The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 13, 1951, SEC. 2, Page 10, Image 10

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    Former Page
Resident Dies
PAGE—Funeral services were
held Thursday, December 6, at
2 p.m., at the Bader funeral
home in Fremont for Earl An
derson, 45, of Fremont, who died
Monday, December 3, in a Kear
ney hospital after a lingering ill
Dr. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the
First Methodist church, of Fre
mont, had charge of the services
and burial was in the Ridge ceme
tery. ! ^
Earl Anderson was born No
vember, 1906, at Tilden, where
he was associated with his father,
the late R. F. Anderson, and his
brother, the late Ray Anderson
in the oil and construction busi
ness. He was married January
3, 1929 to Miss Viola Eickhoff, of
Page. TTiey operated a cafe in
Page several years ago.
Survivors include: Widow;
mother—Mrs. Ida Anderson, of
Norfolk; sisters—Mrs. W. V. Em
rich, of Norfolk; Mrs. Ama Math
ews, of Oakdale; Mrs. F. A.
Young, of Battle Creek; Mrs. H.
D. Cunningham, of Fairfield,
Mont.; Mrs. Richard Templeton, of
Buelah, Colo.; and Mrs. Marvin
Kraft, of San Diego, Calif.; broth
ers*—Richard, of Peoria, 111; j
Glen, of Norfolk, and Thomas, of
1 -
Other Page Newt
Mesdames Emma Dorr, John
Lamason, Alton Braddock, Mer
wyn French, Ralph Brostrom and
Frank Beelart and daughter,
Becky, were Sioux City visitors
Tuesday, December 4.
The Contract Bridge club met
at the home of Mrs. Melvin
Smith Thursday evening. Mrs.
Lloyd Fussleman was a guest i
Mrs. John Lamason held high
score and traveling went to Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg. The hostess
served luncheon.
The commercial club has in
stalled a Christmas . tree at a
street intersection in Page and
Christmas lights have been strung
across the street.
A dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Haynes Monday eve- j
■ing honored the first birthday '
anniversary of their granddaugh
ter, Le Ellen Haynes, of O’Neill.
Her birthday was Sunday, De
cember 9, and the birthday of
Mr. Haynes which was Tuesday
December 11. Guests were E. E.
Reed, of Royal; Mr. and Mrs. Lau
rence Haynes and daughters,
Linda, Lonna, Laurell, and Le
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaw en
tertained the pinochle club at
their home Saturday evening.
Winners of high score were Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg and Wm. Wat
terman, and the low to Mrs. Wm.
Watermann and Herbert Edmis
ten. Lunch was Berved by the
^ m ■■ nrn n *
! hostess.
Mrs. Jester Edmisten and Mrs.
Gaylord Albright left Sunday, De
cember 2, lor Watonga, Okla.,
where they visited in the home
of Mrs. Edmisten's cousin, John
| Howy and with other relatives.
t They spent Thursday at Talequak,
Okla., where they visited Mrs. Al
bright’s nephew, Myron Wood,
and family. They> returned home
Sunday, December 9.
Mrs. Paul McBride was hostess
to the Help U club Wednesday,
December 5, for an all-day meet
ing. A no-host dinner was served
After the business meeting the
losing side of the attendance con
test planned the Christmas party,
to be held at the home of Mrs.
Bill Buxton on December 19.
Cards were played with Mrs.
Kenneth Waring and Mrs. LeRoy
Cunningham holding high scores
and Mrs. Dale Waring traveling.
Mrs. Alva Townsend and
daughter, Mrs. Jack Blocker and
2 sons, of Columbus, spent one
day last week at the C. A. Town
send home.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell
and daughter, of Butte, and Mrs.
Addie Kelly were guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and
Otto Wahletz were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nis
The GGG & G club met Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Otto'-'Mat
schullat with 5 members present.
The afternoon was spent playing
pitch. The hostess served lunch.
The Just-a-Mere club held a
Christmas party Friday at the
home of Mrs. Hal Farnsworth. A
no-host dinner was served at 1
o’clock. Members enjoyed a
grab bag. Rook was played dur
ing the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gray left
Saturday afternoon for Scotia to
visit their grandchildren, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Lund and sons.
