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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1951)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS STREETER — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter, a daughter, Mary Theresa, weighing 9 pounds 11 ounces, bom Saturday, August 11 at Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk. This is the cou ple’s second child and first daughter. SMITH—Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Smith, of Sioux City, a son, Al an James, weighing 8 pounds l ounces, born Friday, July 27, at St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mrs. Clara Baum, of Stuart. RUTHER—Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ruther, of Stuart, a son, weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces, born Thurs day. August 9, at the Stuart Com munity hospital. HANSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen, of Chambers, a son, Robert Thomas, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, born Saturday, August 11, at the Lutheran hos pital in Norfolk. FUNK—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Funk, of Deloit, a son, born Sat urday, August 4, in a Norfolk hospital. The Funks have 2 daughters. POTHAST—Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Pothast, of St. Paul, Minn., a son, bom Sunday, July 29. Mrs. Pothast is the former Dorothy Herman, of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herman, of Butte, are the grandparents and Mrs. Mary Ka lal, of Lynch, is the great-grand mother. MILLS— Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mills, of Dorsey, twin sons, weiging 8 pounds 4 ounces and 8 pounds 1 ounce, born Saturday, August 11, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. C. Car sten, of Scottville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mills, of Lynch. Mrs. Lettie Sedlacek, of Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley H. Mills, of Riverton, Wyo., are the great grandparents. AREHART — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arehart, of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, born Monday, August 13, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. VROOMAN — Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman, of Orchard, a son, Willard, weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, August 10, at the O'Neill hospital. Fancy Ropers Will Show Film— The Fancy Ropers 4-H club will present a program and ex hibit an interesting film on Fri day, August 17, a c the American Legion auditorium. Families are to bring their own refreshments. SICK & INJURED PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. George Park drove to Norfolk Sunday, August 5. Mr. Park returned home that evening. Mrs. Park stayed at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cora West, until Wednes day evening, August 8, when she entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital and submitted to a ma jor operation Thursday morning. Her condition is “good.” Mr. Park and Mrs. Ed Stewart went to Norfolk Thursday morning and returned home Friday evening. . . . Mrs. Alton Braddock and Jo Ann, Miss Marie Heiss and Ver non Dorr drove to Sioux City on Thursday. August 9, for medical check ups. Miss Heiss remained for observation and returned home Friday. The others return ed home Thursday evening. . . . Mrs. Frank Snyder returned home from Grand Island Satur day where she had spent several days visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Tom Sinnard, and for a medical check up. . . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and family were called to Sioux City Sunday where Mr. Roach’s mother is critically ill at St. Joseph’s hos pital. . . . Mrs. Floyd Belek re turned home Sunday from Nor folk after being in a hospital there for a week. AMELIA—Blake Ott returned home from Omaha Friday evc I ning. He had taken Mr. and Mrs. ! Lee Sammons to Omaha, where Mr. Sammons is in the Clarkson j hospital receiving treatment for I a tumor near the eye. . . A. E. ! Sammons, who has been in a Norfolk hospital for about 6 weeks, was brought to his home near Amelia Thursday. His con dition is just “fair.” . . . Mrs. Stella Sparks returned home Omaha Saturday evening where she had been receiving treatment for asthma. EWING—While working at the Joe Beelaert place near Page last week, Earl Billings fell from a scaffold and broke his leg be twen the knee and hip. He was taken to the Veterans