The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 27, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 12, Image 12
rtillTWANT *** IgCftBRC FOR SALE FOR SALE: A Western Flyer bi cvcle, nearly new. — Phone _503W, O’Neill. 21p35 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 3,000 watt, 110-volt Fairbanks Morse light plant, with remote control box. Burns either propane or gasoline. In good condition. Omer Hoffman, box 94, Clear _water. 21-23pli0 FOR SALE: Several good, well located building lots.—R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106.___12c FOR SALE: 9 x 12 Armstrong Quaker heavyweight linoleum rugs, $8.95.—Midwest Fum. & _Appl., West O'Neill._20c FOR SALE: 30- and 52-gallon electric water heaters. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531.21c FOR SALE: 1,040 acres good pas ture land, southwest of Cham bers.—Mose Oakes, Chembers. ____20-21 ptiO FOR SALE: 320-acre farm. Good improvements, good home, land well balanced, located on good road close to town, close to school.—Write Box S. J. c/o Frontier._19-21 pi 20 FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still available. 4tfc FOR SALE: Young breeding ewes foi sale.—Lloyd Kyner, phone 2301, Long Pine, Nebr., . or Cecil Schaller, phone 3961, _ 12c-1-12-51 BUY QUALITY BRIGGS beautyware. American Standard fixtures. Rheems wa ter heaters, Dempster water i heaters, and many others. Kelley’s Plumbing _O’Neill_| DO YOU want to borrow some money on your farm or ranch? I loan money on store buildings and city residences also.—See R. H. Parker. O'Neill. Nebr. _istf: FOR SALE: Regular Farmail in good condition, on good rubber, price $300.—Frank Disterhaupt, jr., Atkinson,__21-22c j NEW Cornpicker Bargains Farmrite & G. I., 2-row and 2-row Pull Type or Mounted. Best and Simplest Picker on Market. Lowest Prices in U. S. A. Masey-Harris Tractors. All Sizes. 2-Row Massey-Harris Self Pro pelled Pickers Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 19tf THE FRONTIER . . . only $2,501 per year . . . less than a nickel _a week._ FOR SALE: New Hotpoint ranges and refrigerators and Amana freezers, all sizes, in your price _range, Jasobson’s, O’Neill. 21c FOR SALE: 1949 Chevrolet con vertible. Must sell by October 1.—Don Prill, Page._21p35 Chrysler-Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please C. M. WILSON Phone 100 Butte, Nebr. 2tf FOH SALE: ’41 Mercury tudor. Also 2 one-horse Van Brunt rye drills with large boxes. — Homer Rutherford, Page. 21-22c€0 FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds see R. H. (‘‘Ray”) Shri ner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: A circulating oil heater, good as new; also a set of 32-volt batteries.—Joe Wink ler, Emmet 20-21 p65 FOR SALE: Well improved 160 acre farm near O’Neill. Nebr. Also have a good ranch for sale. Also have 4 different resi- j dences in O’Neill for sale, and 3 other farms.—See R. H. Park-! er, O’Neill. Nebr._ 18tf If You Are Looking For Used Car Bargains 1—1947 Chev. Fleetline. 2-dr. 1—1949 Ford custom 8, low mile age, very clean. 1—1948 Pontiac 6-cyl. 4-dr. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1949—Mercury 4-door. Make us an offer. 1949—Dodge Wayfarer. 2-door, very clean. 1—1946 Chev. 4-dr. Fleetmaster. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill Phone 531 O’Neill, Nebr. 21c PUBLIC SALE On the Premises, Page, Nebr., on Sat., Sept. 29, 2 p.m. 3 bedsteads with springs; 2 in nerspring mattresses; 1 cot; 1 dresser; 3 chairs; 2 porch chairs; 1 overstuffed chair and stool; 1 oil heater; 1 radio; 1 book case; 1 table; 1 garden plow; 50-ft. garden hose. Many mis cellaneous other articles Mrs. Wilton Hayne, Owner FRANK BEELAERT, Auctioneer FOR SALE: 150 fries, $1 apiece. Phone 443. 21p35 1 Business Opportunity $75,000 Yearly Volume j Well established business in Gen eral Electric appliances and in electrical construction and ser vice. Ideally located in thriving coun ty seat town. Increasing volume and opportunity. Will sell G-E franchise, completely remodel ed building, and electrical wir ing inventory, or will sell just G-E franchise inventory and building. Reason for selling: Owners mov ing to Sidney, Nebr., and enter ing general construction field exclusively. Antelope Construction Co. Neligh, Nebr. Call or write Ralph L. Olsen Phone 445 or 67, Neligh, Nebr, FOR SALE: Repairs for 1942 Ply mouth deluxe sedan, all or any part except motor.—Call phone 476R, O’Neill._ 21-23p80 GET YOUR Dependable Used Car From us for this winter before the, at our big fall clearance sale. They all must go this week. 1948 Kaiser 4-Dr., rndio, air con ier, . ter, powder -blue. 1948 Kaiser 4-Dr., air condition er, heater, maroon. 1947 Kaiser 4-Dr., air conditioner, heater, solid as a rock. 1948 Willys 4-Wheel Drive Pick un. 1947 Jeep, heater and power-take off and belt pulley. J94G Ford Tudor 550.00 1946 Chev. Club Coupe .. . 650.00 Dodge Pickup 175.00 14—1940 to ’42 Cars $100 to $250 Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: M. E. Asher resi dence, 8 large rooms, modern except heat, $4500.—Phone O’ Neill. 321 or 281. 20tf FOH RENT GOOD FLOOR SANDER AND edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. FOR RENT: Small house, mod ern.—R. H. Shriner, O’Neill, _phone 106,21c FOR RENT: Ultra modern 2-bed room apt.—Gillespie’s, ph. 114, O’Neill. 