The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 16, 1951, Page 3, Image 3

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    V The Leigh Reynoldsons and
Steven and the J. H. Doemings
and Bobby returned on Sunday
from a week’s vacation at Lake
Cullen and Minneapolis, Minn.,
and Duluth, Mich.
Miss Helen Harty left Monday
for Scottsbluff to visit her broth
er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
James Harty. Miss Helen accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Bartley
Brennan and son. who started on
their vacation at the same time.
Miss Mae Tiefenthaler, of Oak
land, Calif., arrived Monday, Au
gust 6, to visit her parents, the
John Tiefenthalers, of Butte, and
her sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh O. Benson, and fam
Mrs. Eliza Cooper, of Butte,
> and Mrs. Earl Endicott, of
Creighton, were guests Saturday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Cojlins and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson,
of Columbus, were weekend
guests at the Francis Clark home.
Venetian blinds, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure, metal or
wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon
ald Co„ O'Neill. lltf
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chaney and
family were Sunday dinner
guests in Stuart at the home of
Mrs. Earl Chaney.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and
.Eddie returned last Thursday
from a week’s vacation at Estes
Park, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Walling, of
Albion, were weekend guests at
the L. C. Walling home.
Ralph Walker went to Lincoln
* Sunday for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Volberding
visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vol
berding, of Norfolk, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Urban
went to Missouri Valley, la., on
Saturday to get their daughter,
Miss Rosemary, who had been
visiting for a week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie King.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and
with Mr. and Mrs. George Van
2 boys, of Norfolk, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Van
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Vleck
and son, James, returned Tues
day, August 7, after a week’s va
cation in the Black Hills, S. D.
On the return trip they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Vleck, of
Wall, S. D. Miss Shirley Van
Vleck visited her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Vleck,
of Neligh, during their absence.
Mrs. Lorena Duffy and daugh
ter, Miss Marilyn, of Casper,
Wyo., and Mrs. R. G. Goree, of
Long Pine, arrived Friday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Walker. Mr. Goree came Sunday.
Free skating party for all Holt
county and Antelope county
skaters Wednesday, August 22.—
Plainview Roller Rink. 14-15c
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Every
returned Monday to their home
in Columbus, Mont., after visit
ing for 2 weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. George Van Every.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Strong
visited Sunday at the George
Wettlaufer home in Page.
i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel
and Louis Schenzel visited Sun
day at the Howard Summers
home in Hader where they help
ed to celebrate the birthday an
niversaries of Miss Suzan and
Miss Jane Summers. Mrs. Ruby
Miller and Mrs. Ida Summers,
boht of Norfolk, were also guests.
Seaman 1/c Richard Schmit,
stationed at Whidby, Wash., vis
ited Friday and Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmit.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Gilbert and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Juran, all of Burke. S. D., were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Shierk.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins
were in Omaha over the week
Mrs. Dorothy A. Socha and
family were Sunday callers at
the Joe Sobotka home in Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith, of
Grand Island, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders were
Mrs. Mary Applegate, of Omaha,
and Charles Leach, of Fremont.
The Misses Martha and Mary
Hanley, of Omaha, arrived Sun
day for a few days’ visit here
with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Riley
returned Thursday, August 9,
after spending a week in the
Black Hills, S. D. The children
spent the week with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ri
James and Allen Reynoldson
are spending the week with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Reynoldson, of Albion. Mr.
and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson took
them to Albion Saturday and re
turned to O’Neill Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck
and Kathy viisted Sunday at the
Wayne Fox home. Miss Kathy
was an overnight guest.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming,
of Atlanta, Ga., visited from
Wednesday until Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray. Mr. Ray
and Mr. Fleming served together
overseas in World War II.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nichols
and 3 daughters, of Fremont,
visited from Friday until Mon
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliot, of Om
aha, were guests Sunday and
Chambers Family Will
Move lo Iowa—
Charles Chambers, jr., this
week announced that he will be
come manager of the John Deere
farm machinery agency at Ring
sted, la., effective in about 2
He and his wife and their 2
sons, Ted and Roger, will be
leaving soon for their new
The Chambers family came to
O'Neill in 1948. Mr. Chambers
built and founded the O’Neill
Frontier for printing.
Depart for Iowa—
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ryan and
daughters, Betty, Joyce and Patri
cia, of Prescott, la, left for their
home Tuesday after spending a
week as guests at the Raymond
and Ralph Stowell homes. Mrs.
Ryan is a sister of Ralph and
Celebrates Anniversary—
Miss Mary Jo Walker, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph H. Walk
er, celebrated her fifth birthday
anniversary Wednesday, August
8. Twelve guests attended the
party at her home Wednesday af
Weds at Lincoln—
Mrs. Ethel Olson, of O'Neill,
and Dee Willm, of Lincoln, were
married Wednesday, August 8, at
Lincoln. They will reside in Lin
coln at 330 Van Dorn.
