The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1951, Page 5, Image 5

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Attend Wedding
At Winner—
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman
and Mrs. Merriman’s sister, Mrs.
Mary Ostendor, of Los Angeles,
Calif., motored to Winner, S.D.,
on Sunday, October 21, to visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
B Lyons and family, and to at
tend the wedding on Monday of
Richard Lyons, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Lyons, to Miss Ber
niece Wade, of Valentine. They
returned home Monday.
Mrs. Mary Ostendor, who has
been visiting in Winner, came
home with Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
I Merriman for a visit.
SMA 7th Graders in
Hallowe'en Party—
The 7th grade students and
their instructor, Mrs. James
Cronk, of St. Mary’s academy,
held a Hallowe’en party at the
home of Danny Putnam Tuesday
The usual Hallowe’en games
were played. At the close of the
party, Mrs. Putnam, assisted by
Mrs. Cronk and Mrs. John Ha
velka, served a lunch.
Brother Wed 50 Years—
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crabb
went to Logan, la., on Friday,
October 26, where they attended
the golden wedding anniversary
celebration of Mr. Crabb’s broth
er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
' Carl Crabb, which was held on
Sunday. A dinner was served at
noon to the relatives and a re
ception was held in the afternoon
with about 250 people present.
Hallowe'en Party at
MpElvain Home—
A group of 8th graders from St.
Mary’s academy gathered Mon
day evening at the home of Miss
Margaret Helen McElvain for a
Hallowe’en party.
The evening was spent in play
ng games and dancing and a lunch
consisting of sandwiches, potato
chips, ice cream, cake and koolade
was served to the guests.
Suzette Ann Cavanaugh
Is 5-Years-Old—
f Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, jr.,
entertained 14 boys and girls and
their mothers in honor of her
daughter, Suzette Ann, who was
5-years-old on Saturday, October
The refreshments consisted of
ice cream cones and cup cakes.
Hunt Near Wausa—
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser
and children, Esther and Ivan,
drove to Wausa Sunday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kliment and
family. While there they also
hunted pheasants, Ivan being the
only lucky one. Mrs. Kaiser and
Mr. Kliment are brother and sis
Altar Society Meets—
If The regular monthly; meeting of
St. Patrick’s Altar society will be
held Thursday evening, Novem
ber 1, in the K of C hall with St.
Margaret’s Guild as hostess. Aft
er a general meeting lunch will be
served. Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock
is in charge.
500 Club Meets—
The 500 Card club met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Janzing on Wednesday, October
24. Mrs. Sammy Avard and Ed
Determan won high awards and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jeffrey re
ceived low.
Martei Meets—
The Martez club met at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Froelich on
Tuesday, October 30. Mrs. Ira H.
Moss and Mrs. Henry Lohaus
I won high bridge prizes.
Curtis Larson Is 8—
Mrs. Robert Larson entertained
in honor of her son, Curtis, who
was 8-years-old on Friday, Octo
bed 26. She served ice cream and
cake to the guests.
——. i — •
Brownies Hold Party—
Brownie troop III held a meet
ing at the publi school on Mon
day night. It was followed by a
Hollowe’en party. Refreshments
consisted of apples and popcorn.
—Xhe Frontier Engraving
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gal
lagher have announced the en
gagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter,
Miss Donna, to Delbert Char
les Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. O. Larson, of Moline, 111.
Miss Gallagher attended Rosa
ry college, River Forest, 111.,
and is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, Lincoln,
where she was affiliated with
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Her
fiance is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Chicago. He is in
business in Chicago, 111. They
will be married early in De
cember in Chicago.
'Cinderella' Comes
to 4-H Party—
A Hallowe’en mask and cos
tume party was held at the home
of Gene O’Neill on Sunday eve
ning, October 28, with all of the
13 members of the Eagle Creek
4-H club present.
Lots of clowns, devils, witches,
skeletons—and best of all, “Cin
derella”—were present, too.
A new member, Mary Jo Cur
ran, joined and we’re glad to
have her.
An election of officers was
held. The new leader is Mrs.
Francis Curran; new assistant
leader, Mrs. Roy Margritz. New
officers are: Frances Ernst, pres
ident; Rosalee Wabs, vice-presi
dent; Janet Hull, secretary; Lois
Ann Peterson, treasurer; Bonna
Margritz, news reporter.
Games were played and prizes
were won by Gene O’Neill.
A wiener roast was enjoyed
with a marshmallow toast, cake
and koolaid served.
The next club meeting will be
a Christmas party at the home of
Frances and Vincent Ernst on
December 16. Names were drawn
for a Christmas gift exchange.
Brenda Margritz and Janet
Hull will be in charge of games.
—By Bonna Margritz, news re
Slumber Party Hostess—
Miss Esther Kaiser had a slum
ber party last Thursday evening
in honor of her birthday anni
versary. Eight girls were present.
MM Meets—
The MM club met at the home
of Mrs. A. A. Hiatt on Wednes
day, October 31.
■ .1 ■ ■ — . ■ — <
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Waite, of Ains
worth, were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and
family had Sunday dinner at the
home of Mrs. Lizzie Honeywell at
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellston
spent the weekend in Burke, S.D.,
at the home of Mr. Ellston’s fa
ther, INeal Ellston.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson
went to Elgin on Sunday to visit
Mr. Peterson’s sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray left
Saturday for Denver, Colo., on a
business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godek, of
Omaha, came Saturday, October
27, to visit relatives and friends
in O’Neill.
