The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 22, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 12, Image 12

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    Antelope Clubbers
Visit Grand island
DELOIT — Antelope county
project clubs made a trip by
bus to Grand Island on Tues
day, November 13, leaving at 7
a m. Twenty-four members of
the Antelope clubs made the trip.
There are 12 cluhs in the coun
ty. Five were represented.
Those who went on the tour
from the Clearwater Creek club
were: Mrs. Melvin Napier, Mrs.
Clint Taylor, Mrs. Henry Trenne
pohl, Mrs. B. A. Cratty, Mrs.
Manuel Fredericks and Mrs. Hen
ry Reimer.
The chamber of commerce ar
ranged for tours of the following
places: Home for old soldiers and
sailors, sugar refinery, the new
Veterans hospital which cost $5,
200,000, and the radio station
where the county agent, Mrs.
Brown, of Neligh, was interview
Members of the Clearwater
Creek club were surprised to find
that most of the people they met
had no idea where Antelope
county was located.
Other Deloit News
Mildred Thiele visited at the
Bill Sehi home Thursday after-1
Marlene Reimer left Monday
for Lincoln where she is employ-1
ed by the department of public
instruction at the state capitol.
Bob Knapp visited Gene Tom- !
jack on Sunday.
A family dinner was held at
the home of Minnie Reimer in
Ewing on Sunday, November 18,
in honor of her 88th birthday an
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartak
and daughter were Bartlett visit
ors recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trenne
pohl entertained their card club
for dinner on Sunday.
Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons
called here on Monday.
Farmers are picking some corn.
It is soft and may not keep, but
the weather may change and this
is the season for corn picking.
The year of the big blizzards some
were caught without corn to
feed. The softest of the corn ia
being fed and not cribbed.
Mrs. James Squire visited her
brother, Glenn, and family at
Aurora last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack
spent Sunday evening at the
Henry Reimer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
and Terry and Willard visited at
the Wilbur Napier home Wednes
day evening, where Beulah Na
pier, of California, is a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hupp
and Betty Lou moved to Norfolk
in September where they pur
chased a home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack.
of Hastings, and Darlene Tom
jack, of Omaha, spent the week
end at the Ralph Tomjacks.
Eagle Creekers
Plan New Project*—
The Eagle Creek 4-H club met
Friday evening, November 16, at
the home of Lois Ann and Har
old Peterson with all members
High premium winner for the
past year s projects was Gene
O’Neill with $14.50 and Lois Ann
Peterson was second with $7.65
won at tri-counly fair at Stuart.
Projects chosen tor next year
are: “Girl’s Room,” by Betty Cur
ran, Kosalee Wabs, Frances Ernst
and Brenda and Donna Margritz;
"Middle Unit m Sewing,” by Ja
net Hull and Lois Ann Peterson;
“Let's Sew,” by Mary Jo Curran
and Vincent Ernst; "Gardening,"
by Kosalee Wabs and Vincent
(First pub. Nov. 15, 1951)
To: The heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives,
and all other persons interested
in the estate of Clark Hough, de
ceased, real names unknown; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives, and all other per
sons interested in the estate of
Michael Reap, deceased, real
names unknown; the heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives. and all other persons
interested In the estate of A. M.
Bazelman, also known as Martin
Bazelman, deceased, real names
unknown; and all persons having
or claiming any interest in the
North 50 feet of the East 2Q feet
of Lot Eighteen and the North
50 feet of Lots Nineteen and
Twenty in Block H, O'Neill and
Hagerty’s Addition to O Neill,
Holt County, Nebraska, real
names unknown, Defendants.
You and each of you are here
by notifed that on the 2nd day
of November, 1951, Dale A. Nis
sen and Margaret H. Nissen as
plaintiffs filed their petition in
the District Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, against you and others
as defendants, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet and
confirm the title in them, the said
Dale A. Nissen and Margaret H.
Nissen, as joint tenants, to the
real estate hereinabove specifical
ly described, as against you and
each of you, and to secure a De
cree of Court that you have no
interest in, right or title to, or lien
upon said real estate or any part
thereof: and for general equit
able relief.
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the
24th day of December, 1951.
Dated this 13th day of Novem
ber 1951
Their Attorney.
Art O’Neill will be leader for
the Rope & Knot club and will
be taken by all the boys. •
Roy Margritz will be leader, tor
the cattle division and the fol
lowing will each have a stocker
| feeder: Betty* Lou and Mary Jo
j Curran; Lois Ann and Harold
Peterson; Brenton and Michael
Wabs; Janet Hull and Frances
I Ernst and Gene O'Neil.
Gene will also have a purebred
Lois Ann Peterson had a guess
ing game and the prize was won
by Bonne Margaritz. Bonna’s
game was won by Janet Kull.
A lunch was served late in the
Next meeting will be the
Christmas party at the home of
Frances and Vincent Ernst on De
cember 16, starting with a pot
luck luncheon at noon. — By
Bonna Beth Margritz, news re
Free Methodists
Improve Parsonage
AMELIA—The Free Methodist
parsonage is being remodeled. A
bathroom is being built on and
the kitchen in being enlarged.
