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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
future subscribers KING—Mr. and Mrs. Frederick King, of Lynch, a son, David Dean, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, bom Sunday, October 21, at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The Kings have 2 other sons. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody, of Lynch, are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. George King, of Stuart, are the paternal grandparents. NELSON — Mr. and Mrs. Fin drew, of Lincoln, a daughter, bom Monday, October 22, at Lin coln. The Nelsons also have a son. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neumil ler, of Naper, are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nelson, of Bristow, are the pater nal grandparents. STOKLEY—Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stokley, of Corpus Christi, Tex., a daughter, Deborah Sue, weigh ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Tues day, October 16. Mrs Stokley is the former Arlene Baumeister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Baumeister, of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Baumeister have been visit ing in Corpus Christi for the past month. HASELHORST—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Haselhorst, of Bristow, a son, born Sunday, October 28, at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Connot, <>f Spencer, and the paternal grand praents are Mr. and Mrs. Cap Haz.elhorst, of Bristow, Mrs. John i Connot, sr., of Spencer, and Mrs. Josephine Bessmer, of Plainview, are great-grandmothers. PAPSTEIN — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Papstein, of Spencer, a son, Bruce Ray, weighing 8V4 pounds, born Monday, October 15, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Nata Bjornsen, of Lynch, and the paternal grandfather is Ar- | thur Papstein, of Bristow. MELLOR — Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor, of Atkinson, a daughter, Barbara Jean, born on Tuesday, October 30, at the O’ Neill hospital. KESTEN HOLTZ — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz, of In man, a son, Kenneth James, born Sunday, October 28, at the O’ Neill hospital. _ TOcf LATE TO CLASSIFY^ THE METHODIST Young Adult Fellowship wishes to express its appreciation of the time donated by George Coleman in conducting their auction Octo ber 27. 26c FOR RENT: A 3-room apartment, close to school,—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill. 26c FOR SALE: 1946 model Fngid aire electric range at Vi new price. See this, it is like new. Gillespie’s, O’Neill. WANTED: Dealer or salesman for fast selling Sen-Vita Poul try - Hog - Cattle Feeds. — Winterscheidt Milling Co., Sen eca, Kans., phone 161. 26-27c80 FOR SALE: 75 head extra good Hampshire weanling pigs.—Al fred Straka, Stuart, phone 5825. 26c35 CARD OF THANKS WE WANT to thank everyone who helped to make our cookie sale Saturday a success. 26c35 GIRL SCOUTS CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks for every act of kindness shown during the re cent illness and death of our beloved mother, sister and grandmother, Mrs. Ohmart. Special thanks for the floral pieces, the music, to the pall bearers, and the ladies who furnished and served meals. — Mrs. Velma Crawford, Mrs. Merle Pereboom, Mrs. Elsa Redlinger, William Buck, Mrs. Melentha Bedell, Mrs. Marcena Kendricks, Mrs. James Claus sen. 26c NEVER BEFORE Have We Offered So Much Qual ity in Used C®ra at Such Low Prices. You Can Save Money Here! 1951 Chevrolet 2-dr., save $350. 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr., save $500. 1947 Chevrolet Aero, a good one. 1947 Chevrolet Tudor, save $$$. 1947 Dodge 5-pass. See this one. 1950 Chevrolet, Power Glide. And Others SPECIALS 1949 Chevrolet, 1-ton, with heat er, overload springs, save 50%. 1949 ChevTolet lVa - ton long wheel base truck with fold down rack, dual tires, heater and other extras. We think it is worth at least $900, but make us an offer. We will trade, too. 1937 Chevrolet long wheel base . truck with good motor and rack, dual tires, would make a handy truck about the farm. You can buy it for _ $149 We need used pickups in 1944 to 1949 models with half or three-quarter rating. We have new ones on hand and there is a good deal waiting for you on a new pickup. You can make your purchase on a time basis to suit your con ditions, if you wish. Ask us a bout our reasonable rates. Midwest Mtr. Co.t Ltd. O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: Norge gas range, good condition. — Mrs. James Carney, O’Neill, 256-W. 26c35 SINCLAIR—Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sinclair, of Independence, Mo., a son, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, bom Saturday, October 6. Mrs. Sinclair is the former Carlotta Ballantyne, of Page. KELLY—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly, of Page, a son, weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces, bom Monday, October 29, at the O’Neill hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly’s parents are Mr. -and Mrs. Jesse Kelly, of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ab ner, of Inman, and this is their first grandchild and also the first great-grandchild of Mrs. Addle Kelly, of Page. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: October 24—C. F. Gillette, of Chambers, medical, condition fair; Mrs. Neal Britz, of Ainsworth, medical, condition fairly good. 26 — Mrs. Leatha Morrow, of O’Neill, medical, con dition improved. 28—Mrs. Ken neth KestenhoJtz, of Inman. 29— Mrs. Thomas Kelly, of Page; Mrs. Kenneth Coventry, of In man, medical, condition fairly good; Orville Peterson, of O’Neill, medical, condition im proved. 30—Mrs. George Mellor, of Atkinson. Dismissals: October 25— Mrs. Francis Pribil, of O’Neill. 26 — Mrs. John R. Gallagher and daughter, of O’Neill. 27 — Baby Margaret Nissen, of O’Neill; Mrs. Neal Britz, of Ainswroth. 29— C. F. Gillette, of Chambers, mov ed to Norfolk. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Humrich, if Stuart, condition good. Admissions, October 23— Mrs. Marvin Frisch, of Atkinson, a ba by boy. 25—Lyle Mueller, of Stu art, minor surgery. 26 — Frank Root, of Stuart, medical, condi tion poor. Dismissals: October 22— Mrs. Roy Mack and son, of Atkinson. 24— Ray Anderson, of Atkinson. 25— A. F. Bartlett, of Stuart. 26— Lyle Mueller, of Stuart. 27—Mrs. Marvin Frisch and son, of Atkin son. AMELIA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keeler, of Truckee, Calif., are visiting rela tives in Nebraska. They are ex pected to visit this week with her brother, Ralph Rees, and family. Lynn Prewitt spent the week end at home with his mother, Mrs. Alice Prewitt, and family. He returned to school at Curtis Sunday. Harold Waldo drove to Grand Island Thursday to meet his wife who was returning home from a visit with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were Burwell callers Friday. Bob Rees and Dunk Peterson returned home Wednesday eve ning from their hunting trip to Wyoming. Mrs. Jack Murphy, the grade teacher in Amelia, and Maureen Murphy, teacher in the Gilman district, attended teachers’ con vention Friday. Miss Donna Rae Peterson spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Miss Joan Brenneman, of At kinson, spent the weekend with the Misses Leone Fix and Peggy Prewitt. The girls are classmates in Atkinson high school. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small and Gary were dinner guests at For est Sammons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backaus spent Sunday at the George Thomsons in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, Myrtle and Venita were Sunday dinner guests at the S. C. Bar netts. Miss Rochelle Sammons spent Sunday with Caroline Backaus. Lee Sammons returned the lat ter part of last week from Chey enne, Wyo., where he visited his daughter, Mrs. Andy Robak, and Mr. Robak. Miss Phyllis Watson went to Omaha Wednesday night where she spent the weekend visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tibbetts, and Debby. Mrs. Mamie Sammons spent last week in Omaha with her granddaughter, Mrs. Arthur Tib betts, and familv. Mrs. Mary LeFoy spent Sunday with Mrs. Emmett Carr and family. Mrs. Joan Humphrey, of Atkin son, was honored at a pre-nuptial shower Wednesday evening, Oc tober 31, at the home of Mrs. Vern Sageser in Amelia. Decora tions in keeping with the Hallo we’en season made the room verv attractive. The bride-to-be re ceived manv gifts. Miss Hum phrey and Kenneth Small will be married November 3 and will make their home in Amelia in ♦he residence of Mrs. Delia Ernst. Mr and Mrs. William Boward, of Cortlnnd. have been visiting at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, sr. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie and Mrs. Gertie Adair called at | John Mohrs Sunday afternoon. j Go to Beldon— CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and family and i Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hoerle and children drove to Belden Sunday to visit Mrs. Young’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthey and family, of Scottsbluff, came Wednesday, October 24, to visit Mr. and (Mrs. Norman Gondering er and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree, of Long Pine, were visiting in O’Neill on Sunday. SUJK & INJURED EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sisson, jr., went to Omaha last week, returning on Thursday with their 10-months-old son, Robley III, who has been hospit alized for the past 4 weeks. While not entirely recovered, he has made much improvement in the use of his legs and arm. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Crellin returned home Monday night, October 22, from Grand Island where Mr. Crellin had gone for a physical checkup at the Veterans hospital. They also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Graunke at St. Paul and with Rev. and Mrs. Da vid Tudor at Lexington. . . . Earl Billings went to Grand Island Sunday where he reported at the Veterans hospital for a checkup. Sis Ebbengaard took him down. . . . Mrs. Perry Saiser is a surgi cal patient at the Immanuel hos pital, Omaha. Mr. Saiser is stay ing in Omaha with relatives to be near her. . . Sam Regan went to Omaha Saturday to spend the weekend with his wife, who has been a surgical patient at St. Catherine’s hospital, but was re leased on Sunday. She will stay at the home of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Melcher, for a few days. Mr, Regan return ed home Monday. . . Riley Can aday, who suffered a slight stroke some weeks ago and is being cared for at the home of his son, Harold Canaday, at Page, is reported to be “improving” and is able to be up part time. AMELIA— Mrs. B. W. Waldo accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Werner, and Mr. Wer ner to Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Werner submitted to surgery at Immanuel hospital Friday morn ing. . . Miss Ardene Andersen, R.N., returned 10 Lincoln Sunday. She had been home the past week caring for her father, Ray Andersen, who had been serious ly ill. He was brought home Tues day from the Stuart hospital and is “some improved” at present. . . . Mrs. Leon Thompson, who has been in the hospital in Grand Island, was able to return home last Wednesday. . . , Mrs. Maudie Hansen, who has been a patient in the Bassett hospital, was able to return home last week. She is being treated for diabetes. PAGE—Mrs. Bert Finley spent Thursday at Norfolk at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walker, and family. Mrs. Ralph Prill spent the day visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Van Horn, a patient at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. They had accompanied Mrs. Gai lard Albright to Norfolk where she visited her granddaughter,! Holly Hoffman, of Clearwater, Lourdes hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. also a patient at Our Lady of Gerald Carson, of Hyannis, spent from Wednesday, October 24, un til Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kelly and family and Mrs. Hattie Carson. Mrs. Carson had been ill at her home for several days. CHAMBERS—Mrs. Jack Ald erson returned Saturday from a Norfolk hospital following an ap pendicitis operation. . . Mrs. C. D. Ankney, wife of the Lutheran pastor, who is a polio patient at St. Francis hospital, ‘“has passed the critical stage.” .. C. E. Gillette has been a patient in the O’Neill hospital for several days. . . . Mrs. Hattie Cole, of Royal, is caring for Mrs. Emogene Bower who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Oxford. . , Mrs. Joe Homolka is in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Her condition is "goad." . . John Sla dek left a Norfolk hospital on Tuesday. LYNCH—Mrs. Herman Heiser is “getting along fine” following a heart attack recently. . . Mrs. George Mulhair iz convalescing at her home following a severe heart ailment and after several days in the hospital. Jackie Pas seieux, of O’Neill, is assisting in her aunt’s home during her con valescence. . . Mrs. Sarah Dar nell, who has been recuperating from a lengthy sick spell at the home of her daughter Mrs. Dena Duff, at Scottsbluff, suffered a paralytic stroke Sunday, October 20. . . Mrs. William Larsen is bedfast at her home east of Lynch. SOUTH OF STUART— Peggy Schwinck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schwinck, of Ne ligh, a polio patient in an Omaha hospital, is “much improved." The Schwincks are aunt and un cle of Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Mr. Schwinck is a brother of Mrs. Stub Stuart. ATKINSON—Emma Kazda left Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk, on Monday. . . Mrs. Ed Etherton was dismissed Monday from a Norfolk hospital. CELIA—Mrs. Edna Hendricks is on the sick list and is staying with her son, Mark Hendricks, and family. O’NEILL—Merle Hickey is in "satisfactory” condition in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. DELOIT—Elayne Reimer last v/eek suffered with a severe case of poison ivy and was under a doctor’s care. INMAN—Mary Hollis Hoffman left a Norfolk hospital Monday. 