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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
c:Jy Home Scene of Family Reunion LYNCH — On Sunday, August 19, the C. L. Haselhorst families gathered at the Beryl Moody home. Those prehent were: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst and Joyce, of Bristow; Mr. and. Mrs. Melvin Haselhorst and fam ily, of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Streit and family; Mr and Mss. Lorie Micanek; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havranek and family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonesek and daughters, of Walnut; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rosameier and fam ily, of Sidney. Other Lynch News (Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hammon and son visited at the Ed Johns Thursday, August 17. Clarence Kolund was a busi ness visitor in Spencer August 16. Mrs. William Hoffman returned home from a visit at Plainview with the George Kolund family and at Norfolk with the Arthur Zander family. The women are Mrs. Haffman’s daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nelson, her 2 daughters and 2 sons, of Illinois, came Monday for a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and family, of Sioux City, la., spent several days visiting Mrs. Nata Bjornsen and the Arden Darnell family, also relatives in Spencer. Marlvn Koenig, of Wisner, and Joan Kayl, of Norfolk, are spend ing this week with their aunt, Mrs. Srank Weeder, and family. Fred Spencer was a business visitor in Butte Wednesday, Au gust 15. Mrs. Lillian Baker and daugh ter, Joan, returned home Thurs day, August 16, from a several weeks' vacation trip on the west coast. The Archie Nelson family and Mrs. Nata Bjornsen visited at the Ralph Papstein home near Spen cer Wednesday, August 15. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson and family, of Grand Island, came Sunday for a visit with relatives here. They also visited relatives at Verdel and Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder attended the funeral of John Kni fel in Newcastle Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Her man Schochenmaier, of Bone steel, S. D., to the Dale Barta home at Walnut Monday. Postmaster and Mrs. Louis Nel son spent several days recently in Denver, Colo., with their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France are on the west coast for an extended vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nelson and family spent Thursday at the Ed Johns home. They will return to their home in Inninois Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder were business visitors in Omaha Friday, August 17. Mrs. F. McDermott, of Omaha, and Miss Mary Stenger, of Pe tersburg, spent this week at the Mike Stenger home. Mrs. Ralph Spelts was a busi ness visitor in Spencer Wednes day, August 15. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr, were Butte visitors Wednes day, August 15. Lavern Schmidt, of Lincoln, spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Keim, of Lin coln, spent the weekend at the John Wike home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wike, of Omaha, spent the weekend here at the John Wike home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ross meier and family, of Sidney, are here visiting relatives during a 2 weeks’ vacation. 1st Round Play in City Tourney Ends First round play in the city wide golf tournament at the Country club course has been completed with these results: Championship flight: Max Gol den over Jack Everitt; Henry Lo haus over Red DeWitt; Joe Mc Carville over Ben Grady. (Next week Golden meets Lohaus, Mc Carville meets winner of the Ed Campbell-A. P. Jaszkowiak match.) -*■ First flight: Ted Lindberg over Marv Miller; Dale French over Tom Harty; R. V. Lucas, over F. J. Fisher. (Next week Lindberg plays French.) Second flight: Marv Johnson over Wally Shelhamer, John Wat son over A1 Carroll; John McCar ville over Bill McIntosh; Arnie Doerning over Laurence Haynes. (INext week Johnson plays Wat son and McCarville plays Doern ing.) Third flight: Short Hunt over John Stuifbergen, Gene Cantlon over Fred Appleby; Robert Car roll over Lee Brady; D. E. Nelson over Bill Artus. (Next week Hunt plays Cantlon and Carroll plays Nelson.) All first round losers now enter consolation competition. On Sunday, August 26, the O’Neill golfers will go to Ains worth for an intercity return match. Play begins at 1 pjm. Per sons wanting to make the trip should contact Jaszkowiak. Page Win* Thriller from Inman, 5-3 PAGE—The Page entry in the North-Central league blasted In man, 5-3, Sunday on the Page diamond. Darrel Heiss was the winning pitcher, Milo Gorgen, losei1. Cunningham got 3 hits in 5 tries for Page; Gorgen and Moore t wice hit safely in 4 trips each for Inman. HOLT COUNTY EDUCATIONAL NOTES Thursday, August 23, is the last day the exhibit hall will be open. Part of the exhibit will be moved to the Chambers fair next week. If you haven’t seen the nice work on display, better plan to stop in this week. Friday, August 31, is pre-open ing day for the rural teachers of Holt county. All teachers will meet from 9 to 12 in the morning and only beginning teachers in the afternoon. Dean