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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
Board Proceedings (Continued from page 6) Louis W. Kenner, expense claim & postage-3.75 Claresse Sullivan, Sept. salary_175.00 Leo S. Tomjack, phone & postage__—. 19.62 John J. Underwood, jan itor salary_54.04 Opal E. Bosn, Sept, salary 150.00 Alice L. French, Sept, sal ary - 300.00 Alice L. French, mileage_ 28.62 William W. Griffin, pos tage -10.00 John Grutsch, mileage _ 6.00 J. Ed Hrncock, postage & box rent _ 2.25 Esther Harris, postage & box rent_ 7.25 Ruth Hoffman, postage & box rent _ 7.00 DeLoris M. Lowery, Sept. salary _ 183.33 Marilyn Mattern, Sept, sal ary _125.00 Ira H. Moss, court costs — 73.50 James Mullen, Sept, salary 150.00 Nora A. Mullen, Sept, sal ary _135.00 Mabel McKenna, Sept sal ary _125.00 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage — 129.90 Charles Richter, janitor salary_ 200.00 Leo S. Tomjack, Sept, sal ary _ 200.00 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner fees_ 51.25 Wm. F. Wefso, Sept, salary 225.00 Motion was made by Borg, sec onded by Batenhorst that the fol lowing claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Drivers License Fund in pay ment of same. J. Ed Hancock, post for Dr. licenses-- 23.00 Mrs. Mildred Hancock, fil ing drivers licenses - 75.00 Ak number of persons were in conrerring with the Board on dif ferent road problems. Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Sterns that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road fund in payment of same. * Melvin Andrus, hauling gravel __-. 22.50 Gene Batenhorst, work on road ____— 1^8.50 John Bonenberger, hauling gravel_ 22.50 Ed Brandt, tractor oper MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES # TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill i Nebraska _—-1 | a ter_ 252.00 Fritz Brandt, hauling gravel_22.50 Kenneth Cadwallader, hauling gravel--22.50 Maurice Cavanaugh, cat operator _ 228.00 Continental Oil Co., diesel fuel_ 156.00 Ivan Couch, hauling clay _ 237.00 Crabbs Service Station, gasoline —-- 76.81 Frank Cronk, road over seeing -65.00 Dankert Service, gas & oil 86.40 Frank Dvorak, hauling gravel-*22 50 Chet Fees, garage work-89.07 Fehrs Tractor & Equip., rental, Allis-Chalmere — 120.00 Harley Hardware, hard ware & supplies-112.38 Highway Equip. & .Sup., bolt filters - 14.64 Inter-State Oil Co., clear lube_ 16.80 R. O. Jarvis, gasoline — 36.52 C. W. Kirkland, road work _ 246.75 Ernie Kloppenberg, haul ing clay_187.50 Knievel’s Store, kerosene. 11.04 Wm. Krotter Co., barrel pump 4.95 Ernest LeiD, driving truck 6.75 Midwest Motor Co., labor & repairs- 37.58 Municipal Steel Corp., chains_ 125.05 Eli McConnell, road work 57.75 Lyle McKim, parts pur- . chased at sale- 65.00 Nebr. Tractor & Equip., re pairs _ 19.79 Nebr. Tractor & Equip., control unit for bull dozer _ 1023.26 O’Neill Auto Sup., supplies 46.45 Myron Papka, hauling clay 238.50 Pollack Service Station, gas .— 35.78 Robert Richardson, operat ing motor grader - 186.15 Art B. Sanders, operating ca£ ____ 254.oZ E. J. Shane, operating dragline _.—.------— J46.30 E. J. Shane, truck rental 183.(5 Shaw Oil Co., gasoline 25.24 Shelhamer Eqpt. Co., bat tery & repair on tires 233.00 Standard Oil Co., diesel __ 6.50 Ben Weichman, hauling clay_ 94.50 Fehrs Tractor & Equip., wheel assembly..- 405.59 Floyd Osborne, road work 228.90 A. M. Batenhorst, super vising roads _ 45.00 Bergston Oil Co., gasoline 50.34 Axel L. Borg, supervising roads_ 40.00 Fritz Brandt, hauling clay 251.50 Harrison Bridge, gas & oil 22.59 Robert Cadwallader, haul ing gravel_ 22.50 Ed Chudomelka, labor & oil _ 12.75 Continental Oil Co., diesel fuel _ 56.80 Ivan Couch, hauling gravel 22.50 Central Suply Co., blades _ 506.10 D-A Lubricant Co., lubri cant __— 24.85 Frank Dvorak, hauling , clay_251.50 ' Earley Oil Co., gas & oil 145.04 Fehrs Tractor & Equip., power shaft _ 5.41 i Conie Gokie, road wrork_ 3.50 R. F. Griffin, repairs-12.12 Highway Equip. & Sup., machine parts _. 