3 Initiated Into Rebekah Lodge— PAGE — The Page Rebekah lodge held initiation at the reg ular meeting Tuesday evening, October 23, for the following new members: Mrs. Ralph Brostrom, Mrs. William Neubauer and Mrs. Norman Saltz. There were 40 members present and 2 guests from the Orchard camp. Mrs. R. V. Crumly gave the re port on the state assembly she had attended. A covered dish lunch was served. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Anton Wasatko re turned on Thursday, October 25, from a month’s vacation trip to Tennesseee where they visited their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vac Jedlicka re turned Friday, October 26, from a month’s vacation. They vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Charles Taylor and family in Boise, Ida., and their 3 sons, Leon, George and Adolph, in California. James Maly and Mrs. Joseph Slechta, sr. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tejral and Henry Maly, of Spencer, on Monday, to Weston, where they attended the funeral of Henry Maly’s aged sis ter, on Tuesday, October 30. Mr. and iMrs. Melvin Johnson and children spent Saturday, Oc tober 27, with Lynch friends. Mr. and Mrs. jerry Halva vis ited relatives in O’Neill on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder were business visitors in Crof ton on Friday, October 26. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zach and baby, of Pierce, spent the October 27-28 weekend at the Wayne Zach and William Mulhair homes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herman, of Butte and daughter, Helen, and children, of Idaho, spent Satur day, October 27, visiting friends and relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold France and family of Ainsworth spent the October 27-28 week-end with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman and children, of Spencer, visited relatives here Saturday, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoff man of Bristow, spent the October 27-28 weekend at the Ed Hoffman home. Pvt. Emil J. Koval, of Ft. Bel voir, Va., is here visiting his mother, Mrs. Monica Koval. He has finished his schooling in Ft. Belvoir and will soon be enroute to Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kalkowski spent Sunday, October 28, at the i Louis Novak home. PART-TIME BARBER ROYAL—Oren Deeds, the bar ber who was attracted to Royal by a rent free offer, remained a few months and then left for North Platte, leaving Royal with out benefit of tonsorial service. However, such service is now available on Thursday of each week when Henry Baum, of Ewing, goes to Royal to take care of the needs of the long haired type. Charles Switzer accompanied his brother, Glen, and his son, Earl, to their homes at Hunting ton Park, Calif., on Thursday, Oc tober 25, where he will visit for a time. DAIRY COW SALE Saturday Evening, Nov. 3 Ewing Sale Pavilion i — 8 P.M. — 27 - DAIRY COWS - 27 14 with Calves at Side. Balance to Freshen Soon. All TB and Bangs Tested. Run Consists of Jerseys, Guernseys and Milking Shorthorns. F AND A DAIRY EWING. NEBR. I SHELHAMER FOODS Grocery Phones: 56, 78 O’NEILL Produce Phone: 173 I Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 1-2-3 I qt irm BACON ENDS Lb. 21c FRESH PORK LIVER Lb. 25c CUDAHY'S PURITAN SLAB BACON Lb. 49c CUDAHY'S 1-Lb. Roll PORK SABSACE 39c .If '> fin .I m Minimi Mi{ 'lUfTFrrrr 1 JUICE ORANGES it- - lQc WHITE 10 fox GRAPEFRUIT 49c CRANBERRIES Lb 23c GRAPES U> 10c , « 1 ■HQHH SNACK BAR DELIGHTS MALTED MILKS 20c NILE SALMON 2 Tall Cam 89c KUNER'S TOMATO JUICE 2 46-Oz. Cans 59c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2u> Cello 3» SNACK BAR DELIGHTS BANANA SPLITS 25c SERV-IT OLEO 4Lbs.99c G. N. NAVY BEANS 5-Lb. Cello.... 59c FIRST PRIZE — No. 2l/a Cans P0RK-BEAN$3Cns. 49« SUNSHINE KRISPY — CRACKERS “ 53t SQUARE DEAL — FLOUR Tgb *3.19 “ONE-MORE” APRICOTS 89C DUNCAN HINES BAKE MIX 2 Pkgs 71c MILE-HI SWEET PEAS 2 Ho. 303 Cans 27c WHEATIES 12-Qz. Box 21c FAB Lge.Pkg.29c SQUARE DEAL 4-Lb. Pkg. PANCAKE FLOUR 39c WONDERFOOD 1-Lb. Pkg. MARSHMALLOWS 25c MARASCHINO — 4-Oz. Jars CHERRIES 2 Jars 33c NUTRENA DOG FOOD 5-Lb. Pkg. 63c J Poultry - Hog - Cattle Feeds FOR YOUR_ LAYING FLOCK Nutrena Egg Crumbles- 27% Balancer Crumbles 33% Poultry Concentrate FOR YOUR HOGS NUTRENA 24% PIG AND SOW MEAL OR NUGGETS NUTRENA "SHOAT 40" OR "BALANCER 40" WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF PROTEINS FOR COWS, CALVES, OR RANGE CATTLE Ranging in Protein from 12 to 41% Come In and Let Us Show You Our Feeds Nutrena Nuggets, Cubes, 12 to 41% Protein GET OUR PRICE BY THE TON i - _ CASH BUYERS OF Cream - Eggs - Poultry check our EGG MARKET before selling WE MAKE COUNTRY PICKUP on poultry CALL OR SEE US WHEN READY TO SELL OUR HATCHERY MAN WILL BE GLAD TO CULL YOUR LAYING FLOCK AT NO COST TO YOU!