The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 25, 1951, Page 8, Image 8
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS SMITH—Mr and Mrs. George C. Smith, of Chambers, a son, weighing 7 pounds, bom Thurs day, October 18, at the O’Neill hospital. BERGSTROM— Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bergstrom, of Elgin, a son, Thomas Eugene, bom Wednes day, October 17, at the Tilden hospital. RUBY — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby, of Phillip, S.D., a son, born Wednesday, October 17. The Rubys have another son, Jan. They are known at Ewing. SMITH—Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers, a son, Cal vin George, born Wednesday, October 17, at the O’Neill hospi-, tal. PRIBIL—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pribil, of O’Neill, a son, Robert John, weighing 7% pounds, born Sunday, October 21, at the O’-j Neill hospital. GALLAGHER—Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Gallagher, of O’ Neill, a daughter, Eugenie Maur een, weighing 6 Ms pounds, born Sunday, October 21, at the O’ HAYNES—Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Haynes, of Omaha, a daugh ter, Gwendolyn Kay, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Sunday, October 14. This is their first child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes, of Denton, and great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, of Page. NISSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nissen, of Sidney, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds, born Wednes day, October 17. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, of Page. TERRILL—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Terrill, of Hot Springs, S.D., a daughter, weighing 6 pounds, born Friday, October 19. This is their first child and also the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill, of Page. STESKAL—Mr. and Mrs. El mer Steskal, of Atkinson, a daughter, Lucinda June, weigh ing 8 pounds, bom Saturday, Oc tober 13. Mrs. Steskal is the for mer Eva Schaffer. MACK — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mack, of Atkinson, a son, born Wednesday, October 10, in the Stuart Community hospital. Mrs. Mack is the former Betty Took er, daughter of Mrs. Claude Humphreys. CRIPPEN—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Crippen, of Atkinson, n daughter, born Wednesday, Octo ber 10, at the Stuart Community hospital. LIABLE — Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Liable, of Spencer, a son, born Tuesday, October 16, at the Barrett nursing home, Atkinson. Mrs. Liable is the former Evelyn Johnson. REISING—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reising, of Morrill, a son, John William, weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces, born Thursday, October 4, at Scottsbluff. The Reisings now have 3 children. The family formerly resided here. Mr. Reis ing was an International Har vester block man for a number of years. They left O’Neill in 1947. DR. FISHER, Dentist. adv SICK & INJURED CHAMBERS— Mrs. Joe Mey ! ers, of Ericson, formerly of ; Chambers, returned Wednesday, I October 17, from the Kearney hospital following a major opera tion on October 6. She is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt, of Kearney. Her condition is reported “good" by his mother, Mrs. Mina Meyers, of Chambers. . . Mrs. Troxel Green and infant son returned Sunday from the O’Neill hospital. . . Mrs. Frank Tracy and baby daughter returned Friday, October 19, from the O’Neill hospital. PAGE— Mrs. Leslie Lamason returned home Sunday from Norfolk where she had been a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital since Wednesday, Octo ber 17. Her condition is “slightly improved." . . Mrs. Robert Van Horn submitted to an appendec tomy at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk Monday. . . . Mrs. I. O. Wood returned home Monday after spending 3 weeks in Sioux City. She spent a week at St. Josephs’ hospital following an operation, and 2 weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Har