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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
FOR SALE FOR SALE: Good modern home, close to school.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill._ 26c35 FOR SALE: Winch to fit a Johu Deere tractor. See it at Lloyd Collins implement. What do you have for trade? — Sewell Johnson, Emmet, Nebr. __ 25-26p84 FOR SALE: Household goods, in cludes Servel refrigerator, pi ano, buffet, dining room table, bed, numerous other items. — W. J. McDonough, 1 mile east, 4 north of fairgrounds comer, _26-27pl02 FOR SALE: Well improved 180 acre farm near O’Neill Nebr. Also have a good ranch for sale. Also have 4 different reai dences in O’Neill for sale, and 3 other farms—See R. H. Park er, O’Neill. Nebr. 18tf FOR SALE: Arm-pit waders, brand new; also Premier elec. sweeper, like new.—L. C. Wal ling, O’Neill. 25c FOR SALE. Getting REA? You ’ll be wanting a welder to do your home repair work. The ivioaei u i' orney is tne welder for your job. Trade in your old light plant and have your dealer give you a free demon stration at your home. Drop a card to—Edwin Hoerle, Ewing. __ 24-29p330 BUY QUALITY BRIGGS beautyware, American Standard fixtures. Rheems wa ter heaters, Dempster water heaters, and many others. Kelleys Plumbing _ O’Neill FOR SALE: Good, used Home Comfort range; good Westing house electric range; clean gas Maytag washer; electric May tag, good condition; used Phil co 8-cu. ft. refrigerator; 1 kerosene 8-cu. ft. and 1 gas 6 cu. ft. deluxe Servel refrigerat or. All merchandise carries our guarantee. — Jacobson’s, O’ Neill, phone 415.___ 26c FOR SALE: 1947 Ford 1-ton pan el delivery truck; also several Cocker pups, 6-wks.-old.—Bill Perry, O'Neill, phone 464-R._ FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: 1 Spiglitz oil neater, 59.95; 1 Quickheat heater, 49.95. Both clean and guaranteed.— Jaobson’s O’Neill, Phone 415. 26c Chrysler-Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. WILSON Phone 100 Butte, Nebr. 2tf FOR SALE: One stack of alfalfa hay. — Wm, Kipple, O’Neill, 2 miles east on paving. 26p FOR SALE. 100 acres, improved, located 3 miles east and 1 mile south of Chambers. — Anne _Mace, sr., Chambers. 26-28p85 FOR SALE: 65 registered Hamp shire boars and gilts sired by Mystic Model, Educator, Pioneer and Upper Scale. These boars are growthy, rugged, deep bod ied, with plenty of bone and stretch. New breeding for all — John Raster, Clearwater, former customers. Vaccinated. _phone 8 on 4.24-27pl85 FOR SALE: Registered Hereford boars, vaccinated both ways.— Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 22tf F\ARM FOR SALE UNIMPROVED 160-acres adjoin ing city of O’Neill, known as James Sullivan farm, NWV4 20 29-11, good windmill in pas ture, fenced, shelterbelt on side, some walnut trees, bear ing. Ideal for investor wanting acreage near growing city, ir rigation coming. —Write: Mon tana Jack Sullivan, 117 So. Al abama St., Butte, Mont. 26-27cl5l FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted Poland boars and gilts, good quality and reasonably priced —Frank Beeiaert, Page, Nebr. phone 25F23. 24-34< BUCKS FOR SALE-- E. L. Mi ner, O’Neill._ 24-26 FOR SALE: Purebred Spotter Poland boars, vaccinated guaranteed breeders. Nev breeding for old customers. A. F. Loock & Son, Spencer tel. l-F-3.26-31 plH FOR SALE: Closing out all ou mixed color glad bulbs.—Cal Cole’s Shoe shop, phone 5B8F or see W. B. and Lillie Lamb. 24-26p9 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars and gilts, eligible to reg istry. Veterinary vaccinated.— Henry Stelling. 2 miles south, V* west of Orchard. 25-30pl85 FOR SALE: Brand new 7-way floor lamps, complete, $9.95.— Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill._26c FOR SALE: Several good, well located building lots.—R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106 22tf FOR SALE: Heavy duty under slung, complete: also used truck axles, big tires, tubes, wheels, rims, etc.—Gerald O’Connor, 8 miles north, 5 east, Atkinson. _23-26pl20 FOR SALE: Good dwelling in O’Neill with five rooms and bath, on sewer.