Tempero, of Wayne; Miss Lillian Schafer (a reading consultant from the Mac millan Co.) and Dell Hedges, who will present the “Nebraska Story,’’ are all on the program for the morning. A pre-school conference will be held in my office Tuesday, Au gust 28, by a representative of the department of public instruc tion. Programming and schedul ing of elementary and high school offerings, interpretation of ac creditation criteria, certification, and the filling out of approval and accreditation reports are among the areas to be discussed. —By Alice L. French, county su perintendent. Ralph H. Walker left Monday for Omaha on business for a few day. DOWN MEMORY LANE . . . Time was when the Amelia Cream ery (above) was doing a thriving business in the capital of south west Holt county. This photo appeared in a brochure of the coun ty which was used to induce new residents. Picture was taken a % bout 1890. Reproduction of the series of old photographs is an ex clusive feature in The Frontier. Contributions are solicited. Pic tures will be returned. Identities of persons appearing in the pic tures are desired.—The Frontier Engraving. McIntosh home features 8 closets ... Built of gray cement tile with gable and trim of white wood, the William W. McIntosh residence, fil 8 Adams, is one of the most modern homes in the city. The house, which faces south, has a combination living-dining room, a den, a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a bath and a full basement. The living room has one wall of windows, one of a floral paper and the others of a gray paper of a linen weave. The colors from the floral panel are picked up in the furnishings of the room. There are builtin china closets in the dining area. The den. done in knotty pine, has double windows and a storage closet. The builtin cabinets in the blue and yellow kitchen have been finished with •—By John H. McCarville a pearlstone stain and varnished. The bath has a white tile floor, peach walls, and blue fixtures. The bedroom set aside for young Billy McIntosh has paper of a cowboy design with harmonizing spread and drapes. Sliding doors conceal a large closet and also a row of toy shelves. The master bedroom is decorated in lavender and yellow and has a large double closet and a storage closet. There are closets at both the front and the back entrances and the hall boasts 2 more — a linen closet and a storage closet. The McIntosh family moved into their new home November 19, 1950. The dog’s name is Trixie.—The Frontier Photo & Engraving. PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Young, of Craig, were dinner guests Sun day, August 12, of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart, Sherry and Mickie and George Park drove to Norfolk Sunday, August 12, to visit Mrs. Park who was a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer re turned to their home at Essex, la., Sunday, August 12, after vis iting Mrs. Weyer’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn Gray, and other relatives. Their nieces and nephews, Kath leen and Eddie Walker, of Page, and Bonnie and Bobbie Baker, of Plainview, accompanied them home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park. Ge nelle and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., Glenda Soren sen and Norman Trowbridge drove to Carroll Sunday, August 12, to attend the Woods family reunion. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Park, of Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Anderson. Miss Frances Anderson, Mrs. Su san Hathaway and Joyce Weir, of Hurtington; Miss Arlene Neil son. of Spalding, and Mrs. Dora Townsend, of Page, were dinner guests Sunday. August 12, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lamason. Mrs. Owen Parks. Ruth and Larry returned home Saturday night, August 11, from South Da kota where thev had spent the week. Ruth attended a youth camp near Custer. Mrs. Parks and Larry visited Rev. R. L. Gowan and family at Hot Springs and also visited points of inter est in the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and family, of Battle Creek, spent Saturday night. August 11, at the home of Mr. Stevens’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stevens. Next day thev were all dinner guests at the Vern Wrede home at O’Neill. Lvnette Stevens, who had spent 2 weeks with her grandparents, returned to her home with her mrents. Norma Jean Weir, granddaugh ter of Mrs. Dora Townsend, now j with the musical messengers evangelists, was heard over WOW Sunday morning, August 12. broadcasting from Arnolds park, Okoboji, la. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer. of Essex, la.: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray, of Blue Hill, and Mr and Mrs. C. E. Walker and family, of Page, enjoved a picnic supper on the lawn Saturday evening. Au gust 11, at the home of Mrs. Eve lyn Gray. The following day thev were dinner guests at the C. E. Walxer home. Miss Jo Ann Braddock accom panied her aunt. Miss Alice French, to O’Neill. Monday. Au rust 13, where she will assist .vith the office work during the ibsence of the regular assistant Mr and Mrs. Fred Albright of lelvidere, 111., came on Sunday vening, August 12, to spend a few days at the Gailord Albright home. Miss Genelle Park returned home Wednesday, August 8, from Kingsley, la., where she had spent several days visiting with friends. Miss Joyce Bainbridge accompanied her home and spent until Sunday, August 12, at the Park home. Lt. (jg) W. S. Howell and wife came Saturday, August 11, to spend a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. How ell. Lieutenant Howell is on leave from Minesweeper USS Rodman DMS 21, now at Charleston, S.C. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cullen en joyed having all their children at their home for dinner Sunday. August 12. They are; Mr. and Mrs. Mancil Van Conett and family, of Oakland, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cullen apd son, of Von Calla, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cullen and family, of Mil ford; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cul len and Miss Norma Cullen. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and family left Wednesday eve ning, August 8, for Wakonda. S. D., to attend the funeral of Mr. Roach’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Roach. They returned home Fri day evening. August 10, bringing with them Myron Roach, brother of Mr. Roach, who stayed in Page for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, of Palmyra, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mueller, of Crete, spent Sunday, August 12. at Page. The ladies are nieces of Mrs. Munson Stew art. They were enroute to the Black Hills and other points of interest. A picnic dinner was held for them at the Melvin Smith home. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Munson Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Loren and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart and Linda. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Winter and Mrs. Frances Suiter, of Oacoma, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Suiter, of Chilliwack. B. C.. Can., spent Thursday and Friday, Au gust 9 and 10. with Mr. and Mrs. i W. F. Williamson. Mrs. Frances Suiter is Mrs. Williamson’s moth-1 er; Mrs. Winter and Elmer Suit er are sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Will Neubauer and Paul Neubaur drove to Plainview Sunday. August 12, where they were dinner guests of j Mrs. Sarah Beltz, and Miss Frie da. In the afternoon they attend ed the wedding of the men’s cousins. Miss Donna Bell Neu bauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neubauer, of Osmond, to Clifford Galvin, of Randolph, at the Immanuel Lutheran church i in Osmond. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge and family went to Norfolk Monday, i August 13. to meet Mrs. O. A. Weber. Mrs. Weber has been vis- j ting her sister, Mrs. Clara Slong, >f Los Angeles. Calif., at the home of Mrs. Meta Ruegg, her sister-in-law. at Lincoln. “Grandmother” Bowden, of O’ Neill, spent a few days recently — in the Andrew Wettlaufer home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strong were Sunday, August 12, dinner guests at the George Wettlaufer home. STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coffman and son, of Washington, 111., vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman from Tuesday. August ■14, to Thursday. Floyd Coffman is a nephew of R. A. Coffman. Mrs. R. A. Coffman, Mrs. Blanche Mollahan, Mrs. Edith Atkinson, Mrs. Hickerson and Mrs. Weller attended a birthday anniversary dinner in honor of Mrs. Aleda Jackson in Atkinson on Friday, August 17. Mrs. Ray Schaffer and family, of Rushville, visited with her sister, Mrs. Francis Roberts, and her daughter, Miss Jeanie Schaf fer, from Wednesday, August 15, to Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simons, of Merriman, came on Saturday, August 11, and visited over Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Si mons and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler and family. Joe Simons is a brother of Mrs. Engler and Nick Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell on Wednesday, August 15, and! and family, of Dallas, Ore., came ! on Wednesday, August 15. and visited over the weekend with his brothers, the Charles Mitchell family and the Berlin Mitchell _amily. Mrs. John Schmit and children, of Butte, visited with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler, from Inursday, August 16, over! the weekend. Mrs. Hattie Fox returned Sun- 1 day, August 19, from Ainsworth, where she has been visiting her son, Dillon Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hinsol vvood and daughters, of Upland, Calif., have been visiting the past week with friends. ————————— ' Tune in! “Voice of The Fron- j tier” . . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 i.m., WJAG (780 k.c.) . -- -- , INMAN NEWS Miss Elsie Krueger returned from Wisner last week where she had spent a few days visiting. The Misses Joan Coventry and Yvonne Smith spent from Thurs day to Saturday in Norfolk visit ing Deritha Smith. LeRoy Moore, who is employed at Alliance, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and son, Bob, returned Saturday from Omaha where they had been visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerman, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Har kins, of Turlock, Calif, arrived Sunday afternoon for a 10-day visit in the home of Mr. Harkins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Har kins. and Hildred and also his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. They were ac companied on the trip by Daniel Schmidt, also of Turlock, who was met in Inman Monday morn ing by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, of Peoria, 111., and all left at once for Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Cronk and daughter, Jane Ellen, who have been visiting in the John Galla gher home for the past 10 days, left Saturday evening for their home in San Bernardino, Calif. They were accompanied by their aunt, Mrs. Anna M. Smith, who will go to ElMonte, Calif, to visit her son and daughtei-u.-law, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smita, and son, Greg. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beh mer, of Stanton, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. The women’s department of the RLDS church met at the home of Mrs. Manuel Grosser Wednesday, August 15, for a regular meeting. Eight members were present. The hostess served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Smith and in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton spent Thursday in Stanton visiting Beverly and Bert spent Saturday friends. Mrs. Maude Cordes, of Huron, O., is visiting in the home of Miss Mildred Keyes. The WSC'S met for a regular meeting on Friday at the home of Mrs. I. L. Watson. The lesson was given by Lois Tompkins. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. I. L. Watson and Mrs. Leo Mossman. Rev. and Mrs. Charles C. Chap pell and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilhoit and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins and faimily. Neil and Noel Knutson, of Wil son vi lie, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knutson, visited in their parents’ home Saturday night and Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Tomp kins and sons, Gifford and Tom my, came to visit in the L. R. and Harvey A. Tompkins’ homes for the August 18 weekend. They brought with them Roger Tomp kins, who will spend a few weeks 1 at Inman visiting, and Gifford, who will work in the hay field 2 weeks. Their son, Bobby, who had been visiting at Inman, re turned home with them. Goes to Phoenix— Mrs. Laurence O'Malley left Wednesday, August 15, for Phoe nix, Ariz., where she will visit for a month with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Haggerty. -i * Mrs. Arthur Dexter and boys attended a family dinner at the Laurence Rothchild home in At kinson Sunday. Too Late to Classify A HELP WANTED: Stenographer, must be able to take shorthand. —Consumers Pub. Power Dist., O’Neill, ask for Mr. Sullivan. __ 16c CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers, gifts and cards I received while in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. They were greatly ap preciated. MRS. WM. GROTHE, JR. 16c _Emmet, Nebr. FOR SALE: M-M 6-ft. one-way, $150.—L. F. Burgess, Emmet. _ 16p35 FOR SALE: Govt, surplus 300 amp. R-I welder generator, ( with reactor, $25.—Lloyd Bur gess, Emmet. 16p35 FOR SALE: An 8-foot backbar with mirror.—Pete Peterson. __—_16c FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet coupe.—Inquire at the Town House, O’Neill._16c FOR SALE: Serve! kerosene re frigerator, 7 cu. ft., *1 deluxe ice trays, meat keeper, 2 large crisper drawers, good finish, guaranteed to work like new. A real bargain for only $65.— Gettman’s Radio & Appiiance _Co., Norfolk, Nebr._16c70 FOR SALE: Spring fryers. — phone 5F22. 16c ... the letter* (tart. Then many reader* of THE CHRIS* TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy thi* daily world-wide newspaper, with such com ment* as: “The Monitor is the most carefully edited news paper in the U. S. . . .* *Valuable aid in teach ing . . ■News that is complete and fair . . " "The Monitor surely is a reader’s necessity . . ." Ton, too. will find the Monitor informative, with complete world new* . . . and a* neces sary aa your HOME TOWN paper. Uee thi* conpon for a Special Introductory subscription — 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. Tka Ckrlatlaa Sclaaea Mo.k.r Oea. Naraar St., IhIm IS. Max., U. S. A. Fima mbS m* aa lalrWiarl.rr aaUcrta. tlaa la Tka ChrlaiUa Stlaaaa Maattar 7* laaaaa. 1 aadaaa aJ. (atUraaa) “ Jffr) oSS) <^T REGULAR SAVINGS PROVIDE SECURITVl / A man can point with pride to the regular entries made in his savings account passbook. Each payday <*an provide security for the future if the habit of regular savings is followed. Building&Loan Association * Or««ri**e tut n«n ettkM «ms See Tour Local Agent C. E. YANTZI, Agent Phone 520. O'Neill Loans. Insurance & Collections l i I . \ • THE FRONTIER is • FIRST with the most news! • FIRST in pictures! • FIRST in reader ship! I $2.50 Per Year si * " y'1* He'll tall you, fof putting ufr bailed bag vl»i* "Trailaway” la absolutely tops. Cai ^ (pbla of elevating up to 25 bales per mitC Ve. It's poruble, ooa man can move itTjf* |aka it to the job ... tha all-purpose alff <jrop elevator . , . may be operated witff ^ • • • Wilt IOC yt&Tf Q| HOLT COUNTY IMPLEMENTS LLOYD COLLINS, Prop. *Vi