Other improvements currently
noted in the community include:
Ray Andersens are building a
new garage at their place in
Amelia. They expect to move in
to Amelia about December T.
Robert Leder is moving the
garage building he purchased
from the late George Holcomb, to
Atkinson. The Leder family will
move to O’iNeill in the near fu
C. F. Small bought the school
house barn and movtyj in on his
place last week and Tom Doolit
tle has purchased the barn be
longing to the Methodist church.
Other Amelia New*
Mrs. Julia White and Mrs. Em
ma Lindsey called on Mrs. Ed
White Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Earnie Johnston left Fri
day morning for Blackfoot, Ida.,
wriere she will spend Thanksgiv
ing with her mother, Mrs. Tressa
Wagner, and with her brother,
Leland Wagner.
Miss Beverly Small and her
pupils gave a program and box
spent the weekend at the home
i social Friday evening. Several
from Amelia attended.
Melvin Seger, of Atkinson,
of his uncle, George Fullerton.
Mrs. Link Sageser returned
home Tuesday, November 13,
from Louisville, Ky., where she
had been visiting at the hcxme
of her brother, Tom Claussen.
The Merry Matrons club met
Friday, November 16, with Mrs.
Asa Watson. Mrs. Mamie Sam
mons was her cohostess. A let
ter thanking the club for the do
nation, sent to Children’s Mem
orial hospital was read. Mrs.
Mary Kanzelmeyer and Mrs.
Georgianna Withers won the
hostess’s prize. The next meeting
which is the Christmas party,
will be held on Thursday, De
lember 20, with Mrs. Lee Gilman.
Mrs. Lois Willing's will be her co
The Amelia Progressive club
met Friday, November 16 with
Mrs. Clyde Widrnan.
The WSCS of the Amelia
Methodist church, held a bazaar
in the hall Wednesday, Novem
ber 14. There was a donation of
aprons, fancy work and baked
goods. Chili soup, sandwiches,
pie and coffee were served at
noon and evening. They took in
nearly $200, but expenses were to
be paid out of this sum.
4 Male Members
Served Lunch
• •' -
INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah
lodge held a regular meeting
Wednesday evening, November
14, at the IOOF hall. Plans were
made for a Christmas party.
Those on the committee were
Mrs. William Kelley, jr., Mrs.
James McMahan and Mrs. Har
vey Tompkins,
Refreshments were served by
4 men: John Brunckhorst, Lewis
Kopecky, jr., Karl and Floyd
Sunday supper guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dawes
were Mr. and Mrs. William Mat
ern. _
Hear Symphony in
Memorial Selection
INMAN—Mrs. Ira Watson and
daughters, Miss Carolyn and Mrs.
Clifford Opper, and ..her daugh
ter, Susan, drove to Lincoln on
Tuesday, November 13, where
they attended the silver anniver
sary of the Lincoln symphony
orchestra at the Stuart theater.
Mrs. Watson’s brother, Wilbur
Chenoweth, of Los Angeles, Cal
if.. appeared as soloist in the pre
miere of his own composition for
organ and orchestra, Lobe den
Herren (Praise to the Lord Al
mighty). This was Mr. Cheno
weth’s memorial to his son, Mi
chael, who died in 1948 at the
age of 16 of polio.
Mr. Chenoweth, a native of
Lincoln, left there in 1938. The
group also attended the reception
following the program at the
University club. They returned
Wednesday evening, November
Other Inman Newt
A Hiram and Mirandy party
was held Thursday night at the
IOOF hall. It was sponsored by
the Young Adult Fellowship.
Lunch was served.
Mrs. Clifford Opper and daugh
ter, Susan, left Saturday for Lin
coln where they will spend a few
days visiting relatives and
Herbert Rouse returned Sun
day evening from Rochester,
Minn,, where he had been visit
H. W. Tomlinson, of O’Neill,
spent Monday afternoon in In
Postmaster and Mrs. H. W.
Botsford and son, Kay, and Eu
gene Abrahamson, of Meadow
Grove, were Sunday afternoon
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jomes M. McMahan.
LeRoy Moore, who is employed
at Spencer, spent the weekend
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore.
Howard Clark returned Friday
from Tacoma, Wash., where he
received his discharge from the
i air force. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Clark.
Dfclmont Heck, of the navy, ar
rived last week to spend
a leave with relatives and friends.
Delmont has spent some time
overseas and has recently been
stationed on Guam.
Tom McGraw left Thursday for
Oklahoma City, Okla., after
spending a few days visiting in
the Harry McGraw home.
The WSCS met Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Leon Tompkins
for a regular meeting. Mrs. Lew
is Kopecky, jr., had charge of the
devotional. Those having birth
day anniversaries in September,
October and November were hon
ored at this time. There were 9
birthdays. Mrs. Kopecky, sr.,
baked the birthday cake and Mrs.
Kopecky and Mrs. Roy Gannon
were hostesses for the afternoon.
Mrs. Wilbur Brown was taken
into the organization.