hospital at Grand Island where he is report ed to be “getting along nicely.” Mrs. Billings visited him at Grand Island on Saturday. . . . Mrs. Jerome Ruther is a patient at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk. EMMET—Mrs. Guy Cole, a pa tient in St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City, is expected to have a cast put on her back very short ly. Mrs. Cole suffered a crushed vertebra from a fall from a lad der in her home last week. . . . Mrs. William F. Grothe, jr., is re cuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reis, of Atkin son. She had been a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. CHAMBERS—Mrs. James Ras mussen underwent a major oper HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Mrs. George Hansen, of O’ Neill, major surgery, dismissed August 14; Emil Anderson, of Bristow, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Charles Schmitz, of Bone steel, S. D., and baby son, doing well; Mrs. Harold Mannhalter, of Lynch, and baby son, dismissed August 14; Vac Paul, of Verdigre, major operation, doing well; Melvin Leo Blum, of Naper, ap pendectomy, doing well; Mrs. Floyd McNair, of Spencer, major surgery, doing well; Mrs. George Fish, of Bristow, and baby girl, doing well. Harry W. Kenaston, of Butte, surgery, dismissed August 12; Mrs. Eldon Mills, of Dorsey, and twin sons, doing well; Elaine M. Peterson, of Naper, appendec tomy, doing well; LeRoy Angel, of Monowi, appendectomy, doing well; Mrs. Louis Skokan, of Ver digre, and baby girl, doing well; Mrs. Luther Gulick, of Lynch, and baby girl, doing well; Don Hynes, of O’Neill, appendectomy, doing well. Dorothy Ann Hahn, of Butte, appendectomy, doing well; Tom my Soukup, of Spencer, tonsil lectomy, August 14; Mrs. Claus Sich, of Naper, medical, admitted August 14; Mrs. John Pelc, of Spencer, and baby girl, dismissed August 11; Pamelo Jo Rihanek, of Monowi, medical, improving; Henry Svatos, of Verdel, appen dectomy, dismissed August 14; Mrs. May Rossmeier, of Bristow, and baby girl, dismissed August 10; Mrs. Mervin Higgins, of Brocksburg, and baby girl, dis missed August 10; Mrs. William Vesely, of Verdel, and baby son, dismissed August 8. i Mrs. Henry Fish, of Spencer, and baby girl, dismissed August 10; Gaylene Kay Hull, medical, dismissed August 12; Frank A. Zidko, of Spencer, appendectomy, dismissed August 8. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital—Mrs. Pete Engler, of Stuart, condition “good”; Mrs. Fred Karo, of Atkinson, condition “good.” Admissions: August 4 — Mrs. Donna Anderson, of Atkinson, medical. 7—Frank Schnase, of At kinson, condition “good.” 9 — Bernard Laible, of Stuart, sur gery. Mrs. Keith Ruther, of Stu art, a baby boy. 10—Paul Shald, of Stuart, major surgery, condi tion “satisfactory.” Mrs. Marion Armstrong, of Bassett, surgery, condition “good.” Emil Tomsik, of Atkinson, condition “satisfac tory.” Dismissals: August 6 — Mrs. Donna Anderson, of Atkinson. 10 —Bernard Laible, of Stuart. 11— Baby Glen William Ulrich, of Stuart. Out-patients: August 7—Wes ley Cobb, of Stuart, x-ray. L. J. Dickau, of Atkinson, x-ray. Mrs. Anna Mlinar, of Stuart, BMR. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions August 3—Roland Closson, of O’Neill, burns, condi tion improved. 9—Mrs. Melvin Carson, of Page, medical, condi tion fair. 10—Mrs. William Vroo man, of Orchard, a son. 11—Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers, medical, condition good. 15— John Osenbaugh, of O’Neill, ton sillectomy, condition good. Still in hospital: Mrs. Luella Parker, of O’Neill, condition im proved; Mrs. Alma Tegler, of Page, condition good. Dismissals: August 8 — Dale Revell, of Star. 9—Joseph Zabo rowski, of Chambers; Mrs. Jo seph Beelaert and son, of Page. 11 — Mrs. Charles Russell and daughter, of Page. 14 — Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers. 15 —Mrs. Alma Tegler, of Page; Mrs. Melvin Carson (transferred to the Methodist hospital in Sioux City). JUSTICE COURT A. G. Pritchett unlawful state of intoxication, complaint filed by Police Chief Chet Calkins, pleaded guilty, fined $10 and costs, August 14. Ralph Davis, unlawful intoxi cation, complaint filed by Police Chief Chet Calkins, pleaded guil ty, fined $10 and cossts, August 14. Joseph Pritchett, driving mo tor vehicle while intoxicated, complaint filed by Police Chief Chet Calkins, pleaded guilty, fined $20 and costs, driver’s li cense suspended for 10 days, Au gust 14. Elvin S. White, of Stuart, driv ing motor vehicle while intoxi cated, complaint filed by Patrol man F. M. Dineen, pleaded guil ty, fined $20 and costs and driv er’s license suspended for 30 days, August 14. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT: Downstairs apt., close in.—Julia Gallagher, O’ Neill. s 15c ■ HELP WANTED: Middle-aged woman wanted for part-time semi-secretarial work. Write Box F, c/o The Frontier. All inquiries will be acknowledged. 15c STENOGRAPHER WILL CONSIDER experienced or inexperienced. Permanent, pleasant working conditions in an air cooled office. Paid vacations, other employe ben efits. Write: Box C, c/o Fron tier. " 15c ~~ ation Wednesday, August 8, at the Tilden hospital. . . . Nadine Sexton was ill with a throat in fection the first of the week. DORSEY—Mrs. Jim Wiley be came suddenly ill Wednesday, August 8, while at a Ladies’ Aid meeting at the Edward Carson home. She is at home now and is “improving.” REDBIRD—Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy drove to Lynch Sunday to bring the Hulls’ infant daugh ter, Gaylene Kay, home from the hospital. O’NEILL—Dale Curran return ed Monday from St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City. . . . Mrs. Arnie Mace, sr., is “good” at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. . . DELOIT— Donald Wenkmeis ter has been under the doctor’s care because of an injury to his eye. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS JOHN A. ALLEN’S CLEAN-UP SALE LAND & LIVESTOCK Friday, August 24th, 12 Noon 21 miles south. 4 4 west of Atkinson on No. II 480 Acres Improved Choice Hay and Grass Land. 12 Milk Cows. 3 Horses. A Complete Line of Machinery. 20 Slacks New Hay. MR. & MRS. JOHN A. ALLEN, Owners ERNIE WELLER. Auct. LEO ADAMS. Clerk 51ST ANNUAL OLD SETTLERS PICNIC EMER DEVALL GROVE 17 miles North of O'Neill on 281 to Midway Store. 3 miles East, and 1 mile South. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22ND Basket Dinner at Neon Baseball — Concessions After Dinner - Amateur Hour -v t StViW * BOWERY DANCE IN THE EVENING JOE PETERS ORCHESTRA Elmer Derail, President Mrs. George Nelson, Secretary NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS • Section 39-512 of ihe Nebraska Statutes requires that all land owners mow or destroy the weeds along the roads upon which their land borders. • If the laqd owners do not do this tha County Board shall cause same to be done and all expenses will be assessed against said property. • If you have not already done this mowing, please co operate and see that it is done immediately. HOLT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS School Days Soon Is Your Present Car Ready for School? This Week’s Specials 1950 BUICK 4-DR. SED. Radio, heater and sun visor. Only _ $1,695.00 1950 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SED. Radio and heater. Only .... _,_ $1,495.00 1949 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SED. Only ___ $1,095.00 1947 CHEV. 4-DR. SED. Only $ 795.00 1949 OLDSMOBILE 88 2-D. Only _ $1,545.00 1947 CHEV. 2-DR. SED. Only $ 765.00 — USE OUR GMAC PAYMENT PLAN — 1948 CHEVROLET 1K2-TON 160” W. B. _ $ 695.00 1949 CHEVROLET 1-TON 1950 CHEVROLET \/2-TON PICKUP _______ . _ 1949 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sed. Radio, Heater and Low Mileage Only __ $ 1045 MIDWEST MOTOR CO., LTD. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Cadillac Sales & Service Phone 100 O’Neill II_ ! SHELHAMER FOODS GROCERY PHONE: 56 O'NEILL PRODUCE PHONE: 173 f Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 16 - 17 - 18 COLORED 2 Pkgs. HARTEX 46-Oz. Can PAPER NAPKINS.29c PINEAPPLE JUICE.33c O. F. CURTISS 10-Oz. Pkg. I POPPED WHEAT, Pkg... 11c MARSHMALLOWS.17c I HARDING’S CREAMERY BUTTER, Lb. . . 67c CLIMBER. R. S. P. 2 No. 2 Cans CHERRIES 49c RICHNUT CATSUP 14-0z. Btle. 23c SEAVIEW ’ i' SARDINES Tall Can 15c VAN CAMP 2 No. 2 Cans PORK-DEANS 35c FRESH MEATS f PORK SAUSAGE Lb 39c 1 SLICED BACON U 43c GROUND BEEF 63c f SPRING—DRESSED AND DRAWN FRYERS Lb 65c SERV-IT OLEO 4 its.. 99c DR. PHILLIPS r 46-Oz. Can ORANGE JUICE 27c RARE TREAT COFFEE Lb 75c BREEZE OR FAB Lge. Pkg.29 c GUARANTEED RIPE — TEXAS BLACK DIAMOND W ATE R M ELONS - - RED OR WHITE GRAPES 2 Lbs. 29c FIRM. CRISP CABBAGE 2U>s lie RIPE CANTALOUPE Lb lOc GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb lQe ICE CREAM ' SPECIALS Yz Gal. Vanilla_89c Yz Gal. Strawberry_99c \ Yz Gal. Cherry _ 99c f Pints, All Flavors_25c I Malted Milks_20c | TRY A DISH OF OUR SOFT FROZEN CREME