The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 11, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 10, Image 10
Society Adopts A-Bomb Victims LYNCH — The Catholic Altar Society met at the home of Miss Pauline Mulhair. Thursday, Oc tober 4, with Mesdames James Maly and Guy Mulhair as cohost esses. A delegation of women plan to attend the deanery meeting of the Council of Catholic Women to be held Tuesday, October 16, at O' Neill. Hie Altar society voted to adopt a Japanese needy family in Hiro shima, victims of the atom bomb. After the business meeting games were played with Mrs. Lon Allen Mrs. Earl Rosicky and Mrs. Martin Jehorke winning prizes. A lunch was served in late afternoon Hie next meeting will be held at the M P. Stenger home, Hwrvday, November 1. Other Lynch New* Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody evening at the Lorie Micanek home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Papstein, of Spencer, called on Mrs. Nata Bjorn sen and Lanora on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Light foot and 'Nancy, of Bristow, vis ited with Mrs. John Hewitson Sunday. Raymond Dahlberg, of Naper, •pent the weekend at the par ental Elmer Dahlberg home. Mrs. Lydia Reagan spent last Thursday with Patiline Mulhair. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonasek, Of Walnut, spent Saturday night *t the parental C. L. Haselhorst home. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Holtz and tCmily and Mr. and Mrs. George Lee and Douglas spent Sunday, October 7, in Winner, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer %cre Sunday, October 7, dinner guests at the Albert Spencer home. Mrs. John Wrode and son Don, of Vancouver, Ore., called On old time friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie have returned home, having spent come time at the farm near Red hind while Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc Kenzie were on their vacation to the West coast. The Lynch seniors motored to O'Neill Saturday and had their class and individual pictures taken. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonasek, of Walnut, called at the Lorie Mi canek home Saturday evening, leaving their 2 daughters there for a stay while the Vonaseks are on their vacation. Mesdames Beryl Moody and Douglas and Raymond Havranek and children spent Tuesday after noon, October 2, at the C. L Haselhorst home north of Bristow Arden Spencer, of Lincoln, was a weekend visitor at the hotme oi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Spencer. Mrs. Elmer Blackbird, of Win nebago, came Thursday for a few days visit with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett were business callers in O’Neill, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pikklapp have left for Portland, Ore., called there by the serious illness of their daughter, Phyllis, who had undergone surgery. Mrs. Lydia Reagon left Satur day, October 6, for her home in Los Angeles, Calif., after a 3 weeks visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeded were in Grand Island, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mr. Lorie Micarjfek and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havranek returned Tuesday, Oc tober 2, from, a 2-weeks vacation trip to the West coast. Lloyd Lawyer, of Ainsworth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas and family. Other visitors were: Warrant Of ficer and Mrs. Loren Keyes and daughter, of Ft. Riley, Kans. Mr. Lawyer, Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Jonas are brother and sis ters. Mrs. Thelma Braithwaite, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting this week with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser left Thursday, September 27, for Denver, Colo., where they met their son, Donald, who is sta tioned at Lowry air force base. They drove to Albuquerque, N M., where they visited over the weekend with Mr. Sauser’s broth er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril J. Sauser. They returned to Den ver Monday. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Sauser were overnight guests of Mrs. Sauser’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roseler, and daughter, Doris, of Boulder. Colo. They returned home Thursday evening, October 4. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dumpert went to Butte on Sunday, Sep tember 30, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Angel. In the evening they were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Langan. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abart went Mrs. Susan Kubichek, who has to Simix City on Sunday to meet All Wool Fleece Coat 32.75 Warm as toast and 'simply beautiful » creamy wool fleece in new colors like gold, coral, taffy, nude, wood riolet or ua 1 n t . . . with easy shoulders, big cuffed tleeres, full sweep. 