The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 23, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 14, Image 14

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    When You and I Were Young . ..
Rope in Courtroom
Proved Not a Noose
50 Years Ago
Mr. Reka, our enterprising ci
gar manufacturer, is the first
O'Neill man to venture an auto
mobile. He has one ordered and is
looking for it any day. He ex
pects to get the best of the ex
pensive hay market by driving a
horseless carriage. . . Fire de
s*royed the house on T. A. Pick
ering’s farm 2 miles south of Em
met. The fire left the Pickerings
destitute of a home and destroy
ed all their clothing, bedding and
household goods. The loss is be
tween $600 and $700. . . Visitors to
the county courtroom yesterday
afternoon looked awry at a coil
of heavy rope lying on the floor
and wondered who had been
hung. It was only the mute testi
mony in a case of the state a
gainst Edward Tierney, who was
arrested at the instance of Mark
Murphy and it was charged that
he had stolen the rope which lay
at the feet of the judge. The de
fendant proved to the court that
he had bought the rope at Mc
Cafferty’s and was discharged. . .
“I want all who owe me to call
and settle up now. If I go out
with the bills some get offended
for asking for my money in pub
lic, so don't wait for that; call
now and settle up.—Con Keyes.’
25 Years Ago
The first real heavy rain that
has fallen here for several years
came last Sunday evening. It rain
ed 2'k inches in an hour. . . .
Fred McNally says that it pays
to advertise. He inserted a small
ad in The Frontier last week for
a pocketbook that his nephew
had lost and in a few minutes
after The Frontier was placed in
the postoffice the purse was re
turned. . . Frank Lancaster is ar
ranging to dispose of his interests
here by the first of the year with
the view of taking over a large
dairy 3 miles from Denver, Colo.
. . , Hollywood bathing beauty
show girls presented a perform
ance to a crowded tent. The show,
was very tame. The girls showed
their lack of training upon the
stage and their inability to sing
and dance did not add much to
the attractiveness of the enter
tainment. A couple of the girls
were fairly good looking, dhe
fellow who was furnishing the
tent and was pulling the show
with trucks returned to Omaha
-- "5
and the show scattered to the 4
winds. Rumors had it that part of
the management disappeared
with the money sack. . . Mayor
C. E. Stout was elected president
of the Northeast Golf association
at its annual meeting in Norfolk.
. . .The contractors who will
gravel the 8 miles of road east of
O’Neill are on the job and are
getting ready to begin work right
10 Years Ago
On Monday morning. August
18. at 7 a.m.. Miss Alexa Uhl,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Uhl. became the bride of Leo Go
kie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Go
kie . . Flood lights are being in
stalled at the ball diamond in the
city park and are ready for use.
... A picnic for the immediate
members of the family was held}
at the city park commemorating
the 82d birthday anniversary of
Mrs. Della Shaw. There were 43
members of the family present.
Save lime and money on aulo
parts and accessories. Try us :
First.—Western Auto. O'Neill.
5 - Year $1,000
Town Dwelling-12.00
Auto Liability — _
Office: Gillespie Radio Bldg.
O'Neill phene 114 or 218
Here l» the Current Week's Jingle (No. 3)
(Entries to bo |udgud using this jingle
V . must be postmarked by midnight,
_August 30, 1931)_
Oet the habit, It's simple too
Win at the fair with ribbons "blue”
OOOCN'S Bfst flour will always store
(You write ths last lies)
Your beloved saddle shoe—
priced thrifty • low, nowl
Long • wearing leather, with
thick white rubber soles and
heels . . . choose brown or
black with white. Sizes 4
to 10.
Soft kip leather casuals with
young looks, deep-down com
fort! Of course you'll need a
pair for school, for play
time, for Just relaxing!
Brown, with neolite soles,
sises 4 to 9. Come try a pair,
Sixes 121 a to 3
Serviceable shoes for school,
for play I Sturdy elk-finished
h cowhide moccasin oxfords
£ with long - wearing neoliie
p soles, rubber heels. Penney's
j price is value-packed IBuyl
Sixes 8Vfc to 12-4.49.
Famous Goodyear Well Con
sdruction! PLUS the good
looks of moccasin - loe styl
ing, fine side leather! Man,
that's VALUE for you! Come
in and try on a pair today!