—Geo. C. Rob ertson, O’Neill.25-27c FOR SALE: Cedar chests, $39.50 and up. — Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O'Neill. 26c FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds see R. H. ("Ray”) Shri ner. phone 106. *39tf FOR SALE: A few choice pure bred Chester White boars. Vac cinated.—Ray Hoffman, Cham bers. 24-26p85 If You Are Looking For Used Car Bargains 1—Good 1936 Chev. 2-dr. 1—1941 Ford Tudor. I—1948 Pontiac 6-cyl. 4-dr. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1—1949 Mercury 4-door. Make us 1—1949 Dodge Wayfarer, 2-door, 1—1946 Chevrolet 2-door. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill Phone 531 0*Neill, Nebr. _ 26c FOR SALE: Quaker oil heaters to fit your purse and heating requirements.—Jacobson’s, O’ Neill, phone 415, 26c FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted Poland China boars. — Louis Kirkland, Atkinson, Nebr. _26-27p60 FOR SALE: 9 x 12 Armstrong Quaker heavyweight linoleum rugs, $8.95.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill._26c FOR SALE: 30- and 52-gallon electric water heaters. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O'Neill, phone __53L__ _ 26c POSTPONED SALE F. W. LOOCK & Son. o( Spin cer, Nebr., have postponed their Duroc boar and gilt sale until Saturday, November 3. F. W. LOOCK & SON SPENCER, NEBR, 25-Mc FOR SALE: 51 model Ironwood j trailer house, 35 ft. long, lived in 5 months. Will sacrifice for quick sale. See at Chambers fair grounds. Holt county. — Earl D. Johnson. 24-26pllO FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted boars and gilts, veterinary vac cinated.—Evan Lewis, 3 miles south, 1 mile west of Spencer. _ 25-27c Picker Prices Cut Again ! New Farmrite & G.I., 1- and 2 Row, Pull-Type or Mounted. Semi-Mounted for Fords or Fergusons WE 1RADE. Largest Stock of Picker Parts in Nebraska. Cook Husking Beds Fit Most Any Picker Used Pickers of AJ1 Kinds. Lowest Prices in America. New Massey-Harris Combines, Tractors, Cornpcikers. Outlaw Im'plement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 25c FOR SALE: All-steel factory built 2-wheel trailer, good as new.—Phone 134-J. 26c35 FOR RENT GOOD FLOOR SANDER AND edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-| Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. FOR RENT: Unfurn. 3-room a partment and kitchenette and i bath, modprn. — Hagensick’s Ready-to-Wear, O’Neill. 22tf fcOR RENT: Small house, mod ern except heat.—R. H. Shrin ; er, O’Neill, phone 106, 26c • FOR RENT: New, small hand sanding machine, for furniture : and woodwork. — Spelts-Ray l Lbr. Co., O'Neill. 52tf t FOR RENT: Five-room apt., mod r e™ except heat.—R. H. Shrin er, O’Neill, phone 106. 26c • FOR RENT: 3-room apartment close in on Main street.—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 23tf , FOR RENT: 5-room modern apt., near schools.—Matt Beha, O’ 5 Neill. 25-26c MISCELLANEOUS LOST: Man’s leather dress glove. Reward for return to this of fice._ AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and newer model auto mobile and write your insur ance for you! We need and ap preciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill. Nebr. EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE on all kinds and makes of auto mobiles, trucks and tractors; factory - trained specialists; guaranteed service. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531._ 46tf STRAYED: One yearling white face heifer, branded 4E on left ribs or hip. — Notify Edw. Boshart, O'Neill. 26-27p65 KIETH A. ABART O’Neill. Nebr. Auctioneer Licensed to Sell Real Estate 10tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates, 24-hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W WHAT’S IN A NAME? SER VICE! when you consign cat tle, hogs, and sheep to the Frank E. Scott Commission Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. 