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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1951)
The Frontier Woman — Friend Husband Exasperates Homemaker with Mud, Quick Shirt Changes, Deiays Br BLANCHE SPANN PEASE Along about this time of year, lots of folks have chicken to eat, whether they raised the fries themselves or bought them, for they are more reasonably priced during this season. A stewed chicken is particularly economic al. If you have frying chickens and are getting tired of them just plain fried, why not serve deviled chicken? DEVILED CHICKEN You’ll need the chicken for frying, salt and pepper, hi cup of fat, melted, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 cup hot water or soup stock, \Vz teaspoons mustard, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, 2 teaspoons tomato catsup, and paprika. Cut the chicken up and sea son with salt and pepper and brown in melted fat. Remove from pan. Stir flour into the fat and add hot water or soup stock. Cook until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Add next 4 ingredients to the cooked sauce. Place the chicken in sauce and cover pan and simmer until chicken is tender, about an hour. For a stewing chicken, chicken with rice is simply delicious. You’ll need a 3-pound stewing chicken, or a large one. Cut it into serving portions and cook with 1 small sliced onion. 2 cloves, mashed garlic, 2 bay leaves, and water to cover, also a half teaspoon of salt. Cook un til tender. Brown 1 cup uncook ed rice in 3 tablespoons butter and cook with 1 small onion, minced, 1 clove garlic, mashed, % cup cooked tomatoes, 1 table spoon minced parsley, 1 green pepper, thinly sliced, 2 pimientos, mashed, and 2V4 cups hot chick en stock. Cook this rice mixture until tender. Serve with the chicken. —tfw— Oh! These Exasperating Husbands!— “Another Homemaker” wins jmtl, Tested Medication Works FasJ To STOP ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM ■ PAINS Thousands Relieved Thanks Te Dolcin Thousands and thousand* of men and women — forced to be inactive by crippling pains of arthritis or rheu matism . ., report they are active again . . . enjoying long - lasting relief from pain - thanks to DOLCIN Tbblet*! If you suffer from arthritis, rheuma tism, sciatica or neuritis — don’t delay I Profit by the experience of so many, many others. Tty the DOLCIN way *o fast, comforting, long-lasting relief. You can get DOLCIN-without a pre scription—from any druggist. One hun dred foil-strength tablets only $2.00. Economy size, 200 tablets—$3.50. Giant economy size, 500 tablets—$8.00. DOLCIN* SOU) BY: G1LLIGAN REXALL DRUG Phone 87 Douglas St. <*out j-montns subscription to -day. Hi Blanche: And all of you other busy homemakers. My housecleaning goes so slowly but I hope to get it done pretty soon. I didn’t raise too many chickens, just a few to eat. I don’t have too much time for them as I usually help in the field. I wonder if all married cou ples are like us. For instance: I get so aggravated and liable to put up quite a fuss when hubby tracks mud on my freshly scrubbed and waxed floor. If he puts on a clean shirt a half hour after I've fin ished the washing, that's ex asperating, too! If he says, "You want to go to town with me in half an hour, better be ready." And I am, and then have to wait 45 minutes. When he lost his billfold with $50 in it, I just said, “Oh golly, that’s too bad.’’ I never even re minded him of the 3 pairs of shoes the family needed and a dozen other needs. And hubby, oh, how he can scold if I forget to put the sep arator together, or a meal is 10 minutes late. If the table is set he’ll go listen to the radio or read the paper and not say a word. But when I came home with a dented fender on the car, a badly dented one, he just says, “Gee whiz, that could have been 1 a lot worse!” So I guess each can see when the other feels bad unuugn. I want to add a hint or 2 and a recipe. Cut the ends off of old rubber gloves and put on your dust mop broom and no danger of an ugly mark on the wall, as it won’t slide down a freshly cleaned wall. Run a marble through