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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
riUR WANT ADS I rOR SALE FOR SALE: Toy terrier puppies, 1 male, 1 female. Frem regis tered dog. Mother’s weight 7 pounds. $20 each.—Phone 166 or 233J, O’Neill._16c FOR SALE: Regular $22.50 round corner steel cabinets, now $15.95. — Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346J.16 c FOR SALE: House. 28x32, 1 story frame, to be moved or we will deliver to foundation in town.—K. C. Hunt, Hunt’s Re cap., O’Neill, phone 289. 16c ENDOPEST stops blight and in sects on roses and other plants. In dust gun only 98c at Lei dv’s, O’Neill._ 16c FOR SALE: Several good, well located building lots.— R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner. O’Neill, phone 106. 12* FOR SALE: J4A Piper Coupe, 2-way radio. Nav. lights, in ex cellent condition. Will trade on late model Ford tractor or sell for cash.—Carl Hubei, Ewing. _ 16-17c NOTICE TO ALL TRUCKERS Check These Prices TRUCK TIRES 825-20 10-ply_80.61 900-20 10-ply_99.59 1000-20 12-ply_117.50 GAMBLES O’Neill, Nebr, 15c FOR SALE: 9 x 12 Armstrong Quaker heavyweight linoleum rugs, $8.95.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 16c FOR SALE: Small new 1-bed room home, 2 lots. — R. H. Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 12c FOR SALE: Heated hen foun tains. using oil. gas, or electri city.—At Leidy’s, O’Neill. 16c FOR SALE: The Loren Simonson residence, located in West O’ Neill, will be offered for sale immediately and will be open for inspection from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. each day until sold. This is an 8 - room home, strictly modern, full basement, auto matic heat._ 16c FOR SALE: 32-v. electric house fan, Royal vacuum sweeper with attachments, food mixer with juicer, toaster; also a 30 gal. coal - burning hot water heater. — C Bar M Hereford Ranch. O’Neill._12tf FOR SALE: 30- and 52-gallon electric water heaters.— Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 14c run ; l/wcuuik. iuuuwh 3-rooms, without furnace, lo cated on the north side of pavement. Must be sold. Price $3,500.—See P. C. Donohoe, O’ Neill.16c FOR SALE: $10.95 folding iron ing board& now $7.95. — Mid west Furn. & Appl., West O’ Neill. _ 18c DWELLING LOTS FOR SALE: 2 good lota on the sewer, ideal building lota.—P. C. Donohoe. O'Neill._8ltt TOR SALE. A Seivel refrigerat or, like new —Call Mrs. Fred Wills. O’Neill. 484-W. 16c FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment for sale by Kenneth Dil lon, Ainsworth, Nebr. Get your milking machine now while they are still avail able. . 4 tfc FOR SALE: 5-ft. steel hen feed ers at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 16c FOR SALE: 2-pc. living room suite, perfect condition, $99.50. —Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 16c FOR SALE: Young Breeding Ewes for sale.—Lloyd Kyner, phone 2301, Long Pine, Nebr., or Cecil Schaller, phone 3961. __12C-1-12-51 FOR SALE: Wide selection of back-to-school cars at Gonder inger’s in Atkinson—the home of dependable transportation: 4—1940 Ford V-8s. $95 up; 2— 1941 Chevrolets, $295 each; al so 1941 Plymouths and Fords. You’ll save here!—Gondering er Motor Co., Atkinson. 16c BONE MEAL is the safest source of phosphorous. At Leidy’s, O’ Neill._18c FOR SALE: Feed lots close to town and highway, 3 Vi acres.— M. M. Krause, O’Neill, phone 515-J.14-16p BUY QUALITY BRIGGS beauty ware, American Standard fixtures. Rheems wa ter heaters. Dempster water systems, and many others. Kelleys Plumbing _O’Neill_ VIGORO peps up your lawn, in 1-. 5-, 10-. 25- and 100-lb. bags at Leidy's, O'Neill._16c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford yrl. bulls, sired by TH North Star 14: 4433943, a consistent sire of top calves. These bulls are in pasture condition. Priced right. See them at the ranch 17 miles south, 3 miles east of O’ Neill.—Wood Hereford Ranch. __ _15-16c 143 FOR SALE: Allis - Chalmers plows, all sizes, only a few left. —Marcellus, West O’ Neill.16c LOST: Billfold, brown leather, zip., at O’Neill HS auditorium. Avgust 16. Reward. — Linelle Tompkins. Inman. 16c35 FOR SALE: Nearly new, modern^ 2-bedroom home and garage. Close to new hospital and schools. Possession inside of 30 days. — M. M. Krause, O’ Neill, ph. 515-J._H-16p FOR SALE: Atkinson 8-room house, block to school, auto matic water heater, oil furnace heat. Nice location on 2 lots.— See Mrs. Olson, Atkinson, or write C. Olson, 1326 S. Alice St., Sioux City, la. 14-16c NOW IS the time to plant blue grass. Get seed at Leidy’s, O’ Neill._ If You Are Looking For Used Car Bargains 1947—Chev. Fleetline, 2-dr. 1—1942 Ford Tudor. 1—1948 Pontiac 6-cyl. 4-dr. 1—1947 Chev. 4-dr. Stylemaster. 1949—Mercury 4-door. Make us an offer. 1949—Dodge Wayfarer 2 - door, very clean. 1—1946 Chev. 4-dr. Fieetmaster. 