Brown, sises 6 to 12.
Styled like his Dad's! Good
looking straight-tip oxfords
with rugged composition
soles, thick rubber heels—
these are real values at Pen
nay's price! Burgundy or
brown, sizes 1 to 6.
Official Holt Board Proceedings
7-1-51 to 6-30-52
I I £ i ' 8
3 ’ -3 g
c s .a § g
I „ * | | ' <2 § m | i
.9 J! ! ! J i £ - *3 mc>. £ ~
g - . QK ‘8 t| .3 3 g uW
Sg«>.-iSl§'H8>.ll'S3i| % a s
<u i; i; *; « i 5 « r S 5 --i 3 ii " :S aj .S3 o
Ocowocuco^cQ^O S <: t K □ j tO Cl. fc
O’Neill_5. 2.6 3. 1. 7.5 3. .5 .5 .5 1. .4 .5 25.5
Atkinson . 5. 2. 1. 1.2 2. 1.5 1. .9 1. .2 .5 16.3
Stuart_7. 1.5 1. 3. 1. .3 1. .5 .2 .5 16.
Ewing ..8. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 16.
Page ..... 5. 1. 4. 2. 12.
Chambers_5. 5. 5. 1. 16.
Inman_4. 5. 3. 12.
Emmet_5. 6. 1L
7-1-51 to 6-30-52
Dist. Free Dist. Free
No. Gen. Bond Total High No. Gen. Bond Total High
1. 15.6 15.6 3.2 69. 4.6 4.6 3.2
2. 40.0 5. 45.0 70. 9.2 9.2 3.2
3. 13.6 13.6 3.2 71. 4.8 4.8 3.2
4. 14. 14. 3.2 72. 5. 5. 3.2
5. 10.4 10.4 3.2 73. 7.2 7.2 3.2 :
7. 22.4 22.4 74. 7.2 7.2 3.2
8. 10.6 10.6 3.2 76. 8. 8. 3.2
9. 10. 10. 3.2 77. 9. 9. 3.2
10. 13.6 18.6 3.2 79. 16.6 16.6 3.2
11. 10.6 10.6 3.2 80. 9.6 9.6 3.2
13. 23.2 23.2 3.2 81, 7. 7. 3.2
14. 9.4 9.4 3.2 82. 14. 14. 3.2
15. 11.8 11.8 3.2 84. 10.2 10.2 3.2
16. 8. 8. 3.2 86. 9.2 9.2 3.2
17. 17.6 17.6 3.2 87. 11. 11. 3.2
18. 14.2 14.2 3.2 88. 9.8 9.8 3.2
20. 9.8 9.8 3.2 89. 12. 12. 3.2
21. 28.8 28.8 90. 5.6 5.6 3.2
22. 6.8 6.8 3.2 91. 8.4 8.4 3.2
23. 12. 12. 3.2 92. 11.2 11.2 3.2
26. 13. 13. 3.2 93. 11.4 11.4 3.2
27. 12. 12. 3.2 95. None None None 3.2
29. 46. 3.6 49.6 96. 13.4 13.4 3.2
30. 47. 4. 51. 97. 18. 18. 3.2
31. 3. 3. 3.2 98. 17.2 17.2 3.2
32. 9.8 9.8 3.2 99. 20.6 20.6 3.2
33. 9.2 9.2 3.2 100. 20.6 20.6 3.2
34. None None 0.0 3.2 101. 12.6 12.6 3.2
35. 6.2 6.2 3.2 102. 3.8 3.8 3.2
36. 11.6 11.6 3.2 107. 7.6 7.6 3.2
37. 14.2 14.2 3.2 108. 9.6 9.6 3.2
38. 9.8 9.8 3.2 110. 12. 12. 3.2
39. 12.6 12.6 3.2 111. 11.4 11.4 3.2
40. 12.6 12.6 3.2 113. 5.4 5.4 3.2
41. 6.8 6.8 3.2 115. 12. 12. 3.2
42. None None 0.0 3.2 118. 12.8 12.8 3.2
44. 35. 35. 119. 15.8 15.8 3.2
46. 12. 12. 3.2 120. 15. 15. 3.2
47. 17.2 17.2 3.2 121. 10.2 10.2 3.2
48. 9.6 9.6 3.2 122. 7.8 7.8 3.2
49. 8. 8. 3.2 124. 5.2 5.2 3.2
50. 8.8 • 8.8 3.2 125. 7. 7. 3.2
52. 15. 15. 3.2 '127. 9. 9. 3.2
53. 8. 8. 3.2 128. 9.6 9.6 3.2