171.06 Daniel J. Hurley, driving truck_ 28.50 Inter-State Oil Co., control fluid_51.88 A. P. Jaszkowiak, supplies 17.84 C. W. Kirkland, pickup rental_ 27.00 Ernie Kloppenberg, haul ing gravel_22.50 Leo Kramer, repairs- 67.03 Ernest Lieb, driving truck. 78.75 Lookers, Inc., punches-1.46 Modern Mach. Works, re pair grader wheel and bolt and rod_-— 49.35 Lvle McKim, road main taining _ 228.00 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt., la bor & repairs- 16.50 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt., la bor and repairs —--- 100.50 Newman Oil Co., gas & oil 173.50 Norton Ace, hauling gra ved __ 22.50 Vincent Osborne, road work _ 1540.00 Mvron Papka, hauling gra vel _ 22.50 Fred Richardson, repairing log chain - 2.00 Henry Reinhiemer, work on county barn- 10.00 Ries Oil Co., gasoline - 63.45 Calvin Seger, road work __ 207.10 E. J. Shane, operating dragline - 14.15 E. J. Shane, truck rental „ 15.75 Shaw Oil Co., gasoline — 101.83 Skrdla Motor Co., gas & oil 70.16 Spittler Bros., dynamite fuse _-— 10 03 R. C. Wadsworth, hauling culverts . 8-°° C. E. Wintermote, black smithing —.-—- ,18“° Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Borg that the follow ing claims be allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Melvin Andrus, hauling clay ..——-- 165.00 John Bonenberger, hauling _ 25*»ww Fritz Brandt, hauling clay 157.50 Kenneth Cadwallader, hauling clay .— 166 50 Robert Cadwallader, haul ing clay ..-----.174 00 Frank Dvorak, hauling c]ay _ lOl.OU James Gans, road work 15.00 Floyd Harding, road repair 237.50 Alfred Heying, bridge fil ling ----- 45 00 Edwin Hubbard, work on mail road ... - - 246.00 Ernie Kloppenberg, haul ing clay ... 58 50 Chet McClanahan, m a 11 Q nn road work- — zua.uu Melvin Andrus, hauling clay -- - - 25150 John Bonenberger, hauling clay..— 174.ou Kenneth Cadwallader, hauling clay-1- 201.00 Robert Cadwallader, haul ing clay _ 205.50 -1 REFEREE'S1 0f 945 Acre,s __ of Ranch and * n T T| Farm Land in I | y m Antelope and Iv II M M Holt Counties THE BERTHA RUROEDE PROPERTY} LAND IN HOLT COUNTY TO BE SOLD OCTOBER 15, ANT ELOPE COUNTY PROPERTY TO BE SOLD OCTOBER 16. 720 ACRES IN HOLT COUNTY to be sold at 2 pan. Monday, Oct. 15 al the Courthouse in O'Neill, Nebr. The following legally described property will be offered for sale: The Southeast Quarter of Section 23; the North Half, The Southwest Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 15, all in Township 26, Range 9, Holt County, Nebraska. This land consists of 160 acres of good hay meadow and 560 acres of pasture land. No im provements. Property will be offered for sale as an entire tract and as two separate units. Pasture land is located lVi miles south of Ew ing, on slate highway No. 108, and the meadow land is located 3 Vi miles south of Ewing on | same road. TERMS OF BOTH SALES: 20% on date of sale, and balance on confirmation by the Court. Abstract of title, certified to date of sale, will be furnished. 225-ACRE FARM IN A! OPE COUNTY to be sold at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16 at the west front door of the Courthouse in Neligh. Nebr. The following legally described property will be offered for sale: The Southwest Quarter and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19. Township 27, Range 8. Antelope County, Nebraska. This farm consists of 225 acres of good sandy loam soil: 31 acres of pasture; balance under cultivation with shelterbelts on south side. Southwest Quarter contains 150 acres. South Half of Northwest Quarter contains 75 