From there they will go to Cali
fornia for an extended visit at
the home of their son, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Gray, at Lodi, and
the home of their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. John Soukup at La
fayette and with other relatives.
At the regular meeting of the
Royal Neighbors Wednesday eve
ning, December 5, the following
oficers were elected: Mrs. Paul
ine Nissen, oracle; Mrs. Esther
Simmons, vice oracle; Mrs. Elsie
Cork, recorder; Mrs. Verna
Walker, receiver; Mrs. Millie
Kelly, chancellor; Mrs. Neva Bux
ton, marshal; Mrs. Laura Cun
ningham, inner sentinel; Mrs.
Cora Gray, outer sentinel; Mrs.
Eva Lamason, manager. A cov
ered dish luncheon was served
and a social hour enjoyed after
the business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickhoff
returned home Friday from Fre
mont, where they had attended
the services on Thursday for their
son-in-law, Earl Anderson. They |
had gone to Fremont the first of
the week to be with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Anderson.
° ° o
New Auxiliary
Members Initiated
CHAMBERS— The American
Legion auxiliary met Friday eve
ning, December 7, at the home of
Mrs. J. W Walter with 30 mem
bers and visitors present.
A group of girls of the junior
auxiliary sang “Litle Sir Echo”
and ‘‘Grandfather’s Clock” as
part of the program.
Mrs. Keith Sexton gave a
Christmas reading. Mrs. William
Reninger, attired as Santa Claus,
was accompanied in song by Mrs.
Steve Shavlik and Mrs. Keith
Sexton. Mrs. Edwin Hubbard, at
tired as a Christmas spirit, was
in charge of the gift exchange.
Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, auxiliary
president, conducted the business
session. This was followed by an
initiation ceremony for new
members. Refreshments were
served by the committee.
Other Chambers News
Mr. and Elwyn Rubeck and
Katheryn, of O’Neill, spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hon
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins
and boys, accompanied by Miss
Shirley Roth, of Atkinson, drove
to Oakland Sunday to visit her
father and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Elkins, and family. The
former’s brother, Gordon Elkins,
expects to leave soon for the ser
Sunday dinner guests in the
Keith Sexton home were Mr. and
Mrs. William Lehman, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wintermote, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Cook and Mr. and
.Mrs? Arthur Miller and Glen.
if i tf nr. /« i i
mi, auu mia. tt ajr uc V/Uiun
and daughter, of O’Neill, were
supper guests Sunday evening in
the Cody Medlin home. a
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jutte.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley cel
ebrated their 25th wedding anni
versary Sunday, December 9,
with a family party. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Harley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Harley, Mr. and Mrs. Duane^ Mc
Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Harley. Their oldest daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Struebing, of Grand Island, were
unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs.
Harley received several pieces of
silver. The group then drove to
O’Neill where they dined at the
Town House and later attended
the theater.
Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and
children and Mrs. Melvin Bell
and daughter drove to Ord Sun
day to visit their mother, Mrs.
Hattie Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Rothchild
and children were Sunday guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Rothchild, at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik
and Pamela drove to Elgin Sun
day to visit his sister. Miss Em
ma Shavlik.
Mrs. Anna Albers left Monday
for Texas where she expects to
spend several months visiting rel
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
spent Sunday, December 9, vis
iting their daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and
■hildren, at Atkinson.
Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and Mrs.
Guais Wintermote were guests at
*he home of Mrs. Vern Sageser at
Amelia Wednesday, December 5,
when she entertained the mem
bers of the Amelia Progressive
extension club and the Helping
Hand club at a Christmas party.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith
, returned Sunday from Kansas
City, Mo., where they had spent
over 2 weeks on business.
The Valley Center extension
club held an annual Christmas
party on Thursday afternoon,
December 6, at the home of Mrs.