22 tf WHETHER you wish to buy rent, trade or sell, the Fron tier’s classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. _38 tf DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf DO YOU want to borrow some money on your farm or ranch? I loan money on store buildings and city residences also.—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. ___ 18tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. HUNT* 5 PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Hearers (Next door Asimus Motor.) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399, O’Neill THE FRONTIER . . . only $2.50 per year . . . less than a nickel a week. Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN, O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON, O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines, service and genuine parts cal at Vic Halva's Electric Shop O'Neill 41tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O'Neill, Nebr. _9cgo HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors _ for Any Job 25tf 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec-Treas. Atkinson Pinochle Club to Stuart— STUART—The Atkinson Pin ochle club was entertained with a party at the home of Mrs. Fran ces Roberts on Sunday afternoon, October 28. in Stuart. Prizes were given to Mrs. Theo. Kubart, Mrs. Ethel Stracke and Mrs. Chris Judge. The hostesses were Mrs. Ther esa Levi and M Agnes Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams of Lincoln, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. WANTED WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. Wo also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf HELPWANTED YOUNG MEN 17 Ms to 36 years. $297.00 monthly salary for te legraphers Short training peri od. Small tuition charge. Posi tion with railroad as soon as qualified. Excellent for veter ans.—Write Box MC, in care of Frontier, for appointment. Give address and phone. 26c90 WIRING DON'T WIRE until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. W# have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf WANTED TO RENT: Garage. — Call at Frontier office. I HAVE 4 different men wanting to buy cattle ranches. I have 3 buyers for farms. If your ranch or farm is for sale, let me sell it for you.—R. H. Parker, O' Neill. Nebn__ 21tf J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf WANTED; Bartender needed for American Legion club.— Ad dress applications to American Legion Club, O’Neill. 26c WANTED: Married man for gen eral ranch work, without school age children preferred. — George Bloom, Wood Lake. CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness and their ex pressions of sympathy, also for the beautiful flowers during the time of the illness and death of our mother and grandmother. — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Newhouse, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gara Layton and family, Mrs. Tessie Holcomb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newhouse and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newhouse and family. 26c75 SOUTH STUART Mr and Mrs. Walter Kaup and children visited in the Char les Ziska home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Everingham and boys, of Powell, Wyo„ arriv ed Saturday for a week’s visit m the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Roy Rhodes, and sister, Mrs. Pete Foxworthy, and fami ly . and other relatives and friends. They will then go to Idaho Falls where they will make their new home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Finch and Lois were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goebel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy were Sunday dinner guests in the Roy Foxworthy home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Everingham and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. Ever ingham, of Newport, were Sun day dinner guests in the Law rence Greenfield home. Mr and Mrs. George Shald and Johnnie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kramer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and sons visited relatives in Newport Sunday. Mrs. Wilbur Moon entertained £.e WSCS ladies