The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 27, 1951, Page 8, Image 8
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS CARLSON— Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Carlson, of Spencer, a son, David Arthur, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, Septem ber 16, at the Sacred Heart hos pital, Lynch. BEACH — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beach, of O’Neill, a daughter, Patsy Lea, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces, born Thursday, Septem ber 20, in the Tilden hospital. The mother's maiden name was Miss Patricia Johnson. This is their first child and the first granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johnson, of O’Neill. THOENE—Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thoene, of Hartington, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Saturday, September 15, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Yankton, S.D. Mrs. Thoene is the former Delores Steinhauser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinhauser, of Stuart. SHILOUSKY — Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shilousky, of Ewing, a ' son, James David, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Thursday, September 17, at the Albion hos pital. ANDERSON — Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson, of El Cerrito, Calif., a daughter. Katherine Belle, born Saturday, September 15. Mrs. Anderson is the former Ruth Riggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aden Riggs, formerly of Page and now of California. She was born and spent her early girlhood at Page and graduated here with the class of 193(1. This i is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Riggs. KING — Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King, of Omaha, a daughter, Elona Ruth, born Friday, Sep tember 21. Mrs. King was for merly Marjorie Zellers, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers, of Page. FRENCH—Mr. and Mrs. Thane French, twin daughters, Carrie Lugh and Merri Lynn, born Wed nesday, August 15. Mr. French is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, of Lamberton, Minn., who formerly lived at Page. He is stationed at Ft. Holabird, Balti more, Md., and Mrs. French is living at Aberdeen, S.D. STRONG—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strong, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Wednesday, September 19, at the O’Neill hospital. EMDE—Mr. and Mrs. Meivm Emde, of O’Neill, a son, born Thursday, September 20, at the O’Neill hospital. BABL — Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl, of O’Neill, a daughter, Di ana Lynn, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, bom Tuesday, September 25, at the O’Neill hospital. BAULD — Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bauld, of Vancouver, Wash., a son, born Sept 20. Mrs. Bauld is the former Janet Enright, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald En right, of O’Neill. HEYNOLDSON—Mr. and Mrs. Veltie Reynoldson, of O’Neill, a son, bom Monday, September 24, at the Albion hospital. LANDRUM—Mr. and Mrs. Har- 1 old Landrum, of Denver, Colo., a daughter, Sally Anne, born Tupesday, September 18, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. Mrs. Landrum is the for mer Gloria Ott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, of Amelia. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL • Admissions: September 20 — Mrs. Melvin Emde, of O’Neill. 21 —Mrs. Kenneth Coventry, of In man, medical, condition improv ed; Mrs. Bea Rentachler, of O’ Neill, medical. 22 — Mrs. Bud Sholes, of Inman, tonsillectomy, condition good. 25—Paul Krug man, of O’Neill, medical, condi tion fairly good; Mrs. Jerry Babl, ot O'Neill. Still in hospital: Baby Peggy Lyman, o f O’Neill, condition j good. Dismissals: September 20 — I Mrs. Boyd Boelter and daughter, of O’Neill. 23—Mrs. Bud Sholes, of Inman; Mrs. Ralph Strong and daughter, of O’Neill. 24 — Mrs. Kenneth Coventry, of Inman. 25 —Mrs. Melvin Emde and son, of O’Neill. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Miss Helen Brown, of Newport, condition good; Mrs. Lola Humrich, of Stuart, condi tion good. Admissions: September 17 — Miss LaVonne Ackerman, of Stu art. 18—Alfred Heying, of Stuart, major surgery, condition good. 19 —Donna Cleary, of Atkinson, ma jor surgery on September 23. Dismissals: September 17—Mrs. Francis Goebel, of Stuart. 18 — Miss La Vonne Ackerman, of ’ Stuart. 19—Mrs. Keith Jones and son, of Atkinson. ATKINSON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barry and children returned to their home in Philadelphia, Pa., on Tuesday evening, Se ptember 13. Mrs. Bar ry ana children, Lunette, Eric, Lynn and Jacqueline, have been visiting Mrs. Barry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kubart, and sis ters, Mrs. Vincent Osborne and Mrs. Herman Gans, and brothers, Charles and Harlan Kubart, and families the past 3 months. Mrs. Vincent Allard and daugh ters, Patty and Carol, returned to their home in Rapid City, S.D., 1 on Monday. September 24. after spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kil murry, and brother, Frank Kil murry, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Tasler 1 spent the weekend at the home of Mr. Tasler’s