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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1951)
Masquerade, Youth Party Scheduled t The American Legion auditor ium will be the site of 2 Hal lowe’en events designed to please adults as well as the younger set. On Tuesday, October 30, the Le gion is sponsoring a masquerade party-dance featuring Bob Cal ame and his orchestra. Simon son Post Commander John Stuif bergen said the Legion is plan ning to award cash prizes to best cosutmes at the affair. On Wednesday, October 31, be tween 8 pjm. and midnight, 4 organiztaions have undertaken the joint sponsorship of a Hal lowe’en party to which all high school students in the O’Neill community are Invited. Sponsors are the Lions club, Chamber of ( Commerce, Legion Auxiliary and Legion. There will be free entertain ent, music and refreshments for the high school-age crowd and all in that bracket are invited. Arrangements for the party were completed at a meeting of the organizational leaders Tues day night. PAGE LOCALS Dr. E. J. Bild and Leonard Miller were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart. Bobbie Sorensen and Ronald Park spent the weekend at the Russell Sorensen home at Creigh ton doing the chores while the Sorensens were in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease, of Orchard, spent Sunday evening ' with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer, of O’Neill, and Mr. Switzer’s brother and nephew, of Califox nia, visited Monday afternoon at the Neil Asher home. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth returned he me Saturday after spending almost 2 weeks at the home of the formers’ brother, Ambrose Farnsworth, at Badger, la. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Brobst, of Council Bluffs, la., spent from Wednesday, October 17, until 1 Sunday visiting at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French. Mr. Brobst is an uncle of Mr. French. Other dinner guests Sunday at the French home were Dr. O. W. French and granddaughter, Jody French, of O’Neill; Pfc. Merwyn French, of Wahoo, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heiss, of Page. The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service mot at the Metho dist church parlors Thursday af ternoon with about 25 members present. Mrs. Harry Harper led the devotions. At the business meeting the date of the bazaar was changed from November 9 to November 16. Afternoon was spent quilting and with other needlework. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Snyder and Mrs. E. A. Chichester. Mrs. Norman Samwny, of Kearney, and Mrs. Adolph Zel ler, of Poole, spent Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16 and 17, at the Neven lckes home. Mrs. Samway is a sister and Mrs. Zel ler a cousin of Mrs. lckes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers and son, of Clearwater, were sup per guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Lynn B. Williamson and 2 daughters, Faye and Annie Lau rie, of LaGrand, Ore., came Fri day and have visited Mr. Wil liamson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Willaimson. They left on Tuesday morning for Rochester, Minn., where Annie Laurie will receive medical care. I. O. Wood and Lynn William son and 2 daughters drove to Sioux City Sunday where they visited at the Harry Undine home. They returned here Mon day and brought Mrs. Wood home. She had spent 3 weeks in Sioux City. Mrs. Celestine Westland, of Marysville, Wash., left Sunday to return to her home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Williamson, a Page and with rel atives at Sioux City. Leon Leibscher, of El Reno, Okla., visited his aunt, Mrs. Jen nie French, Tuesday, October 16. He was on his way home from a vacation trip. Miss Shirley Sorensen, who had spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., returned to Ainsworth Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Miller, of Gresham, Ore., went to Cham bers Saturday to spend a few days at the home of Mr. Miller’s brother, Arthur Miller, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer, of Essex, la., spent from Friday un til Sunday visiting Mrs. Weyer’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn Gray, and with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Walk er, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks and Ronnie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eggers at Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parks at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist and family, of O’Neill, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen. DANCE <• SUNDAY, NOV. 4 Stuart Auditorium RAY PALMER i and His Orchestra Admission: $1 Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Saturday, Oct. 27th , COOKIE DAY IN O’NEILL RUBBER FOOTWEAR Our stocks of Hood rubber footwear have arrived and we’re ready for you to make your selection. Hood has ’em