Werner Arrives from Alasku— ATKINSON— Wayne Werner, of Spinnard, Alaska, who was unable to come home at the time of his lather’ death about 3 weeks ago, came Friday to visit his *■ mother, Mrs. Henry Werner, and other relatives and friends. Mr. Werner made the trip from Spinnar to Seattle, Wash., in 5^ days and arrived in Atkinson 3 days later. He said that on one stretch of the road he traveled 600 miles from one heated garage along the highway to the next. Usually they are much closer to gether than that. The highway is better at this time of year than at any other time, providing workmen can keep the snow off of it. In the summer time the boggy underbed is soft and it requires a great deal of effort to keep it in shape for travel. Wayne is employed by the highway commission at Spinnard jand expects to return in the near future. KILL RATS RAT-TROL) BAIT I KILLS MTS AND WCt I Safest, surest. Rats I don't get "bait-wise”. x Buy RAF TROL. Get SURE RESULTS! 1 lb. CAN ... 98c 5 lb. CAN . $3.59 See Your Local Dealer or Write THOMPSON. HAYWARD CHEMICAL CO. KANSAS CITY, MO. SHELHAMER FOODS Phone 173 — O’Neill STATIONED IN JAPAN . . . Pfc. LaVere E. Norwood, a bove), son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norwood, of Lynch, is station ed at Camp Strong, Hokkaido, Japan (north island of Japan), according to word received by his parents. Private Norwood entered the army in October, 1950, and took his basic train ing in Camp Polk, La. He also took training there for 81-mm mortar. After a 15-day furlough with home folks in March, 1951, •—The Fiontler Engraving he left the states by way of New Orleans, La., going through the canal for a few days’ stay in California, then on to Japan. He graduated from the Lynch high school before entering the service. His ad dress: Pfc. LaVere E. Norwood, US55050595, Co. D 180th Regt., APO 86, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. O'NEILL NEWS Mrs. W. J. Froelich accom panied W. J. Froelich to Chicago, ill-, on Monday after Mr. Froe lich had spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his family. Mr. and Mrs. James Carney lelt Friday, November 23, on a tour to the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other points. They returned to their nome on Saturday, December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmas ter went to Royal Sunday and was joined there by Mrs. Lizzie Buckmaster, Mr. Buckmaster’s mother, and from there motored to Neligh where they visited Mrs. Buckmaster’s mother, Mrs. Geor gia Hill. The Misses Barbara and Marde Birmingham and Miss Nancy Froelich returned to Omaha on Sunday after spending Thanks giving vacation with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Beaver, of Deaver, Wyo., attended the Bradstreet funeral rites and vis ited relatives in O’Neill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Major and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Da vis, of Riverton, Wyo., were Tues day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brady. They returned to their home on Wednesday. Mr. and (Mrs. Richard Henry and family of Rock Rapids, la., were Sunday, November 25, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin. Mr, and Mrs. Simon Bosn spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Janousek and lamily in Brainard. CORKLE BROS. HEREFORD AUCTION Will Be Held at the Norfolk Livestock Sales Pavilion Norfolk, Nebraska Thursday, Dec. 13 50 Bulls and Females High quality breed!no cattle featuring the rref of_ MW LARRY DOMINO 135, SILVER K-TNO 3. BEAU MONT DOMTNO and LADDIE STANWAY 2 Included will Ire thirty rug ged bulls ranging in ace from 15 to 20 months. The fe males comorise twenty heif er calves, manv of which are sired by MW LARRY ftOMT'TO 135 Sale to heoin at 12:30 P.M. For Catalog Address: Coride Bros. T1LDEN, NEBRASKA ——.. i i .I j RAYON SLIPS Ladies’ sizes 32 to 38. Tailored or lace trimmed. I White or tea-rose. Regular price $1.98. Buy for your self and for Christmas giving. I’«'e«««'€^,««e«sw«cis*ee«te«€is:«e8«eieteie DOUBLE BLANKET - 0 ffil Fluffy finish in 10 % wool quality. Large 72 x 84 size in appealing colors. Rose, blue and green plaids. Reg- 2 ular $6.95. Each...5.77 j I MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS - J Full weight cotton plaid work shirts. Sanforized. Cut for extra room, tailored for extra wear. Sizes' 2 14V4 to 17. Solve your gift problem with several of these and save! 2 Each. .1.97 I hc(csic« l Formal and Daytime BOW TIES Clip-ons included. STETSON GLOVES i Knit and leather. Many styles. Some lined with warm wool or fur. All colors and sizes. From 3.35 Up INTERWOVEN | All Wool, Nylon 81 Mixture Ho»e Plain and printed types. Great color choice. II All sizes. From 55c Up 1 WINDBREAKERS Outdoor jackets in a variety of warm quality styles. Some with fur collars, wool linings. From 16.D5 Up JAYSON PAJAMAS 94 All pajama style* by famous makers. Cot)• ms, silks, prints and plains. 5.95 Up PETERSEN'S CLOTHING o or o O u o o Jayson, Arrow & West moor SPORT SHIRTS Printed and plain, long and short sleeve sport shirts. Wools, cottons mixtures. All sizes. Big selection. Budget price range. From 3.95 — ★ — Other Gift Suggestions '. a Hickok Belts with Initials Fine Linen Handkerchiefs Men's Slippers Stetson 8c Portis Hats Topcoats by Famous Makers Western Suits by Allan Jockey Underwear Billfolds - Cuff-Links - Tie Clasps Loafer Socks by Interwoven » , o — ★ — 0,0 Quality, Guaranteed MERCHANDISE o o o o