acres. Improvements consist of: Good 5-room house 48x40 barn, built in 1937 50x20 hog house, cement floor 2 combination corn cribs and granaries, 32x24 and 32x30, cement floors and drive ways Steel grain bin 2 chicken houses This property will be offered as an entire tract and as two separate units. Located 2 miles north and 2 miles east of Ew ing, or 3 miles west and 3 miles south of Or chard. r For Further Particulars, Contact HAROLD RICE RALPH S. KRYGER ATTORNEY REFEREE Neligh, Nebraska Neligh, Nebraska ------ Ivan Couch, hauling cfoy _ 157.50 Rudy Dvorak, cat driver 32.00 B. G. Hanna, maintainor operator 199.50 Gerald Harding, patrol rental _ 298.00 Geo. W. Hitchcock, road work_10.90 Edwin Hubbard, trucking gravel_—- 60.00 Lester Marks, road work 24.20 Ace Norton, hauling clay _ 238.50 Ace Norton, hauling clay 166.50 Bob Philbrick, road work 57.80 T. H. Schoenjohn, 6000 yds. gravel- 300.00 E. J. Shane, operating dragline_ 115.80 Richard Smith, truck ren tal ___ 90.00 Amas Thurlow, helping dry out bridge- 19.50 Myron Papke, hauling clay 174.00 Ora Philbrick, road work .. 152.25 John Seger, road work .... 25.00 Richard Smith, operating motor grader - 252.00 R. D. Stevens, machine op erating _ 262.95 Motion was made by Sterns, seconded by Frickel that the fol lowing Resolution be adopted and that John Grutsch be appointed Civil Defense Director for Holt County. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Sixty-Second session of the Nebraska Legisla ture has enacted into law Leg slative Bill No. 480, known as the “Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 1951”; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of said Act authorizes and directs each county within the State of Ne braska to establish a local or ganization for civil defense, and to do certain other acts in con nection therewith; and, WHEREAS, such action not only is required by law, but that it appears to be in the best in terests of the county and of the citizens thereof to participate in the benefits and responsibilities of said Act; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF HOLT COUNTY: 1. That there is hereby estab lished within said county a local civil defense organization to be operated in conformity with the Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 1951. 2. That reposing great confi dence in his integrity and ability, John Grutsch, is hereby appoint ed director of civil defense for said county, to serve during the pleasure of this board or until a successor is duly appointed. Motion was made by Clark, seconded by Sterns that the fol lowing List of persons be approv ed as Jurors for the 1951 Fall Term:— LIST OF JURORS FALL TERM OF COURT—1951 DISTRICT ONE Rock Falls—Levi Yantzie, O’ Neill, Nebraska: Mrs. Wm. Claussen, O’Neill Nebraska. Pleasant View — Mary Claus sen. Atkinson, Nebraska. Cleveland — Berlin Mitchell, Stuart, Nebraska. Dustin—Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Stuart, Nebraska. Saratoga—Rex Coburn, O’Neill, Nebraska. Coleman—Loyal Hull. O’Neill. Nebraska. Emmet—Mrs. Leon Beckwith, Emmet, Nebraska; Dercy Abart, Emmet, Nebraska. DISTRICT TWO Scott—Frank McDonald, Star, Nebraska. Willowdale—N. A. Lindquist, Star, Nebraska; Wm. Derickson, Star, Nebraska. Steel Creek — Mrs. Hershel Miles, Star, Nebraska; Richard Marston, Walnut, Nebraska. Iowa — Roy Waring, Middle branch, Nebraska. Antelope — LuVern VanCon nett, Page, Nebraska. Paddock — Elmer Devall, O’ Neill, Nebraska; Mrs. S. R. Rob ertson, O’Neill, Nebraska. Shields— James Conway, O’ Neill, Nebraska. DISTRICT THREE O’Neill, First Ward—Ed Mur ray, O’Neill, Nebraska; Mrs. John Protovinsky, O’Neill, Nebraska: Gerald Harding, O’Neill, Nebras ka; Mrs. J. J. Berigan, O’Neill, Nebraska. O’Neill, Second Ward — Mrs. Grace