this year in high boots to go with party costumes, or toasty luxury lined low boots to keep you comfortable in zero temperatures, and there's a variety of smooth oxfords for rainy days. Don’t wait. Come in right away while our stocks are complete. » ’f i 5.15 STADIUM BOOT In Black & Brown 5.95 In Red, Green and White □sborneC ^BBHHBBBBBI mm a i n i COUNCIL OFFICERS . , . New officers of the Holt countv home extension clubs include: Seat ed—Mrs. Vern Sageser, of Amelia, former coun ty chairman and retiring state council president; Mrs. Albert Carson, of Redbird, new president; Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, of Chambers, retiring coun ty chairman; standing — Mrs. George Keidel, of Stuart; Mrs. Raymond Beed, of Chambers; Mrs. Hi H * 1 1H1 HHHHHHI —The Frontier Photo & Engraving Clyde Kiltz, of Chambers; Mrs. J. B. Mellor, of Atkinson; Mrs. H. B. Burch, of O’Neill; Mrs. Ed White, of Amelia; Mrs. Walter Puckett, of At kinson; Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, of Page; Mrs. Dale Revell, of Star; Mrs. Robert Martens, of Atkin son; Mrs. Frank Grenier, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman, of Chambers. 'OH SUZANNA' . . . Members of the Happy Homemakers’ club, of Chambers, offered enter tainment during the annual achievement day ac tivities of Holt county home demonstration clubs held here Friday. They entertained with “Oh Suzanna” during the accompaniment of a broken phonograph record. Seated—Mrs. Bernard Hoff man (left foreground) and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson (on tub); standing—Mrs. Bayne Grubb, Mrs. Max Farrier and Mrs. Donald Dankert (center). Ziska - Niebauer Nuptials at Stuart Miss Maxine Marie Ziska, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ziska, of Stuart, became the bride of Freddie H. Niebauer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Niebauer, of Stuart, in a double ring ceremony performed at St. Boniface Catholic church, Mon day morning, October 15, at 9 a.m. The nuptial high mass was read by Rev. A. J. Paschang before an altar decorated with mixed bou quets of fall flowers. The choir of St. Boniface church, accom panied by Sister Vera, furnished the nuptial music. The bride’s gown was fashioned of white satin trimmed with lace. The fitted bodice was buttoned in the back with tiny satin cow ered buttons and had a net yoke outlined with lace. The sleeves were long and came to points at the wrists. The skirt extended into a -yt rd train. Her fingertip veil ot Chantilly lace was held in place by an orange blossom tiara. She car ried a cascade shower of white pom pams centered with a white lavender lipped orchid with white and orchid streamers. A heart shaped rhinestone necklace and matching earrings were the bride’s jewelry. She carried a pearl rosary, gift of the bride groom. The maia-ot-nonor, miss tneen Krysl, cousin of the bride, and the bridesmaid, Mrs. Charles An kney, sister of the bridegroom, wore identical gowns of satin, trimmed with lace in orchid and gold respectively. The gowns were fashioned with full skirts and a net yoke outlined with lace which fell off the shoulder mak ing the top of the sleeves. Each had matching mitts and head dresses. They wore pearls, gifts *f the bride, and carried bouquets of asters and chrysanthemums with orchid and gold satin streamers. The bridegroom wore a blue business suit. Bestman, Charles Ankney, brother-in-law of the bridegroom and William Krysl. cousin of the bride, wore blue business suits with white carna tion boutonnieres. The ushers were Larry Krysl, Eugene Ziska and Alvin Krysl, ‘cousins of the bride. The bride’s another chose a del ta blue crepe dress with match ing accessories and the bride groom’s mother wore a navy blue crepe drees with matching ac cessories. Each wore a corsage of red and white carnations. Immediately following the ceremony a breakfast was served to the bridal party, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ankney in Atkinson by Mrs. Fred Nei bauer and Feme Slaymaker. A 1:30 p.m. dinner was served at the home of the bride’s par ents. The tables were decorated in orchid and gold, the bride’s table was centered with a 3-tier wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Maxine Hytrek, Margaret Nozis ka and Edith Ziska served the dinner. Mrs. Neibauer is a graduate of St. Joseph’s high school in At kinson with the class of 1950. Mr. Neibauer attended high school in Atkinson and served in the army with the Second brig ade in the Pacific area for 2 years. Sinae his release from service, he has been engaged in ranching and farming with his father. The couple entertained their friends and relatives at a wed ding dance that evening at the Crystal ballroom in Atkinson. Atfer a short honeymoon trip the newlyweds will be at home on a ranch south of Stuart. Mrs. Frank Froelich Is Hostess— Mrs. Frank Froelich was host ess to the Delta Dek club on Thursday night with a dinner at the M&M cafe. Cards were play ed at the home. Those winning high were Mrs. Henry Lohaus, Mrs. Homer Mul len and Mrs. Mabel McKenna. