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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
PAGE 10. — THE FRONTIER. O'NailL Thur*.. Not. 1. 1951. North Platte Guests Honored PAGE-- A basket dinner was enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bayne and 3 children and Mrs. Emma Bayne, of North Piatte. Others present were: Mrs. Martha Hill, of Ewing; Mrs. Anna Linquist and Alfred, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Soren Bon and family and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr. and Glenda, all of Page. Other Page News Mrs. Lorene Neuman and son, Dallas, of Gordon, spent a few days at the William Neuman home. Mrs. Neuman is a sister of Mr. Neubauer. Paul Neubauer ac companied them to Fremont to Visit their mother and sister. The Bid-or-Bye bridge club met With Mrs. Chas. Russell, Wednes day afternoon, October 24, with Mrs. Melvin Carson as a guest. High score went to Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman and all-cut to Mrs. Russell. The hostess served lunch at the close of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and P. E. Nissen attended the 60th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs Hans Thompsen •t the Legion hall in Osmond on Sunday. Mrs. Thompsen is an aunt of Anton and P. E. Nissen. Gary Banta, of Atlantic, la., •pent from Monday, October 22, until Friday with his father, H. L. Banta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neisius and •ons spent Friday evening at the William Neubauer home. Mr. and Mrs. R. D Meyers, of Corona, Calif., spent Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23 and 24 with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith. They were old friends while the Smiths lived in California. > The Contract bridge club met with Mrs. Robert Gray, Thurs day evening. Mrs. Emma Dorr held high score and Mrs. Melvin Smith received the all-cut. The hostess served lunch after the games. Mrs. Elton Clyde, of Sand Point, Ida., came Friday for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart and other relatives. Mrs. Eugene Baber and Bonnie, of Plainview, were Saturday eve ning supper guests of her mother, Mrs. Evelyn Gray. (First pub. October 18, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PETITION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST FUNDS AND DATE OF HEARING THEREON. ESTATE NO. 3770 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the Matter of the Estate of S. A. SULENTTC, Deceased. Notice is hereby given thatsthe Consumers Public Power District has filed a petition herein, alleg ing that at the time of his death, the said S. A. Sulentic had on deposit in the O’Neill National Bank in his name trust funds belonging to said petitioner and totalling $5,500.00. Petitioner prays that $5,500.00 of the moneys in the O'Neill Na tional Bank in one of the ac counts of said deceased be found to be trust funds belonging to pe titioner, and not assets of deceas ed’s estate, and that the same be paid to petitioner, and said Bank and said Administrator relieved of all liability therefor. Said petition will come on to be heard before this Court in the County Court Room in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 7 day of November, A.D., 1951, at ten o’clock A. M., at which time all interested parties will be heard. LOUIS W. REIMER, COUNTY JUDGE 24-26c 40 REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS Consigned By Joe W. Fitzgerald Mitchellrille, Iowa AT AUCTION Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON. NEBR. THURS., NOV. 15tf 2 O'CLOCK P.M. • This is the third year that Mr Fitzgerald has sold all of hi: bulls at Atkinson. His offering this year are all coming 2-years eld and strong in the breeding o1 Wyoming Hereford Ranch. The> are sired bv WHR LAUNCELOl 6th — WHR TRISTAR 29th - ROYAL RUPERT. All are T.B and Bangs tested and gauranteec tgweders. These bulls shoulc prove Of interest to ranchers de airing a number of bulls of th< same type and breeding. Atkinson Livestock Market Alkmson. Nebraska I SALE WILL BE HELD RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE! j FRIDAY, NOV NTIR 9th, 1951 S ON U.S. HIGHWAYS 20 - 275 AND STATE HIGHWAY 108 — EAST EDGE OF CITY - STARTS 12:30 P.M. 1I TRACTORS - 18 - USED - 18 1 1—1948 Ford Tractor with Over and Underdrive 1—1946 A John Deere, with Lights and Starter 1—1942 Model A John Deere 1—1937 Model A John Deere with Lift 1— 1936 Model A John Deere 2— 1942 Model B John Deeres 1—1940 Model B John Deere 1—1937 Model B John Deere 1—1943 Oliver 60 with Lights and Starter 1—1945 M - M Model R with Lights and I Starter and Cultivator I 1—1947 Model B International with I Lights and Starter and Cultivator ( 3 -F 20 Farmall Tractors on Rubber f 3—Replar Farmalls on Rubber 1 112 - CORNPICKERS -12 1—1950 Model 200 John Deere 2-Row, like new 1—1948 No. 6 New idea 2-Row 1—1946 No. 6 New Idea 2-Row 1—Case 2-Row Cornpicker, good 1—1949 No. 24 International with H Mountings 1—1947 No. 24 International with M Mountings 1—1949 No. 226 John Deere with Model A Mountings 1—1948 Woods Bros. Single-Row, good 3—No. 101 John Deere Semi-Mounted Pickers 1—Case Single-Row Snapper. GUARANTEED! ★ This machinery and equipment will carry the us ual Lloyd Collins Guarantee . . «. each item to be guaranteed exact ly as represented at the time of the sale! 5 - COMBINES - 5 1—1949 Model A6 Case, 6-Ft. Cut, Very Good, with Motor 1—1949 Model 12A John Deere 6-Ft., with Motor and Pickup 1— 1946 Model 2A John Deere 6-Ft., with Motor and Pickup 2— No. 6 John Deere Combines, 6-Ft. Cut Several Truck Tires for Hay Sleds New 10-38, 1 I-38 Tractor Tires New and Used Passenger Tires, Various Brands I ractor Tire Chains I PLOWS - LISTERS - ONE WAYS 1—No. 65 John Deere 3-Ilottom 14-Inch Plow 1—John Deere 3-Bottom IB-Inch Plow 1—International 3-Bottom 14-Inch Plow 1—2-Bottom 11-Inch Oliver Plow 2—2-Bottom John Deere 14-Inch Plows l—2-Bottoin No. 14 John Deere Power Trol Plow, like new 1—No. 735 John Deere 2-Row Lister, very good 1—No. 182 International 2-Row Lister with Fertilizer Attachment 1—International 1-Bottom Plow for Model A Tractor 1—International 1 Row Cultivator for Model A International Tractor, new 1—9-Ft. Krause One-Way, on Rubber 1—6-Ft Bee lane Disc, on Rubber Several Mowers Several Ilainmermills Several Hay Rakes 1—M-M Power Mower, 7-Ft. Cut 1—Near New' A. C. Power Mower, 7-Ft. Cut, very good 1—New International Trail Mower, 7-Ft. Cut 1—International Draw Bar Mower for F20 or Regular Farmal! 1—Joh Deere No. 5 Power Mower 1—New John Deere 15-Ft. Disc 1—New Roderick Lean 15-Ft. Disc 1—New John Deere 21-Ft. Disc 1—Used 15-Ft. John Deere Disc 1—Used 15-Ft. Disc 1—Used 18-Ft. John Deere Disc 1— New 14-Inch John Deere Hammermill 2— Used John Deere 10-Inch Hammermills 1— Used International Hammermill with Traveling Feed Table 0—12-Ft. International Hay Rakes 2— 10-Ft. International Hay Rake*; ELEVATORS - WAGONS BOXES - SPREADERS I—32-Ft. Valley Elevator, like new 1— New Kelly Ryan Elevators 2— New Rubber Tired Wagons with Steel Boxes 1— John Deere Manure Spreader, on Rubber 2— New Holland Cement Mixers, new * 1—Used Cement Mixer with Motor 1— International Endgate Seeder MISCELLANEOUS 2— Used Oil Burners • , 5—Used Cars, various models and makes 1—Chevrolet Power Sweep 1—International Manure Loader 1—Schwick Manure leader for P20 or PftO International Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention L LLOYD COLLINS - (HOLT COUNTY IMPS.) | O’NEILL, NEBR. I I COLS. ED THORIN & WALLY O’CONNELL, Auctioneers O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK, Clerk ( m ... _ _ _ . .. _ _ ; t V