Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss and daughters are vacationing at Park Rapids. Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yenglin left Sunday for their new home in Michigan. They had visited the George Layhs and were dinner guests recently of Mrs. Vannie Newman. Mrs. Rodney Livings, of Sioux City, visited relatives here for the past 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lower and children were in Omaha for the weekend. Miss Joan Langan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan, re turned Tuesday after a week’s visit in Columbus with her broth er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe f- Langan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Every, of Opportunity, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lan man. Mrs. M R. Sullivan departed Saturday for Chicago, 111., to visit her 2 daughters and their hus bands, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Gray biel, of Evanston, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Classen and daughter, Patricia, of Oak Lawn, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray enter tained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Waite, of Ainsworth, over the weekend. Monday the Rays were in Loup City. Mrs. Jerry Babl left Sunday to join Mr. Babl at Alliance for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and Bonita and Carolyn attended the ^ wedding Sunday in Spalding of Mrs. Opal Miller and William Maben. Mrs. Claud Schmidt and daughter and her mother, Mrs. Jennie Krepela. of Grand Island, visited the R. G. Shelhamers and Mrs. Albie Washechek and Car lyle Sunday. mi. aiiu mis. nilnest of Marshall, Tex., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. D. S. Conrad. They arrived Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas, of North Platte, spent from Satur day until Wednesday with Mrs. John Protivinsky and Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gokie were guests of the Joe Soukups Wed nesday, August 15. They also at tended the party given for Pvt. Frank Soukup, held at the Sou k kup home. Mrs. C. V. Sullivan returned Saturday from a week’s trip to the Black Hills with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wieseman, of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Wieseman came to O’Neill and Mrs. Sulli van accompanied them from here. Mrs. Walter Spangler and daughter, of Orchard, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lottie Stone king. They arrived Thursday, Au gust 1. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Revell were out at the M. E. Davis farm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neilsen and 2 sons, of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived Monday to spend the week with her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Rey • noldson. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Robert son and daughters, of Benkel man, arrived Tuesday for a few days’ visit with his parents, the George C. Robertsons. Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Long, who are visiting her mother. Mrs. Su san Kubichek, called on the Gene Sanders Friday. The Longs are from Barstow, Calif. Sgt. and Mrs. Edward Porter and family left Saturday after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Sergeant Port er is stationed at Battle Creek, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne and children departed Saturday to their home in Boulder, Colo., via the Black Hills. They had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John l*russ and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray left on • Saturday for a business trip to • Denver, Colo. F. E. Parkins was in Columbus on business Tuesday. Harold and Ardis Parks left with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Parks, sr., to visit them in Ainsworth until school begins. The senior Parks were Sunday dinner guests of their son and his wife, the junior Parks. Mrs. Bryce Phillips . . . the former Barbara Ellen Lampert.— O'Neill Photo Co.; The Frontier Engraving. K K K Lampert-Phillips Nuptials at O’Neill Miss Barbara Lampert, daugh ter of Martin Lampert, of Or chard, and Bryce Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillips, of Star, exchanged vows Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock at the Presbyterian church at O’Neill. Rev. Ralph Gerber officiated with the double-ring ceremony. The bride wore a ballerina length gown of white net over pink taffeta. Her veil of pink net fell from a wide brimmed pink hat. She carried an arrangement of pink carnations on a white Bi ble. Miss Dorothy Howard, of Or chard, maid-of-honor, wore a lime green ballerina length gown fashioned like that of the bride. Bestman was Walter Johnson, of Walnut. After a short wedding trip the couple will live at Star. Circle Members Assessed by Birthdays— Circle III of the Presbyterian church were hostesses at a year around birthday party given last Thursday at the band room of the high school. Miss La Veta Lehn was general chairman. The pro gram committee, headed by Mrs. Ralph Gerber, consisted of the Mesdames Ray Bettenhausen, William Artus and Don McKamy. Mrs. Harry Petersen was chair man in crarge of the tables, Mrs. Ray Shelhamer was chair man of refreshments, which con sisted of ice cream, coffee and birthday cake. Each of the 12 tables, which represented a month of the year, was appropriately decorated for the theme of that month. Each table had a birthday cake on Guests sat at the table corre sponding to their birth month. The entrance fee was to rep resent the guest’s age, but in case the guest desired to remain discreet about the age, a dollar was accepted. A huge picture frame in which live scenes depicting each month of the year were designated by 20 participants of all ages. The connecting narrative for the scenes was written by Mrs. Ger ber. Miss Lois Harder was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Gerber. The ladies of the Bethany Pres byterian church and the Kellar Presbyterian church attended. There were 93 guests, 20 partici pants in the program and 20 members of the entertaining cir cle present. The ladies from each of the churches who had celebrated the most birthdays were Mis. Sam Barnard, of First Presbyterian church. Mrs. E. F. Young, of the Kellar church, and Mrs. C. A. Van Valkenberg, of the Bethany church. 