Ray Beed. Twelve members were
present. Mrs. Guais Wintermote
showed pictures and told the sto
ry of the early paintings which
pertained to the "Birth of Christ"
There was an exchange of gifts
O (•
after which refreshments were
served by the hostess. The next
meeting will be held in January
at the home of Mrs. Jolm Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. Amie Mace, jr.,
and son. Richard, of Plainview,
visited in the Bus Brittell and
Arnie Mace, sr., homes Sunday.
Emil Colfack was in Ainsworth
on business Tuesday, December
4. Ke was accompanied by George
and Duane Beck.
Mr. and' Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and Jim Lauridsen visited Mrs.
Walter Hopkins at the Louis
Lauridsen home Sunday, Decem
ber 2. Mrs. Hopkins is a sister of
Hans, Jim and Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse
and Marvin were Wednesday, De
cember 5, dinner guests at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Mil
ton McKathnie and family.
iMr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias
and boys were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott.
Mrs. Ray Pease was in Omaha
from November 30 until Decem
ber 7 on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yarges, of
Stuart, called on O. A. Hammer
berg Sunday.
Karen, Junie, Paul and Doyle
Focken were Saturday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Frickel, sr.
Paul Johnson was in O’Neill on
business on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and family visited Mrs. Louis
Lauridsen and son, David Mi
chael, at the Stuart Community
hospital Saturday. °
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
tok his aunt, Mrs. Leona Living
ston, to her home in Sioux City
The following Celia residents
were in O’Neill Saturday; Mr.
and Mrs. Connie Frickel, ir., and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hen
dricks and Markita, Mrs. Omer
Points, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck,
Jim Lauridsen, Mr. and Mrs.
j Clarence Focken and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and
Gerald were Sunday supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck.°
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Oscar Wonder
check and sons were Tuesday,
December 4, supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Colfack and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kendricks
on Wednesday, December 5.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson
and Mrs. Alpha McKathnie spent
Sunday at the Paul Johnson
home. o o
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Folken
and Marjorie were Wednesday,
December 5, dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Braun and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
were Friday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Hitchcock.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Markita and Mrs. Omer
Points were Saturday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Culver in O’Neill.
Mrs. Joe Hendricks spent Sat
urday with Mrs. Edna Hendricks.
O. A. Hammerberg was in
O’Neill Wednesday, December 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Chaffin and family. The dinner
was for Mrs. Smith’s birthday an
niversary, which was Tuesday,
December 11.
Mrs. Joe Hendricks, Mrs. Mark
dendricks, Mrs. Omer Points, Mrs. i
Lawrence Smith and Mrs. Leon- i
ard Chaffin attended missionary
V - e
meeting in Atkinson Tuesday,
December 4.
Ernst and Ed Van Horn and
Jim Lauridseh Were Wednesday,
December 5, supper guests of Mr.
I and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
spent Sunday with Mrs. Fern Liv
ingston and Zane and Joe.
Rev. and Mrs. Asa Wood were
Tuesday, December 4, supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ken
dricks and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and family visited Monday eve
ning in the Ed Van Horn home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott left
for Portland, Ore., on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman and
Mary and Don were Sunday din
ner guests of- Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Frickel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilliger
celebratedctheir 2d wedding anni
versary on Wednesday, December
5. Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Disterhaupt, jr., and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Disterhaupt,
Ed Disterhaupt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Mullen and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Ballon, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Disterhaupt, jr., and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Disterhaupt
and family, Joe Disterhaupt, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger.
Mrs. Geo. Syfie, jr., and Judy
were Sunday visitors at the Con
nie Frickel, jr. home.
Miss Dolly Hood and Bill
Sholes spent Wednesday, Decem
ber 5, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Hood.
Mrs. Georgia Rasley went to
Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold William
son went to Page on Sunday, De
:ember 9, and visited at the
aomes of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wil- ,
« O ■ «
liamson and Mr. and Mrs. I. O.
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson -
were Sunday guests at the home
1 of Mr .and Mrs. Howard Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland Weyhrich
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Weyhrich and daughter mo
tored to Tilden on Sunday and
were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Spry.