WD—Nick Schwindt to Cecelia
Grutsch 7-16-51 $3000—Lots 21
and 22—Blk G—O’Neill & Hag
erty’s Add, O’Neill.
WD—Ed C. Smith to Walter
Trusscll 7-31-51- $1000- Blk 3
and Blk 4- Northside Add, Cham
QCD—Elizabeth Merzig to Wal
ter O’Malley 7-27-51 $1—NEVi 13
QCD — Mae Harley et al to
Dona and Buane Carson 8-1-51
$1600- East 49 1/3 acres of NEVi
WD-—Charles M. McMillan and
Orlow Colwell to Herbert Ruro
ede 8-8-51—$8000—8 acres in
SW»4SE>4 34-27-9.
WD—John Regan et al to Char
les Patrick Regan and wf 8-1-51
$1—2.75 acres in NW^SWVi 24
QCD—Ellen Grage to Charles
Patrick Regan and wf 8-1-51 $1—
2.75 acres in NWy4SWy4—24-27
fj Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted I
Visual Training
Contact Lenses
416 Norfolk Ava. fhona 3SO
Norfolk, Nabr.
Hourai 9 to 6; Sat. 9 to 1
Famous Continental
You'll treasure It for y^-ars to come
... .a set of beautiful Continental
•llverware. Get as many pieces as yon
need. Five piece starter set consists
ef teaspoon, tablespoon, dinner knife,
fork, and salad fork. The beauty of
this fine ellverplate.. .made by one
ef America's famous silversmiths. ..
Is sure to please. Guaranteed for serv
Ask your Sioux Brand Feed Dealer
for more details.
* Poultry
Your Sioux Brand Dealer will be glad J
to ehow you how to make real profit*
with your poultry this season. Right !
now he has a folder of helpful poultry
hints. ..FREE—It outlines a program
that will mean more poultry profits
#*r you.
Phone 90 — O'Neill
Men s Mesh Shirts —
Values to 3.98. White and Colored. <
NOW.1.97 ;
String Knit “T” Shirts — 1
Men’s and Boys’, 1.98 Value.
NOW... 97c :
_ I
★ Small
★ Medium
★ Large *
Regular 1.98 Value j
NOW.47c I
Boys’ Sport Shirts — J
Short Sleeves, Sizes 6 to 18, Values
to 1.98.
NOW...1.17 !
- ^
Men’s Neckties —
A Large Assortment, Values up to $2.
Men’s Work Straws —
Broken Sizes, 1.29 Value.
I Men’s Dress Belts —
Broken Sizes 32-42. Assorted Styles.
NOW. 47c
Ladies’ Shoes —
Four Groups, Values from 2.98 to
8.95. Priced to Clear.
now.1.47 - 2.47
2.97 - 3.97
A —————-—
I Out They Go!
■ 29 Dresses-Were Up to 10.95—NOW .4.77
P 46 Dresses-Were Up to 8.95—NOW .2.77
137 Dresses-Were Up to 3.98-NOW .1J7
139 Dresses-Were Up to 2.98-NOW .1.47
S-A-L-E-! j
Piece Goods ]
You Can’t Afford to Miss This! |
Broadcloths flfljj ^ t
Batiste ^
Swiss Eyelet and
Butcher Linen ‘TiffT
Values to 98c AN INCH
You Win — We Lose !
Bembergs. ginghams, rayon prints, butcher linens, woven
seersucker, dotted swiss, chambrays and pique.
Regular Price Ak ^
to 1.29, NOW _ *f£\+
Girls’ Play Togs —
Gingham Play Suits, Denim Peddle
Pushers, Values Up to 1.98.
"ow „97c & 1.37
Ladies’ Gloves —
One Group, Odd Lots, Values to 2.98.
now — 67c & 1.37
Odd Lots Jewelry —
Pins and Ear Rings, 1.00 Values.
NOW.50c plus tax
Men’s Sport Shirts —
Short Sleeves, Small and Medium,
1.98 Value.
Children’s Dresses —
One Group, Cotton Sheers, Values
Up to 4.98.
"QW -.1.77 & 2.77
Ladies’ Blouses —
Values to 4.98.
now.- 97c & 1.97
Ladies’ Knit Shirts —
Values to 1.98.
now--67c & 97c
I' ——-———————■——- -_
Ladies’ Slips —
Rayon Fabric, Odd Lots, Values to
.1.37 & 1.97
Ladies’ Pajamas —
Cotton Knits and Rayons, Values Ub
to 4.98. V
NOW-1.97 & 2,97
Ladies’ Skirts —
Odd Lots.
N°w.1.37 ■
Children’s Crepe Pajamas — 1
Sizes 2-6.
MW.. 1.17 & 137
■ • agi
I Values to 995 I
| 2.97 - 3,97 j
I 697 I
I'-'ne“*>,ece and Two-Piece Styles. Beautiful n^,., jpi} ^ m f
Most All Sizes. Don’] fs" T h eTe Value l ! ^ I