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley went to Tilden on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Parks. Mrs. Her ley and Mrs. Parks are sisters. Fred Heermann returned Tues day from a hunting trip to Ten Sleep, Wyo. He reports good hunting and brought back a buck deer. Mrs. Naomi Pierson and chil dr n, James and Jane, of Neligh, i .vcre guests of Mrs. J. C. Harnish and Ruth on Sunday. Miss Lois Harder came nome Friday on the 9:30 p.m. bus from j Hastings where she attends chool. She returned to school on. Sunday, October 21. Lowell Grady and John Simms, of Fremont, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Guth rniller on Friday, October 19, r>nd also did some hunting while they were in the vicinity. They returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green spent Sunday in Creighton with Mrs. Green’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neyens. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilg went to Atkinson Sunday to vis it Mr. Gilg’s mother, Mrs. Mary Gilg. Miss Marilyn Fritton, who at tends St. Catherine’s school ol nursing in Omaha, arrived homt on Thursday, October 18, tc spend a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton She returned to her studies or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cantlon were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson. Miss Hazel McDonald, of Los Angeles, Calif., spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Widtfeldt. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. R. Orth, of Lin coln, will arrive today (Thurs day) to visit Mrs. Orth’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson. They will leave Saturday for their new home in Rapid City, S.D., where they are (moving. Mr. Orth is a chemist and will be the head of a chemical laboratory in Rapid City. Mrs. Charles Richardson, sr., of Ainsworth, spent Friday at the home of her daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Munsell and family, of Wayne, arrived Satur day and moved into the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cantlon. Mr. Mun sell is the new manager of the Gamble store. The (Munsells have 2 sons, Jay B., 12, and Donny, 3Mn Miss Hazel McDonald who ar rived from Los Angeles Calif., on Sunday, October 14, left for her home Monday, after visiting friends and relatives. Mr. ana Mrs. riarry uewoue and son, James, of Gordon, were guests of their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jasz kowiak on Sunday. From here they went to Omaha but will stop again at ,the Jaszbowiak home on their return trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek are going to Columbus Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hile and to get their daughter, who has been visiting her grandpar ents for the last 2 weeks. Pinochle Club Meets— The Pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowry cn Sunday, October 21. Mr. and Mrs. Robt'rt Schulz received high: Mrs. Florence Schultz and Frank Grenier, low, and Mrs Robert Cook, traveling. j Clift Jewelry RONSON LIGHTER REPAIRS Watch & Jewelry Repairing HAMILTON — GRUEN — BULOVA WATCHES Diamonds & Jewelry 315 E. Douglas With Grim Ins. Agency — O'NEILL — ) Kramer - Stracke Nuptials Read STUART—Miss Betty Kramer, daughter of iMr. and Mrs. John Kraimer became the bride of Al fred E. Stracke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stracke on Tuesday, October 16, at 9 a.m. in St. Boni face Catholic church. Rev. A. J. Paschang performed the double-ring ceremony before an altar decorated with mums and potted plants. St. Boniface choir sang the nuptial music, ac companied by Sister Vera. Lar ry Kramer and Delray Stracke served the mass. The bride appeared in an ice blue gown of lace over satin. The fitted bodice was buttoned in the back with tiny lace-cover ed buttons and was fashioned with a net yoke, the lace sleeves were long and came to points at the wrists. The skirt was full and the lace fell into an aisle wide train. She wore an ice blue finger tip veil of imparted illusion, held in place by a pearl trimmed bonnet effect tiara. The bride wore a double strand of pearls and matching earrings, a gift of the bridegroom and carried an arm bouquet of red roses with white streamers, also a white prayer book and ros ary. She carried out the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed and some thing blue and a penny in her shoe. Miss Margaret ivramei, sisici of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She wore a shrbmp colored for mal of net over taffeta with a satin jacket and matching net headband and mitts. She car ried a colonial bouquet of white carnations with streamers to match her gown. She wore a triple strand pearl choker, a gift of the bride, also pearl ear rings. Jean Cobb, cousin of the bride groom, and Mrs. John