cousins, Mr. and i Mrs. Dan Reiser, at Butte. They • all drove to Pickstown, S.D,. on * Sunday. DELOIT NEWS Gravel trucks are making nu- ! merous trips on 108, hauling grav- ! el for highway 53 south of De- j loit. The gravel is being brought , from east of Ewing. i Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huffman ] and daughters and Mrs. Zoe Huff- i man, a guest at the Huffman 1 home in Ewing, were supper ' guests at the Stanley Huffman home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stearns and Mr. and Mrs. George Stearns, of ; St. Louis, recently attended a family reunion at Clear Lake, In. Joan Thiele returned to her 8 home recently. She has been em- ( ployed at Burke’s. t Joan Lydon, teacher at Deloit, v and Larry Lucas, teacher at the I Wulf school, attended teachers’ i institute at O’Neill Friday. ' There was a party at the St. £ John’s church basement Tuesday r evening for the members. The h young married ladies were host esses. , —-- — t &-^ t r \ Voice of the Frontier ■ m MONDAY - WEDNESDAY • SATURDAY ' — 9-45AM — WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k. c. JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska's Fastest-Growing Newspaper” SICK & INJURED O’NEILL— Sam Barnard, who soon will be 92-years-old, was taken to Clarkson hospital in Om aha Thursday, having suffered a broken hip in a fall. . . Mrs. Han nah Donohoe entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk Friday, September 21. She is reported to be “improving.” . . . Bennie Hill went to Sioux City on Tuesday to get Mrs. Hill, who had been a patient in a Sioux City hospital since September 17. , . . Mrs. P. B. Harty submitted to a major operation Friday in St. Vin cent’s hospital, Sioux City. Her condition is “good.” Mr. Harty stayed near her in Sioux City un til Monday. . . . Ray Shriner re turned Sunday from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital,^Norfolk. . . . j Orton Young, of O’Neill, has been quite ill since Thursday, September 20, with asthma at j his home. CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith took their son, Donnie, to Norfolk -.Friday for medical care. They were accom panied by her mother. Mrs. Lou ise Crandall, who remained un til Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Leslie Castor, and by Mrs. Anna Albers, who returned with the Smiths Friday evening. . . . Chris McGinn is a patient in a Norfolk hospital where he under went an operation on Monday, September 24. . . . Mrs. Donald Dankert had a medical checkup at St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City Tuesday. EWING—Mrs. Laura Norwood has been “quite ill” at her home the past week and is under the doctor’s care. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hoge, of Fairbury, are staying with her. . . Riley Canaday has been “quite ill” for several days at his home and is under a doctor’s care. His condition re mains “about the same.” . . . Miss Marilyn Weyrich, a student in the Ewing high school, underwent an emergency operation for ap pendicitis at the Tilden hospital on Thursday. ATKINSON — Ed Etherton’s condition in the Veterans hospital at Grand Island is "improving.” . . . LeRoy Hoffman’s condition is “unchanged’ ’at the Grand Is land VA hospital. . . . Russell Ev erett entered the Veterans hos pital at Grand Island Thursday for medical treatment. Mr. Ev erett is “showing improvement.” . . . Mrs. Oliver Anson returned from Omaha Saturday where she had been for medical treatment. Her condition is “improved.” LYNCH — Harold Klasna, of Spencer, was a patient at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch, several days last week. . . Mrs. John Duff left the first of the week for her home in Scottsbluff. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah Darnell, accompanied her to her home there. Mrs. Darnell is still in a weakened condition since her long sick spell. . . Lila Norwood was taken to the local hospital Wednesday suffering with a serious asthmatic condition. STUART—Mrs. W. J. Holliday and Mrs. Walter Gill went to Grand Island on Thursday, Sep tember 20, to see Mr. Holliday, who is a patient in the Veterans hospital. . . Mrs. Marion Davis underwent major surgery on Wednesday, September 19, at a Sioux City hospital. . . H. E. New man, sr., has been confined to his home by illness the past 3 weeks. CELIA—Herman Frickel took his sister, Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, to Grand Island Sunday, Sep tember 23, to see her husband, who is in the Veterans hospital there. __ TOO LATE TO CI^ASSIFY I HAVE 4 different men wanting to buy cattle ranches. I have 3 buyers for farms. If your ranch or farm is for sale, let me sell it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr._ _ 21tf CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, letters and gifts which I receiv ed while in the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. 21c MRS. BENNIE HILL CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank our friends for the cards, letters and flowers received while I was in the hospital; also for the many acts of kindness shown Mrs. Shriner and myself. Your thoughtful ness will always be remember ed. MR. AND MRS. R. H. SHRINER 21c IF YOU NEED A Dependable Used Car TAKE YOUR choice of last week’s trad-ins at money-sav ing prices. We must keep them moving, as our space is limited! 