The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 27, 1951, Page 5, Image 5
mg m * —The Frontier Engraving ATKINSON BRIDE . . . Miss Bonnie Lou Humphrey (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Humphrey, became the bride of Fred J. Jungmah, jr., on September 10, at the Methodist church. —O’Neill Photo Co. I Kathleen Flood An O’Neill Bride St. Patrick’s Catholic church was the scene of the wedding at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, Sep tember 25, when Miss Kathleen Flood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flood, became the bride of Joseph F. Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Hansen. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan officiated at the nuptial mass in a setting of fall flowers. The bride wore a ballerina gown of rose colored satin with matching hat and mitts. She car ried a bouquet of tea roses with rose colored satin ribbon stream ers. Mrs. James Earley,jr.. was ma tron-of-honor. She was dressed in a gown of gold satin with match ing accessories. Her bouquet was also tea roses with matching gold streamers. The bridegroom wore a brown business suit and his bestman, James Earley, jr., wore a grey suit. Both wore white carnation boutonnieres. A wedding breakfast was serv bd at the M&M cafe to the im mediate family and Father O’ Sullivan. The 2-tier wedding cake, dec orated with roses in the bride’s colors, was a gift of the bride groom’s sister, Mrs. James Cor kle. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hausen, of Stanton, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hahn, of Pierce. Magdalene Matthew's Betrothal Announced— The engagement and approach ing marriage of Magdalene Mat thews to James E. Franssen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Franssen, of Greeley, has been announced by the bride-elect’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews, of Lincoln. The wedding will be October 6 at the Sacred Heart church in Lincoln. Miss Matthews is a former O’ Neill girl and has many relatives here. __ Beelaert Family Reunites Here — The Beelaert family held its annual reunion at the Gordon Harper residence Sunday, Sep tember 23. There were 54 at tending: Mrs. Anna Beelaert, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beelaert and son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beelaert and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beelaert and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Beelaert and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Bech, all of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerno, of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Alphons Beelaert, sr., of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn, of Deloit; Ja imes and Evelyn Bartak, of De loit; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Christon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and family, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Alphons Beelaert jr., and family, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert and fam ily, of Page; Miss Mary Margaret Drayton, of Orchard; James, Dan ny, Judy and Mary Ryan, of O’ Neill. Mrs. Enright Hostess to Pinochle Club— Pinochie club was entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Enright. Winners were Mrs. Harry Sul livan, high; Mrs. Stanley Holly, second, and Mrs. F. A. O’Connell, low. Guild to Entertain — St. Cecelia’s Guild, of St. Pat rick’s Altar society, will enter tain at 8 p.m., on October 4 at the KC hall. Mrs. Bert Winchell is St. Cecelia’s chairman. Members to Chambers— Mrs. A. B. Hubbard entertained the Merri Myx club at her home at Chambers on Tuesday after noon. Visit Beatrice — Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre drove to Beatrice September 11. They took their grandaughter, Pamella Herre, to her home. Martes Meets— The Martez club met at the home of Mrs. Homer Mullen on Tuesday evening. --— ' CATTLE AUCTION At Atkinson, Nebraska EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVERY MONDAY, starting at 12 o'clock noon — WE SELL CALVES AND YEARLINGS. This is the day to bring in your calves and light yearlings. EVERY TUESDAY, starting at 10:30 A.M., we sell butcher cattle and small consignments of other classes of cattle until 2 o'clock P.M., following which we sell carload lots of stockers and feeders. LIST YOUR CATTLE IN ADVANCE AND GET FULL ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING! We are holding a SPECIAL ALL ABERDEEN ANGUS AUCTION—On Friday, October 19th. This sale is sponsor ed by the Holt County Aberdeen Angus Association, but is open to all Aberdeen Angus breeders who wish to consign cattle. Listings should be in our hands not later than Oc tober 10th to be properly adverised. Get in touch with us now if you are interested in selling your blacks in this auction. ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebr. Spends \\\ Days on High Seas PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes received a letter from their grandson. Pvt. Elwin Haynes, telling of his trip to Ja pan. He landed at Yokohama, Japan, September 7 after sailing for 11 Vi days. His ship was 525 feet long and 72 feet wide and carried 3,000 soldiers. Although it was a long, weary voyage the boys also found sev eral things to help pass the time. There were church services each day, a movie every night on the top of the ship when weather permitted, and a library. He also wrote of getting “very sea sick” the first day but the rest of the time he felt fine. A letter was received several days later stating be was in Korea. Other Page News The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met in the Methodist church parlors Thursday after noon with 35 present. Mis. Har ry Tegeler led the devotions. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer gave a report on the school of missions she had previously attended at Lincoln. Hostesses were Mrs. Lyman Park and Mrs. Merwyn French. As this month is the 11th birthday anniversary of the WSCS, sever al reports were given by old members who remembered 'he beginning of the ladies’ aid, which was united into the mis sionary society 11 years ago. Mrs. J. I. Gray reported on the found ing of the ladies’ aid in 1C92, be fore a church was built in Page. The late Mrs. P. E. Chase was president. Other presidents in cluded Mes. George Hunter, Mrs. J. T. Patterson. Mrs. James Mur phy and Mrs. Harry Snyder. Mrs. Mary Braddock was a worker in the organization. The Help-U club met with Mrs. Otto Matschullat on Wednesday, [ September 19, for an all-day j meeting with 17 members pres ent. Guests were Mrs. H. J. Ste vens and Mrs. Dave Bowen. A no host dinner was served. The after noon was spent playing progres sive pitch. The score winners were Mrs. Clarence P’inch and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, high: Mrs. Ora Caskey and Mrs. J. W. Finch, ji„ low. Mrs. Paul McBride won the traveling prize. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Vince Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. mcnsiaixer and family and Cathryn Grosse Rhode, of Osmond, visited the Melvin Roach family Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Duncan, of Rapid City. S.D., have visited with Mrs. Duncan’s sister, Mrs. Addie Kelly. They all went to Pilger to visit at the home of an other sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Burtwhistle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock and Jo Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, Mrs. Jennie French, Miss Alice French, Mrs. J. I. Gray, Mrs. Har riet Carson, Mrs. Emma Dorr and Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. John Lam ason and Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French and Bette and Mer wyn, jr., drove to the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Backhaus, north of Amelia, where they were dinner and supper guests. The WCTU met with Mrs. Rol lie Snell Wednesday, September 19, with 7 members present. Guests were Mrs. William Neu bauer, Mrs. J. O. Balantyne and Mrs. Roy Stewart. Mrs. Stewart sang and played 2 numbers on her accordion, which were enjoy ed. Nine members of the Get-To Gether club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Anton Nissen for their annual no-host chicken fry, after which the evening was spent socially. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman and family, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. John Funder burg, of Wilmington, N.C., came Monday to spend 2 weeks at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen, and daughter. Mrs. Celestine Westlund, of Marysville, Wash., came Thurs day, September 20, for a 2-weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Williamson, and other relatives. Pvt. Merwyn ifrench, of Wa hoo, is spending a 2-weeks’ leave beginning Monday, September 24, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., and Bette. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell. Dinner guests Sunday at the R. F. Park home were Mr. and Mrs. William Park and family, of Creighton; Miss Genelle Park, of Wayne: Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., Norman Trowbridge and Duane Finch. Mrs. Harold Williamson and children, of O’Neill: Mrs. Celes tine Westlund, of Marysville, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood were guests Sunday at the W. F. Williamson home. The oc casion was in honor of the birth day anniversary of Mr. William son. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and family visited with relatives at W'akonda, S.D., Sunday. | Mrs. Nona Bedford, of Troy, O., is visiting this week at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell. j Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Albright, ' of Wavne, spent Saturday night i and Sunday with the former’s ' mother, Mrs. Gailord Albright. t Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brostrom ( spent the weekend in Grand Is- , land with Mrs. Brostrorn’s par- { ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorenson ' spent Sunday and Monday in i Grand Island with Mr. and Mnt. " Howard Holliday. j U. S. NO. 1 UTAH — PER BUSHEL (While They Last) U. S. NO. 1 ITALIAN — Vz BUSHEL ONLY ■ _ f LET’S START JONATHAN— I THE APPLE SEASON M BBV 110 BUSHEL OFF RIGHT ! ! «« Jr LXl3 , BAG_ DELBROOK OLEO 2 Lbs... 49c VINEGAR SALE Pint .9c Quart_ 19c Orange, Blended or GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 46-Oz. Cns. 45c ARMOUR’S MILK 2 Cans.. 25c 1 HEINZ KETCHUP Bottle.... 25c FLIESCHMAN’S YEAST 3Pkgs. _ 10c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX Pkg. 37c ci TNCUiMr COOKIE SflLELgePkgs.35c OVENKRISP CRACKERS l lb. Pfcg.23c NILE FANCY SALMON Lb. Can 49c SILVER KING DOG FOOD 3 Cans 29c | CURTISS i MARSHMALLOWS 2Pkgs. 29c BREAK ’O MORN COFFEE u> -73c FANCY TOMATOES <>' GREEN BEARS 2Cans- 29c SWERL 2 Pkgs..-.29c TIDE Pkg. 29c MIRACLE WHIP Pt._37c [MOTHER'S BEST — I FLOUR.... 3.79 j LEAN MEATYj PORK STEAK Lb Armour’s Minced Lb.45c Bacon Lb. SQUARES 25c I Cudahy Pork Lb. ! SAUSAGE 39c ! All Meat 1 WIENERS Lb. 59c FANCY H & G | WHITING Lb ...lQc 1 FLAMING RED ) ( TOKAY I | Grapes f1 10c lb. || TABLE 1 m CABBAGE, 2 Lbs.9c I 2 MED. SUNKIST ( ( ORANGES, 2 Lbs._-._- 23 c j | Fj ^ Plenty of I Parkil« | _HWy~ W.., O-N.TI j