166 Attend Annual Grimlon Homecoming— The 14th annual Grimton home coming Sunday at Oak View was attended by 166 persons. There were 5 former teachers, 54 for mer pupils and 107 visitors pres ent. The teachers were Claudius Evans, Helen Grim and Margaret Risinger, of Venus; Sylvia Han sen, of Plainview; and John Schell, of Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Art Miller home. Teacher Group Reaches Cuba— A select group of women from the State Teachers college, of Wayne, are on an educational ex cursion to Florida to obtain col lege credit. included in the group from the O’Neill vicinity are: Miss Joan Vecera, of Verdigre; Mrs. Dona Carson, of O’Neill; Miss Irene An ders and Miss Iona Bump, of Nio brara: Miss Enid Galbraith, of Spencer; Miss Eileen Krysl, of Stuart; Miss (Marilyn Schacht, of Orchard; Miss M. Switzer, of Clearwater; and Miss Marilyn El lison, of Elgin. Manager of the trip is Miss Elja McCullough, formerly of O’Neill, now of Blair. The group left Norfolk August 5. Enroute to Florida, they went to Kansas City, then through the Ozarks to Little Rock, Ark. Two days were spent sightseeing in New Orleans, La. Traveling along the coast, they arrived in Pensacola, Fla., August 11 and proceeded to visit Talla hasssee, Tampa, Tarpon Springs and the Everglades. August 15, they arrived in Miami and on Wednesday they sailed to Cuba on the SS Florida. Upon their re turn to Miami Friday some of the teachers tried a little deep-sea fishing. The itinerary for the return trip includes a visit to St. Augustine, Fla., Atlanta, Ga., Birmingham, Ala., and the Smoky Mountains. In Kentucky they will visit Mam moth cave. The return of the group to Norfolk is scheduled for Monday, August 27. Thompson-Hansen Iiles Performed Tuesday— Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Hansen and Elwin Woodrow Thompson were married Tuesday, August 31, at the Methodist church. Rev. V. R. Bell performed the ceremony. Witnesses were Mrs. Darlene Snyder, of Orchard, and Warren Gribble, of Chambers. Milo Sny der was soloist and was accom panied by Miss Patty Stevens, or ganist. Both are from Orchard. CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. Wendland and family, of Arapahoe, came Satur- i day to visit his sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter, and family. | They returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spann , and niece, Opal Brown, were Sunday dinner guests of bis , brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Charles Spann. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and ! children drove to Norfolk Sunday to visit Clarence Tibbets at the | Lutheran hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitch- j ell, 4 sons and daughter, of Wich ita, Kans., came Saturday, Au- j gust 13, to visit his father, Carl Mitchell; brother and wife, Mr. j and Mrs. Lee Mitchell, and chil dren, and sister and husband, | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes; | and Bonnie, of Carr, Colo., came j Friday, August 10, for a few j j days’ visit with his mother, Mrs. I Genevieve Bell, and her parents, J i Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. j ' Guests in the E. R. Carpenter | , home on Sunday, August 19, j I were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald j . Grimes and Bonnie, of Carr, | Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stev ens, Cherilyn and Terry, of At- { kinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Med calf, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Car penter, Rodney and Ruberta, of Bakersfield, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. William Carpenter, Patty, Cheryl and Connie, of Elgin, and Mrs. Genevieve Bell, of Chambers. JUSTICE COURT F. O. Blakeman, speeding, com plaint signed by Patrolman G. F. Gates, pled guilty, fined $10 and costs, August 20. Lyle R. Stern, no driver’s li cense, complaint filed by Patrol man G. F. Gates, pled guilty, ( fined $10 and costs, August 20. ’ Leonard R. Morrow, failure to i stop gasoline transport at railway ] crossing, complaint filed by Pa- i trolman Willard H. Teachman, l pled guilty, fined $10 and costs, : A August 20. j 1 O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva spent the weekend in Omaha visiting with their son, Fred, and their daughter, Miss Lydia. -- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Holz and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford were in Pickstown, S. D., Sunday. Thomas Harty and James Mer riman returned Monday from a 2 week tour of the west coast. Mr. ard Mrs. Ray Verzal and Jerry, of Atkinson, Sunday visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn. I f I L . . i —... ... . ■ —. J We Still Have a Full SELECTION OF CALIF. ELBERTA PEACHES * {PORK NECK BONES 2U»2» FILLETS OCEAN Lb. PERCH Soneless, Skinless 32c ARMOUR’S WIENERS 2 Lbs 98c SLICED BACON ENDS 2 u* 43c ALL MEAT RING j BOLOGNA Lb.49c Curtiss 10-Oz. Pkg. Marshmallows \]c Silver King 3 Cans DOG FOOD.... 29c Baker’s COCOA, Ub.- 25c Lushus Grapefruit SWEETENED 46-0*. Can JUICE.29c Fab, Breeze OR Lge. Pkj SUPER SUDS 27c VAN CAMP’S Fancy Toilet TEHPERONI H lb. Pfcg.25cTISSUE Hand Soap LUX.25c 3 Reg. Size Fancy Dill PICKLES, Qt... 23c Lushus MUSTARD, Qt. 19c Post’s 2 Pkgs. KRINKLES.... 29c VINEGAR, Pt.9c Qt_ 19c COFFEE, Lb... 69c -—