FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS HTPKE—Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke, of Stuart, a son, born Sunday. October 7, at the Stuart Community hospital in Stuart. This is the Hipkes’ 4th son. M*MANUS—Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward McManus, of O'Neill, a son, Terry, born Monday, October 8, et Our Ladv of Lourdes hospital t Norfolk. The couple now has 2 sons and a daughter. Mrs. Mc Manus is the former Maxine Res-1 eel. KIPPLF.—Mr. and Mrs. Dur ven Kipple, of O’Neill, a son, weighing 8Vfe pounds, born Friday morning, October 5, in Lutheran; hospital, Norfolk. LUBEN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luben, of Wisner, a daughter.1 Lorena Maureen, weighing 8V* j pounds, born Monday, October 8, at the O'Neill hospital. BERGSTROM— Mr. and. Mis. Lester Bergstrom, of Ewing, a daughter, Mary Teresa, weighing 8 pounds, bom Wednesday, Oc tober 10. at the O’Neill hospital. NISSEN— Mr and Mrs. Dale Nissen, of O’Neill, a daughter, Margaret Mary, bom Friday. Oc tober 5. at the O’Neill hospital. ; NELSON—(Mr. and Mrs. Dale | ' Nelson, of Denver, Colo., a daugh ter, born Saturday, September 29. Mrs. Nelson is the former Sylvia Ziska, daughter of Mr. and M Chas. Ziska of Atkinson. < CADWALLADER — Mr. and I Mrs. Glen Cadwallader, of Stu art. a son. David Glen, weighing < pounds 11 ounces, born Mon day. October 8, at the Stuarl Community hospital. Mrs. Cad wallader is the former Anna Ma rie Weichman, of Stuart. HOUSE — Mr and Mrs. A. C. House, of Concord, Calif., triplets, 2 sons and 1 daughter, born Fri day, October 5, 10:30 p.m„ at Concord. Mrs. House is a sistei of Mrs. Mark Hendricks, of Ce lia; a granddaughter of Mrs. J. R. Jarvis, of Atkinson. She visited Holt county last summer and at tended the Peabody family re union in Atkinson. This is the second set of triplets in the Jar vis family. The triple birth in creases the number of children in the House famliy from 7 to 10. M’KATHNIE — Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie, of Celia, a son, Darrel Lee, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Friday morning. October 5, in the Stuart Community hospital. Mrs. Mc Kathnie is the former Marjorie Rouse, of Inman. This is the cou ple’s first child. OBERLE—Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Oberle, of Butte, a son. Nich olas Ray, weighing 7Vi pounds, born Sunday, October 7. Sacred Heart Hospital. Lynch. The moth er’s maiden name was Helen Landholm, daughter of Mrs. Verna Kalkowski, of Lynch. The other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oberle. of Dorsey, and Earl Landholm, of Elko, Mev. There are 2 great - grand Darents, Mrs. Mary E. Burt, of I.vnch, and Mrs. James Karel, of D’Neill. BOBD'lER—1 and Mrs. Har dd Bordner, of Van Nuys. Calif., daughter, Karen Faye, on Wed Choose (bis shoe > Wear it for endless hours on foot. It’s comfortably styled ... crafted of supple calf ... made with Air Step’s exclusive Magic Sole feature. And it’s priced at just ‘ T . ■ IN BROWN and BLACK CALF Sin CHAST WIDTH 1 * 4 y, S > * VW v* • '*. * '1 10 * II JUUU « » « » » » « < « » L AAA »»>>>»»»«» X X X “ AA X X X X X X X X X X X X X lT , *a »»> « «»»»»>«»« »»* / shoe with the "c '-i~»-~rrTY-r«~rrr«~«~k-»~r new Magic Sole —JLJ^LJLJLiLLJLJLLJLJLJLJLJL SBORNE’C Tka Familu SkoaStora Im# O’NEILL FOR SALE M. C. HULL Acreage AT PRIVATE TREATY • A nice acreage at the east edge of Atkinson, being the 3rd house east of the Ries Service Station. • Ten fertile acres, 8 acres in good corn. 2 acres pasture and lots. All good black land capable of producing good crops. • Plenty of improvements, consisting of 5 - room stucco house, newly shingled, and surrounded by nice elm trees. Pump house 8x10; wood house 8x12; brooder house 8x12; poultry house 13x20, with scratch pen attached: granary 12x14; barn 14x24. with 10x24 lean-to and in good condition. Woven wire