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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1951)
Henry F. Rakow ' Rites Are Held \ - PAGE—Funeral services were held at the Page Methodist church Friday, October 19. at 2 p.m. for Henry F. Rakow, 80, who died at Portland, Ore., Mon day, October 15. Rev. C. E. Wil cox had charge of the services. Burial was in the Page cemetery. Pallbearers were Gerald Lam ason, W. E. Wanser, Harry Harp er, Neil Asher, Soren Sorensen, sr., and Ralph Prill. Singers were Leonard Miller, Vemie Hunter, Marvin Stauffer and Dale Stauffer with Mrs. John Lamason as pianist. Mrs. Robert Gray and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg had charge of the flowers. Henry F. Rakow, youngest t child of the late Chris and Anna I Rakow, was born April 6, '1871, j in Germany. At the age of 10 years he went with his parents to Iowa where he grew to man- ■ hood. He was married to Miss Laura Jenkins on September 22, 1894, at Strawberry Point, la. To this union 6 children were born. Survivors include: Sons — Luke, of White Salmon, Wash.; j Claude, of Santa Paula, Calif.; Edward, of Portland, Ore.; Gor don, of Minneapolis, Minn.; daughters — Mrs. Roy (Myrtle) Peeler, of Portland, and Mrs. Maude Hartman, of Anchorage, Alaska; 8 grandchildren; 1 great grandchild; sister—Mrs. Bertha Talmage, of Ewing. Mr. and Mr*. Rakow came to t Neligh in 1901. After living there a short time they moved to Page. In 1908 they went to South Dakota where they lived for 2 years. They returned to Page and Mr. Rakow had made his home here until he went to Oregon to be with his children about 3 years ago. Relatives attending the funer al were: Luke Rakow, of White Salmon, Wash.; Claude Rakow, of Santa Paula, Calif.; Gordon Rakow, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Roy Peeler, of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Bertha Talmage, of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ra kow, Elmer Rakow and Mrs. Norman Depue, all of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Greeley Price and 2 children, of Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hill and Mrs. John Fri 4 day, of Orchard. Other Page News A large group attended the Fellowship Sunday-school class at the Methodist church base ment Friday evening. Hostesses were Mesdames Harold Heiss, Raymond Heiss, Edgar Stauffer and Jesse Kelly who served lunch at the close of the evening. Mrs. Stauffer had charge of the games and contests. Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Miller, of Gresham, Wash., showed moving pictures of a western trip and some pictures taken at Lincoln. The Help U club met with Mrs. Ed Stauffer for an all-day meeting Wednesday, October 17. > A no - host dinner was served. There were 20 members present. Guests were Mesdames Alton Nelson, Delbert Anson, Emil Bartos and Frank Bartos. The afternoon was spent tying quilts for the hostess. Their next meet ing will be with Mrs. Dale War ing. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and Miss Viola, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Harper and Mrs. Bertha Reed were dinner and supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Eloit Blackmore, of Orchard. Other guests were Mrs. Fred Storm and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Storm and son, of Royal. Mrs. Lottie Van Ostrand, of Orchard, spent the weekend at Page with Miss Maude Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock attended a locker convention at Eurwell Tuesday, October 16. * Mr. and Mrs. William T. Park and family, of Creighton, and Mr and Mrs. R. F. Park were dinner ■■■■BKaBSBnHSEBnMHBHB guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fuelberth and daughter, of Osmond, called at the Anton Nissen home Tues day evening, October 16. Mr Fuelberth is a brother of Mrs. Nissen, and their mother, Mrs. Kate Fuelberth, of Osmond, is at the Nissen home. Ten members of the American Legion auxiliary met with Mrs. Jerome Allen Friday evening. A card party is planned at the Le gion hall Friday evening, Octo