at her home on Ihursday. The next meeting will be held Thursday, November 1, at the church basement with Mrs! Harry Cowles. Mrs. Kenneth Pa il and Mrs. Ora Philbrick as host esses. Wilbur Moon attended the special Masonic meeting at At kinson Friday evening. Harrv Cowles, Len Roberts, Art Kaup, Jack Strode. Mark Nelson and Mahlon Shearer accompanied him. Joe Kaup and Bill Paxton took a load of football boys to Ewing Tuesday evening, October 23. STUART NEWS Rev. and Mrs. Orin Graff and family visited in Bancroft and Sioux City from Wednesday. Oc tober 24, to Saturday, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell, Vesta, Marvin and Warren, also Rudolf Mitchell went to Neta waka, Kans., on Wednesday, Oc tober 24, to visit the Theo. Schank family. They also visited in Omaha with the David Boldra family. Mrs. Schank and Mrs. Boldra are sisters of Berlin Mit chell. They returned home on Sunday. Rex Coffman, senior in the state agriculture college at Lin coln, has been elected president of the Men’s Ag club and secre tary of the Block and Bridle club. He was also elected to the executive board of the farmers fair. WSCS Stages Annual Birthday Party EWING—Twenty-two members of the Women’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Ewing Metho dist church gathered at the church parlors Tuesday evening, October 23, for the annual birthday party. Activities began with the arriv al of each member when they were given pencil and paper for a pro file contest, the profiles of each member going on display. At 6:30, the guests sat down to a covered dish dinner. Mrs. Ben jamin Larson made the birthday cake, which was decorated in pink and white. A bouquet of bronze and white mums flanked with candles was used as center pieces. Mrs. R. G. Rockey had charge of the entertainment. Clever and interesting games provided an hour of fun after the dinner. Gifts were exchanged by drawing num bers which corresponded with a wrapped package. Mrs. William Spence had charge of the gift ta ble. Members who assisted in prep aration of the party were Mrs. Leland Welke, Mrs. William Spence and Mrs. Jessie Angus. Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. Maden Funk at tended an all-day meeting at Page of the Women’s Christian Tem perance society, which was held at the Methodist church. O’Neill was also represented. The forenoon was devoted to business affairs followed by a cov ered dish luncheon at noon. A program of musical numbers and a talk on temperance by the pastor of Page Methodist church, Rev. C. E. Wilcox, was enjoyed. Other Ewing News Mrs. Willia Hobbs and children •spent Wednesday and Thursday, October 24 and 25, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shiffbauer, in Madison. Mr. and Mrs. James Penning ton and children were guests on Sunday, October 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber, near Elgin. Mrs. Weber is a sister of Mr. Pennington. Mrs. Dora Townsend, who has spent several months with her daughter at Hartington, is a guest at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming. Her grandson, James Weier is with her. Mr. and (Mrs. Walter Tressler and daughters, of Ogallala, came Thursday to spend a few days with her father, M. H. Dierks. They returned home Sunday. Mr. Dierks accompanied them and will remain there until Tanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks and family had as their dinner guests Thursday evening his father, M. H. Dierks, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Tressler and family, of Ogalla la. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks and Mr. and Mrs. John Walker went to Neligh Tuesday, Oct. 23. The gentlemen spent the evening bowling and the ladies played cards at the home of Mrs. Mar garet Means. Miss Fern Pruden, vocational homemaking instructor at Wheel er county high school, of Bartlett, acompanied by Mrs. Amanda Kut- | tie, 4th grade teacher at Neligh, Mrs. Buford Carlson, 6th and 7th grade teacher at Royal, attended the teachers’ convention in Chi cago, 111., last week. The ladies at tended the radio show ‘ Welcome Travelers.” Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard was host ess to the Pinochle club Thurs day evening at her home. Mrs. John Archer won high score and Mrs. Leota Hintz received the, prize for double pinochle. Guests’ were Mrs. Earl Billings and Mrs. John Miller. Refreshments were —■hi i min m 'wfiwu* *■ Cess Pools Septic Tanks Outdoor Toilets Cleaned & Reactivated — No Pumping Necessary — j Rely upon the counsel of a trust- I ed caretaker of these units. Add ] the waste consuming bacteria contained in PAW PAW ODOR LESS to these utility units and then watch them snap back to like-new operating efficiency. PAW PAW ODORLESS actually doubles waste-consuming diges tive actions. Properly digesting cess pools, septic tanks and toi lets CLEAN THEMSELVES, KEEP THEMSELVES free-flow ing with good drainage. PAW PAW ODORLESS dissolves solu bles, grease, soap and silt. Kills odors on contact. No chemicals, non-poisonous, inexpensive, a household necessity for sanitary disposal units. Phone for details today. Phone 399 Hunts Plumbing & Heating served after the games. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard were entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patras, in Clearwater Wednesday evening, October 24. Coach and Mrs. Everett Schuler, of Wheeler county high school, were Thursday evening, October j 18 dinner guests at the J. L. Pru den home. The junior class of the Ewing high school is working on the play, “Here Come the Brides,” which will be presented Novem ber 8 and 9 at the high school auditorium. The following are in the cast: Joe John Theondel, Jim Good, Richard Kurpgeweit, Joel lyn Eacker, Yvonne Mlnarik, Roy Stamp, Lois Ann Bergstrom, Mar cia Sanders, Charlotte Woeppel and Joan Binkerd. Mrs. Louis Ewing is coaching the play. Ewing Teachers To Conventions— EWING — Students of the Ewing public school had a long holiday weekend, beginning Wed nesday afternoon, October 24, when school was dismissed. All the instructors attended the teachers’ convention in the var ious districts, some going to Nor folk, others to Scottsbluff and Lin cln. The high school instructors are Supt. Pennington, Gerald Chap ula, Coach and Mrs. Louis Ewing, the (Misses Lena Baker, Elsie Chase, Donna Rudisil. In grades are Mrs. Mayne Housh, Miss Gen neive Vandersnick, Mrs. Grace Thompson, Miss Iva Sala and Mrs. Grace Thompson. ---— I " ' Vd&v* * ' v -7 > • **«» - ' • , c?efc&c«p0te6&ta BATTERY tr AMAZING DEMONSTRATION ^ ■ivT' ' - .' . ^a-->^.} ,f»Wv 3MN&&K .-■ POWER and DEPENDABILITY This amazing new battery actually bounces t>ack to life. The RED GIANT battery offers longer life, less corrosion, less heating. After being com pletely run down, the RED GIANT battery will temperate Itself 10, 25 or 50 times. The extra reserve power of the RED GIANT restores power Without any harm to the interior of the battery. your dealer now and let him demonstrate a «P_ e*ANT bptlpry for your tar, truck or tractor. ★ SELF RECUPERATING if LESS HEATING ★ LESS CORROSION ★ LONGER LIFE WmUmjsB 24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE New Wrecker Now in Service Simply Phone MCITS BODY SHOP Phone 211-W 219 W. Douglas EARL W. RALYA. Owner Syrup Pack Gooseberries, No. 2 can 35c The New Cheer, pkg....}..30c Gerber's Rice Cereal, pkg. _ J yc __ m _ 15^-oz. can IGA Pork and Beans 13c IGA Brand Light ’N Fluffy Cake F’lour, 2 “i -lb. pkg. 37c Home Guard Mouse Traps ea. _ I Seedless * Raisins, 2-lb. pkg. 39c I ! Post’s 1 Grapenyds, pkg. 20c New Minute Rice, pkg. 14c I Large Size Duz, pkg,. 30c I I IGA Pink Grapefruit Juice, No. 2 can 11c I FRUIT & VEG. DEPT. 5 Friday and Saturday No. 1 Calif. Oranges, 2 lbs. 25c ! l-lb. cello bag Ealmoie Cranberries 23c Porto Rican Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 29c MEAT DEPARTMENT Friday and Saturday Wilson’s Large Bologna, lb._ 49c I Bacon Squares, lb._ 29c I Wilson’s Slab Bacon, lb.- 49c 1 i Wilson's Pure Lard. lb. 19c I I School Lunch Bags, 2 for.10c | IGA Self Rising Pancake Flour, 3-lb. pkg. 32c '