Mrs. Nona Bedford, who had
made an extended visit with rela
tives and friends at Page, left on
Sunday for Mitchell, la., where
she will visit a sister and a niece
before going to Troy, O., where
she makes her home.
Mr. end iMrs. Ed Stewart, Sher
ry and Mickie drove to Fremont, |
Friday, where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Asher and family
until Saturday, when they went to
Woodbine, la., where they spent
the night with Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Asher and son. On their re
turn home they were Sunday din
ner guests of the Dale Ashers at
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
entertained a group of old friends
at a party Monday evening in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Miller, of Gresham, Ore., who
formerly lived at Page. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. M. G.
French, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Harper. The evening was spent
visiting and playing “salvo.” The
hostess served a lunch at a late
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coon, Lu
etta and Doris May, of Inman,
visited Saturday afternoon with
Mr. Coon’s mother, Mrs. Myrtle
Pfc Merwyn French, of Wahoo,
and Carroll French, of Lincoln,
spent the weekend with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French
and Betty.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blocker and
2 sons, of Columbus, spent the
weekend with Mrs. Blocker’s
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Chace, of
Keystone, S.D., visited recently
with Mrs. Evelyn Gray. Mr. Chace
spent most of his early life in
the Gray home.
Fifteen members of the MYF
of the Methodist church met at the
home of Miss Marian Heiss, Sun
day evening for games and lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Craig
and daughters, of Norfolk, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and
son, of Ewing, spent Sunday after
noon at the C. E. Walker home.
Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne and Faye
Irene and Mrs. Chas. Wegman
were in (Neligh Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Heiss were dinner guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Conner en
tertained the Pinochle club at
their home Saturday night. High
scores went to Mrs. Herbert
Steinberg and William Watter
man and low to Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Shaw. The hostess served
lunch at the close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gray and Veldon and Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Carson enjoyed
their annual pheasant feed Sun
| day at the Cronk home.
Xjeorge umion, oi l,os /\ngexes,
Calif., came Sunday to spend a
few days with his mother, Mrs.
Bertha Reed. He plans to leave
for his home November 2 and will
be accompanied by his mother,
who will spend the winter there.
Mrs. George Rost was hostess
to the Just-a-Mere club Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ber
tha Reed. A 2:30 dessert lunch
eon was served and the afternoon
spent socially.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease, of Or
chard, spent Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschul
lat. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Letterman, of Orchard,
wTere dinner guests at the Mat
schullat home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek
and family, of Star, were dinner
guests Sunday of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Stewart. Mrs.
Elton Clyde, of Sand Point, Ida.,
who was a guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, accom
panied the Juraceks home for a
visit. '
Mrs. Dick Wood and Steve, of
Omaha, spent from Tuesday, Oc
tober 23, until Thui’sday with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Copes, who accompanied her to
Omaha for a few days’ visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brostrom
drove to Grand Island Thursday
morning where Mrs. Brostrom
visited her parents. Mr. Brom
sti-om attended teachers’ institute
at Kearney and returned to Grand
Island to spend the weekend.
They returned home Sunday eve
The Young Adult Sunday
school class held a pie social at
the Methodist church basement
Friday evening. Entertainment
consisted of musical numbers I
Frank Beelart was the auctioneer 1
and the pies brought $40.
Mr. ana Mrs. jesse xs-euy ana
Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass |
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt
Thompson and 2 daughters, Mrs. |
Addie Kelly and Mrs. Frank Sny
der were dinner guests Sunday of j
Mrs. Anna Thompson.
Miss Madelyn Mudloff and Mar
tin Larson, of Omaha, spent the
weekend at Page visiting Miss
Mudloff’s mother, Mrs. Catherine
Mudloff, and her 3 brothers, Dan,
Tony Mudloff and family and
Gene Mudloff and family.
The Get-to-Gether club met on
Friday afternoon with Mrs. Otto
Matschullat with 11 members
present. Mrs. Albert Anthony, of
Bloomfield, was a guest. Arrange
ments were made for a Hallow
e’en party at the Matschullat
home Tuesday evening by the
loosers in an attendance contest.
Their next meeting will be with
Mrs. Anton Nissen.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly en- 1
tertained at a pinochle party, Fri
day evening. Those in attendance I
were Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Riege, .
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alberts, Mr. (
and Mrs. Tommy Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Smith, Mr. and Mrs. j
Charles Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Matschullat, Mr and Mrsv j
Robert Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. '
Harrison Hollman. High score |
was won by Dale Matschullat and '
low went to Robert Nissen. i
Mrs. L. D. Putnam and son,
Danny, went to Spencer Monday
afternoon to visit Mrs. Putnam’s j
mother, Mrs. Ella Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mcdcalf j
motored to Chambers Sunday aft
We Need Your Voluble to Keep Up
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2 Tall Cans.. 25c I
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2 Lb. Pkg.75c
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Grapefruit 10 for 45c
Juice Sweetheart
10c Lb. 23c Tube
2 Pkgs.29c
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