55. 16. 16. 3.2 131. 12.2 12.2 3.2
56. 12.4 12.4 3.2 132. None None None 3.2
57. 11.4 11.4 3.2 134. 6.6 6.6 3.2
58. 6. 6. 3.2 135. 10. 10. 3.2
59. 3.6 3.6 3.2 136. 9.8 9.8 3.2
60. 23.6 23.6 3.2 137. 42.5 5. 47.6
62. 10.8 10.8 3.2 138. 6.4 6.4 3.2
63. 25.2 25.2 3.2 141. 6.8 6.8 3.2
65. 6.2 6.2 3.2 142. 7.4 7.4 3.2
67. 9. 9. 3.2 143. 12. 12. 3.2
68. 27.0 27. 3.2 144. None None None 3.2
145. 3.4 3.4 3.2 208. 15.8 15.8 3.2
146. 7.8 7.8 3.2 209. 6.8 6.8 3.2
147. 11.8 11.8 3.2 210. 10.4 10.4 3.2
148. 10.4 10.4 3.2 211. 10. 10. 3.2
150. 9.8 9.8 3.2 212. 8.4 8.4 3.2
152. 3.4 3.4 3.2 213. 12. 12. 3.2
155. 12. 12. 3.2 215. None None None 3.2
156. 7.2 7.2 3.2 216. 14.2 14.2 3.2
157. 10.6 10.6 ?2 218. 15.2 15.2 3.2
158. 10.8 10.8 3.2 222. 16.4 16.4 3.2
159. 9.8 9.8 3.2 224. 6. 6. 3.2
163. 6. 6. 3.2 225. 7.2 7.2 3.2
165. 8. 8. 3.2 226. 9.6 9.6 3.2
168. 6. 6. 3.2 227. 12. 12. 3.2
169. 9. 9. 3.2 228. 17.4 17.4 1.6
170. 13.8 13.8 3.2 229. 9.4 9.4 3.2
171. None None 0.0 3.2 231. 3.8 3.8 3.2
172. 14. 14. 3.2 232. 12.2 12.2 3.2
173. 16.4 16.4 3.2 233. 12. 12. 3.2
174. 21.6 21.6 3.2 236. 1.4 1.4 3.2
176. 8.4 8.4 3.2 237. 5. 5. 3.2
178. 17. 17. 3.2 238. 12. 12. 3.2
180. 12. 12. 3.2 239. None None None 3.2
181. 6. 6. 3.2 241. 12. 12. 3.2
183. 16.4 16.4 3.2 242. 15.2 15.2 3.2
184. 14.4 14.4 3.2 243. 18.2 18.2 3.2
187. 12.8 12,8 3.2 245. 6.6 6.6 3.2
188. 11.6 11.6 3.2 246. 20. 20. 3.2
192. 10.8 10.8 3.2 247. 17.8 17.8 3.2
194. 5. 5. 3.2 248. 10.4 10.4 3.2
196. 8. 8. 3.2 249. 4.6 4.6 3.2
197. 3.2 3.2 3.2 252. 11.6 11.6 3.2
202. 14.8 14.8 3.2 2%. None None None 3.2
203. 12.8 12.8 3.2 18%. 5.8 5.8 3.2
205. 4.4 4.4 3.2 90%. None None None 3.2
206. 9.6 9.6 3.2
Also a “Blanket School Tax Levy" of 4. mills on all Class 1
School Districts in the County
Motion was made by Hubbard, seconded by Borg that the above
levies be approved for County Precinct, City and Village, School
and Free High School.
Minutes of this meeting were read and approved as read.
Motion by Sterns, seconded by Borg that the Holt County
Board of Equalization adjourn Sine Die.
County Clerk
Chairman • __
10,000 Gallons
of Oil Applied
CHAMBERS— Several of the
streets in Chambers have receiv
ed a coat of oil. Ten thousand
gallons of surfacing oil were ap
plied to a north-south street, a
bout a half-mile in length and
extending from one edge of the
town to the other.