1— 1946 Chev. Club Coupe. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill Phone 531 O’Neill. Nebr. 14c FOR SALE: New Hotpoint rang es and refrigerators and Amana freezers, all sizes, in your price range.—Jacboson’s, O’Neill._ FOR SALE: The Neubauer 80 < acres, Vfe mile south and 2 miles east of Page. —See Wm. Neu bauer, Page, or J. F. Fletcher, broker. Orchard._14-17pl25 Chrysler - Plymouth SALES & SERVICE A Good Stock of Better Used Cars At Prices That Will Please ] C. M. WILSON Phone 100 Butte, Nebr. 2tf_ FOR GOOD insurance of all kinds see R. H. (“Ray”) Shrin er, phone 106.39tf FOR SALE: Wefso farm and ranch, 920 acres, 13 miles north and 2Vi east from Stuart. This is a good combined ranch with running water.—P. C. Donohoe, O'Neill. _ 51tf USED PICKUPS, JEEPS, CARS ALL BARGAINS 1947 Dodge Pickup. % -ton $595 2— 1948 Willys 4 - Wheel Drive Pickups, 44-ton, 2-speed axles. 1—1947 Willys Jeep. 1— 1949 Willys Jeep. 1946 Dodge 4 Door. 1947 Kaiser 4-Door, very clean. 1948 Kaiser 4-Door, choice. 2— 1940 Fords, Fordor. 1—.1940 Oldsmobile $195 1—1942 Chevrolet . $250 New Willys 4-Wheel Drive Pick ups in Stock Again. New Henry J’s - Kaisers Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 16c FOR SALE: Alma Silver Moon house trailer, 24-ft., good con dition, priced resasonably. — Helen Lewis, Bassett, Nebr. 16-17p40 WANTED WANTED: General housework. Phone 464W 16c J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron, metal and rags, No. 7th St _ _ _13ctf I HAVE AN OPENING Ji'OR A MAN that is looking a hetad with the idea of having permanent good paying busi ness. As one of the largest na tionally advertised livestock feed companies, we need a man to represent us in this commu nity. This position offers a def inite permanent future. No in vestment necessary. If you know livestock or are ac quainted with the farmers in this territory and have a car write for complete details c/o Box O, The Frontier. 16c HELP WANTED: Three or 4 car penters immediately. —Phone 476-M, 16p35 HELP WANTED: Middle-aged woman wanted for part-time semi-secretarial work. Write Box F, c/o The Frontier. All inquiries will be acknowledged. _ 16c STENOGRAPHER WILL CONSIDER experienced or inexperienced. Permanent, pleasant working conditions in an air cooled office. Paid vacations, other employe ben efits. Write: Box C, c/o Fron tier. 16c CARDS OF THANKS I WANT to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, gifts and letters sent me during my stay in St. Vincent’s hospital. They were greatly appreciated. 16p50 DALE CURRAN I WISH to thank all those who rememered me with cards, let ters and their prayers during my stay in the O’Neill hospital. MRS. ALMA TEGELFR 16p50 MISCELLANEOUS LOST: Brown leather billfold, between 2 and 2:30 Saturday afternoon, in O’Neill. Reward. —Gordon Watson, Chambers. 16p35 AIR WAY SANITIZOR vacuum cleaners. For free home demon stration without obligation to buy, write or phone E. T. Ver ing, O’Neill, Nebr., phone 409-J._15-17pll4 NOTICE TO MOW ROADS: No tice is hereby given that all roads in Iowa Twp. must be mowed by Sept. 1st.—By order of Twp. Board. _12-17c NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS All roads in Shields township must be mowed by Sept. 1st, 1951.—Shields Twp. Board. _15-16c AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insurance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and newer model automo bile and write your insurance for you! We need and appreci ate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding._ Ih u n't ’ S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Fum. Service Phone 399, O’Neill FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors _for Any Job_25 tf Complete Auction Sales Service! \dvertising, auctioneering, clerk ing . . . let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN, Chambers or LEIGH * VERNE REYNOLDSON. O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds_ i-'OR BRIGGS & STRATTON. Lawson and Clinton engines, service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. ____ _ WE NEVER SLEEr A PHONE CALL brings us on the run I Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Used Cars. Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7tli O’Neill. Nebr. 9c80 FOR PROMPT, efficient mechan ical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview. Nebr., phone 111 or 21._ _ 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N -S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE on all kinds and makes of auto mobiles, trucks and tractors; factory - trained specialists; guaranteed service. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. ____46tf WHETHER you wish to buy. rent, trade or sell, The Fron tier’s classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. 