1950 Ford custom, radio, heater, only 10,000 miles. 1949 Kaiser Deluxe, overdrive, white wall tires, and air condi tioned, heater, just well broke in, only 34,000 miles. 1948 Kaiser Special, one of the nicest ones in captivity. 1950 Jeep 4-wheel drive pickup. 1948 Jeep 4-wheel drive pickup. 1947 Jeep 4-wheel drive, well equipped. Also several dependable pre-war models. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: Small field transit, also a small building to attach to a trailer house.—H. W. Tom linson. 21c FOR SALE: Large size Estate heatrola, used only 1 season.— F. J. Gilg, O’Neill, phone 477-W. >35 INMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Mi chael Gallagher drove to Norfolk on Friday and on Saturday morn ing Mrs. Gallagher submitted to major surgery at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, drove down on Saturday morning to be near her. She is “doing nicely.’’ PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stew art and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart drove to Nor folk Monday where Mrs. Ed Stewart and Clarence Stewart received medical care. AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland and Royvan were in Norfolk Monday. Mrs. Coolidge consulted doctors. ST. JOHN’S—Mrs. Albert Sehi has been “quite ill” recently. The Frontier for printing. Receives Red Cross Training, St. Louis SOUTH OF STUART—Delor es Batenhorst spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. Robert Batenhorst. She was sent to St. Louis, Mo., j where she is attending Red Cross school for a week. Other South of Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Bill Obermire and family recently visited his sister, Mrs. Joe Krobot, and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stewart and son were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield. Mrs. Joy Greenfield entertain ed the Thursday afternoon bridge club September 20. Minnie Has kins won high prize. Theresa Levi was a guest. Mrs. James Nachtman and daughter, Ruth, were in Atkin son on Saturday, September 22. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Murphy, of Ainsworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCartney visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Smith, jr., and family. Mrs. Mary Timmerman, Mrs. Amelia Wewel and Mrs. Jose phine Timmerman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Timmerman on Saturday, Sep tember 15. The occasion was to celebrate Mrs. Mary Timmer man’s birthday anniversary. Miss Bernelda Engler came on Friday, September 21, and spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler. Miss Engler is employed by the Mu tual Benefit Insurance company, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis and Imogene, and Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Do4A.visited with Mr. and Mrs. * IT&fry Snyder on Wednes day evening, September 19 Mr, and Mrs. James Nachtman went to Verdel on Wednesday, September 19, where theyvisited with Mrs. Nachtmanjs father, Adolph Elis, and attended die fu neral of her great - audit Mrs. John Dobrichosky. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn were in O’Neill Wednesday* September 19, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sass, of Oak land, spent Wednesday night, September 10, at the Bill Paxton home. Wednesday afternoon bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Bill Paxton Wednesday, September 19. Prizes were won by Mrs. La vem Stracke and Mrs. Wilbur Moon. BULK p Ice Cream I Vz Gallon I VANILLA R Only 89c I 5 SHELHAMER j GROCERY FA AAA PRODUCE IS PHONES: 56, 78 | ll II II U PHONE: 173 ‘B O’NEILL I Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. I Sept. 27-28-29 I RARE TREAT. [ COFFEE Per Lb... 75c I i 2-Lb. Bag ORANGE SLICES... 49c HARDING'S CREAMERY BUTTER lb 67c FISCHER'S CHEESE 2 Lb. Bx. 75c Lge. Pkg, SHINA-DISH 29c CURTISS 2 — 10-0*. Pkgs. MARSHMALLOWS.33c WE HAVE SPRING FRYERS FOR YOUR LOCKER Dressed Cl OH Drawn. Only Ea. GOLDEN VALLEY-Sliced 2 No. 2 Cans | PINEAPPLE.49c VAN CAMP'S 4 No. 2 Cans PORK-tEftMS 69c SERV-IT \ OLEO 4 Us.99c NILE 2 Tall Cans SALMON 89c asasre 49c||»>iEs'-‘-M »349 FRESH SLICED I I CARROTS 2 LgC. Bllll \ 9c Pork Liver lb. 25(1 IsjasH Per Lb. 9c I MINCED HftN lk _- 4Sc| |CRAPES 3 Lk _ 29c , NUTRENA FOR POULTRY A.M. EGG CRUMBLES, 100 Lbs... $4.99 20% EGG CRUMBLES, 100 Lbs. .. $5.29 22% BAL. CRUMBLES, 100 Lbs... $5.99 David Harum Egg Crbls., 100 Lbs... $4.89 David Harum 26% Bal. ...$5.39 David Harum 33% Cone..$5.89 HOC & CATTLE FEEDS Nutrena 24% PIG & SOW, 100 Lb*. $5.69 Nutrena 40% BALANCER, 100 Lb*. $6.69 Nutrena “SHOAT 40”_$7.19 SWEET LASSY PELLETS, 100 Lb*. $4.49 SOYBEAN & LINCOY PELLETS, CUBES NUTRENA RANGE CUBES -—----~ mi Ill IIII1WIMI We Are Now iking Lincoy for Nov. - Dec. Delivery TANKAGE, MEAT SCRAPS, BONE MEAL, BUTTERMILK, STOCK GRO, VIS ' VITA, CUDAHY’S ALL PURPOSE MINERAL & MINERAL BLOCKS, KD MIN ERAL BLOCKS, CRUSHED ROCK & BLOCK SALT, OYSTER SHELL CHECK OUR MARKET WHEN SELLING CREAM - EGGS * POULTRY FREE CULLING SERVICE COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY OUR HATCHERY MAN WILL BE GLAD TO GO OVER YOUR LAYING FLOCK. WRITE OR SEE US IF INTERESTED IN CULLING.