Miss Sally O’Kief, of Wood
Lake, was a weekend guest at
the home of Mrs. Mary Zastrow.
Earl Wrede ,of Branson, Mo.,
spent the weekend at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Addie L.
Wrede. On Sunday, December 9,
they had dinner with Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Ina Wolfe went to Nor
folk on Tuesday where she plans
to visit her son and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Wolfe, for about
2 months.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Vleck
went to Lincoln on Friday, De
cember 7, and spent the weekend
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz Gunn. They returned home
Sunday evening.
Midwest Furn.
O'Neill, Nebr.
New Kaiser & Henry J Cars
Drive a Henry J for Less than I c a Mile.
One New Jeep
Used Cars
A Good Variety of Most Makes — The Kind You Are Proud
to Own and the Prices You Will Be Glad to Pay
New Massey-Harris Combines & Tractors
Get Our Prices. Save Money.
9 Horsepower Free in a New 44 Tractor. 0
We Trade
Car - Jeep - Truck Repair Work
We Have One of tthe Best Equipped Repair Shops in
North Nebraska
We Work on All Makes of Cars. Trucks, Jeeps, Tractors
Combines - Compickers
Good mechanics — You know them:
Harry Sullivan. 23 yeaTS experience
Bob Larson, 13 years experience
Shorty Dennis, 21 years experience
Harry Oit. 31 years experience
Your pick of any of above men to do your work
All Work Guaranteed
Largest Stock of Kaiser, Willys, Masey-Harris, G.I. Parts
in North Nebraska
We get parts for all other makes at the auto and tractor
supply companies
Phone 373 West O'Neill
f ill , "
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HAVING DECIDED to move to Idaho after the first of the year, I will offer the follow
ing described personal property at pub lie auction at my place, located 1 mile east
of Inman, Nebr. on —
Wednesday, Da. 19,1951
Sale Starts 1 P.M Lunch on Grounds
42 - Head of Cattle - 42
4-Milk COWS. 1—Hereford COW with Calf at Side.
2 Holstein Heifers to freshen in early spring; 1 Guern- 9
sey cow, 5-years-old, to freshen in February; 1 Guernsey 1 .K nmcfprpn fill
5-year-old milking now, to freshen in spring. ® •
24—Aberdeen-Angus COWS.
3- to 6-years old, bred to registered Angus bull. 3—Holstein HEIFER CALVES.
I7~Hereford COWS. 1-Bncket CALF.
To calve m spring.
f 3 - HORSES - 3
1—Team Black Geldings, age 7 and 10, 1—Saddle Horse, Gelding, 6-years-old,
weight 3,000 lbs. well broke and gentle.
IHII m .
I Farm & Haying Machinery, Etc.
I 1—IHC No. 238 Tractor 1—Hayrack 1—Brooder Stove
B Cultivator (new) 1—John Deere Corn Binder 2—Individual Hog Houses
B 1_IHC 14” 2-Bottom Tractor (very good) 1—Set Platform Scales
S Plow 1—Cable Rack 3—Swarms of Bees
■ 1—IHC No. 24A Mower, com- 1—Disc 3—New Bee Hives, with ]
£ plete with drawbar for A or l—Harrow accessories
£ H tractor 1—Sulky Plow 1_Xrio of Geese 1
H 1—Dempster Haystacker 1—Buzz Saw 2—Sets of Harness
2—John Deere Rakes 1—Bob Sled
M 1—Model A Haysweep 1—Branding Chute ^ ut‘l barrels
A 1—Wagon with Box 1 Bond Corn Shelter ' 3,000 Ft. of Cottonwood Lumber
hi 1—Round Oak Combination 1—IHC 6-Cu. Ft. Electric 1—Kitchen Table, with 4 Chairs
m Coal Gas Range (very Refrigerator (new this 1—Maytag Washer
It good) summer) Bed Dressers
if 1—Dining Room Table 1—Coal or Wood Stove Numerous Other Articles
I TERMS: Cash. No property to removed until settled for.
■ O o o O O o
r, <P _ ° „ O O ® 0° ^ o n