The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 11, 1951, Page 5, Image 5
t Delmont-Keller Rite Read at West Point A very pretty wedding was solemnized Friday, October 5, at 2 p.m. by Judge McDonald at West Point, when Miss Ruth Del mont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Delmont, of Beemer, be came the bride of Doyle C. Kel ler, son of Mrs. Mae Pruden, of O’Neill. The bride wore a cocoa tan street dress with black accessor ies and a corsage of white roses and yellow chrysanthemums. She ▼ was attended by Mrs. Leonard Hahle, of West Point. Mrs. Hahl wore a fuschia street dress and black accessories. The bridegroom was attired in a grey-blue gabardine suit. He was attended by Robert Peterson, of Beemer, who was attired in a grey gabardine suit. After the ceremony the couple left for a short trip to visit the bridegroom’s mother in O’Neill. The couple will reside at Bee mer where the bridegroom is em ployed with the Doescher trans fer. » ««• Mrs. Robert Keller and Mrs. , Ray Johnson, jr., of Beemer, and Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick, of O’ Neill, entertained a group of la dies at a kitchen shower in honor of Mrs. Keller at the home of » Mrs. Mae Pruden in O’Neill. A mock wedding was presented. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE H. M. SHEVNAN, widely known expert, of Chicago, will personally be at the Madison Hotel. Norfolk, Wednesday only. October 17, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mr. Shevnan says: The Zoetic Shield is a tremendous improve ment over all former methods, ef fecting immediate results. It will not only hold the rupture per fectly, no matter the size or loca tion but it will increase the cir culation. strengthen the weaken ed parts, and thereby close the opening in ten days on the aver age case, regardless of heavy lift ing. straining or any position the ’ body mav assume. A nationally known scientific method. No un der straps or cumbersome ar rangements and absolutely no medicines or medical treatments. Mr. Shevnan will be glad to demonstrate without charge. 6509 N. Artesian Ave„ Chicago 45 Large incisional hernia or rupture following surgical operation * <sr especially solicited. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served by the hostesses. The bride received many gifts. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Bertha Ruggles, Mrs. Ray Stevens and daughter, Jeanoie, Mrs. Benny Prater, Mrs. Walter Patras, of Clearwater, and Mrs. Delane Jackson, of Orchard. Room Mothers Presented at P-TA Meet— A large group attended the monthly P-TA meeting on Mon day, October 8, at the O’Neill high school. Room mothers were introduced by the president, Dean Jeffries. Program consisted of 2 vocal solos by Joseph George; a trom bone solo by Elizabeth Schaffer, both accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Houser. The Girl Scouts pre sented a skit assisted by Mrs. Harold Lindberg, Mrs. F. M. Brennan and Mrs. Lowell John son. A film was shown by Miss Viola Haynes. The next meet ing, “Go to School Night,” will be held on November 12. I McNulty Home Scene of Pinochle Party— Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty entertained at a pinochle party at their home on Friday night. High scores were won by Artis Miller and Arthur O’Neill, low scores by Lyle Vequist and Genevieve O’ Neill. Door prize went to Artis Miller. Lunch of sandwiches, cake, po tato chips and pickles was served. Jeudi Club in Session— 'Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak was host ess Tuesday evening to Jeudi club. Dinner was served at the Town House followed by cards at her home. Winers were: Mrs. J. B. Grady, Mrs. L. R. Sutcliff and Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock. Suzanne Stewart Is 5-Years-Old— Suzanne Lee Stewart, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart, celebrated her 5th birth day anniversary Saturday at a party for 16 neighborhood chil dren. Mrs. Hammond Hostess— The Chez-a-Mari bridge club met at the home of Mrs. George Hammond on Monday night. The 3 highs were Mrs. O. D. French, Mrs. Woodrow Melena and Mrs. Noel Long. The Frontier for printing. Deanery Meeting Here on Tuesday The O’Neill deanery Council of Catholic Women will hold its fall meeting in O’Neill Tuesday. Oc tober 16, at 2:30 p.m. in the KC hall. The council is expecting vis itors from Emmet, Atkinson. Stu art, Butte. Spencer, Lynch. Ew ing, Clearwater and St. John’s parishes. Mrs. D. E. Mitchell, of Jackson, president of the Omaha archdio cesan council, and Rev. C. J. Kaup, of St. Johns’, moderator for the O’Neill deanery, will pre side. St. Patrick’s Altar society will be hostess. Newly appointed officers of the O’Neill deanery are: Mrs. H. J. Birmingham, of O’Neill, presi dent; Mrs. James Berigan. of At kinson, vice-president; Mrs. Leo Gokie, of O’Neill, secretary, and Mrs. Clarence Shaw, of Ewing, treasurer. Members of St. Patrick’s Altar societv are looking forward to attending a convention of the Omaha archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women on October 22 at Columbus. Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan, of Omaha, will be the main speaker at the all-day meeting. Registration will be from 8 to 9 a.m., and a mass will be said at 9 a.m. at St. Bonaventure’s church with the archbishop as the celebrant. Registration is to continue afterward. “Live with Christ” will be the program theme. Visit Manford Ross, Wife— Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones were Mrs. Sarah Hull, who is Mrs. Jones’s mother, and her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull, of Niobrara. They also were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Man ford Ross. Mr. Ross and Mrs. Sarah Hull are*brother and sis ter. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL NOTES Admissions: October 3—Mrs. Harold Summers, of Middle branch. medical, condition im proved. 4 — Sharon Wagnon. of Emmet, tonsillectomy, condition good. 5—JJeal Groeling, of Venus, medical, condition fair; Mrs. Dale Nissen, of O’Neill. 7—John Da vidson, of O’Neill, medical, con dition improved; Mrs. L. J. Le ander, of Mold, Wash., accident, condition fairly good; L. J. Le ander, of Mold, Wash., accident, condition fairly good. 8— Mrs. Don Luben, of Wisner; George Colman, of Inman, medical, con dition fair. 10—Mrs. Lester Berg strom, of Ewing. Dismissals: October 3 — Mrs. Martin Walter and son, of O’ Neill. 4—Owen Davis, of O’Neill; Mrs. Harold Summers, of Mid dlebranch. 5—Sharon Wagnon. of Emmet; Mrs. Harold Gilman, of Amelia. 6—Baby Peggy Lyman, IFOR UNUSUAL LINOLEUM BEAUTY SEE 37ie tjfab/Uon <j4ccu{emu tyiinnei We have Pabco's smart, new enamel surface Guaranty Ruqs and Warranty Yard Goods, tool \--r b p Ben Franklin Store ! ^ R. V. LUCAS, Owner O’NEILL J ' p.ABCO • “SPove/tebt SPitto/eum in lAe &aniH” | .-—■— ■■■■ .. .... i of O’Neill. 7—Mrs. Robert Shoe maker and daughter, of O’Neill. 8—Neal Groeling. of Venus; L. J. Leander, of Mold, Wash.; Mrs. L. J. Leander, of Mold. Wash. 10— Mrs. Dale Nisscn and daughter, of O'Neill. SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Mrs. Anna Selle, of Butte, fair; Mrs. Jesse Harris, of Spencer, dismissed October 9; Martin Je horek, jr., of Lynch, dismissed. October 9; Mrs. G. L. Mulhair of Lynch, good; Miss Lucille Martin, of Naper, dismissed Oc tober 7; Mrs. Ray Engelhaupt, of Spencer, dismissed October 5; Emil Anderson, of Bristow, dis missed October 5; Bonnie Baker, of Lynch, dismissed October 8; Mrs. Robert Johnson, of Bristow, expired October 5. Harold McRoberts, of Concord ia, Kans., dismissed October 4; Mrs. Paul Zakrzewski and baby daughter, of O’Neill, dismissed October 3; Mrs. Ray Mulhair. of Lynch, dismissed October 7; Vac Paul, of Verdigre. good; Leonard Martz. of Lynch, good; Adolph Webber, of Lynch, fair; Mrs. Fred Wurtz, of Lynch, good; John Bainbridge, of Bristow, unchang ed; O. A. Kilpatrick, of O’Neill, unchanged; Miss Mae McGowan, of O’Neill, unchanged; Mrs. Nor L man Oberle and son, of Butte, good; Mrs. Aldon Zink and baby daughter, of Lynch, good. TOO LATE TO CI^ASSIFY WANTED: 17 to 22 goats, gentle. —Carl Asimus, O’Neill. 23-24c lOR SALE: 1950 corn, to be shelled. — Harold Michanek. Lynch, or phone Lvnch 10-F-22. 23c35 FOR SALE: Piano, high grade spinet, unpaid balance at small monthly payments, for cash.— Phone 134-J, O’Neill. 23c33 FOR RENT: «mall house.—Call Mrs. S. Downey, O’Neill, phone 1._ 23c FOR SALE: Used John Deere model H tractor, good condi tion. — Marcellus Impl. Co., West O’Neill, phone 5. 23c WANTED: Woman to care for household of 4. Invalid moth er, boys 14 and 8. girl 6. Mod ern home. Washing optional.— Mrs. Verona Spencer, Neligh, phone 167. 23-24c I I Gomac Orange K 1 I SI Lemon Custard I ( I I C°°KIES I I j pp jRAISINS . . pkc 39c | It ^ mm ^ mm — ^ —- — — — — 1 1 1 || PORK CHOPS lb.53c I ALL MEAT I WEINERS lb.57c 1 3 Lbs. for. j PORK FEET 29c I FANCY H & G WHITING j FISH 2 lbs 29c ^^————mmm———■ t Cudahy’s Ready-to-Eat I PICNIC vio, I HAMS U.*MC [FANCY MUSTARD, Qt.IQc — DILL PICKLES, Qt.19c 2 Pkgs. GOLD DUST.29c POST’S 2 Pkgs. KRINKLES.29c CURTISS Pk^ Marshmallows.... 15c Town House 1-Lb. Pkg. CRACKERS.31c OCCIDENT CAKE MIX, Pkg. 37c FANCY APRICOTS, Gal. 1.09 VAN CAMP’S Pkg! TENDERONI,.19c BEAK-’O-MORN COFFEE, Lb.73c \ JELLO PUDDING 3 pkgs 25c f