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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
Celia Entries Capture Honors CELIA—Several members of Sunnyside 4-H stocker and feed er club took their calves to the Tri-County 4-H show at Stuart Tuesday. August 21, and all won red ribbons. The award for the best group of 3 calves shown was won by them. They captured the trophy for best baby beef calves. The calves were Herefords and belonged to Denton Colfack and Donnie and Ronnie Frickel. All the boys sold their calves. Buddy Focken had an Angus calf and won a red ribbon on his calf. Gene Livingston is leader of the club. Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Johnson and family, of Oakland, were weekend visitors at the Paul Johnson home. Elmer and Paul are brothers and are sons of J. V. Johnson in O’Neill. Carolyn Frickel spent Thurs day night, August 23. with her cousin, Marilyn Smith, near Butte. _ Sunday, August 19, dinner guests at the Lloyd Evans home were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc Kathnie and mother, Mrs. Emma McKathnie. Mrs. D. F. Scott attended the annual husbands’ picnic which the Iris club sponsors, at the Fred Jungman home Thursday eve ning. August 23. Roger and Rodney Dobias spent Saturday. August 25, with their aunt, Dorothy Scott. Z a n e Livingston combined oats for D. F. Scott the past week. The oats averaged 20 bushels to tlm acre. Connie Frickel and son, Ron nie flew to Norfolk Sunday. Au gust 26. and spent the day with his sister. Mrs. Allen Marquardt, and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family helped move his mother. Mrs. Edna Hendricks, to an apartment in the Cottage ho tel Monday and Tuesday. August 20 and 21. Jimmy Hendricks spent Sun day night, August 26, with his cousin, Leon Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brondyke and daughter and 2 friends, of Al bany, 111- were Sunday after noon, August 26. visitors at the Mark Hendricks home. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg ac companied Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, of Page, to Lincoln. Monday morning, August 27, where they will attend Nebraska conference school of missions and Christian service August 27 through Au gust 31, which will be held in Nebraska Wesleyan university, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were Friday, August 24, visitors at the Alvin Heiser home. Duane help ed with the haying. Mrs. Gene Livingston and Mrs. Milton McKathnie attended the Guild picnic at the Joe Roche home Monday evening, August 20. Mrs. D. F. Scott entertained her Circle at the home of Mrs. Claude Humphrey Wednesday af ternoon. August 22. Thirteen members were present. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg attend ed Circle meeting at the park house Wednesday, August 22. Mrs. Anita Anson was hostess. Eight members and 2 visitors were present. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and son, Robert, were O'Neill visitors on Saturday, August 25. Caroline Frickel was 9 years old Friday, August 24, so a group of friends was invited to help celebrate the event. They were Junie and Karen Focken. also the twins, Garold and Dale Focken, Shirley Colfack, Carol Slotfelt, Mary, Dorothy, Ilene and Elaine Anderson, Marilyn Smith, Vicky, David and the twins, Harold and Garold Frickel. Games were played and ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Clarence Fock en and Danny also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, of Spokane, Wash., were recent guests at the Paul Johnson home. Mrs. Bennett Smith and Mrs. George Syfie, jr„ and Judy were Friday, August 24, visitors at the Connie Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman and daughter, Mary, were Sun day, August 18, dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Victor Frickel, and family. The twins, Harold and Garold, and Vicky went home with them and stayed until next day. Then Da vid Frickel spent Monday to Wednesday at the Coleman home. Gene Livingston’s hay crew hayed for Lawrence Smith and O. A. Hammerberg the past week. Mrs. Clarence Focken and chil dren were Friday, August 24, vis itors at the Lawrence Smith home. Mary Catherine Kilmurry and grandmother, Mrs. P. W. Kilmur ry, returned Monday, August 20, from a visit with the Vincent Al lard family at Rapid City, S. D. Sunday, August 26, dinner guests at the Joe Hendricks home were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hend ricks and family and Mrs. Edna Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family were Butte visitors Wednesday, August 22. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Monday evening, August 20, visitors at the Russell Hipke home. Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, of Loup City, visited his sister, Mrs. William Spann, and family on Sunday, August 26, and took Mrs. Spann to Denton for a visit Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son were Sunday, August 26. vis itors at the Duane Beck home. Save time and money on auto parts and accessories. Try us First.—Western Auto, O'NeilL 11-lGc — 1 1 Dr. Edw. J. Norwood. O. D. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebraska, will be in O'Neill on SEPT. 7 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. At the Hotel Golden Eyes Scientifically Examined Glasses Properly Fitted 3 DAYS Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. fONLY! While they last, these are CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Full bed size . . . waffle weave or waveline designs. Solid colors, rose, green & blue. Your choice! Each.5.77 ALL WOOL BLANKETS - 72 x 84, single, 3-lb. weight. Beacon quality. Rose and blue only. Hurry for these! Each.6.77 SHEET BLANKETS - i White fluffy cotton. Generous 70 x 95 size. Whipped ends for extra wear. Reg. 2.49. You save! . BED PILLOWS - 18 x 26. Sturdy blue and white ticking. Crushed chicken feather filling. Usually 1.49. Specially priced! BATH SETS - 18 x 32 rug, with matching cover. Sturdy cotton chenille with fringed edges. Blue, gold, rose and green. Extra spe cial! i RAYON SLIPS Ladies’ sizes 32 to 38. Tailored or lace trimmed. White or tea-rose. Here is really a buy! Each.97c SHIRTING FLANNEL - Extra heavy quality. Assorted dark stripes. 36” width. Buy for many uses and save! 3 Yards__97c DOWN MEMORY LANE . . . This photograph of vided O'Neill’s largest payroll. The chickory mill O’Neill’s famous chickory mill was taken before was destroyed by fire, never rebuilt.—The Fron the turn of the century. In season it easily pro- tier Engraving. Ray Barton and son. Dave, of Sheridan, Wyo., stopped in O’ Neill Monday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas on the way home after a Chicago, 111., vacation. Mrs. Lola Bain, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bain and family and Mrs. Fred Von Seggern and family, all of Gregory, S. D., visited on Sunday in O’Neill with Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelly and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Klein spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandi, of Coleridge. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family, of Laurel, spent Sun day with Mr. Prescott’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Prescott, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Brennan and son, Bartley, jr., returned on Friday from a 2-weeks’ vacation in Colorado. They were at Colo rado Springs, Denver and Estes Park. Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart and daughter, Suzanne, and son, Scott, are in Omaha this week. Miss Mary Alice Judge went to Omaha Sunday for a week’s va cation from the Apparel Shop. Mrs. Hazel Boatman and J. W. Wilkinson, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange and fam ily, of Atkinson, visited Sunday, August 19, with Verne Wilkinson, of Chambers. Mrs. W. A. Ramsey, of Pitts burgh, Calif., arrived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Christene Williams. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shade, of St. Paul, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chaney. Mrs. Lloyd Collins and chil dren went to Grand Island Tues day, August 21, to meet Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long, who for 6 weeks had been visiting with rel atives in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and the twins spent Sunday at Ft. Ran dall, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clyde and family returned Sunday af ter vacationing for a week in the Black Hills and the Badlands of South Dakota. Mark Davis, who is employed by Consumers Public Power, will work in Brule during the month of September. Mr. and Mrs, G. C. DeBacker went Sunday to Grand Island to meet their daughter, Miss Diane, who had spent 2 weeks in Den ver. Colo. Charles Luber, of Pasadena, Calfi., arrived Thursday, August 23, for a visit at the James Don lin home and with other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt spent Friday in Norfolk. Mrs. Emma Lawrence spent from Friday until Tuesday in Valentine visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lawrence. Thursday, August 23, guests at the R. E. Chaney home were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Roe and family, of Spencer. RETURNS FROM KOREA Cpl. James Urlaub, who had been in Korea for about a year, docked Friday in San Francisco, Calif. In a few days he will reach O’Neill and spend a 30-day fur lough with his aunt, Mrs. T. M. Harrington, and her husband. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Sept. 2 Music by DELL CLAYTON and His Orchestra I ..■ ——.— t'ltKana gives you t ie RIGHT SIZE and the RIGHT STYLE FnEEZER for your family! Yes, with Amana you actually have a choice! You can select not only the tested-and-proved right size freezer for your family’s needs—* Amana 12 you can also choose between a chest or up li «. ft. upright right model! Let your preference guide you h«idi 4M tbs. as to size and style. Your good judgment will •i (rum food guide you to Amana—the best buy by far in the entire freezer field! Campon* thoA* /Imana {*ot**n*4. uUth atltan £n**p**d at any pnicot • All steel welded construction • Maximum freezing surfaces • 41/2" fiberglas hand-packed • Hermetically sealed condensing insulation unit • Gleaming white baked-on • 5 year warranty Oulux enamel finish • 5 year food protection plan Ask for a FREE savings chart and food calendar showing when to buy foods in quantity for freezing at money-saving prices. Phone 415 Across from the Golden > ginghams, 80-squares r. Clever stylingl Famous fabricsl Compare valuel f 7 98 I B AND 2.98 AND 4.98 Cinderella and Fruit of the Loom washable, color fast cottons in gay plaids and plaid with solid colors. Style details you usually find only at high er prices. Shown are only three of many styles A you’ll love, school dresses f we’re proud to offer. See r them soon! Buy several! / Sizes 3 to 6x/ 7 to 14 / ,r*s. 1 ♦Get your handy back-to-school shopping check list at McDonald’s this week! It’s FREEI J LORRAINE kiddies’ slips of “Deb O Ray" run-stop stitch rayon. Pre-shrunk service weight in fitted style, built-up shoulders, ruffle hem. White, tearose. 2 to 14 .. 05c LORRAINE pre-teen slips of “Super Suave” rayon tricot knit. IJeck and hem are lace-edged. Carefully made, with rib! on shoulder straps. Pink, white. 10-16 1.-3 BALLERINA panties of rayon tricot knit. Elastic-leg or band-leg brick, with ch;ie free crotch. Sizes 2 to 16.OvC CAMPUS panties of run-resist knit rayon in brief or band-leg style. White, pink, blue. / Junior miss sizes S, M, L.39c ^ LORRAINE panties of run-stop stitch rayon in Hollywood brief style. Tearose or white. Ladies’ sue* S, M or L--69c