your curtain ahead of the rod, it helps open the starchy route and rod won't catch so easily. When you make an angel food cake, save the yolks for cookies. I put them in a bowl and slip bowl and all in a food saver bag in the refrigerator. They will keep for several days. When ready to use try these: NINE EGG YOLK COOKIES Nine egg yolks, \Vz cups brown sugar, 1 cup butter. Or other shortening, 2 teaspoons baking powder, Va teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, 4 cups sifted flour, 1 cup raisins, 2 teaspoons lemon or orange extract or grated I lemon or orange rind, 1 cup nuts. Beat egg yolks very light, cream butter and sugar until very fluffy and add yolks and flavoring. Sift dry ingredients and add. Add raisins and nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 to 12 min utes at 350 F. It may need just a little less or more flour, depend ing on the size of the yolks. This makes a large batch. I will close with saying, “Suc cess depends on our backbones, not on our wishbones.” “ANOTHER READER” SANDHILL SAL Frustration: Seeing the woman in the next block in the hat you coveted but felt was too high priced. Satisfaction: Serving a meal on which your relatives compli ment you heartily. “Voice of The Frontier” . . . Men.. Wed., Sat.. WJAG. 9:45 a.m. WHY you’ll like the taste of HKILIMAN’S Old Stgle Cager • Costlier ingredients, including... • Choicest barley, selected by our own experts at the very blush of top flavor... • Expensive imported aad domestic hops...Sparkling pure Wisconsin water. • Unhurried old-world brewing methods... • Far, far longer ageing than customary in this country. • Double fermented, as in making finest champagne. Wo don’t aim to make the most beer; only the best ^ lw»W M>i]r Sr 0. IMImim C. , la Cram. Witcaatla Official Proceeding* of the Holt County Board of Supervisor* O’Neill, Nebrastca August 29, 1951 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present except Sterns. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Borg, seconded by Frickel that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment Re lief Fund in payment of same. Mrs. Sam Banks_10.00 Council Oak Store_ 12.00 Faust Food Market _ 26.54 Heflin Convalescent Home 75.00 Holt County Treasurer_56.55 Peloer & Sence _ 15.00 Thad E. Saunders . 35.00 Thompson Nursing Home 25.00 Union Super Market_ 53.34 J. W. Bennie, M. D. .. 3.64 Farmers Union Store .. 19.46 W. F. Finley, M. D_ 13.00 Holt County Treasurer 133.80 Louis Kliment Sr. _ 20.00 James E. Ramsay, M. D. 5.00 John Seger . 10.00 Union Super Market _ 90.00 Wilson Drug Store .._ 18.20 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska August 29, 1951 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present except Sterns. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Motion by Clerk, seconded by Hubbard that the following claims be allowed and warrants order ed drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. A. M. Batenhorst, August salary- 35.00 Axel L. Borg, August sal ary 15.00 Dr. L. A. Carter, mental hearing & exam._ 10.00 Andy Clark, August sal ary - 52.50 Consumers P. P. Dist., elec tric service_135.87 Julius D. Cronin, mental Bo. of Htl. meeting_5.00 Mrs. Frank Cronk, correct ing tests__ 41.10 I, R. Dickerson, bond pre mium 2.50 Alex Frickel, mileage_ 35.34 Hammond & Stephens Co., books and cards_ 434.76 H. W. Hubbard, August salary_ 225.00 Journal-Star Printing Co., record leaves, 1 binder „ 73.50 T. C. Lord Co., retirement receipt book_2.67 Harry F. Miller, paint and labor 106.50 Moore-Noble Lumber Co., coal 20.06 H .F. Mullen, premium on policy-33.90 NW. Bell Tele Co., county telephone bill_129.26 Omaha School Sup. Co., supplies for Co. Supt. _ 8.50 Charley Richter, special police work_ 5.00 Stephenson School Sup. Co., law books_ 49.39 Albert Sterns, August sal ary _._ 97.50 University Publ. Co., re port cards 20.85 A. M. Batenhorst, August mileage_ 72.10 Alex L. Borg, August mile age _ 78.78 Dr. L. A. Carter, visit at jail _ 3.00 Andy Clark, August mile age . ........ 