Deritha Smith, of Norfolk,
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard,
spent Thursday visiting h e t
mother, Mrs. Lottie Thompson.
Bert Laney returned Friday
evening from Flandreau, S.D.,
where he spent a week visiting
his son, Joe, and family.
S/Sgt. Darrell Jacox left on
Thursday for M i n t u r n, Colo.,
where he will spend a few days
before returning to Ft. Ord, Cal
if., where he will receive further
orders. He is the son of Mrs.
Walter Jacox.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
attended the funeral of O. A.
Kilpatrick Thursday in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Wat
Son’s brother, Seth Mossman, at
Creighton on Wednesday, Novem
ber 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and
family, of Chambers, spent Sun
day visiting Mrs. Jeffers’ moth- ]
er, Mrs. Anna Youngs, and Char
les and Myrtle.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Ladely, of
Gordon, spent Monday visiting
Mr. Ladely’s sister, Mrs. Myrtle
Miss Marjorie Mossman, of
Kansas City, Mo., has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Leo Moss
man, and her brother and sister
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Moss
Up-and-Al It's Fair
Premiums $15 —
The Up-and-At-It club met on
Sunday afternoon, November 18,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An
son Classon. The meeting topic
was reorganization. We have 13
members this year.
Mrs. Dorothy Sanders was
elected leader and Mrs. Emma
Pierson was elected subleader.
Alice Whaley was elected presi
dent; Alice Young, vice-presi
dent; Doris Pierson, secrtary
treasurer and Melba Dobrovolny,
news reporter.
Mary Schmitz and Eileen
Young are song and cheer leaders.
Our members won over $15 at
the Chambers fair. It was de
cided to have a Christmas party
on the evening of December '28
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dobrovolny.
There is to be a gift grab bag.
Each member is to buy a gift
which is cost between 35c and
50c. A lunch was served by
Mrs*. Cilosson with the aid of
Misses Mary Ann Schroder and
Glea Bowden, who were guests
of the club.—By Melba Dobro
volny, reporter.
Juniors Prepare
Class Play— o
STUAttT — Members of the
junior class are working on the
annual play which will be pre
sented on Thursday evening, No
vember 29.
The play, ‘‘Drums of Death,” is
a mystery comedy. The folloyfc
ing students will take part: Fred
Schafer, Jim Nelson, Don Fuller,
Jim Hoffman, Shirley Shald,
Esther Gans, Corrme Sweet, Nor
ma Cadwallader, Avis Papke °and
Marge Chancy.
CHAMBEFS— Elston Rasmus
sen, Bruce Grimes and Robert
Leiswald ha\e signed with the
marines. They will leave Monday,
November 25, for Omaha for their
physical examination.
“Voice of The Frontier,” 9:45
a.m., Mon., Wed.. Sat., WJAG.
780 k.c. o
Yule Topic for
Extension Club—
The Elkhorn extension club
met with Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr„
Tuesday evening, November 13*,
at 8 o’clock. All members but one
were present. A new member was
welcomed into the club.
Since there is no meeting dur
ing December the lesson centered
around Christmas. Mrs. Cook ai*l
Mrs. Howard ably demonstrated
the making of Christmas tree
ornaments. Also a short Christ
mas program was given by sev
eral club members.
A Christmas party was planned
for December 16.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Roy Lowry January 8.
Miss Marvel Borg spent Friday
afternoon and evening in Venus
attending a Sunday-school con
—Atkinson, Nebr.—
FrL-Sat. Not. 23-24
Sun.-Mon.-Tuea. Not. 25-26-27
Wed.-Thurs. Nov. 28-£9
[~ fcSSKff-**—Jgj
^ liUfionfrn
t+Z&m hamam mm
- _..._■ . r , ° f. I
For All People - For All Churches.
Salvation Healing Campaign
Instant Miracles and Healing Every Night
JESUS CHRIST the Same Yesterday, Today and For
ever! Hebrews, 13:8. Jesus Saves and Heals ^ o
the Sick Today. 0
THIS IS THE TRUTH: Many have been healed by Jesus
Christ through this man’s Prayer of Faith,—of Polio—
Tumors — Blindness — Deafness — Cancers — Goiters o 0
— Goiters —Arthritis, etc. — in the United States, Can- 0
ada and Latin America —> ° 0 ° o
* o c r
< o 0 * o -
City Auditorium junsworth
0 Evening Service at 7:45 Nightly
A O i g 0 ‘ —
•s »- V A A AS )o». > _
'° „ O0
Rev. Clifton Erickson
° . . X. « 4X
From Tues., Nov. 27 to Thur., Dec. 6, Incl. I.s
$ __-_I
Rev. A. S. Teuber
° O ~ c. v* ^ O
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r . ■ 7TT I ’TT? ;1 ^ - . , .r. o o
Daily at 2:30 p.m. Prayer Cards Given Out in This Service. All Who Come For Healing
Must Attend. , Pastor—B. H. Armes, Phone 108, Ainsworth ° j j
° / ° » » 7 2 - £ • o° 0 . '
sO_ o . , yW- -* ^ -'••• ' - - - r. o ' - 1 «
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