fencing. Hog house for 4 sows. • Electricity. Good well capable of irrigating a good gar* den. * • • Possession in 30 days except crop land. If Interested in a Good Acreage SEE WELLER-ADAMS CO. Atkinson, Nebr. ERNIE WELLER and LEO ADAMS, Brokers nesday, Sept. 26. Mrs. Bordner is the iormer Lois Birmingham, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. C. ■ Birmingham, of Wisner. The Bir minghams are former residents of Atkinson. PFEIFFER—Dr. and Mrs. Pfeif ! fer, of Mattoon, 111., a daughter, | Susan Katheryn, born August 20. Mrs. Pfeiffer is the former Mary A. J. Kubitscheck, of Atkinson. SICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Grenier visited on Sunday with their son, Vern, jr., at the | University hospital, Omaha. They report his condition as “improv ing.” . . Lloyd Gallagher left on Saturday for Rochester, Minn., where he will consult doctors. . . P. C. Donohoe, who had a siege of influenza about 2 weeks ago, had a relapse and is recuperating at the home of his niece. Mrs. H. J. Lohaus. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Dobrovolny and his father, Frank Dobrovolny. of Atkinson, returned Friday evening from Rochester. Minn., where Mr. Dobrovolny consulted doctors. . . . Rev. and Mrs, V. R. Bell went to Kearney on Wednesday, Octobe'r 3, to see their 9-year-oid grandson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell,’ who has been in a hospital since August. He is “getting along nicely.” . . Wil liam Egger’s condition is “good” at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. Han nah Donohoe is reported “good” ; at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. P. B. Harty re turned Saturday from St. Vin cent's hospital, Sioux City, where recently she submitted to major surgery. She was accompanied by Miss Genevieve Biglin, R.N., who had been helping care for her. Thomas Harty, Creighton univer- i sity student, Omaha, drove her: home. . . John Davidson, O’Neill business man, was stricken with a severe asthma attack over the i weekend. He was taken Sunday ! to the O'Neill hospital where he was placed under oxygen. His condition for a time was “crit ical.” ATKINSON—Theo. Kubart was taken to Norfolk Friday where ne entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital for treatment. , . Mrs. Robert Keating was taken to Omaha by ambulance on Tues day, October 3, where she is a patient at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. Keating is in Omaha with ; her. . . Harry Pelcer returned ! home from the Mary Lanning hospital, Hastings, Friday where he had been the past 10 days for eye surgery. . . Harley Everetts drove to Grand Island Saturday to bring home his brother, Rus sell Everetts, who had been a pa tient at the Veterans hospital. His condition is "unchanged.” . . . George Weller has been confined to his bed since Tuesday. October 2, when a horse fell with him, breaking several ribs. . . L T Genung is “quite ill” at his home following a stroke. LYNCH — Larry Kaikowski sprained his right ankle during the first 3 minutes of the foot- i ball game Friday at Lynch in the I game with the Butte high school. . . . Fred Spencer cut half his I right thumb off in a mower acci- i dent this week. . . Delbert Hood, of Butte, suffered a broken bone in his lower left leg Friday in the third quarter of the football game at Lynch. Doctors reduced the fracture before he returned to his home. . . Mrs. George Mul hair was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital Saturday evening following a severe heart attack. f HAMBERS — Joe Daas and Tom Salem returned Sunday from Rochester. Minn., where Mr Salom had received medical care. They had spent about 3 weeks there. . . Tim Reed returned Sat urday, October 6, from the Vet erans hospital, Omaha, where he had been a patient for about 6 weeks. EWING— Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr., has spent much of the