In wet weather this street is
almost impassable, according to
the acting chairman of the vil
lage board. Edwin A. Wink.
Recent rains have slowed the
project, but work now is nearing
Other Chambers News
Leonard Miller, of Page, spent
the weekend with his brother
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Art Mil
ler, and Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright
drove to Plainview Sunday to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norton Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Covey had
as their guests Sunday his broth
er and wife Mr. and Mrs. Covey,
of Ord.
Mrs. Ida Anderson, of Norfolk,
came Wednesday, August 15, to
visit her mother, Mrs. Victoria
Woods, and other relatives.
Mr .and Mrs. Jake Hoerle and
Mrs. John Haake drove to Clear
water Sunday where they visited
in the John Schreiber home.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alderson, of
Tilden, spent Sunday with his
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Alderson. They were en
roule to Denver, Colo., to visit
his daughter and husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thorin
and family left for their home at
Cheyenne, Wyo., after a 2-weeks’
visit with his mother, Mrs. Clara
Thorin, and other relatives.
Mrs. John Wintermote left on
Sunday for Mitchell to attend the
funeral services for her brother,
Joe Dorthy. She accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, of O’
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Star and
Danny, of St. Paul, spent Thurs
day, August 16, with his mother,
Mrs. Nellie Starr.
Sunday guests in the Vem Wil
kinson home were his father,
Jesse Wilkinson, and sister, Mrs.
Hazel Boatman, of O’Neill, and
her daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Lange, of At
kinson. 1
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper took
their niece, Karen Johnson, to
her home at Emmet on Saturday
evening and remained over Sun
day visiting in the Johnson home.
Capt. and Mrs. Duane Thorin
and 2 children, of San Diego,
Calif., visited a few days last
week with his mother, Mrs. Clara
Diana Hoffman spent the
weekend with Delores Wilkinson.
Dynn Ray Fluckey left Sunday
for his home at Arlington after
spending 6 weeks in the Vern
Wilkinson home.
Sunday dinner guests in the
Louis Harley home were: Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Harley and
Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Harley, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Me-.
Kay and children and Mrs. Anna1
Rupture Appliance Specialist, Harry G. Higgins, will give
a free demonstration of his "Guaranteed Rupture Shield" for
men, women and children, in
O’Neill, Nebr., at Hotel Golden
on Thurs., Aug. 30th, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.
I have fitted thousands of satisfied customers in the middle
west and southwest. Let me prove to you that your rupture
can be firmlv held in complete comfort without belts, buck
les or straps. When skillfully fitted and molded to the body
according to individual requirements, your rupture troubles
are over. DO NOT EXPERIMENT LONGER, and become a
cripple and burden to your family. If you want the complete
relief you can obtain, come in for free demonstration: or if
unable to see me at this time, write for future appointment A
Rupture Appliance Specialist
225 S. 5th St. Minneapolis 2, Minn.
C x«jewsa&toas—awn III . ■ . ■
JOHNNY BOYD (above) . . . one of ten most famous Midget Drivers in ihe U.S.
Antelope County FAIR!
Tues.,Wed.,Thurs., Aug. 28-29-30
Entry Day — Monday, August 27
A beautiful park with all the facilities lor handling a large crowd.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28-Allernoon- ,
LYLE JACKSON, Show Director
Purses, Trophies- Ribbons. 75 to 100 head competing. Special attractions of
Hackneys, and 24-Horse Corad Drill Team.
Musical accompaniment by Penny Pennington and Hammond Organ
WEDNESDAY, & THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 & 30—Afternoon—
Time Trials — Trophy Dash — Cars Timing 1-3-5-7-9-11 — Cars Timing
2-4-6-8-10-12 — Non-Money Winners — Match Races — Australian Pursuit —
Feature Event, 12 cars, 10 laps.
DANPF Tuesday night, Square Dance, Penny Pennington and J
IlftHvL" Hammond Organ; Wednesday night, “Swing Kings”;
Thursday night, “Bussey’s Swing Time Band.” All three dances
at Neligh Roller Rink.
DAV OAAIIT DAAFANT Formal Opening of Fair Tuesday
DU I dlfUUI mULHni-ni&ht (no admission charge) at
Col. Wilbur and Show Troupe, and Chet and Jaunita Howell
in a full evening program in front of grandstand.