ry Undine. O’NEILL — "Grandma” Sum mers "has not been well.” She had a fall about a week ago. . . Robert Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Murphy, was taken to Our Lady of Lourdes hospital on Sunday evening, October 21, and was operated on the same nicht. . . Mrs. Charles Regan, of Inman, is in St. Catherine's hos pital, Omaha. . . Mrs. Dick Tim merman and baby girl left Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk, Saturday. . . Mrs. E. J. Eby has been “quite ill a”t her home. ATKINSON—Mrs. Emma Kaz da entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk, Friday and un derwent surgery Saturday. She is "improving.” . . . Mrs. Henry Gruenberg is at Our Lady cf Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Her condition is "satisfactory.” , . . Mrs. C. E. Spence took her fa ther, Harry Pelcer, to Hastings Friday for a checkup at Mary Lanning hospital. They returned Saturday. Her condition is "good." EWING—James Boies, who has been a patient at the Veterans hospital at Grand Island, was able to return home over the weekend. His condition showred "improvement.” . . Mrs. Sam Re gan was taken from a Norfolk hospital to Omaha last week, la ter undergoing surgery. She is re ported to be “doing wrell.” . . Robley Sisson III, 10-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sis son, jr., was taken to Omaha last week to a specialist for observa tion and treatment. AMELIA—Ray Andersen was stricken with a severe heart at tack on Tuesday, October 16, and was rushed to the Stuart hospi tal, where he was seriously ill for several days. . . Emmet Carr went to the Veterans hospital at Grand Island on Thursday, Octo ber 18, for observation. SPENCER—Mrs. John J. John son’s condition is “good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. DELOIT — Several of the youngsters have been suffering from poison ivy. - = - - f Voice of the Frontier MONDAY • WEDNESDAY ■ SATURDAY — 9*45 AM — WJAG (Norfolk) 786 k. c. g? »1 JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” %- . —^ NEW COLLARS — DETACH ABLE . . . Janet Leigh displays, among other things, detachable collars, the new accessory for the simple off - the - shoulder cocktail gown. RKO says it starts the trend which is won derful for making gay changes SOUTH STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foxworthy and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox worthy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fox worthy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everingham at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and Davy spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake, at Springview. Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and Johnnie spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Muninger. Mrs. Wilbur Moon entertained her bridge club Friday after noon. Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst and Mrs. George Wallinger were guests. Mrs. Harold Givens and Mrs. Vernon Heyne received prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilcox on, Chuckie and Dale, from Fre mont, spent the weekend at the Bill Paxton and Ralph Cobb homes. The WSCS work meeting was postponed to Thursday, October 25, and will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Green field were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Kenny Batenhorst accompan ied F. J. Clark home from Oma ha and they spent Sunday with their parents. Joe Batenhorst, Henry Kruger and Vie Kaup returned home on Saturday from their trip to the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Murel McClure were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst and Mrs. Owen Galligan spent a few days last week at Sioux City and at Cherokee, la., where they visited Mrs. Batenhorst’s sister, Mrs. Joe Smith. A. M. Batenhorst spent Tues day, October 16, at Pickstown, S.D. Bobbie Givens and Marvin Scholz spent Thursday night, October 18, with Jerry Wallinger. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes spent from Friday, October 12, to Sunday in Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Laurence haymaker and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Miksch and family were Sunday dinner guests of the John Hamik family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoeberg, of O’Neill, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup, jr. v tr_ w —» mi, ctnu miy uc/c ***^*»*« and Marlene were O’Neill shop pers Thursday, October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton at tended a sale near Inman Thurs day, October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kra mer and family moved into their new home Soturday. Mrs. Harold Treicher, of Ma pleton, la.. Mrs. Lizzie Driskill and Mrs. Harrison Hovey were Tuesday, October 16, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield. Mrs. Vernon Heyne, Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Doris Cannell and Mrs. Robert Greenfield attended a shower at the home of Mrs. Er nest Greenfield Tuesday, October 16, in honor of Mrs. Ralph Thur low and son. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green field attended a pinochle party at the Louis Gilg home Friday evening. . „ TT Jimmy Coker and Betty Han sen visited at the Robert Green field home Sunday. Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn. Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Mrs. Robert Greenfield spenl Wednesday afternoon in O’Neill CHAMBERS NEWS Dinner guests Sunday evening October 21 at the home of Wall Richards were: Mr. and Mrs. C E. Tibbets, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Spann, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenci Wyant, Mrs. Myrtle Bell, George Porter and daughter, Byerl, anc Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper. The dinner of antelope steak was en joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, o Oregon, are visiting her father Charles Fanquier, sr. and sister Mrs. Margaret Elkins, of O'Neill and relatives at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Saloum anc family and Jim Saloum, of Creigh ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe George, o Orchard and Levi Teney, of Win netoon, were Sunday visitors ir the Tom and Joe Daas homes. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: October 18— Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Amelia, medical, condition improved. 21 —Mrs. Francis Pribil, of O’Neill; Mrs. John R. Gallagher, of O’ Neill; Baby Margaret Nissen, of O’Neill, medical, condition good. Dismissals: October 18— Mrs. Percy Anderson and daughter, of Redbird; Mrs. Frank Tracy and daughter, of Chambers; Mrs. Dale Butterfield and son, of Am elia; Mrs. Norman Reninger, of Chambers. 19—Mrs. Orace Jones and son, of O’Neill. 20—Eli Her old, of Inman. 21—Mrs. Troxel Gr^en and son, of Amelia; Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Amelia. 22 —Hallie Hallstead, of Inman. 23 --Mrs. George Smith and son. of Chambers; Mrs. Clyde McKenzie and twin daughters, of O’Neill. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Humrich, of Stuart, condition good. Admissions: October 14—A. F. Bartlett, o f Stuart, condition good. 16 — Mrs. Glen Cobb, of Stuart, minor surgery; Mrs. Claude Ankney, of Chambers. 17 —Mrs. Ray Anderson, of Atkin son, condition good; Mrs. Roy Mack, of Atkinson, a baby boy. Dismissals: October 15—Mrsi Frank Kilmurry, of Atkinson; Mrs. Richard Crippen and daugh ter, of Atkinson. 17—Mrs. Glen Cobb, of Stuart; Mrs. Claude Ankney, of Chambers, transfer red to St. Francis hospital, Grand Island. UN Day Is Observed At O'Neill High— Wednesday, October 24, was United (Nations day and the event was observed in many schools throughout the county. At O’Neill public school a pro gram was given in the auditorium during the 6th period. John Bowen explained the composi tion of the United Nations, and the functioning power of its main departments. Barbara Bennett reviewed the work of the United Nations in the present Korean war. The band, under the direc tion of C. B. Houser, played sev eral selections. There was also group singing of patriotic songs with the band