11.16 Crabbs Service Station, gas and oil_4.13 Frank Cronk, August sal ary 35.00 I Frank Cronk, August mile age _ 68.82 Jas. Davidson & Sons, checking and repairs_ 11.22 Alex Frickel, August sal ary -127.60 J. B. Grady, workmen’s comp, policy_ 739.85 Hillyard Sales Co., gym finish and pads_ 89.70 H. W. Hubbard, mileage_69.86 Klopp Printing Co., pro bate fee record and cover and index 214.78 Howard D. Manson, repair on courthouse . 96.00 Mimeograph Dupl. Co., ink and reams . 7.75 Moore-Noble Lbr. Co., an chors, duplex board and glass _ _ 19.35 Omaha Printing Co., sta ples and pencils_ 36.39 Redfield & Co., legal blanks . 6.36 Louis W. Reimer, court costs . _ 131.74 Servall Towel & Linen Sup., bill 6.50 Stephenson School Sup., books .. 82.50 Albert Sterns, mileage _ 30.96 On motion the Board adjourned until September 25, 1951 at 10:00 A. M. RUTH HOFFMAN County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska September 25, 1951 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met at per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved as read. State Auditor, Ray C. Johnson met with the Board. He brought the report to them of the audit that was made of the various of fices in the courthouse several months ago. Fred Mack appeared before the board regarding the changing of a natural waterway near his residence. He said this change is greatly damaging his property. The Finance Committee report ed that all fees from the various offices for the month of August have been remitted to the Coun ty Treasurer as required by law. Motion was made by Clerk, seconded by Borg that the Holt County Independent and Stuart Advocate publish the Delinquent Tax list for the year. Carried. 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska September 25, 1951 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present Meeting called to order by the chairman. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Borg that the fol lowing Resolution be approved. RESOLUTION Whereas, Edward L. Schneider, guardian of Julia Schneider, in competent, duly appointed by the County Court of Holt County, Ne braska, has filed in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, his petition and application for license to sell the following de scribed real estate belonging to said incompetent, to-wit: An un divided two-twenty-firsts inter est in Lots Two (2) and Three (3) in Block Sixteen (16) of the Orig inal Town of Atkinson, Holt County, Nebraska, for the reason that all of said real estate with the exception of the interest of the incompetent as above set forth is now owned by Mary Hamik, widow of Edward L. Hamik and for the reason that the cash and the personal property belonging to said incom petent, and the income from said real estate, are insufficient to maintain said incompetent, and that it is for the benefit of said incompetent that said interest in real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof be invested for the benefit of the said incompet ent, and, Whereas, the board of super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve, of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best interests of said incompet ent, now, Therefore, be it resolved by the board of supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said in competent and approve the same and deem it necessary. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution shall be centified by the County Clerk of said county to the Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, in writing. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA APPROBATION OF COUNTY BOARD IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) EDWARD L. SCHNEIDER, ) GUARDIAN OF THE ES- ) TATE OF JULIA SCHNEI- ) DER, AN INCOMPETENT, ) FOR LICENSE TO SELL ) REAL ESTATE. ) Introduced by Supervisor Frick el, seconded by Supervisor Borg. Passed and approved this 25th day of September, A. D., 1951. FRANK CRONK Chairman RUTH HOFFMAN County Clerk STATE OF NERASKA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HOLT ) I, Ruth Hoffman, County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that on the 25 th day of September, 1951, at a reg ular session of the board of super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, the foregoing resolution was du'y introduced by Supervisor Frickel, that a motion by Supervisor Frickel, duly seconded by Super visor Borg, that said resolution I be adopted, was duly carried, All supervisors voting in favor there for and None supervisors voting against same, all of which appears from the records and minutes ot said meeting in the office of the County Clerk of said county. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said county, this 25th day of September, 1951. (County Clerk Seal) County Clerk RUTH HOFFMAN (Holt County, Nebraska) Motion was made by Clark, sec onded by Batenhorst that the fol lowing Tax List corrections for erroneous assessments be ap proved. C. L. Sisson, Ewing, taxed in School District No. 29 instead of I School District No. 31. Elizabeth J. Johnson, Ewing, I taxed in School District No. 29 in I stead of District No. 31. Motion carried. A road petition signed by Floyd Whitaker and others was read and considered. They are petitioning to have the road com mencing at the Southeast corner of section 11, Township 26, Range 13 and thence running west one fourth mile established as a pub lic road. Motion was made by Hubbard, seconded by Borg that a hearing be held on this petition on Octo ber 24, 1951, at 1:30 P. M. Mo tion carried. Motion was made by Borg, seconded by Frickel that the fol lowing Salary & Expense claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Vivian Allendorfer, Sept. salary-__—_ 166.66 Glea Bowden, Sept, salary 135 0n Alice L. French, postage & stamps-a 40 William W. Griffin, Sept. salary_ 158 M JohnGrutschSept. salary 216jB J. Ed Hancock, Sept, sal —--...— 241 fif? Esther Harris, Sept, salary 175 00 Ruth Hoffman, Sept, sal ary -—.-- -241 fia Holt Co. Extension Serv- ° ice - 220 S7 Eldora Lowery, 2 weeks ‘ salary _ __ 75 q0 Ira H. Moss, Sept, salary 264 00 Ira H. Moss, court costs __ 53.55 James Mullen, muleage _ tnKn Wilma McClure, Sept, sal t ary -o-i50.00 Louis W. Reimer, Sept, sal ary - 258.33 _(Continued on page 7) DR. GILDERSLEEVE. OJ) OPTOMETRIST Permanent Offleea h» Hagenaick Building Phone 167 O'NEILL NEBR. Examined . Qlaeaee Fitted FINAL OPEN AUCTION, of the LEWIS F. VAUGHN 320-ACRE FARM Saturday, October 20 — 2:00 P.M. af lhe Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebr. We will close the Auction at open bidding of the well improved farm of Mr. Vaughn. If you have not looked this over do this at once—280 acres crop land, 30 acres pasture and lots. To Date Bid Is $30.00 Per Acre j Terms: ,25% down payment on day of sale; 25% pay ment March 1st, 1952. Balance of 50% will be carried back by Mr. Vaughn, time to be agreed upon between buyer and seller. Possession March 1, 1952. If Interested Contact WELLER - ADAMS CO., Atkinson, Nebr. PHONE 5781 ERNIE WELLER. Auct. LEO ADAMS, Mgr. Wllftt “WoiHlcrfa'ul Stoiy' iiu' Price Ta^ Tells * Equipment, accessories and trim illustrated are subject to change without notice. WE’D like you to come in and hear a wonderful story. First of all, it’s the story of a great car—a car whose name is respected and admired every where in America. We are sure that the word "Pontiac” means something distinct and differ ent from any other name in the motor car world. The word Pontiac means a good solid citizen—a thoroughly good car—a beautiful car—a car with a reputation for deliv ering years and years and years of driving pleasure. But there’s another important part of this story you should hear: It’s the wonderful story of Pontiac’s price! For this great car, desirable as it is, is one of the lowest priced automobiles in America—just one step above the very lowest. Come in, get our deal—a won derful story all the way around! L America's Lowest-Priced Straight Bight Lowest-Priced Car with GM Hydra-Malic Drive (Optional st txtrs tot!) Your Choice ol Sliver Streak Engines— Straight Eight or Six | The Most Beautiful Thing on Wheels Cnlsteel Body by Fisher : * 4 I I Hollar for Hollar '1 1% j • you cant beat a | rOll llfl C° WM. KROTTER CO. Wett Dougla*■ _ O’Neill, Nebe. i