °“,,n0 33y
Reg. 1.39 7lf ,lonnel
29c outing 771/
Bangor chicken feather flannel LI r
pillows, filled to just
right plumpness. ACA At 33c, whit# and colors,
striped featherproof tick- 36" wide. At 27c, white,
ing. 18*26 sire. Save now! 27" wide. Compare!
')n ° ® O n ^
Reg. 2.49
Fullbodied fin# whit*
cotton blanhate, TO *96,
with whipetitrhed anda.
For added winter warmth.
Ceaapare 6m** anywhere!
— — —■—
g ' 'O o