accompanying. Pupils from the 5th grade through the 12th attended. JUSTICE COURT Harvey Howery, failing to stop at railroad crossing while haul ing explosives in truck, pleaded guilty, fined $25 and costs, Octo ber 17; arresting officer, Patrol man F. M. Dineen. Louis Hiede, overload on truck, pleaded guilty, fined $15 and costs, October 17; arresting offi cer, Patrolman R. R. Shomey. Paul Shald, speeding, pleaded guilty, fined $10 and costs, Octo ber 22; arresting officer. Patrol man F. M. Dineen. PERSONNEL CHANGES Mrs. Eugene Van Every has re signed her position at Gambles and returned to the O’Neill Live stock Market. Her position has b»_rn filled by Miss Mary Alice Judge, formerly of the Apparel Shop. Fred and Paul Fetrow, jr., anc Bill Malloy went to Omaha Wed nesday, October 17, where thm attended a banquet held in honoi of Eagle Scouts from the Soverec Wagon council. ---- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: Used GE refrigerat or, 6-cu. ft., special, $59.95 used 9-cu. ft. deluxe Philct just like new, $159.95.—Jacob son’s, O’Neill. 25 WANTED ! MAN that wishes a steady jot Wash rack and clean-up mar ‘ Qualifications: Age 26-30-yrs old, steady, dependable an willing to cooperate. • Few hand tools. ■ Possible chance for promotion. Starting salary: $35 - $50 per wk depending on qualification Free life ins., paid vacation • 54-hr. week. No Sunday, hoi » day or evening work. Goo working conditions. Apply in Person to ; Ray Eby or Jack Davis Midwest Mtr. Co., Ltd O’Neill, Nebr. I pZ'» 's,t Shelhamer Foods °‘:' ^fs DON’T FORGET 4aKE NO CHARGE delivery I TO PLACE YOUR GROCERY ORDER JUST CALL Phone No. 56 for SUPER MARKET or Phone No. 78 for Our UNION STORE SPECIAL: THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ICE CREAM Pints, Ea. 23c Quarts, Ea. 45c z Gal. Vanilla Only 89c SQUARE DEAL— PANCAKE FLOUR, 4 Lbs. 39c CAMPBELLS — TOMATO SOUP, 3 Cans.. 37c GOLDEN VALLEY R.S.P. — CHERRIES, 2 No. 2 Cans.. 45c DEL MONTE — 2 — 46-Oz. Cans I TOMATO JUICE.59c GOLD "A" BRAND - 2 Cans EARLY JUNE PEAS.27c SALMON, 2 Cans.. 89c GOLDEN VALLEY HUNT’S TOMATOES CATSUP . - 2 - No. 2 Cans 39c 2 - 14-0, Bottles - I Case of 24 Cans_$4.59 39C HARTEX — 46-Oz. Can PINEAPPLE JUICE.33c HARDINGS — BUTTER, Lb.67c FTQrMFP'Q CHEESE FOOD, 2 Lbs.79c VAN CAMP'S — 4 No. 2 Cana % PORK & BEANS.69c ROBERTS GRADE "A" — MILK, Qt. Ctn..20c SHINA DISH, Lge. Pkg... 29c ! MOTHER’S BEST — ~ “™~ ~ ” ~™|| FLOUR 50-LB.BAG.$3.691 . . . MEAT DEPT. . . . WILSON’S CORN KING SLICED BACON lb. - 49c Roasting CHICKENS DRESSED DRAWN, Lb. MINCED HflWlb 45c . . . FRUIT DEPT. . . . WHITE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 53c No. 1 Jonathan APPLES Bu. $2.89 Bskl. ' TOKAY GRAPES Lb 10c DO YOU NEED A LOCKER? WE HAVE LOCKERS FOR RENT YEARLY RATES: ^LL $7.50 MBEGDXIUM $10.00 BL“OE $12.50 WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR COOLING AND CUTTING IFOR YOUR POULTRY f 15% A. M. EGG CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES § 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES 33% CONCENTRATE ■ FOR YOUR HOGS 24% PIG & SOW MEAL - NUGGETS NUTRENA "SHOAT 40" 40% HOG BALANCER MEAL, - NUGGETS CATTLE FEEDS — ON HAND OR AVAILABLE Nutrena Is Now Supplying a New 16% Protein Cattle Cube —; Heavy on Good Yellow Corn ' We can furnish you this feed in any amounts, from 100 pounds to straight carloads. The price . I is reasonable. We will have this cattle cube on hand for inspection. j - $weet Lassy tattle Supplement, 100-Lb. Bag.$4.59 Lassy 22% Cattle Fattener Nuggets, 100 Lbs.$4.89 AVAILABLE — A 30% LASSY CATTLE CUBE S • j WE WILL DISCOUNT PRICE ON ABOVE FEEDS IN TON LOTS 1 Soybean Meal. Pellets, Cubes; Lincoy Pellets, Cubes; Linseed Meal, Pellets; Bonemeal; Tank age; Meat Scraps; "Vis-Vita"; "Stock-Gro"; Buttermilk; Calf Manna; Cudahy All-Purpose Mineral; Crushed Rock and Block Salt. _ ] CASH BUYERS OF 1 S | CREAM — POULTRY — EGGS I Check Our “EGG PRICE” Before Selling 1 WE MAKE COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY 1 See Us or Call Phone 173 at Any Time 1 Our Hatchery Man Will B« Glad to Cull Your Laying Floclg ■