ber 26. After the business meet ing a no-host lunch was enjoyed. The Page improvement club held a food sale Saturday after noon in the Held building. DANCE ATKINSON I CRYSTAL BALLROOM—9 P.M. MON., Oct. 29 ADVANCE TICKET SALE AT O'NEILL DRUG in O'Neill Until close of business Oct. 28 $1.50 per person, tax included. \ Adm. at gate, $1.75 per person. Auspices Allcinson Chamber of Commerce 1 storts FRIDAY! Special Pecal purchaSe. . Pnce cu»s on new « ^ ^ 9oods! An i . AU 1st qualityi ran, Con»e early! I Sale! 29.7S ;T\ topcoats Water-repellent gabardine! W™ 2 399 Here’s a real bargain! Famous DONFIELD men’s topcoats, I carefully made of smooth looking wool and rayon gab ardine, to our specifications. Wanted button-through " i.Jf models with fronts that hold |U their shape. Rich rayon satin linings. Grey, taupe. 35 to 46. ^§1 rr\ Warm work jackets Regularly 3.98 356 Rugged MONEY jackets of Sanforized cov ert, lined with Sanforized golden cotton fleece. Cor duroy collar. Zipper front. Men’s 34 to 46. Satisfac tion guaranteed! Save! Fine chenille | bedspreads Luxuriously tufted I I You know from experience that McDonald’s chenille spreads are hard-to-beat values, even at regidar prices. I Now you save still more! What a selection! Erocatelle types, solid colors, multicolor florals, allover and border de signs. Ample-size spreads in rich colors. Thrift Days only! 5% wool double blanket Regularly 5.95 These famous-brand, warm dou ble blankets are full double bed size. They’re here in handsome plaids in blended bedroom col ors. Wide rayon satin bindings. A wonderful buy at this price! LUCKY PURCHASE! 100% VIRGIN WOOL COATS / k Imagine! Values to $35 ... When have you seen wool coats Jfl quality at this low price? Genuine III BM “Shagora” fleeces, medium weight W suedes, "Venetian” in boxy or K double breasted fitted styles. Barry- WH L\ more or novel pointed collars, new sleeve fc\ treatments, plenty of back interest. All I Ift MX satin-lined and warmly interlined. In ^^B * nF i ■\ rich autumn colors. Sale-priced . . . ^Jj/Bjr 1 jS|A Thrift Days onlyl See these first! Sites 12 to 40 includedl I I La«*-trtm, t«M or Mi rt buUf-V|» SLIPS Rayon crepe Reg. 1.9S best seller Durable acetate rayon crepe with washing quality similar to nylon. Seams double stitched. 4-gore. Sizes 32-52! SALE! 4.98 girls’ oxfords, foot-easy j moccasin-type of sturdy brown leather. NEOLITE soles famous for long wear. 4 to 9. Get yours this week! ■n Super Special! I New dresses | Just arrived from New Yorkl Savel sr* 77 I and ■ Words can’t express the smart fash- ^ ion, the superb fabrics, the wonderful value of these dresses! Come see the breathtaking details. Choose from ' fine tissue failles, crepes, men’s wear fabrics, gabardines, taffetas. Each style carefully chosen. Many at sav ings of almost one-half! Hurry! Junior, misses’ and half sizesl ' v 1 CASH IN ON THESE BUYS THIS WEEK! Men’s 2.79 overalls....2.56 Men’s warm quilted jackets..15.99 2.98 and 3.98 dress shirts.1.96 Men’s 49.75 suits. $37 Sale I Matched work sets I 2.49 2*94 I .hlrt pont. j Women’s 1.79 scarfs! Sale.99c Girls’ rayon panties.3 for 99c 3.98 and 4.98 skirts.2.77 25c training pants ... 17c, 3 for 47c Men’s 6.95 work shoes.5.33 Child’s 3.49 oxfords, only.2.66 Boys’ 29c ankle sox.3 pr. 66c I"" 1 ....— bargain buy! Percale prints Pre-shrunk, colorfast 80-squares . . Super quality percales, spe cially finished to make sew- i ing easy. What a selection of appealing patterns! Prettiest colors we’ve seen. Many uses. Salel Outing flannel Rayon french crepe Saiel Woven gingham* Regularly 39c ... 31c Regularly 69c .. . 36« Regularly 98c . . . 68c ! I - ' ..—... ' Boys’ 3.98 wool jackets.3.33 Men’s 1.39 work shirts..1.26 Men’s 1.98 union suits..1.86 Sale! 1.19 rayon panels_99c 98c lace curtain panels_87c 7.59 10% wool blankets.5.99 I-1 Women’s 60-gauge nylons I First quality sheers, knit- I to-fit heels. Made to re- f j srst snags. Sizes 8Vi-11. 8 2.49 white sheet blankets.1.96 39c Cannon bath towels.34c Sale! Wash cloths.6 for 57c j Men’s work socks.6 pr. 1.47 39c work gloves.3 pair 81c j