8-18. OTHERS AT 24.75 Covert Coat and Slack Sets 16.7S . . . with a big removable under collar of simulat ed fur! Suspend er-top slacks for extra warmth and snug fit . . . smart circular back yoke, neatly stitched collar. Green, wine. Six es 3 to 6x. I | LONGS LEAVING NEW HOME ... Mr. and Mrs. Noel Long and family, who have occupied the modern-style home (above) during the past 2 years, next week will be leaving O’Neill, proba bly Wednesday. The Longs have 2 daughters, Sandra, 5, and Linda, 3. Mrs. Long is the former Eileen Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Robertson. They will go to Pomona, Calif., where Mr. Long will operate a tire shop. The Long home, 707 E. Clay street, was designed by Mr. Long, who has been architect for a number of business buildings and residences. He wars a heavy bombardment air force navigator in Eur ope during World War II, has been a postoffice —The Frontier Photo & Engraving cterk during the past t years and finance officer for Simonson post 93, American Legion, for 2% years. The Long residence has 5 rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms. A fireplace with built-in bookshelves features the west end of the living room. The house faces north. Living room is decorated with chartreuse except for fireplace wall of cocoa brown. One bedroom is navy blue with white ceiling; the children’s bedroom is sunshine yellow with white. Dining room and hallway are cocoa brown and -ttcnen has blue tile with yellow walls and ceil ing. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fuhrer have purchased the Long residence. been visiting her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc Manay, at Council Bluffs, la. 1 They returned home Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert and Mrs. Edward Schmit went to , Norfolk Saturday on business. Mrs. Mary Dumpert returned j Sunday from Kimball, where she 1 has been visiting her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Winchell and family spent the weekend in Fremont visiting relatives. Miss Donna Crabb and Miss Phyllis Seger spent the weekend visiting home folks. They are attending Nebraska Wesleyan university, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. D. Willm, of Lin coln, are guests ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walter. Mrs. Willm is Mrs. Walter’s mother. William A. Miller, of Lincoln, was a weekend guest at the home i of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1L Horiskey. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and family, of Palmer, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hopkins. Mrs. Woods is Mr. Hopkins’ sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hill and sons went to Sioux City on Sun day. They returned home the same day. Presbyterian rummage sale, Thurs., Fri., Sat.. Oct. 11-12-13. First door east of Apparel Shop, O'Neill. 22-23c65 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Graves, of Norfolk, were Sunday guests oat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Suiter. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley j went to Clearwater on Sunday to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. Alnard Heermann, of Naper, were Monday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heermann. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galla gher are going to Sioux City on Friday where they expect to meet their daughter. Miss Don na, who is coming home from Chicago, 111., to spend the week end with home folks. Hallowe'en Color Scheme Used— EWING—The Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Ewing Methodist church met Wednesday afternoon, October 3, at the church parlors. Routine business of the society was discussed. Mrs. R. G. Rockey and Mrs. Florence Ebbengaard were appointed chairmen of the election day dinner to be held in November. The annual birthday party for the members of the so ciety will be held October 23. Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. R. G. Rockey form the committee in charge. The devotions and the lesson for the afternoon were in charge of Mrs. Charles Chappell and the theme was, ‘‘Christian Missions and Human Rights.” On adjournment of the meet ing, the hostesses, Mrs. Andrew Olson and Mrs. Earl Billings, served a luncheon from tables decorate din orange and black, carrying out a Hallowe’en scheme. NEW RATE REDUCTIONS on State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance 80/20 COLLISION SLASHED 12% New lowered rates effective October 8th. Find but how much you can save on various types of coverage by insuring your automobile with State Farm Mutual—the company that dared to be different in ways that save you money! Call or come in today! W. W. WALLER O'Neill. Nebr. R. A. SNELL Page. Nebr. O'Neill Athletes Cop Wayne Honors— Saturday evening the O’Neill high school coaches, Marv Miller and Paul Baker, tok 4 O’ Neill footballers to Wayne State Teachers college to participate in a special half-time show. The boys competed in an open 100-yard dash and a 400-yard shuttle relay, which were run in football suits. Don Calkins and Ed Tomlinson placed second and third, respectively, in the 100 yard dash and an Eagle four some. Don Godel, George Kilcoin, Tomlinson and Calkins, stole the show in the relay, which they won easily. These 4 boys brought home 6 medals. The football game between r~ •.. Wayne Teachers and Peru Teach ers was enjoyed by those making the trip. Peru defeated Wayne, 28-13. About 15 high schools from the surrounding territory were represented in the special half ! time attraction. ATTEND TRAINING SCHOOL Kenneth Ellston and Arnold Gehring are in Omaha this week ; attending a factory - sponsored John Deere implement scnool. Both are employed by Harry R. I Smith Implements. They were ac companied by their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ehrhardt, of Randolph, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Kenzie. '"—I Congratulations! to Val and Joyce Darling And Best Wishes to The New TOM-TOM CAFE! I WE ARE PROUD to hare had the opportunity to supply ma terials for the interior decoration of both the New TOM TOM CAFE and the TOWN HOUSE. WESTERN AUTO . . . A. P. JASZKOWIAK. Owner South 4th St. At the NEW ... ' . , TOM - TOM CAFE (Located Immediately West of Traffic Signal, former Harding Creamery Bldg.) WE INVITE YOU ... to dine in a fine, new downtown res taurant in the heart of O’Neill’s busy shopping district. Serving ONLY Choicest Fc:ds | • The New TOM-TOM is under the personal management of VAL and * JOYCE DARLING . . . j providing unexcelled cafe y service daily from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., temporary hours £ PHONE 575 The NEW TOM-TOM - i Mrs. Henry Martin and her 'mother. Mrs. Addie L. Wrede. and Mr. and Mrs Vern Wrede went to Norfolk Monday. 1 "■ Irl Coming! NEW YORK CONCERT ENSEMBLE O’Neill High School Auditorium O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Monday, October 15, 1951 8:00 P.M. * ,, i'll Captivating Vocal and Instrumental Music and Dancing ★ Five Fine Artists ^ William McCulley, Bass-Baritone i, r ★ Lita Namoura, Oriental and Spanish Dancer ★ Stuart Fastofsky, Violinist ★ Caryl G. Bergman, Soprano ★ George Fiore, Pianist r ★ Ari opportunity for music lovers to attend a program of music and dancing. The O'Neill Chamber of Commerce deems it a privilege to present this group of artists in con 1 Eurolpean and Modern Classics Musical Comedy Selections Mozart Festival & Spanish Compositions PROGRAM I ORIENTAL FANTASY 1. Song of India and Kashmiri Song The Ensemble 2. North Indian Dance . .._ Music by Cadman Dance of the Sari -Music by Stoughton Miss Namoura II i MOZART FESTIVAL 1. La ci darem la mano (Give Me Your Hand) _ Duet from “Don Giovanni” Miss Bergman and Mr. McCulley 2. Second Movement of the Violin Concerto N. 5 Mr. Fastofsky 3. The Man Who Feels Sweet Love’s Emotion_ , Duet from “The Magic Flute” Miss Bergman and Mr. McCulley III EUROPEAN CLASSICS 1. Polonaise Brillante _Wieniawski Mr. Fastofsky " ■** I 2. Si, mi chiamano Mimi .... Aria from La Boheme, Puccini Miss Bergman «JsfD r 3. Perpetual Motion _..._Weber Mr. Fiore - , , I 4. Standchen ___:__ Brahms Mr. McCulley ' ,, IV A.10* MUSICAL COMEDY OF YESTERDAY -liL 1. Love Me Tonight-Duet from “The Vagabond Kitf£*r Miss Bergman and Mr. ^IcCulley 2. My Hero — Soprano Solo from “The Chocolate Soldier” Miss Bergman • 3. Sweetheart_Duet from “Maytime” Miss Bergman and Mr. McCulley V SPANISH FIESTA 1. Leyenda -:-Albeniz / Malaguena ____ Lecuona " Miss Namcjra 2. Spanish Dance - Granados-Kreisler Mr. Fastofsky <• 7 .7 /• 3. Toreador Song from the opera “Carmen”_:_^ Bizet Mr. McCulley and Ensemble VI MODERN CLASSICS 1. Elegie - —Fastofsky La Vida Breve __j._Da Falla-Kreisler Mr. Fastofsky . •'< . .. Y 2. Talley-Ho-•_Leoni David and Goliath _,____Malotte Mr. McCulley 3. Rhapsody in Blue _]_■_ Gershwin Mr. Fiore rt- / -• - . - VII MUSICAL COMEDY OF TODAY Selections from “KISS ME KATE” r So In Love Bianca Wunderbar Brush Up on Your Shakespeare Were Thine that Special Face The Ensemble TALENT FURNISHED BY COLLINS MANAGEMENT, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Admission is Free — Everyone is Invited Compliments of O’NEILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE •*