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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL ^ (Neligh) 'Rev. Wm. H. Cowger. pastor Prayer October 14. 9 a.m., 21st Sunday after Trinity. Sermon topic: “Time and Life.” Teacher’s training conference, Columbus, 4:30 p.m., October 14. Theme: “Teaching Creatively.” Women’s auxiliary fall meeting. Holy Trinity church, Schuyler, Friday, October 26, 10 a.m., led by Mrs. Eleanor Williams, dio cesan president. Mrs. Everett Angle will talk on “Christian Social Relations;” Miss Nancjr Stimson on “Brownell Hall; and Miss Jessie Hunter on "Unit ed Thank Offering.” All ladies are urged to attend. Rt. Rev. Howard R. Brinker. bishop of the diocese of Nebras ka (Episcopal), will make his annual visitation to St Peter s Sunday, October 28, at 5 p.m. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Friday, October 12: Church night in the home of Anson Clos son, 8 p.m. Games, etc., for every one, also a devotional service be fore lunch. Sunday, October 14: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship. 11 a.m.; young people’s service, 7:30 p.m.; evangelistic service, 8 p.m. October 17, 8 p.m.; Mrs. Norva Crosby, recently returned mis sionary to Comombia, South Am erica, will be touring the Ne braska conference and will be with us on the above date. She will have colored slides of real interest of the field. You are invited to our services. I ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1. Have you turned to God in help. _ , your hour of need? He is your Sunday services at the regular hour. Sunday - school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; CA service, 7:30 p.m., and evangelistic service. 8 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, 8 p.m., on Wednesday. Story hour for all boys and girls on Friday after school. Today (Thursday) is the fellow ship meeting at Ainsworth. We invite you to attend any service. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach. pastor Prayer meeting each Wednes day. 8 p.m. October 14; Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday - school, 11 a.m.; young people’s service, 7:30 p.m.: Bible study. 8 p.m. The Lord hath done great things for us where of we are glad. You are invited to join us at any time. METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school 10 a.m., classes for all ages. Worship service 11 a.m. sermon, special music. M.Y.F. group, 7:30 p.m. The M.Y.F. group went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Back haus for a (meeting and party Sunday evening. The M.Y.F. group held a party Thursday evening after choir practice. _ I I GILUGAN’S REXALL STORE % Phone 87 Douglas St. ... . DOWN MEMORY LANE . . . Products of Holt county in yesteryears were accumulated at a railway station platform and shipped in a spe cial car to the Nebraska state fair. Prize exam —The Frontier Engraving pies of farm and garden produce are pictured (a bove) being loaded. (Note height of corn stalks in background compared to height of men.)—Photo from Joel Parker collection, taken in 1890. The choir practice will be Thursday at 7 p.m. The Bible study will be held at the church Wednesday at 2:30. The junior choir and Fellow ship meeting will be held Wed nesday at 7 p.m. The W.S.C.S. will meet Thurs day afternoon at the church. Next Sunday, October 1, will be the beginning of our spiritual life mission. Rev. A. L. Wright will preach every night next week. Plan now to attend. Your minister will be preach ing in the Plainview church every night this week. Sunday, October 21, we will have a congregational dinner in the basement after the morning service. Plan now to attend. We invite you to our services. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. The results of meeting of the WSCS visitation program will be held at the next regular meeting Thursday, October 18, at the church. If you are a member of the church or of the Women’s society you are expected to be present and any others who are interested are cordially invited. METHODIST (Inman) Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11:15 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship Sunday evening, 7:30 o’clock. The commission on lay activi ties will not meet on Thursday as scheduled. The chairman and the pastor are away this week. The dinner and community sale brought in over $1,600 for the church building fund. The exact amount will be given later. Reverend Chappell is at Creighton helping the Methodist pastor, Reverend Beebe, in the spiritual life mission. October 14-19 a spiritual life mission will be conducted at Ew ing. Inman Methodists are urged to participate in this fall revival meeting. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Services 10 a.m. every Sunday. Sermon for Sunday, October ,14: “The Church on Fire,” Acts 2. Today (Thursday), story time, 4 p.m.; youth fellowship, 7 p.m.; faith and life, 7:15 p.m.; choir rehearsal, 8:15 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, October 14: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., promotion of classes, Roy M. Sauers, superin tendent. Worship service, 11 a.m., an them by the choir, sermon by the pastor. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing, RFD) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, October 14: Worship service, 9:30 a.m. Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Stanley Lambert, su perintendent. Chambers Juniors Working on Play i CHAMBER — The Chambers high school juniors have selected their class play and work has be gun. No dates have been set for presentation, but it will be shown in November. — Other Chambers News Winona Rebekah lodge will be hostesses to the Atkinson | lodge on Friday, evening, October 12. All members are urged to at- j tend, officials said. The WSCS met on Thursday, October 4, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd deed, witlh 18 present. The president, Mrs. Chas. Grimes, opened the 'meeting and conduct ed the business session. Mrs. Keith Sexton led the devotional service and Mrs. Tom Hutton presented the lesson. Refresh ments were served by the host ess. The next meeting will be on October 18, at the church. This will be the visitation results meet ing. Mrs. John Kellar 'moved last week into the house which she purchased from Leo Adams. Her son, Everet Cook, daughter, Mrs. Howard Jenkins and daughter Mrs. Lynn Hanna and Mr. Hanna, who had been assisting her, left Saturday for their homes in Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter of Greybull, Wyo., and son Bobbie, were supper guests on Friday and Sunday evenings at the Chet Fees, jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wintermote and Mr. and Mrs. Guais Winter mote returned Tuesday, October 2, from Ottumwa, la., where they had spent a week visiting rela tives. Mrs. Hayes White, formerly Marilyn Medcalf, left Friday for California, from where she will embark for Hawaii to join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, of Chambers, and Mr. and (Mrs. Ed Urban, of Ewing, returned Wednesday, October 3, from Park Rapids, Minn., where they spent 10 days fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck and Katheryn, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Harkins, of Ewing, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Deirking left Tuesday, October 9, for St. Louis, and other places in Missouri, for a 2-weeks visit with his father and brother and other relatives. We can still deliver a Hudson at the old price! * You save because we anticipated factory price increases and bought in advance! Right now yon can choose from Hudson’s four custom series priced in four popular brackets, and avoid the current round of price increases already started by many makers. Every new Hudson has a sturdy high compression engine—and "step-down” design, with the lowest center of gravity in American motoring for the steadiest, safest ride ever known. Here’s your chance to make a sound investment. See us without delay! » The Hudson Hornet is a ten-time winner In 1951 National Stock Car Races—the new y " ■ favorite with men who know motor cars .1 .mi . ... ______ - - — __ _ best. In a recent major race, one fourth of Own the finest Hudson ever built ■ ■ ■ ■ B ■ all drivers selected Hudson Hornets, and FOR AS LITTLE AS BM H ■ ■ B M B W%M these great cars took four of the first $50 to $90 a month nui/^wii Ijgggn 1 MOST DURABLE CAR YOUR MONEY CAN BUY | Standard trim end other mtcUoallota and am—nrtoa era aubjeet to ebaa«o without aotka GONDERINGER MOTOR CO. ATKINSON, NEBR. '-11 1 .. '■ ■ SECTION 2 - PAGES 9 TO 12 THE FRONTIER, O'Neill, Nebr., Thun., Oci. 11, 1951.—PAGE 9. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith were i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. Fred Ermer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown and | children and Mrs. H- C. Walter ! plan to go to Spencer, Wednesday, ! October 10, where Mr. Brown and Mrs. Walter attended a Sunday school association meeting. Mrs. Brown visited her parents. Mrs. Ina Turner and daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rolte, of Oshkosh, came Sunday for a short visit with the former’s son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Larson and family moved recently to a ranch a few miles north of Bur well. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell and daughter visited Sunday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rice at North Loup and her mother, Mrs. Hattie Richard son, at Ord Members of Winona Rebekah lodge went to O’Neill, Friday eve ning, October 5, where they were guests of the Eden Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Harve Lee, of Seattle, Wash., who has been visiting friends at Chambers the past 2 weeks, left Saturday to visit rela tives in other parts of the state be fore returning to her home at Se attle. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shuvlik en tertained the folowing guests to dinner Sunday evening, October 7: Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Bartak, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pavles, of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Loeske and Robert, of Chambers. Chambers Loses to Spencer, 14-2G— CHAMBERS — The Chambers Coyotes, 6-man prep football team, Friday went down, 14-26, against the Spencer high club. The game was played as Spen cer. O'NEILL LOCALS P. E. Murray, of Boston, Mass., arrived today (Thursday) to vis it Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morgan and other relatives. He plans to go to Atkinson to visit the Morgan families while he in in the state. Mr. and Mrs. V. DeBacker, of Kansas City, Mo., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. De Backer. Mr. and Mrs. A L. Everhart, of Sitka, Alaska, were Wednes day evening, October 3. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dumpert motored to Atkinson on Sunday evening. E. E. Gaskill and son, Richard, visited friends in Atkinson on Sunday. Mrs. Martha Soukup. of Lead, S.D., Mrs. Clyde Streeter and Miss Patricia McKenzie returned from Lincoln Sunday, where they attended the wedding of Miss Magdalen Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, of Page, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Van Wey and family, of Elgin, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Oct. 14 Muaic by WNAX Bohemian Band PETERSEN’S CLOTHING (Formerly Saunto’s) High Quality, Guaranteed Merchandise P**UhU ... the New WEATHERWINNER c k. A made to meet and beat all testSj of weather wear i JSk /*> Shirred lUuth guaran t a a t comfort in ac>l ttra iporti 1 Baa • iliil jt\ »oc»it« (ha 4/ > . 3 Banning tatla JOai. wool oailtad liaina y; ( NYLON BLENDED GABARDINE FOR wntUS EXTRA WEAR £.r - «•» -NOT A SNAG IN A MILLION- p ZIPS WITH "E-Z" Z/P TAB PATENTED Patented' The Weathercrest Storm Coat for cold weather comfort. Lined with 10-oz. 100% wool super satin quilting. Three piece detachable belt, Genuine mouton collar with storm tab. Also ; iiul. i available without mouton collar. ITT! lywovVn Uan« COLORS: Sizes 36-44 21.95 and Up We Also Feature OTHER TOP BRAND NAMES • PENDLETON & ARROW SHIRTS • STETSON & PORTIS HATS • ALAN-WESTERN SUITS • JUSTINE & HYERS BOOTS PETERSEN’S CLOTHING .... O’Neill