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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1951)
Benash-F reouf Nuptials Read Miss Ida Mae Benasn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ben ash, of Milford, formerly of O’ Neill, and Vernon Freouf, son of I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freouf, of Atkinson, exchanged marriage vows in a double-ring ceremony performed Sunday afternoon, August 12, at First Presbyterian church in O’Neill. Rev. Ralph Gerber officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white street length dress with white accessories and carried a bouquet of white carnations. Her attend ant, Mrs. Albert Freouf, of At kinson, wore pink and carried pink carnations. Miss Elaine Harshfield, of Atkinson was so loist. Pvt. Wayne Benash, of Lowery air force base, Denver, Colo., a brother of the bride was best man. Richard Kazda and Arthur Benash, both of O’Neill, were eshers. A reception was held in the church parlors after the cere mony. About 70 guests signed the guest book which was under the | charge of Miss Dolly Hood. On the serving committee were. Mrs. | Edward Claussen and Anna Whipple, both of Atkinson; Mis. Gerald Smith, of Wood Lake, and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and Mrs. Christene Williams, both of O’ Neill. After a South Dakota honey moon, the young couple will re side in Atkinson. Attend Camp— Mrs. Roy Cole and Mrs. ft. H. Strong and children attended Pine Creek Bible camp several days last week. Rev. Walter Cole arid family, of Glenwood, la., vis aed over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole, on his return from the camp. James Earley Wins Watch— . James Earley, sr., of O’Neill, is the owner of a watch won on a contest over station KCOM, Sioux City. The presentation was made by Fetrow Refrigeration Service, of O’Neill. Mrs. D. N. Loy and Mrs. Annie Brown were guests Wednesday, August 8, at a meeting of the Present Day club at the Albert Stearns home.__ MILLER THEATRE i —Atkinson, Nebr.— Fri.-Sat. Aug. 17-18 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 19-20-21 JOHN WAYNE-MAUREEN O'HARA RIO GRANDE en JOHNSON ■ CUUCE JMMAl k HABIT CARET, k. CWUWHIS J, CAHBOI HAST - WCIOR M.UttE» imi i «MW »n # im Mm in ' ON HAND AND READY FOR DELIVERY! I Several M-M and Case 6-Ft. One-Ways. 15-, 18-, and 21-Ft. Disc Harrows. 1—Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor. 1—Case DC Tractor. 1—Case SC Tractor. 1—VAC Case Tractor with the New Eagle Hitch. (Come in and see how this new hitch works.) ^1—New M-M Compicker. 1—New Idea 2-row Corn Picker. 1—New Case 1-row Com Picker. 1—Case 2-row Corn Picker. II—Case Semi-Mounted Mower, Spec._$235.00 3—Minneapolis - Moline Semi - Mounted Mowers, Spec. _ $235.00 ■ 1—Used IHC Horse Mower. I WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL 11 ,PHONE 531 WEST O’NEILL MRS. VERNON FREOUF —O’Neill Photo Co. (Story at left.) Mary Lou Gartner Weds J ames Butts The wedding of Miss Mary Lou Gartner and James Butts was solemnized Monday, August 13, at a 9 a.m. nuptial mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic church. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan officiated. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner, of Cham bers, was given in marriage by her father. Her gown was of white satin and was fashioned with a nylon yoke edged in lace, long sleeves pointed over the wrists, and a gathered skirt end ing in a long train Her elbow length veil of illusion was caught up with a crown of pearls. Miss Elizabeth Gartner, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor and the bridesmaid was Miss Lansing, of Coleridge, a cousin of the bride. Both wore aqua gowns. Miss Kay Jeffries was ring bearer. Mr. Butts is the son of Mrs. Or ville Keller, of Chambers. His bestman was Leslie Gartner, brother of the bride. Mv. Maly, of Lynch, was also an attendant. A wedding dinner for 100 guests was served at noon at the American Legion hall in Cham bers. The hall was also the scene of a wedding dance in the eve ning. , . Mr. and Mrs. Butts plan to make their home in Chambers. Celebrate 35th Wedding Date— Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Sunday evening, August 12. Their daughters planned a pic nic in the park for them, but on account of the rain they surpris ed them at their home. They also had corresponded with the others who live away: Milo Jones, in San Diego, Calif.; Maurice Jones, in Chadron, and Mrs. Cecil Griffith, of North Platte. They all helped in pre senting their mother and father with a gift, a table lamp and stand. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and daugh ters, Nancy and Kathryn; Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly and sons, Johnny and Jerry, of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter, of Chambers, and Johnine and Merle, at home. Darlene Burgess an Atkinson Bride ATKINSON—Baskets of pink end white gladioli made a pretty setting for the wedding of Dar lene Marie Burgess, of Emmet, to Gerald D. Upton, of Atkinson, Wednesday, August 8, at 3 p.m. Rev. Orin C. Graff performed the double-ring ceremony in the Presbyterian church at Atkin son. Miss Mildred McClurg played the nuptial music and also ac companied Roger Winsor, who sang “I Love You Truly" and "Because.” Both Miss McClurg and Mr. Winsor were classmates of the bride. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, L. F. Bur gess, of Emmet. Her gown was a lovely white satin creation. The fitted bodice came to a point in front at the waist line and but toned down the back with self covered buttons. The chiffon yoke was outlined in a flower arrange ment embossed on the satin of the bodice. The sleeves were long and pointed at the wrists and the skirt fell in soft folds to floor length. Her French illusion fin gertip veil was held in place by a tiara embroidered with tiny pearls and she wore a double strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried out the old tradition of wearing some thing old and something new, something borrowed and some thing blue and a penny in her shoe. The something old and bor rowed was a handkerchief be longing to Mrs. William Grothe, of Emmet, who carried it at her own wedding and the something blue was made by a mutual friend, Mrs. Leon Beckwith. Her bouquet was of pink and white carnations. ■BmuH: .tJ ? mJk . •a,. MRS. GERALD D. UPTON —O’Neill Photo Co. Her bridesmaid was Opal Up ton, of Norfolk, a sister of the bridegroom. Miss Upton’s dress was pale blue taffeta. The bod ice was tight-fitting and was ac cented with a sweetheart neck line. The skirt was floor-length. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift from the bride, and carried a bouquet of pink carna tions. A halo of blue flowers completed her ensemble. The bridegroom and his attend ent, Darius Burgess, of Emmet, brother of the bride, wore blue gray suits and the traditional white carnation boutonnieres. Mrs. L. F. Burgess, mother of the bride, and Mrs. J. A. Upton, mother of the bridegroom, both wore navy blue with corsages of white carnations. Ushers were Joe Scripter, jr., and Frank Schultz, both of At kinson. Miss Norma Jean Bur gess, only sister of the bride, had charge of the guest book. She was dressed in a yellow pique after noon frock and wore a small hat to match. Darlene is a graduate of At kinson high school, 1951, and was active in many school organ izations. Gerald since his dis charge from the army and over seas duty in the Pacific theater of World War II has been em ployed by the Quintin Ramold Transfer Co. After the ceremony, ladies of the Presbyterian auxiliary had charge of the reception held in the church parlor for relatives and friends. Miss Mildred Mc Clurg and Miss Doris Bogue, both of Atkinson, and Miss Ber nice Grothe, of Emmet, friends of the couple, and Mrs. Marvin Brader, of Norfolk, a sister of the bridegroom, helped with the serving of the 75 guests. In the evening the young cou ple gave a dance for their many friends and left shortly after ward for a brief wedding trip to Denver, Colo. They will live at the Garwood apartments in At kinson. Out-of-town guests included: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Upton and son, Arlan, of Meadow Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller and Miss Mary Miller, of Madison; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brader, of Norfolk; Opal Upton, of Norfolk; Hugh Burgess, sr., and daughter, Gretchen, of Jul ian, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bur gess, jr., of Talmadge. Rosemary Ryan Is August Bride— Miss Rosemary Ryan, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan, of South Sioux City, and former ly of O’Neill, and Richard Fran cis Tedrow, son of Mrs. Mary Ag nes Whetstone, of Sioux City, were married Saturday morning at St. Jean Baptiste Catholic church in Sioux City. White lace and net over satin fashioned the bride’s gown which featured a scalloped hemline and peter pan collar. Her white satin bonnet was trimmed with seed pearls and illusion veiling and she carried red roses on a white prayer book. As the couple was emerging from the church after the cere mony they were “arrested” by a group of Sioux City police and were taken to Tony’s restaurant where a breakfast had been pre pared for about 40 guests. They will live in Sioux City. DANCE BUTTE * LEGION BALLROOM Butte, Nebr. Tuesday, Aug. 21 JESS GAYER and His Orchestra | HERE GOES_I j I I OUR 3D AND LAST CARLOAD OF j [ I I SOUTH CAROLINA ELBERTA . ) I II PEACHES, per bu. . . 0.9o|| 11 WE STILL HAVE CALIFORNIA ELBERTA PEACHES, Lug. 7 97 I I SUMMER PICNIC SPECIALS PINK HAPPYVILLE SALMON 1 U> Can 53c KRAFT’S MUSTARD 3 25c LUSHUS OLIVES O'. Jar 59c TRUE VALUE PICKLES Qt fa 23c PETER PIPER Qt. SALAD DRESSING 49c KOOLADE 61%. 25c DEL MONTE CATSUP 2 (or 48c SHOP! BOY! SAVE! ROYAL GELATINE 5 Platte SWEETHEART SOAP 4 Bars. 29c GOLD DUST Lg. Pkg. SOAP POWDER 19c CLAPP’S BABY FOOD 2 Cns. 15c i FANCY SANDWICH | COOKIES 25c Lb I Staley’s Cube 21/2-kb. Fkg. STARCH.1» CAMPBELL’S 2 Tall Cans TOMATO SOUP 25c FANCY ; TUNA FISH 2 Cans 49c FANCY GALLON PEACHES or AQ. APRICOTS ALL - MEAT CUDAHY'S Minced Ham 49c Lb. Longhorn < CHEESE 49c Lb. I WHITING FISH i*2Lbs. PORK STEAK Lb 55c I BREAK ’O MORN COFFEE I Lb... 69c \ 2 Lbs.29c ( Table Lg. Sunkist I CABBAGE LEMONS | 2 Lbs. 29c 2 Lbs. 29c I WHITESEEDLESS I GRAPEFRUIT I 10 for 49c I ARMOUR’S I MILK 2 Tall Cans 25c DELBROOK Colored & Quartered OLEO MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM 25c Pt. > wm _ 1 CHEF’S | DELIGHT f CHEESE I 2-Lb. Pkg. I 73c |1 I TREND I I SOAP I POWDER I 2 Pkgs.. 29c | I SMILEX BLEND JUICE (Packed by Libby's) 25c 46-Oz. Can I LIBBY’S CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 25c No. 2 Can