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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1951)
113 Attend Annual Fuelberth Reunion i . page—The Fuelberth annual * family reunion was held at the American Legion hall in Osmond Sunday. August 12. with 113 m attendance. The oldest one pres ent was Mrs. Kate Fuelberth, 86, of Osmond. The youngest one present was Jimmy Smith, 3 month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, of Omaha. There was one death since the last reunion: Mrs. P. E. Nissen. of Page. There were 7 births. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ash er and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and 2 ► daughters, Mr .and Mrs. Richard Asher and son, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Nissen and daughters, and Miss Diana Fusselman, all of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby and 4 sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes and 4 daugh ters. all of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunk horst, Faye, John and Barbara Brunkhorst, Mrs. Max Mossman and Bernice, Brenda and Randy Coleman, all of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Musch and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Art Fuel berth and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newman, jr„ and 3 children, all of Stuart. Mrs. Kate Fuelberth. Henry Fuelberth, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fuelberth and 2 sons. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fuelberth and 2 ^daughters, Mr .and Mrs. George Luebbers, all of Osmond. Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Fuelberth and 2 sons, of Wayne: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hixson and daughter, of Norfolk: P. E. Nissen. of Ran dolph; Mr. and Mrs. Lem J. Webb and son, of Mitchell; Mr. sod Mrs. Walter Fuelberth ,of Cerigh ton; Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Case and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and 3 children, all of Om aha; Mrs. Clara Wischmeyer, Baltz Fuelberth and Adam Fuel berth, all of Pekin, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuelberth. of Corn ing. Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer and 2 children, of Blockton. Ia. Other Page News Mr and Mrs. Melvin Smith and Linda and Mrs. L. B. Taylor were Norfolk visitors Wednesday, Au gust 15. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Albright, of Wayne, were dinner guests on Tuesday, August 14, at the home of Mr. Albright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright. L. G. Stevens, of Oakland, call ed at the home of his aunt. Miss Maude Martin. Friday afternoon. Members of the Just-a-Mere club enjoyed a picnic supper at the Page park Friday evening. Eight members were present. Mrs. Harry Harper spent Wed nesday night and Thursday, Au gust 15-16, at O’Neill at the home of her son. Gordon Harper, who was ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Canaday, of Lusk, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Riley Canaday, of Ewing, visited Wednesday afternoon. August 15, with Mrs. Myrtle Coon. The Contract Bridge club met with Mrs. Alton Braddock Thurs day afternoon. Mis Viola Haynes and Miss Marie Heiss were guests. Mrs. Melvin Roach won high score and Miss Haynes the traveling prize. The hostess serv ed a lunch. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason and Wilson and Miss Maude Martin drove to Grand Island on Wednesday morning. August 15. Miss Martin and Mr. Lamason at tended the conference concern ing hot lunches for schools. They all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brostrom, who have re turned from New York and are at the home of Mrs. Brostrom's parents at Grand Island. They returned home Thursday evening. Sailord Albright, of Merrill, la., came Tuesday morning, Au gust 14, and stayed at his home here until Thursday morning. He returned the're with his fathe: Fred Albright, and wife when they left for their home at Bel videre. 111., after a few days visit at Page. A picnic was held in the Page park Thursday evening as a fare well party for Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat by friends and neighbors from the community northwest of Page where they resided before moving to their new home in town. Fourteen families were represented. Wie ners were roasted and a picnic supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Copes, of Ainsworth, drove to Lincoln the latter part of last week. They came by way of Page and took Mr. Copes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes, as far as Stromsburg where they will visit at the home of their grandson, Dick Woods, and family. They will also visit relatives at Raymond and Lin coln before returning home. The Neighborhood club met writh Mrs. J. W. Finch, jr., Wed nesday, August 8, with 5 mem bers present. The ladies spent the afternoon doing needlework for the hostess Mrs. Finch served the lunch. A meeting with Mrs. Har lan Spath was held Wednesday, August 22. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Park re turned from their trip to Colo rado and took over the manage ment of the cafe on Thursday, August 9. They recently purchas ed the cafe from Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lauten schlager and family, of Ewing, spent Sunday, August 12, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason. Miss Byrdie Ann Parks spent a week recently with Mrs. Abbot Clausen at Leigh. She had accom panied tier father, Owen Parks, when he returned to his wrork at Creston Sunday, August 8. They returned to Page Saturday, Au gust 11. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes left Saturday morning. August 11. for Ainsworth to spend a few days at the home of their son, E. E. Copes, and wife. Larry Roach was visiting at the Van Bearinger farm at Orchard last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan , were Sunday. August 12, dinner guests of Mrs. Hartigan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg. In the afternoon they all visited at the home of Mrs. Helen Stein berg and son, John. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray, of Blue Hill, came Saturday, August 11, to spend a few days visiting Mr. Gray’s mother. Mrs. Evelyn Gray, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Park and family, of Deloit, visited with relatives and friends at Page on Sunday, August 12. Pvt. Merwyn French, of Oma ha, spent the August 11 weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cullen and son. of Yon Calla. Ore., came on Saturday, August 11, to visit at the home of Mr. Cullen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cullen. Mrs. Adolph Zellers, of Kear ney, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ick es. sr. Mrs. Zellers is a cousin of Mrs. Ickes. Mr and Mrs. Lem Webb and son, of Mitchell, came Saturday evening, August 11. to visit Mrs. Webb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. and other relatives and to attend the Fuelberth re union at Osmond Sunday, August 12. Pvt. Arnot Buxton came Wed nesday night, August 8, from Atlanta, Ga„ where he has been stationed the past 6 months, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton, and Dick, while on a delay enroute to Washing ton state. „ „ ,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan came home from Camp Carson, Colo., Saturday morning. August 11, where Mr. Hartigan received his release from the army. He has just returned from Korea. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen Monday noon, Au gust 13, were: Mr. and Mrs. Lc-m Webb and son. of Mitchell; Mrs. Ray Eby and 3 sons, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Don Nissen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen and daughter were afternoon visitors. Gaillord Albright, who is em ployed at Merrill, la., spent the August 11 weekend at his home in Page. „ , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howell and their house guests, Lt. (jg) W. S. Howell and wife, spent Sunday, August 12. with Mr. and Mrs El mer Reutzel and family at Ne ligh. , Lonnie Wood, who is employed at Albion, spent Thursday eve ning, August 9, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cullen and family, of Milford, came Friday, August 10, to visit at the home of the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cullen. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach drove to Wakonda, S. D., Mon day, August 13, to attend the fu neral of John Lefler. Congressman Plans Visit to Holt Fair Fourth District Congressman A. L. Miller, of Kimbail, plans to visit the Holt county fair at Chambers on Wednesday, August 29, and also to visit other Holt county points that day. He will be in Nebraska during a house of representatives re cess. Congressman Miller recently announced that his “fabulous Fourth district” leads the country in cattle production. It has 38 counties, 30,637 farms and ranch es averaging 1.561 acres each and more than 20,000 homes have electricity._ V /Ctvb September 2-7 4 NEBRASKA'S BIGGEST 4-H CLUi * EX 1I31T y SHOWS AND AUTO *■ RACES g WORLD S GREATEST OUTDOOR * REVUE 4 NEBRASKA S ONLY EDUCATIONAL EXPOSITION g « DAYS OF FUN g NEBRASKA'S GREATEST SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dawes and daughter, of Osceola, were week end visitors at the A. Neil Dawes home. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker returned Sunday after speeding the week in Denver, Colo. Miss Diane remained in Denver for a longer visit with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Oberkramer. William and Robert Eby spent last week with their grandmoth er, Mrs. Alma Eby, of Ainsworth. They came home Saturday and she came with them for a short visit with the Eby family. She re turned to Ainsworth Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Webb and son. Jack, returned to their home in Mitchell Monday after visiting here for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby. They attend ed a reunion of the Fuelberth family at Osmond Sunday. Carnival skating party, at Ne ligh Rink, Sunday, August 26. 16p30 Jerry Schmit and James Hick ey are spending this week at the home of Jerry’s grandmother, Mrs. M. B. Miller. Miss Dixie Cromwell, of Jack son, Wyo., is visiting in O’Neill with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Carney visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Canfield, of Tekamah, Sunday. Dean Farrier, of Chambers, has been employed in O’Neill by Llovd Collins. Saturday he went to Detroit, Mich., on business and returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roth child, of Atkinson, Sunday. Mrs. Anna W. McCartney spent Sunday and Monday, August 12 13, with friends at Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and family visited relatives Sun day at Laurel and Dixon. Mrs. Bertha Prescott, who had been visiting with a son at Laurel for 2 weeks, returned to O’Neill with them. Miss Mavis Forsch and Miss Clare Cavanaugh spent the week end in Butte. Hostesses at Stork Shower— Mrs. Orville Miller and Mrs. Bernard Miller were hostesses Sunday at a stork shower given in honor of Mrs. Wilbur Staples at the Staples home. About 30 ladies attended and Mrs. Staples received many gifts. A lunch was served bv the hostesses. Honored at Pre-Nuptial Showers— Miss Mary Devine Brennan wm honored at a pre-nuptial shower Thursday evening, August 16. at the home of Mrs. James Earley. Other guests were Miss Elizabeth Gallagher, Mrs. William Mattern. Mrs. Russell D. Moler and Ml— Barbara Birmingham. On Tuesday evening, August 14, Miss Brennan was guest-of honor at a shower given by the Coffee club at the home of Mrs. Homer Mullen. Those present other than the club members were: Mrs. E. M. Gallagher, Elizabeth Gallagher, Mrs. Jessie Shepherd, Mrs. Frank Froelich and Miss Patricia Brennan. Miss Brennan and John Rich ard Foster, of Lincoln, will be married at St. Patrick’s Catholic church Saturday, September 8. Attend Sioux City Open Golf Meet— Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz, A. P. Jasz kowiak, Ben Grady, M. J. Golden, John McCarville and J. L. McCar ville, jr., attended the open golf tournament at Sioux City Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chace, of Atkinson, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond Sunday. la'cDO^&LD „ ^ ;j tr'sgAfYAS P • _ A ANALYZE AT # COUNT YOUR TOUR NEEDS MCDONALD’S SAVINGS! * * 3 BUYS FOR BOYS! * Warm-up jackets in your school colors Water-repellent satin . Sizes 8 to 1 8 i Brilliant-color jacket* in YOUR school col ors. Shining sheen rayon satin to wear in I any weather. Roomy sleeves. Entire jacket lined with warm cotton flannel. Stripes on sleeves, knit cuffs and waist. Real value! SUa* 1 t* 6...4.69 Sixes 36-46........6.93 » Sanforized suede flannel shirts Warm! Good-looking . Sizes 6 to 1 8 They’re printed cotton suede* in two hand some novelty patterns: saddle stitch or block nailhead. They’ve convertible collars. In a choice of colors. Sanforised for perma nent fit. A shirt every boy needs. larger sizes S, M, Ml and L.2.99 Boys’ SODBUSTER jeans are guaranteed! Compare! Copper rivets! Zipper flys! Sizes 6 to 1 6 * McDonald’s own sturdy SODBUSTER dun garees are made to our strict standards, 8-ounce blue denim, strongly stitched and copper-riveted to stay. They've zipper front openings. Your money back if you’re not satisfied. Buy and save at this price. Men's sizes 28 to 42 waist.2.29 { « <1 Boys’ sturdy work shoes, lace-to- j> !! toe type of soft but rugged brown ' I 11 leather. Heavy non-marking soles ![ <; ■■ ]» and heels. E width, 2‘/a to 6....4.98 * *Ask for your handy back-to-school shopping list at McDonald’s . . . ready now! has the answers to a most important question: what's new in Fall dress fashion? Here is proof that you can dress well in the season’s \ foremost styles . .. ^ and still f pay only ... NEWS in Fall dresses features full skirts, frequently with stiffening. Higher necklines and little sleeves. Wear daytime dresses mid-calf. Watch for new colors: Fall greeny browns, greys, wines . ., black and navy, too! Satins, failles, gabardines, crepes, part wools, in junior, misses’, half sizes. Ready now at McDonald’s! Playtex* invisible girdles prove that a slimming girdle can be a |oy to wear! Comparel Imagine a girdle that makes you look inches slimmer, pounds trimmer —the minute you put it on! A girdle that feels so comfortable you don’t realize you’re wearing it! That’s how you’ll look, and feel in your Playtex Girdle ... a seamless, boneless sheath of smooth latex—invisible even under your most cling ing clothes. Playtex Girdles give you complete freedom of action. They wash in seconds, dry with the pat of a towel. See them now ... at McDonald’s! . In SLIM golden tubes . . . fabric next _ PLAYTEX FAB L'NED GIRDLES, to your skin. 5.95, 0.95 In SLIM pink tubes . . . tissue-thin, . __ _ PLAYTEX PINK-iwt GIRDLES, dispel body heat.4.95, 5.95 In SLIM rilvery tubes ... . o n c A Q C PLAYTEX LIVING* GIRDLES, originally revolutionary latex sheathj.Vj, 4.7 J •Reg. U. 8. Pet. Off. __