past week at Norfolk helping care for her grandson, Robley Sisson, who is a patient at Our Lady of Lour des hospital. His condition is “much improved.” INMAN — Glenn Sprague, of Inman, is “satisfactory” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. (First pub. Oct. 11, 1951) Julius D. Cronin, Att’y NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3781 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 9th, 1951. In the Matter of the Estate of John Kellar, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in ! said Court for the appointment | of Orville L. Kellar as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard November 1st, 1951, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebras ka. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 23-25c STATEMENT of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., required by the Acts of Congress of August 24, 1912. and March 3, 1933, of The Fronter. published weekly at O' Neill, Nebraska, for October 1, 1951. State of Nebraska ) County of Holt ) ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county a f o r e s a i d, personally appeared i Carroll W. Stewart, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and savs that he is the publisher of The Frontier and that the following is, to the best of knowledge and belief, a true statement of the owner ship and management of the a foresaid publication for the date shown in the above captions, re quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3. 1933, to-wit: !• That names and addresses of the publisher, edn^r, manag ing editor and business manag ers are: Carroll W. Stewart. O’ Neill. Nebraska. 2. That the owners are Csr-: roll W. Stewart and Margaret O. Stewart. 3. That the known bondhold ers. mortgages and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities are: Bank of Harting- { ton. Hartington. Nebr. That the average number of; copies of each issue of this publi- 1 cation sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise to paid subscribers during the twelve months preceding the date shown is 2,031. CARROLL W. STEWART. ' WKkf r" - Pviblisher.. . Sworn to and subscribed before me this^ 9th day of October. 1951. (SEAL) J. B. GRADY, Notary. (My commission expires 7-14 1956.) Try Our SOFT FROZEN CREAM CONES 5c & 10c DISHES_ 10c & 15c SUNDAES ___20c Try Our VANILLA ICE CREAM V* GAL. OAf Bulk Only _ Rich Creamy MALTED MILKS.... 20c I Delicious BANANA SPLITS.... 25c I FREE DELIVERY JUST CALL: NO. 56 — For Super Market OR No. 78 — For Union Store And your groceries will be deliv ered at no extra cost. Deliveries go out at 10:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. PORK 2 Lbs. NECK BONES WICKLOW SLICED BACON U> 39c PORK LIVER U».25 c PORK 1-Lb. Roll SAUSAGE 39c ACORN— SQUASH lb. 6c HOME GROWN — PUMPKIN Lb 5c SNOWHITE — CAULIFLOWER lb. 17c GRAPES 2 Lbs. . 19c f PI IRTIQQ MARSHMALLOWS 2 10-0z. Pkgs. 33c __fo'flflWHi a H - HO CRACKERS Lb. Box.29c _ * 4; SHINfl - DISH Lge. Pkg.29c we have . . OUR YEARLY RENTAL: Small box $7.50, I’ liOCKGFS TO Rpnf Medium Size Box $10.00; Large Box $12.50 I __We ^re Equipped to Do Your Processing | „ NUTREMA POULTRY - HOG - CATTLE FEEDS £„"2 ssr~ i Bring your laying flock into production ear ly by feeding Nutrena’s New Egg Feed with I “Livium.” Ask about Nutrena’s New Special Guarantee on This Feed •-- -- ------ .'*1^%' “SWEET LASSY” Molasses Feeds for Cattle — Pellet Form "W’* ai\-^ea^ ' ^ iibes, I ankage, Meat Scraps, Bone Meal, Bran, Shorts, Cudahy Miner al , \ is \ ita for Poultry, Hogs & Cattle, Linseed meal - Pellets, Buttermilk, Stock Gro, Rock & Block Salt I FREE CULLING SERVICE OUR HATCHERY MAN WILL BE GLAD TO GO OVER YOUR FLOCK AT NO COST TO YOU. L JUST CALL PHONE 173 i~ " SHELHAMER GROCERY p A /» PRODUCE PHONES p PHONE O’NEILL Prices Efeciive Thurs.. FrL, Sal.. Oct. 11-13-13 WE MAKE COUNTRY f PICKUP ON j POULTRY j AT ANY TIME 1 Just Call Us ||