Moss, O'Neill, Nebraska; Wm. E. Gatz, O’Neill, Nebraska; Kathryn McCarthy, O’Neill. Ne br8sk& O’Neill, Third Ward— Emmet Crabb, O’Neill, Nebraska; Fran cis Clark, O’Neill, Nebraska; Stanley Soukup, O'Neill, Nebras ka; Mabel Gatz, O’Neill, Nebras ka. Grattan—Mrs. Luella Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska; Harvey Way man, O’Neill, Nebraska; John Vitt, O’Neill, Nebraska; Mrs. Leo Gokie, O’Neill, Nebraska. DISTRICT FOUR Verdigris — Helen Braddock, Page, Nebraska; Leonard Miller, Page, Nebraska; Mrs. Alfred | Conner, Orchard, Nebraska; R. G. Gray, Page, Nebraska. Ewing—Mrs. John Archer, Ew ing, Nebraska; Waldo Davies. Ew ing, Nebraska; Mrs. E. V. Ruby. Ewing, Nebraska. Deloit—Ew'ald Spann, Ewing, Nebraska. Golden—Mrs. Harry Van Horn, Page, Nebraska; Lionel Gunter. Ewing, Nebraska. DISTRICT FIVE Chambers — Henry Walter. Chambers, Nebraska; Mrs. Chas. Spath, Chambers, Nebraska; Mrs. Alice Turner. Chambers, Ne braska; Thaine Lee Mitchell, Chambers, Nebraska. Inman—Cecil Keyees, Inman, Nebraska; Mrs. Art Tomlinson, Inman, Nebraska. Wyoming—Vem Sageser, Am elia, Nebraska. McClure— Henry Wood, Ew ing, Nebraska. Shamrock—Mrs. Ray Hoffman, Chambers, Nebraska. Lake—Mrs. Ed Pavel, Ewing, Nebraska. Conley—Mrs. Alvin Tangeman, Chambers, Nebraska; Leon Her tel, Chambers, Nebraska. DISTRICT SIX Stuart — Fred Moon, Stuart, Nebraska; Joe Kaup, Stuart, Ne braska; Casper Harley, Stuart, Nebraska; Joy Greenfield, Stu art, Nebraska. Green Valley— Anton Tasler, Stuart, Nebraska; Bill Hoffman, Stuart, Nebraska; Alois Kaup, Stuart, Nebraska. Francis — Frank Dobrovolny, Atkinson, Nebraska. Holt Creek— Ernie Gotschall, Atkinson, Nebraska. Swan—A1 James, Amelia, Ne braska. DISTRICT SEVEN Atkinson, First Ward — Geo. Vinzenz, Atkinson, Nebraska; Art Humpal, Atkinson, Nebras ka. Atkinson, Second Ward—Mrs. Earl Coxbill, Atkinson, Nebras ka; Mrs. Vern Wilbern, Atkin son, Nebraska. Atkinson, Third Ward— Fred Mack, Atkinson, Nebraska; Mrs. Ed Deseive, Atkinson, Nebraska; John Groff, Atkinson, Nebraska. Atkinson Precinct—Earl Col> lins, Atkinson, Nebraska; Eli Me Connell, Atkinson, Nebraska; Ottmar Poessnecker, Atkinson, Nebraska. Sheridan— Frank Stanek, J Amelia, Nebraska; Mrs. CU Gilg, Atkinson, Nebraska. Sand Creek — Mrs. Blanche Pease, Atkinson, Nebraska. Fairview—Elmer Fix, Amelia, Nebraska. On motion the Board adjourn ed until September 26, 1951, at 10:00 A.M. RUTH HOFFMAN County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman Mrs. Lod Janousek accom panied her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckwith, of North Platte, to New Mexico on Sunday. October 7, for a vaca tion. They will visit Mr. Beck with’s mother. DRS, BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasess Fi Broken Lens Replaced 24 Hours Other Repairs While You I Wait Complete X-Ray WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN ATTORNEY First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attorney-at-Law First Natl Bank Bldg. O'Neill i Phono 11 li A DR. J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR O'NeilL Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Ford Garage YOUR BIGGEST VALUE... VyoOR ELECTRIC^ <5^ COLLAR —' *1.01 Today, a* never before, your ELECTRIC dollar is your biggest value! Worth actually a dollar and one cent* today, your ELECTRIC dollar will pur* chase more than its own worth of the greater enjoyment, conven ience, cleanliness and safety that means better living— ELECTRICAL LIVING! • Your electric service, working for you 21 hours a day, day in and day out, is a vital service in today’s modern living. kVital, and yet, unsurpassed in value! In planning your new home or, in mod ernizing your present home, remember the ALL ELECTRIC home is the eco nomical home! "Figures based on the Government's consumer price index