38tf DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 49tf FOR RENT FOR RENT; 3-room upstairs a partment, modern, furnished. —Call O'Neill phone 141. _____13-16pl20 FOR RENT: 400 acres of hayland 10 miles northeast of Midway. —See or write Bill Schaaf, Redbird. 15-16p65 GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts Ray Lbr. Co., O’NeilL BOARD AND ROOM~ available for high school girl, non-smok er; also basement apt for rent. —Mrs. J. V. Johnson. O’Neill, ohone 390-J. 15-16p35 FOR RENT: Ultra modern 2-bed room apt.—Gillespie’s, ph. 114, O’Neill. _14c FOR RENT: Rooms for school girls, kitchen privileges, 3% blocks from school. — Phone 451W, O’Neill._l*tf FOR RENT: New, small hand sanding machine, for furniture and woodwork. — Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill._52tf REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD — Ralph M Alderson to Thomas E Alderson 12-19-50 $5, 720- 1/5 Int in SE'/4- E^SWV4 SMiNMs 13- SEV4NEV4 14-26-13 WD—R S Swenson to F J Gilg 8-15-51 $1- Lots 1-3-4-8-9-10-11 12-13-14-23-24-25-30-31- 32- 37 & 38 & EVfe lots 20 & 21- Gilg & Swenson’s Sub-division- O’Neill WD—F J Gilg to R S Swenson 8-16-51 $1- Lots 2-5-6-7-15-16-17 18-19-22-26-27-28- 29- 33- 34- 35 & 36- & WMs lots 20 & 21- Gilg & Swenson’s Sub-division- O’Neill Rev. and Mrs. D. S. Conrad and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Loweiy spent Monday at the Joseph Stoecker home in Atkinson. Frontier for printing. Coming to the Holt Fair K . * ■ CLOWN BULLFIGHTER COMING . . . One of the grandstand at tractions at the 1951 Holt county fair and rodeo will be perform ances by Buck Robinson (above), rodeo clown and bullfighter. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson and family were away for the weekend. On their trip they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reising, of Morrill. Mrs. John Carroll and son, Mi chael, of Lincoln, arrived Sun day for a visit whh Mrs. Car roll’s mother, Mrs. William J. Biglin. FOR YOUR FULLER BRUSH ’ PRODUCTS See or Call • Pat Hynes ., Phone 158 - W 1 1 O'NEILL * ; rt li.'lr ■—M—*—tmm^ * f f * &■ a ★ ★*★★★★★ ★★★★★*★***★** * * Thursday STAR Specials . GONDERINGER MOTOR CO. “Home of Dependable Transportation” ATKINSON NEBR. ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ★ Need a Back-to-Schod Car? • \\ WE HAVE a wide selection of ideal back to-school cars — ideal for the young folks or for an extra car around the place. Thursday Only 4-1940 V-8s $95 And Up MIDWEST FURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J West O’NeiD ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ★ SAVE $50 Regular $219.50 Serta 2-PC. STUDIO SUITES ) ★ Covered in Mohair Frieze ★ Guaranteed Construction ★ Choice of Colors Thursday Only.169.50 Delivered Price — Easy Terms KNIGHT MAYTAG Across from the Golden Douglas St. ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * Used 7-Ft. Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR IT’S BEEN used only a year . . . new style Westinghouse . . . and it’s a beauty. A compliment to anybody’s kitchen. If bought Thursday it will be delivered and installed for only— $139.95 * 1 *■ " HERE THEY ARE! Each and evefyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the "Voice of The Frontier" each Wednes day morning at 9:4*5 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! I Hog Sale Starts at 1 O’Clock • Beginning today the hog sale will begin promptly at 1 o'clock.' The cattle runs are beginning to increase, a seasonal drop in hog consignments is setting in, therefore we ask all hog consign* ors to cooperate by getting their hogs in early. • Several nice consignments of cattle already axe in the yard*, including a batch of 800-pound steers, all one brand, strictly top; several nice packages of short yearlings, around 600 pounds* and there'll be a few calves; in addition there'll be the usual butcher slock. Not enough cattle the past few weeks for all the buyers. I O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET ] LEIGH 8c VERNE REYNOLDSON. Manageri I PHONE 2 O'NEILL \ t-T-1 LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Your Ford Dealer Phone 16 O’Neill _ ' ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * j 1944 Model K - 7 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR • This outfit has a 147-in. wheelbase ... it’s equipped with saddle tanks, heater,! valves, size 9.00 tires. All it needs is a “fifth wheel” and hoses and it’s ready to go. . fM Thursday Only.S785 ♦ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * ff EVERY ATTIC has its white ele- ' II phants. It may be a white elephant j to you but a good buy to someone i else. || THURSDAY ONLY you can order Jr a For Sale, Swap or Trade classi fied ad in The Frontier and receive an extra insertion without charge. OFFER IS GOOD for transactions made on Thursday, August 23, only, and cash must accompany or der for first insertion.