Kramer, jr., sister-in-law of the bride, were bridesmaids. Miss Cobb wore a gold colored formal and Mrs. Kramer a green, colored formal fashioned identical to that of the maid of honor. They also carried colonial bouquets of white carnations and matching streamers. Both wore (matched net headbands and mitts also triple strand pearl chokers, gifts of the bride and pearl earrings. Marilyn Goeble, niece of the bridegroom, and Peggy Kramer, neice of the bride, were flower girls. They wore identical gowns of blue taffeta, white net formed the yoke and sleeves and also an / overskirt over the taffeta. Both wore white net headbands and mitts and a single strand af pearls. They carried colonial bouquets of pink carnations with white streamers. Jim Batenhorst, friend of the bridegroom, was bestman. Other attendants were Paul and Johnny Kramer, brothers of the bride. The groom and his attendants all wore light brown suits and white carnation boutonnieres. Tony Lee Hoffman, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Dressed in white trousers and a rust colored corduroy jacket with a white carnation bouton niere, he carried the rings on a white heart shaped pillow. Ronald Borg, of O’Neill, cousin of the bride, and Harvey Stein hauser, friend of the bridegroom, were ushers. Both of the mothers wore black dresses with corsages of red roses and white carnations. Im O.S. ROYAL Show Blowout Prevention FOR ALL CARS! FOR ALL TIRES! Safety Demonstration! never possi ble before I See the new U. S. ROYAL Nylon mir acle-the LIFE-TUBE—the only ] innertube that prevents blowouts! See safety demonstrations never possible before—tests only LIFE ; TUBES can stand! See the new Nylon construction that bridges the blowout possibility! See the tube that chokes punctures with the only Nylon hug and seal! See the big U. S. Royal Show—today! No cost! No obligation! This is your opportunity— your protection! ' Many Unforgettable Thing* to See and Know at our Jr BIG U.S. ROYAL SHOW 8 ^ —Now going on/ ^ MIDWEST MOTOR GO. Chevrolet - Oldtmobile - Cadillac O’Neill Phone 100 mediately following the ceremony a 3-course breakfast was served to the bridal party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hoffman. At 12:30 p.m. a 3-course dinner was served to about 60 guests at the Stuart auditorium. The bride’s table was centered with a 3tier wedding cake baked by Mrs. Robt. Batenhorst. It was top ped with a miniature bride and bridegroom, blue and white can dles on each side of the cake. Bouquets of mums decorated all the tables. Table waitresses were the Misses Elaine Bremmer, Elieen Prange, Delores Hamik, Joan Burhans, Maureen Batenhorst and Marvel Jean Johnson. Mrs. Stracke has been at home since finishing school and Mr. Stracke graduated from Stuart high school with the class of 1949. Since then he has been engaged in farming with his father. The young couple left for a 3 weeks honeymoon trip in Florida and points in the South. They will then live on a farm 2 miles northwest of Stuart. The day also marked the wed ding anniversary of the birde’s parents, who were married at the same church 34 years ago. Their bridesmaid, Mrs. Herman Brem mer, of Boise, Oda., was also pres ent for the Kramer-Stracke wed ding. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bremmer and Elaine, of Boise, Ida., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stracke, of Her j rick, S.D. TO OMAHA HOSPITAL A Jameson man, Roy Seymour, was driving through O’Neill Fri day enroute to Omaha. He be came ill, consulted O’Neill doc tors, and was then rushed to Omaha by ambulance. His condi tion in St. Joseph's hospital, Om aha, is fair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ehrhardt, of McLean, Kans., were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie. (First pub. October 18, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PETITION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST FUNDS AND DATE OF HEARING THEREON. ESTATE NO. 3770 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of S. A. SULENTIC, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Consumers Public Power District has filed a petition herein, alleg ing that at the time of his death, the said S. A. Sulentic ' had on deposit in the O’Neill National Bank in his name trust funds belonging to said petitioner and totalling $5,500.00. Petitioner prays that $5,500.00 of the moneys in the O’Neill Na tional Bank in one of the ac counts of said deceased be found to be trust funds belonging to pe titioner, and not assets of deceas ed’s estate, and that the same be paid to petitioner, and said Bank and said Administrator relieved of all liability therefor. Said petition will come on to be heard before this Court in the County Court Room in the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 7 day of November, A.D., 1951, at ten o’clock A. M., at which time all interested parties will be heard. LOUIS W. REIMER, COUNTY JUDGE 24-26c