18tf FOR RENT: New, small hand sanding machine, for furniture and woodwork. — Spelts-Ray _Lbr. Co., O’Neill._52tf FOR RENT: Five-room apt., mod ern except heat.—R. H. Shrin phone 106. 2ic FOR RENT: Sleeping room for working lady, cooking privi leges if wanted.—Mrs. Charles Karel, O’Neill. 20-22p85 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to extend my deepest gratitude to the many dear friends and relatives who re membered me so kindly during my stay in the O’Neill hospital, and after my dismissal. The ' many pleasant visits, the beau tiful flowers, the lovely cards, cheery notes and gifts, the loan of books and magazines all helped me to forget my injur ies, and made my stay very pleasant. I appreciate your ma ny acts of kindness and ex pressions of sympathy more than you can ever know. I shall try to repay your kindness in a measure by grasping every opportunity to pass on kindness and sympathy to others who may be ill or in trouble. Grate fully yours, 21c75 LUELLA A. PARKER WANTED J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron, metal and rags. No. 7th St __ 13ctf WOMEN make extra money at home. Sew our ready cut “Rap A - Round.” Easy, profitable. —Hollywood Mfg. Co.. Holly wood 46, Calif._19-21 pi00 ;ET US give you a free estimate on your wiring job. REA wiring a specialty, 6 years of REA wiring experience. All work, materials guaranteed.—Knight Maytag, O’Neill. 19tf Mrs. Elwin Rubeck called on Mrs. Laurence Erwin on Friday. September 21. John Judge, of Boulder, Colo., was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minton. Mrs. Cletus Rial, of St. Paul. Minn., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sullivan. She arrived on Sunday, September 23, and plans to remain a week. Mrs. Rial and Mrs. Sullivan are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeck. Pfc. Wayne Benash, Raymond; Benash and Miss Dolly Hood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Freouf in Atkinson on Satur day, September 23. Mr and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ott, of Norfolk, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhfahl on Sunday .September 23. William Fricke and Vernon Lorenz were in Sioux City Sun day . Frontier for printing! MISCELLANEOUS AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and newer model auto mobile and write your insur ance for you! We need and ap preciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON _O’Neill. Nebr. _ EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE on all kinds and makes of auto mobiles, trucks and tractors; factory - trained specialists; guaranteed service. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531._46tf KIETH A. ABART O’Neill. Nebr. Auctioneer Licensed to Sell Real Estate 19tf WHETHER you wish to buy, rent, trade or sell, the Fron tier’s classifieds will do the trick quickly and economicailv. ^_ 38'tf DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines _Valentine, Nebr. 49tf WE ARE agents for Aquella ce ment waterproofing written up in “Life.”—Western Auto, O’ Neill._ 18-23c L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motor.) FARM & COMMERCIAL Service Phone 399, O’Neill WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC __ O'Neill, Nebr. 2Stf| EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates, 24-hour wrecker service. 19-22c WICH’S BODY SHOP ’ill Douglas St. Phone 211-W HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors __for Any Job _25tf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing . . . let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill. Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines, service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva's Electric Shop, O’Neill 41tf we Never sleep A PHONE CALL brings us on the run! Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR lim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. ___ 9c80 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat 1 Farm Loan Ass’n O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks. Sec-Treas. FOR PROMPT, efficient mechan ical ditch digging. 6 inches wide. 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 or 21. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freouf, of Atkinson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rubeck on Sun day. Mrs. Ralph McElvain and Mrs. Tom Sullivan took Margaret and Billy McElvain to Neligh to at tend the twirling clinic on Thurs day. September 20. Mrs. Milford Coats and daugh ter, Linda Rae, were Tuesday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mlinar, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlinar, all of Columbus, stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on Sunday for a brief visit. They were on their way to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lewis, of Butte. EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gossard, of Nebraska City, accompanied by their «on, Lester Gossard, of South Dakota, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jacob son Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hoge, of Fairbury, are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Laura Nor wood. Maj. and Mrs. E. D. McDonald and son, Douglas, left Wednesday, September ly, for Jefferson City, Mo., where Major McDonald re ports back for duty after a fur lough of several weeks, having come directly from the battle i fields in Korea. He had spent the past year in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler, their daughter and son-in-law, Maj. and Mrs. E. D. McDonald and son, Douglas, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall, of Royal, Tuesday evening, September 18. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler were her sister, Mrs. F. H. Lynch, of Gor don, who was accompanied by her son, Gerald Lynch, and family. The party was enroute to Maine to visit relatvies. Mrs. Agnes Bartak was the honored guest at a birthday party held at her home on Sunday. Members of her family who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rethwisch and family of Belden; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mintery and family, of Albion; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Andrews, Larry and Su san, of North Platte; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bartak and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bartak and children, du of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis at tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Theodore Thompson, at Roy al on Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 19. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anus del, of Omaha, were overnight guests on Wednesday, Septem ber 19, at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Krachie left Sunday on a 10-day vacation which they will spend in Minne sota where Bob hopes to do some fishing. . Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and family spent the weekend at Nor folk where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brokaw and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson, Marcia and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and Julie were 20. guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Cleveland at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and children went to Stanton, Sun day w'here they attended a re union of the Kropp family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., accompanied Mrs. Frank Noffke, jr., to Albion on Tuesday, Sep tember 18, to spend the day with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noffke, and also to make the acquaintance of a new' grandson born August 30. Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer, of Omaha, was a weekend guest of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Boies. Mrs. Wilma Daniels and chil dren were O’Neill visitors on Sat urday. Mrs. Roy Wright and Mrs. Her bert Kirschmier were shopping in O’Neill on Wednesday, September 3°. Miss Minnie Neiderheide. of Clearwater was a guest on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wulf. Miss Carol Wulf spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wulf. She is em ployed in O’Neill. Stanley Young departed last Thursday for Sheppard Field, Tex., where he enlisted in the air force. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby were dinner guests of Mrs. Carrie Borg on Wednesday, September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston, of Kansas City, Mo., recently com pleted a 2-weeks’ visit with Mrs. Huston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young. John Summerer, of Ewing, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carol Sum merer. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kalva were called to Verdigre Wednes day, September 19, by the serious illness of Mrs. John L. Pavlik, a sister of Mrs. Halva. She passed away that evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Benson, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson, returned to their home in Rapid City, S.D., on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight went to Park Rapids, Minn., the first of the week to attend the wedding of their son, Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Athel Fuller and son ,of Hay Springs, were guest sof Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson on Friday, September 21. DR. FISHER. Dentist. adv Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and Mrs. Bob Tams took their ( father, George Robertson, of Bas sett, to Savannah, Mo., on Sun day, September 24. John Moler came Friday to vis it his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler, and other relatives. He is stationed in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowker and children, of Atkinson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan and Pat, of South Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan, of California, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ritts. of O’Neill, were visitors at the J. C. Parker home on Sunday after noon, September 16. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse and Miss Mildred Keyes drove from Inman to visit the Parkers on the same after noon. M. J. and Walter Horiskey, Miss Mary Horiskey and Mrs. Jack Horiskey, of Cody, Wyo., drove out to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker on Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas and Dickie went to Omaha on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran ek were guests of Mrs. Dorothy Barrett in Atkinson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight went to Gordon on business on Monday. Mrs. E. W. Kramer and chil dren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard on Friday afternoon. G. L. Sobotka, of Norfolk, is in O’Neill this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Lohaus and 3 daughters, of Lindsay, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus on Sunday. Robert Holsclaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holsclaw, has gone to David City where he is employ ed. CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hou > ion, in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and daughter, Pamela, visited his sister. Miss Emma Shavlik, at El gin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houston, of Oakdale, Calif., visited Thursday, September 20, in the home of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martfeldt and 3 children, of Longmont, Colo., came Thursday and visited ' until Friday with his aunt, Mrs. Louise Crandall, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, and chil dren. Mrs. Robert Turner received word recently that her husband, who is stationed in North Korea, had been promoted from sergeant first-class to master sergeant. A U C T I OF THE JARVIS OIL CO. ATKINSON. NEBR. CONTINUED SATURDAY, OCT. 29 SALE STARTING PROMPTLY AT 1 O’CLOCK P.M. AND CONTINUING UNTIL EVERYTHING IS SOLD Last Saturday, in 9 hours selling, we auctioned off a mighty big lot of merchan dise — BUT WE HARDLY MADE A DENT IN THIS UNUSUALLY BIG STOCK of high quality merchandise and fine Service Station equipment. We are also hold ing open the sale of the Jarvis Service Station building and lot, and the bulk sta tion, and will receive bids until sale closing time Saturday. BE HERE ON TIME 1 —WE MUST SELL OUT EVERYTHING COMPLETELY THIS SATURDAY GET YOUR SHARE! AT YOUR OWN PRICE! ATTENTION DEALERS! There’s a mighty big lot of desirable items here that you ^ can use . . . and buy at your own price. Look over this list, then come Saturday and buy. HERE’S WHAT IS LEFT 1 Carload Fine Motor Oils I - Barrels - 5 Gallons - Quart Cans S Hundreds of Pounds Grease & Transmission Oil | 1000 Spark Plugs - Champion - Autolite - Firestone - Bowes E 100 Mufflers & Tail Pipes - For All Makes of Cars Filler cartridges for all makes filters. Tire and tube repair material (boots, vulcaniz ing rubber, etc.) Fan belts and radiator hose of all sizes. About 100 battery cables. Brake lining and shim stock galore. Shock absorbers for many makes of cars. About 100 assorted front wheel bearings. Small assortment of car springs. New South Wind healers. Many South Wind defroster kits. About 35 lbs. material for tractor fillers. Case upon case of such items as car polish, fine machine oil, radiator conditioner, radi ator cleaner, radiator stop leak, upper cylin der lube, etc. Used V-8 motor. 100-horse. Less than 5,000 j miles. I Small stock of seat covers. Many Trico windshield motors. Amco windshield motors. Trico windshield washers. 10 cold weather primers for trucks and tractors. One case of starting fluid capsules. Large stock of ignition parts, armatures, water pumps, water pump kits, hydraulic brake parts, tie rod ends. King pin and spring shackle sets, dozens of thermostats, car light bulbs, piston rings, rod inserts, Hellwig spring stabilizers. Weather-head gas and fuel lines, distributors, fuel pumps, carbur etors and many other items in the parts and accessories line too numerous to mention. Complete set of motor tune-up instruments with rubber-tired steel cabinet. Bench grinder. Timing light. Armature lathe. Armature tester. Several vises. Spark plug cleaner and tester (Bowes). Small drill press (belt driven). Several hack saws. Complete Graco greasing equipment. Hand grease guns. Parts washer. Bowes Seal Fast tube vulcanizer. Tire spreader (air operated). Tire spreader (hydraulic). 2-Way communication system. Tube tester tank and rack on casters. Wrenches, hammers, saws and small tools of ; all kinds. 5-Gallon oil drain can. Jacks of all sizes. 2 Creepers (one brand new). Binks paint gun, complete with air gauge. Water trap and 100 ft. hose. I i Garco under seal machine and full barrel of underseal material. 2 Battery chargers (slow). 2 Battery chargers (fast). ! New Doyle vacuum cleaner. Skelly oil changer. Manbee wheel balancer and largs stock of wheel weights. 175-Amp. Marquette electric welder and stock of welding rod. Front wheel bearing packing machine. • - Firestone tractor tire fluid pump. South Wind heater repair and testing bench and complete slock of parts in steel cabinet. Oil and alcohol measures from one to five quarts. f Trouble lamps. Raybeslos brake lining machine. Hand air tank (200 lbs. capacity). Acetylene welder. Coats tire changer (almost new). 2-Ton press. Several oil lubesters (30 and 60 gallon). Hydraulic brake bleeder. Electronic tire inspector. Battery cart on rubber-tired wheels. Battery racks. Drive-way alarm system. Barrel wrenches. * New and used faucets and gate valves, lVa and 2-inch. Small cylinder hone. , • j King pin bushing reamer. Sioux electric buffer and polisher. j Vi-Inch Sioux electric drill. i | Sioux electric hot air blower. * Delco battery booster for dealers battery stock. 35-Quart capacity canned oil display rack on wheels. Brand new Binks spray system compressor powered with 1/3 horse motor (never been used). P&D parts cabinet. Office Equipment Account register. Almost new McCaskey cash register. Parts catalog holder. Roll-top desk. \ Steel safe. Several steel filing cabinets (all sizes). WELLER - ADAMS COMPANY, AUCTIONEERS Ralton 0. Jarvis, Owner | —i—■—————■^r